Life Beyond the City Limits on June 7/2024

“Good morning! Being a farmer, I have learned that the farm teaches us that every problem has a solution – you just need to dig deep enough to find it.”

It’s a cloudy morning here in cottage country, and we are having some light rain off and on. The rain along with cooler temperatures will remain with us right up till Monday. After that… things are looking pretty good weather wise.

Bug Report: The black flies are still around, but they’re not too bad. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, are a nightmare. Those blood sucking parasites are out there like tiny vampires, ready to suck up every drop of blood they can find! Reminds me of… well, I won’t get into that this morning.

Highway 522 hasn’t been all that bad for the past few days, but that is to be expected with the not so good weather, along with the bugs. But things will pick up a bit when the kids are out of school for the summer.

On another note, yesterday my wife and I started mowing, but we had to stop because of the rain. Fortunately, we managed to finish up after lunch when it cleared up for a few hours, which was all we needed. I have to say, our property sure looks nice when it’s all manicured. No need for us to go to any resort or park, that’s for sure.

Moving along, our gift shop has seen a lot of new faces, with folks stopping by and picking up their favorite items. It’s been great to see so many people enjoying what we have to offer. The steady flow of customers has really brightened up the place, and it’s wonderful to see our shop buzzing with activity.

Today, I’m planning to tidy up my woodworking shop a bit. After that, I’ll get busy making some comfrey fertilizer and comfrey insecticide for our fruit trees. Over the years, I’ve replanted many comfrey plants, and now they’re growing all over our property. Comfrey is one of the most useful plants you can have, especially if you grow your own fruits and vegetables. Not to forget the health related benefits it offers.

With that, I’m off to enjoy the breakfast my lovely wife is making for me: a bacon and cheese toasted sandwich topped with some lettuce. I don’t have bacon very often, but every so often, I get the urge. Just the smell of the bacon cooking makes my mouth water. After that, a hot cup of cocoa will be in order and when finished, I will head on out to my woodworking shop.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “Sometimes the best therapy is a walk in the woods and a deep breath of fresh country air.” Which is something my wife and I have lots of here in the north.

Fishing Times for Friday

Major Times
12:58 AM-2:58 AM
1:28 PM-3:28 PM

Minor Times
5:22 AM-6:22 AM
10:30 PM-11:30 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few today!

Fishing tip of the Day: Over the years, I have learned that… some of the old folks got stories and tips that ain’t in any book. Listen well to those, ’cause their words are worth their weight in gold. Now mind ya I said some, not all!

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