What’s Happening on July 17/2024

I took this picture yesterday. At first, we just had one frog in our new fishpond, but it looks as if he invited some friends. And the goldfish seem to enjoy their company.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning! You know, over the years, I found that: “Success comes before work… only in the dictionary.”

It’s a really nice day here in cottage country. The temperature is a comfortable 19.2°C (66.56°F), the sun is shining, and there’s a light breeze coming in from the southwest. Best of all, it’s not too humid. What could be better than that? Not much in my eyes.

Highway 522 is still quiet, though it’s picked up a wee bit from what it has been. It’s nice to see a few more folks out and about, enjoying the beautiful weather.

Bug Report: All is well…even the mosquitoes have eased off a bit. Which is fine with me. Maybe they finally got the memo about social distancing!

On another note, I did some weeding in our vegetable garden yesterday, along with a few other chores. Then, since my old body needed a rest, I took it easy and wrote up another story here at my computer. It was another good day for writing. Funny how that works—some days the words flow nicely, and other days, I’m better off pulling weeds!

Today I have some more outside work that needs doing and after that being so nice outside I think my wife and I will do some front porch sittin’. Just Because We Can!

With that, once again, I’m off for the breakfast my lovely wife is preparing. Then, I’ll head outdoors. Well, after my cup of… hmm, maybe I’ll go for tea this morning instead of my usual hot cocoa. It’s nice living in the country where I can make these tough decisions. Variety is the spice of life, right?

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to ponder on: “A good woman is like a four-leaf clover … hard to find and lucky to have, especially in a field of weeds.”

Fishing Times For Wednesday

Major Times
8:50 AM-10:50 AM
9:18 PM-11:18 PM

Minor Times
1:08 AM-2:08 AM
5:43 PM-6:43 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating today for catching a few. Good Luck!

Sun Data
Rise: 5:44 AM
Set: 9:02 PM

Day Length
15 hrs. 18 mins.

Moon Data
Rise: 6:13 PM
Set: 1:38 AM
Over: 10:18 PM
Under: 9:50 AM

Moon Phase
Moon Phase is 84% percent waxing gibbous
84% Waxing Gibbous

Advice from an Old Angler; Occasionally, I like to give those jointed lures a go, with their bend and all. They wiggle around like a fish in distress, sure to catch the attention of those big ol’ bass or pickerel. And that might just mean a good catch for supper. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

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