Category Archives: Health

Flu Shots

Well as most of you know the flu this season has surpassed most expectations this season.  Kind of makes one think don’t it that if these flu shots that they spend millions on promoting are doing their job at all.  I would think if they were, there would be less cases around not more or getting worse.  Truth be known most people getting the flu right now are the same people who were vaccinated with the flu shot.  If you really want to stay healthy this flu season, the answer is Vitamin D. I would also like to mention here that for those that can get out into the sunshine to do so, as it is the best source of vitamin D there is.  Along with a good healthy diet and life style.   To verify the truth in all this…. check with your own friends, family members or co-workers. Ask the ones who got sick: Did you get a flu shot? See what arises from that question, I am sure you will be surprised. I have found from asking folks that most have had the flu shot.   It’s all there my friends, right before your eyes. You just have to look, pay attention and take the blinders off.  So all an all I guess this flu shot does work to some extent, it gives a lot of folks the flu.

Interesting Article What Health Canada Is Doing

You can read below and then click this link for all the information.

Corporations like mainstream media, multi-billion dollars pharmaceutical companies, and the cancer industry don’t know anything about health. They don’t want to know and they don’t need to know. They are businesses and they need to make money. They use fear and the promise of a symptom-free life as motivators. They also have to serve high interests and brainwash the population with theories, which change according to the drug or toxic therapy that’s being marketed and brings the most profit at the time.



Cold & Flu Season And What You Can Do

Did you know that  good old sunshine which changes Cholesterol into Vitamin D can slash your risk of getting the flu or a cold by a whopping 42 percent if not more—isn’t that a lot better than the highly controversial not so good H1N1 flu shot with all its harmful side effects.  Also in winter were sunshine isn’t in abundance you can still get Vitamin C naturally in: kiwi, grapefruit, watercress, alfalfa, strawberries, oranges, and pineapples.  Getting it naturally is a thousand times better than in pill form.  Also remember that if everyone got lots of sunshine there would be no such thing as high cholesterol. The last item that fights colds and Flu’s Immensely is good old Garlic. Organic Garlic not the stuff from over seas. Locally grown right here in Ontario is what you should seek out.  Also Garlic will be a helping aid in the prevention of cancer and common infections and illnesses better than antibiotics.  Its chemical compound allicin has antiviral properties also that will  help stave off the cold and flu virus.  Raw garlic is quite potent for some,  so if your don’t like to eat it raw you can simply add chopped or diced garlic to what ever your cooking. Near the end of cooking is the best of course as the more you cook it the less goodness you get out of it.

Ginger Roots & Disease

Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a healer. Its benefits are widely recognized and extremely varied. It is seen as a “warming” food that can increase circulation and reduce general inflammation. While the list is long, here are just a few of the benefits of this remarkable root:

Cancer prevention (Shown in one study to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in tests) A few of many items that it helps is listed below.  Nice thing about it is that anyone can get it at your grocery store.  I have a tea made from fresh roots every night before going to bed.  Thing is folks you have to look after your own body and you shouldn’t be relying on the medical world to do it for you.  Just doesn’t work that way. A lot say it does but it doesn’t.  My Opinion Only.
Morning and motion sickness treatment
Nausea treatment
Pain reducer
Swelling reducer
Ovarian cancer treatment
Arthritis treatment
Alzheimer’s/dementia prevention
General digestive tonic
Heartburn treatment

Cancer & Natural Fixes

Last week Researchers found that Dandelion Roots stop Cancer Cells.  Today Canadian Researchers Discover New Evidence That Vitamin D Shuts Down Cancer Cells. Sunshine!!!!  Dandelion Link is here if you are willing to take a look at the alternative.

I have been doing both now for the past two and a half years.  Kind of makes one think that maybe, just maybe one should take a touch more notice of what is being portrayed here on the Blog.  Lots more needs to be added to these two treatments which I am doing but these two greatly and I mean greatly help you survive cancer.   Now in saying all this I can’t take all the credit as I was helped by my old fiend Grey Wolf many years ago him being a native medicine man.  Great man and always said that he believes that Nature has a cure for most all diseases just that white man doesn’t know where to look, or for most parts doesn’t want to look as they sooner look towards modern medicine. Along with him I have talked to other Naturalists and worked with them in finding what one needs to carry on in this old world free of disease.  Lots more needs to be done that is for sure, but each day as it appears before me I see more glimmers of light that things will get better especially when it comes to Cancer.  Folks are starting to come to grips with things and not believing everything that the Powers That Be to be exactly true, there are harmful side effects with these man made drugs no one can deny that. I believe that most modern medicine contributes to many diseases  in folks today.   My Opinion Only as usual.

Grapefruit & Drugs

 Article in paper tonight; Grapefruit juice can pose dangerous — and even deadly — risks when taken along with certain medications. Below is the list. My way of looking at things is forget all the medications listed.  Eat right and drink all the organic grapefruit juice you want.  In dong so you won’t need any of them so called Drugs Below.   My Opinion only

Alfentanil (oral)

Fentanyl (oral)

Ketamine (oral)



Drugs With Problems

Another drug that causes more problems than it fixes. Article below.

OTTAWA — Health Canada is alerting Canadians that another osteoporosis drug appears to be linked to unusual fractures of thigh bones in a small number of users.

The drug is denosumab and is sold under the brand name Prolia by Amgen Canada Inc.

The company and Health Canada has released a joint statement warning patients and physicians.

Read more:

Another Modern Day Medicine Related Problem

Another report says that a group of drugs that show long-term problems with their use, are drugs such as Axid, Pepcid, Tagamet, and Zantac seems that they over time, cause problems with, ones ability to think, concentrate, formulate ideas, reason and remember.  Also I have found that eventually they do no good at all and cause more problems than they fix. Might say a temporary fix, but that is all they do in my eyes.  Above is just a few of many in todays world that we should be looking at.  Simple way of eliminating all of the above and fixing the problem is, eating right, organic, exercise, and fresh air, along with probiotics. Most everyone is lacking them and I for one have proven that they work in fixing most all stomach problems. I suffered for thirty years and took tons of pharmaceutical drugs which in turn made things worse.  Eventually I turned to natural help probiotics and for the past fifteen years no drugs needed.  They can be got in many ways.  Home made Sauerkraut  not processed, lots of organic veggies, or by just taking a good brand of Probiotic acidophilus six billion cells three times a day.  Isn’t that enough proof?  My Opinion Only.

What Are You Subjecting Your Body To?

The article below explains a lot if one would take a close look at the truth it is trying to put out there.  Not only just for Tylenol though folks, it also is for most prescription drugs.  Thing is, today most of all our doctors looks at treating symptoms not what is causing the symptoms.   How can one fix anything if you don’t know what the cause is.  They can’t, so in turn thousands of drugs are used to drug your mind to thinking you are better, when you really aren’t.  Good healthy nutrition is what most need, along with what goes on us likes soaps and things or what lies in our clothes.  Also one can’t forget to get lots of fresh air and exercise.  Then if sickness arises you can look for the source, as you are living well and most of all, you now know your body.  That’s the secret get to know your body and you will be able to help your body in times of need.  Pretty hard to do if your body is cluttered up with all kinds of drugs, pesticides,and chemicals to many to name. Take a look at the article below.  My Opinion Only.


Want your headache gone? Take two Tylenol in your hand, drink a glass of water, throw the Tylenol away… headache gone. Dutch researchers found the same recovery rate of drug takers versus placebos. It is the water that you drink that does the job. Not the liver-toxic-internal bleeding-hearing loss-impotence-problems-Tylenol. Drinking water and staying hydrated alleviates pain time and time again as dehydration causes histamines to react in areas of pain in the body. One of Big Pharma’s biggest dirty secrets is that most medications are in fact, antihistamines that treat the localized symptoms of pain – but not the cause.


Polio Information

 Did You Know?  The number of polio cases was declining before the widespread administration of the Salk vaccine.  Cases which had previously been reported as polio are now reported as meningitis. The risk of contracting polio from the live virus vaccine is greater than the risk of acquiring the disease from naturally occurring viruses.

Russia bans all GM corn imports; EU may also ban Monsanto GMO in wake of shocking cancer findings Learn more:

Click The Following Link for all the information relating to  GMO..  Good thing is that some countries are finally realizing what the impact will be if we keep on introducing this GMO Food.   Hope it happens here in Canada too and it will if enough folks get on the wagon demanding it is stopped.

What You Should Be Eating

If you crave this… What you really need is… And here are healthy foods that have it:
Chocolate Magnesium Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits
Sweets Chromium Broccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, calves liver, chicken
Carbon Fresh fruits
Phosphorus Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, grains
Sulfur Cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage
Tryptophan Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach
Bread, toast Nitrogen High protein foods: fish, meat, nuts, beans
Oily snacks, fatty foods Calcium Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame
Coffee or tea Phosphorous Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes
Sulfur Egg yolks, red peppers, muscle protein, garlic, onion, cruciferous vegetables
NaCl (salt) Sea salt, apple cider vinegar (on salad)
Iron Meat, fish and poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries
Alcohol, recreational drugs Protein Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, nuts
Avenin Granola, oatmeal
Calcium Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame
Glutamine Supplement glutamine powder for withdrawal, raw cabbage juice
Potassium Sun-dried black olives, potato peel broth, seaweed, bitter greens
Chewing ice Iron Meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries
Burned food Carbon Fresh fruits
Soda and other carbonated drinks Calcium Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame
Salty foods Chloride Raw goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt
Acid foods Magnesium Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits
Preference for liquids rather than solids Water Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.
Preference for solids rather than liquids Water You have been so dehydrated for so long that you have lost your thirst. Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.
Cool drinks Manganese Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries
Pre-menstrual cravings Zinc Red meats (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables
General overeating Silicon Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches
Tryptophan Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach
Tyrosine Vitamin C supplements or orange, green, red fruits and vegetables
Lack of appetite Vitamin B1 Nuts, seeds, beans, liver and other organ meats
Vitamin B3 Tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds and legumes
Manganese Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries
Chloride Raw goat milk, unrefined sea salt
Tobacco Silicon Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches
Tyrosine Vitamin C supplements or orange, green and red fruits and vegetables


A Bit More On West Nile virus (WNv)

I as talking yesterday about this West Nile virus (WNv) and how they are spraying all these deadly chemicals into our air and what effects it will play on us humans along with all the good insects of the world. Here is a link this morning that gives you an even greater look at what is happening.

Not so much as of yet here in Canada but it is on the way you can bank on that and in the near future if not being done already.  The ones behind this are the huge corporations of course.  The ones that can stop this is our Governments.  Will they? Not until the effects touch their own lives or their children’s life and even then I am very doubtful.  If this continues we all will suffer immensely, as a lot of us are now suffering from what is in our foods, air and water.  Not to forget the unorthodox methods of how they are treating us that are sick.   What Can you do? Stand up for what is right, call your local governments and tell them your feelings.  Also speak out and let others know exactly how you feel on these things that are happening in the world today.  One voice means nothing, millions means a lot. Also do the research on things like medicines, treatments, the food we eat and water we drink. If folks did more of this and took the blinders off the world would be a much better place.  One has to stop relying on others and trust their own judgments of what is right.




My Views On West Nile

You know for the past couple years now these so called Powers that be, has been putting fear into folks relating to West Nile Virus.  First off if one would do some research they would find that there is no actual evidence that this virus even exists.  So what does this all suggest?  Well I will tell you what I believe to be true……A major error was set up in the understanding of why many birds and some individuals are becoming ill. Along with an  unnecessary and costly West Nile virus industry, consisting of drug development, vaccine-making, public health fear and much much more.  I would have to say that the spraying of mosquitoes now will cause greater harm to us humans than anyone can ever imagine. One has to remember, we are humans  as we are nature.  To destroy nature, well……. we destroy ourselves. My Opinion Only.

What Doctors Should Be Doing In Todays World

You know when it comes to most doctors today I would have to say their education is far from being superior to those of yesteryear.  Reason being years ago, many years ago medicine men they called them, relied on not only medicine but Nature along with nutrition.  Here is  quote that says it all, written many years ago.  I would think that most will recognize the name.  I would think it is good advice for the doctors of today too. Not all but most, there are some that are right in their thinking and treatments, some.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas A. Edison 1847-1931

Health & Dealing With Cancer

Here is a great article on some natural fixes for cancer.  I myself have used some of them with excellent results.  There are lots more out there, an again I have used them also and continue to use one pertaining to Dandelion Roots.  It in itself has helped me immensely, feeling better every day actually.  Here is the article and remember, do the research, take the blinders off, be your own person and do what you and I say this again; DO WHAT YOU THINK IS RIGHT.  No one can make the right decision other than yourself, quite simply, because you are the only one that truly knows what your body needs.

Though cancer can be seen as a very complex illness, it is important to understand that cancer is simply the “symptom” and the tip of the ice berg. For your body to allow cancer cells to take root and multiply, there had to be a weakened immune system, toxicity of many kinds and nutritional deficiencies.

Evidence-based research has shown that there are hundreds of known and effective cancer cures. Here are some very simple protocols that will give you an edge if you are afflicted with cancer.

1. Baking Soda
1 tsp. of baking soda and the juice of 1 organic lemon in 8 ounces of water several times per day is a very easy way to alkalize the body. Cancer cells can’t grow in an alkaline body.

2. Blood Root
Blood root is a perennial plant that contains a plant alkaloid called Sanguinarine. Sanguinarine kills cancer cells only and does not harm your healthy cells. It can be used internally or applied externally in a salve for superficial cancers.

3. Chaga
Chaga is a medicinal mushroom that has been studied in laboratories for many years. It has shown much promise as an immune system modulator and has many anti-cancer properties.

4. Vitamin D
Checking your blood serum Vitamin D levels could help you prevent cancer and speed up your recovery from cancer.

A study conducted in 2006 indicated that lower levels of blood serum Vitamin D were associated with a poorer overall survival rate of post-menopausal breast cancer patients.

5. Essiac Tea
The original formulation of this tea was actually an old Native Indian recipe that had been used for hundreds of years. A Canadian nurse learned about it and started sharing it with some of her cancer patients and she began to see amazing recoveries. The tea, comprised of several anti-cancer and cleansing herbs, can be consumed several times per day.

6. Flax Seeds and cottage cheese
Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and physicist, is credited for this healing concoction that has seen a 90 percent success rate spanning over 50 years. The combination of these two foods provides essential fatty acids and lipoproteins that reduce tumors and restore health.

7. Hemp Oil
The cannabinoids in hemp kill cancer cells. Period. And like all other herbal remedies, the plant chemicals do not harm healthy cells. There have been numerous studies conducted with reported beneficial effects on many types of cancers, including breast cancer.

8. Iodine
It is estimated that over 85 percent of the world’s population is iodine deficient. Since estrogen production increases with iodine deficiency, make sure you have your iodine levels tested every year.

9. Melatonin
Melatonin is a powerful breast cancer cell inhibitor. In fact, in laboratory studies, it actually put breast cancer cells to sleep and slowed down the growth by 70percent. Melatonin also counteracts the effects of environmental estrogens.

10. Broccoli Sprouts
While cruciferous vegetables in general have been promoted for their anti-cancer properties, broccoli sprouts are up to 100 times more potent. The sprouts contain Sulforaphane which not only kills cancer cells, but actually suppresses the growth and spread of many types of cancers.

There are literally hundreds of known cancer cures that have saved countless lives. Of course, healing cancer involves healing the body as a whole. Lifestyle and dietary changes are also essential since cancer is just the symptom and NOT the cause. If you know anyone who is afflicted with cancer, please share this information and be a messenger of hope.

My Opinion On HPV

Here is an article that came out in todays news, that suggest that we all should be having our children vaccinated with a drug for HPV.  My point of view on the subject is that for most, we shouldn’t be putting any of these vaccines into our body.  Second of all, they say that it will stop cancer safely.  I  don’t  believe that they really know that, I believe that they are just speculatingMy opinion, they are causing more harm than good and down the road aways they will soon come do discover they were wrong.  Same as what is happening now, with a lot of the treatments that folks have been receiving for cancer and other serious diseases. Most don’t work.  .  You asked I replied.  Here is the article for you to read, and don’t be thinking I am Catholic either as I am not. My Opinion Only.


You know not that I use any of the stuff right now, but Illegal marijuana today is being used by 10 to 20% of the folks suffering from different diseases. Reason being it helps them and in a lot of cases cures them. Nature has lots to offer, if one just seeks them out.  Would I use it? Sure I would if needed.  It is one of the best and safest drugs out there if used properly.  They don’t tell you that part though.   Just takes the stroke of a pen to make it legal and if done, you would see many folks enjoying the benefits of this plant, without fear, or doing something illegal.  My Opinion Only.

What You Should Know About Butter & Margerine

DO YOU KNOW the difference between margarine and butter?
Read on to the end…gets very interesting!
Both have the same amount of calories.
Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams, compared to 5 grams for margarine.
Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.
Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.
Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few and only because they are added!
Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavours of  other foods.
Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.  

And now, for Margarine..  
Very high in trans fatty acids.
Triples risk of coronary heart disease …
Increases LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol)
Increases the risk of cancers up to five times..
Lowers quality of breast milk
Decreases immune response.
Decreases insulin response.
And here’s the most disturbing fact…HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY INTERESTING!
Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC…and shares 27 ingredients with PAINT
These facts alone were enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).
Open a tub of margarine and leave it open in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will notice a couple of things:
* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)

* it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value; nothing will grow on it. Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow.  Why?  Because it is nearly plastic . Would you melt your tupperware and spread that on your toast?