Small Town Life on July 18/2024

Good Morning! You know, as long as I have been walking on this old earth of ours, I have found that: “The best way to predict your future is to create it, one day at a time.”

It’s a beautiful day in cottage country. The sun is shining, the humidity is gone, and the songbirds are at the feeder. The vegetable garden looks great after the rain, and the tomatoes are ripening. The frogs in our new fishpond are active, and the goldfish are enjoying their company. You could say that living here where we do, you learn to appreciate the little things. Truth told, it’s the simple moments that make life truly rich.

Highway 522 has been quite so far this year. I suspect for some, it’s a good thing in some ways and not so good in others. But for my lovely wife and me, it doesn’t matter either way. We moved here many years ago for the quietness. I have always said that, “Peace and quiet are priceless, until you need to find something to do.”

Bug Report: The mosquitoes are annoying now and then in the shade, and we’ve got these tiny pests I call nits irritating folks, especially around running cars and trucks. Mosquitoes and nits may be small, but they sure know how to make themselves known. The best remedy? “Well… out here, you learn to swat with one hand, and hold your coffee with the other.”

On another note, I worked the day away outside around our home yesterday. Got lots done. Today, for my wife and me, it’s mowing day, which will take care of the morning. In the afternoon, I’m thinking some front porch sittin’ will be in order.

I have always said: “That hard work makes the rest all the sweeter.” After a morning of mowing, there’s nothing like relaxing on the porch, watching the world go by. Maybe share a story or two with my wife. It’s moments like these that remind me why we chose this life, living where time moves a bit slower and the joys are simple but true.

With that I am off once again for my breakfast and will then head on outdoors.

Have a great day, everyone! Here’s something to ponder on: “Life is simpler when you plow around the stump, but it sure is fun to try and move it sometimes. Thinking about that, I have to say, my wife and I have moved quite a few in our day.”

Fishing Times for Thursday

Major Times
9:46 AM-11:46 AM
10:15 PM-12:15 AM

Minor Times
1:45 AM-2:45 AM
6:52 PM-7:52 PM

Day Rating: Not a bad day for fishing, I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Sun Data
Rise: 5:45 AM
Set: 9:02 PM

Day Length
15 hrs. 17 mins.

Moon Data
Rise: 7:22 PM
Set: 2:15 AM
Moon Phase
Moon Phase is 91% percent waxing gibbous
91% Waxing Gibbous

Advice from an Old Angler: When you’re jigging, remember to use the lift and drop technique. Lift your rod tip slow and steady, then let it drop easy-like. This makes your jig flutter down like a scared bait fish, and that’s how you hook them big ones.

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