Daybreak with an Old Feller in Northern Ontario on August 10/2024

Our Phlox are looking real fine this year. They’ve got a sweet smell that reminds me of cherries. It’s like they’re trying to bribe us into spending more time in the garden.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning!

Old Truths: You can learn a lot just sittin’ on the porch, watchin’ the world go by, especially in small towns.

It’s another perfect day here in cottage country. The temperature’s just right, and there’s not a hint of humidity to speak of. Everything’s growing like it’s in a race, and honestly, I’m just trying to keep up! Truth be told, it’s been a fantastic summer so far, at least weather-wise.

Even the mosquitoes seem to be on vacation, probably off annoying someone else for a change. The sun’s shining, the birds are enjoying our bird feeder, the breeze is gentle, and I’m starting to think I could get used to this— at least until winter rolls around, which reminds me that it won’t be long before my wife and I have to put in our firewood for winter. It’s like everything around here has a mind of its own, and we’re just the unpaid help! But hey, keeps me… out of trouble… mostly.

Highway 522 hasn’t been all that busy this year. Oh, there are a few folks roaming around, but for the most part, it’s been pretty quiet. A couple of campers here and there, maybe a family out for a Sunday drive, but nothing to write home about. It’s almost as if the highway is on vacation itself. But our gift shop has seen a lot of new faces so far this year, which is nice.

On another note, my wife and I have been busy in our gardens, these days, along with other things that need attending, mostly in the mornings. My afternoons for a week or so are reserved for writing. I’m getting ahead on my stories so that when winter arrives, I can concentrate on other projects—like finally finishing that sci-fi mystery novel I’ve been working on. At the rate I’m going… it might solve itself before I do!

With that, I’m off for breakfast, which my lovely wife is making for me. After that, I’ll head out to our front porch with a cup of hot cocoa, take in the peaceful country view, and enjoy the quiet of the morning.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to ponder on: “Enjoy the little things in life, because one day… you might look back and realize they were the big things.” GW

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
4:27 AM-6:27 AM
4:47 PM-6:47 PM

Minor Times
11:59 AM-12:59 PM
10:23 PM-11:23 PM

Day Rating: Not the greatest day for fishing, I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: A stringer keeps your fish fresh until you’re ready to head home. Just tie it to a dock, the side of your boat, or a stick in the water. I’ve always said, “A fish on a stringer is like a kid with candy—keeps ’em from wandering too far away!”

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