What’s happening on April 10/2024: When Things Come Alive Here in The North

Good Morning! Where the only time we’re not working is when we’re eating, and even then, our minds are working on what we are going to do next.

It’s a touch cloudy here waking up in the north, but we should see some sunshine off and on throughout the day. But in saying that, the forecast for the next three days isn’t looking all that good, with rain in the forecast. But the trees and things do need it, and along with that it eases off the threat of forest fires.

I have always said: “When the barn door’s open, the animals roam free. The same goes for opportunities. So…. the thing to do, is to keep your eyes open and grab them when they come along.”

On another note, yesterday, my wife and I worked the day away outside on the new Fish Pond we have wanted for the past few years. We did make one, when we moved here over 20 some years ago, but with all that was going on in our life’s I filled it in.

Now being that we have a bit more time on our hands, and time to enjoy it, we decided to build another. Luckily, my wife, being a Landscape Designer in the South for a good number of years, knew exactly what to do. Her experience made the whole process a lot easier. As for me, well, I did my fair share of the grunt work. One thing is for certain, being a farmer for a good number of years, I’m used to getting my hands dirty, and my boots too, as in the bottom of that hole with the surface water coming in…. there were a few times that I didn’t think I was going to get out, with my boots getting stuck in the mud. But you know what they say, tough times don’t last, tough folks do. And when we finally see those fish gliding around, along with the plants and things, and the new water wheel a turning, I am going to build, it will be a little piece of paradise right in our backyard.

With that, I am off for my morning bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is preparing for me, and will then get to making that new water wheel. Should be an interesting project and keep me busy for a couple of days.

You all have a great day, and I’ll leave you with this: “The land ain’t just dirt and crops. It’s a part of you, and you’re a part of it. I’ve learned that after years of walking its fields and feeling its heartbeat.”

Fishing Times for Wednesday

Major Times
1:38 AM-3:38 AM
2:06 PM-4:06 PM

Minor Times
6:57 AM-7:57 AM
10:30 PM-11:30 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

“Barry & Me’s Fish Tales: Reel Tips for Real Anglers” Remember those old wiry fish may be elusive, but with a little patience and perseverance, you’ll reel them in eventually. Don’t be afraid to wait it out and let the fish come to you.

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