Category Archives: Health

What You Should Know About Butter & Margerine

DO YOU KNOW the difference between margarine and butter?
Read on to the end…gets very interesting!
Both have the same amount of calories.
Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams, compared to 5 grams for margarine.
Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.
Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.
Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few and only because they are added!
Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavours of  other foods.
Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.  

And now, for Margarine..  
Very high in trans fatty acids.
Triples risk of coronary heart disease …
Increases LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol)
Increases the risk of cancers up to five times..
Lowers quality of breast milk
Decreases immune response.
Decreases insulin response.
And here’s the most disturbing fact…HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY INTERESTING!
Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC…and shares 27 ingredients with PAINT
These facts alone were enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).
Open a tub of margarine and leave it open in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will notice a couple of things:
* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)

* it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value; nothing will grow on it. Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow.  Why?  Because it is nearly plastic . Would you melt your tupperware and spread that on your toast?

Mammograms ???

You know for the life of me I can’t see why women continue to go for these Mammograms.   It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see for oneself, that these are in my eyes, quite dangerous and can in reality cause cancer and spread it.  Think about this./  You go in and have your breasts flattened down in a vise like machine.   Now here is the thing., If there does happen to be a tumour inside, what do you think is going to happen to it. Well I would think it’s going to be broke open and what ever is inside, is going to be spread all through your breasts.  Then to top it off you are flooded with radiation from the ex ray machine.   Again think about this. Radiation can cause cancer.  So why does so many women keep on going back year after year for these things?  Simple really, as the powers that be, have told you it is safe. The benefits outweigh the negatives.  In reality it should be the other way around I am thinking.  So there is my opinion on the subject.  As I always say my opinion only, what you do is your own business.

Diabetes Drug Actos Again Linked to Bladder Cancer

Every once in awhile a news report comes out in the paper that seems to just jump out at me. This one here click link below to view, sure takes the icing off the cake, or so to speak.  I know most folks would say on the cake, but that is others, not me.  First off they say that this drug that folks are  taking to help Diabetes, can and for most parts will increase your risk of cancer.  Think about that for a minute, one drug…. to help folks, along with what has the possibilities of making one deathly sick, both…. all wrapped up into, one nice little pill.  The thing that really is amazing, is that folks still take these drugs and I say these drugs, as there is millions of them out there that do the same thing.  Wake up folks, do the research, then hopefully you will make the right decision. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out which road you should choose.  The best road that is out there, through my eyes is Natural.  Yep good old Mother Nature.  Don’t your remember!!!!! that;  “Mothers Know Best”.  Here is the link.  My Opinion Only.

Can Mother Earth Fight Off Most All Health Related Problems??

You know for years I have said that these so called antibacterial agents are causing more harm than good.  For most parts what they do, is kill pretty well all bacterial good and bad. Think about this. Bacteria on ones hands, say good bacterial will not allow bad bacteria to survive in its territory.  So if you have good bacterial on your skin and say you were out shopping and came upon a bad strain, it wouldn’t harm you.  So thinking on this I came up with a plan. If you have a garden with good soil and I mean, good soil, why not just swish your hands around in good old Mother Earth. Doing that will bring forth good bacteria, which if done on a regular basis will allow it colonize on your skin, which in turn, will then help you fight off any bad bacteria that might come your way throughout the day, months or maybe even years to come.  I have been doing some experimenting with good healthy soil now, for over ten years and have found, it in itself has amazing healing capabilities when applied to the skin and wouldn’t hesitate to use it for all kinds of skin related problems, or for that matter what lies underneath the skin.  Remember this folks, we all come from the earth, we need it to survive as we need the sun.  So why not use what has been given to us free of charge.  In getting close to Nature one would soon find that most of all these so called medicines and drugs of today are not, really needed at all.  Have a great day and remember that, this is My Opinion Only.

Sodas, Pops, What They Do To You

The average American consumes about 1 gallon of soda per week, which equates to more than 18 fluid ounces, or 1.5 sodas per day. These sodas are loaded with sugar, with a 12oz can containing 35-45 grams – an amount that exceeds the recommended daily intake of ~15 grams. What’s more, these sugars are typically in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, one of the cheapest, and most health-hazardous forms of sugar that can be used.

Read more:

U.S told to end routine prostate cancer screening as it causes ‘more harm than good’

Now here is an article that every man should read, so make sure you take a second…. and do so. For  that matter women should also so they can steer their husbands and or ?? in the right direction. I myself have said this time and time again, that this test was not good for ones health.  I am not talking out of the side of my mouth neither, as I am one of the ones that was diagnosed with the dreaded disease.  Thing is, for most parts it shouldn’t be taken so serious and if one would know the truth, there is lots of natural fixes for the problem without going through drastic tests, biopsies and treatments, that don’t work other than in my opinion make things worse.  My Opinion Only.Take a look click the link and read for yourselves.

Home Made Toothpaste.

 This is a great,toothpaste with out all the chemicals that most commercial kinds have. My wife and I have been using it for years with great success.

1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon sea salt, finely ground
2 drops of peppermint, spearmint, orange, clove, or cinnamon.
A touch of good spring water or well water without the chemicals is best.

You can also add a touch of coconut oil if you so desire.

Combine ingredients in a small bowl and mix them thoroughly with a toothbrush, your finger, or a small spoon until a smooth, thick paste forms. The paste shouldn’t be too runny; it has to stay on your toothbrush.

Dip your toothbrush into the paste and use as you would regular commercial toothpaste.

Fluoride In Drinking Water

Think on this.  Folks today go to the store buy organic veggies bring them home in thinking they are healthy.  In theory they are quite right in their thinking.  Just now they take them veggies and wash them using city water, which is full of chlorine and fluoride.  In doing so through my eyes removes all the good things in the veggies and puts in poisons.

In order to remove the fluoride from your drinking water, it is important to invest in a reverse osmosis water filter. Alternatively, you can purchase a reputable carbon filter that is proven to remove fluoride as well. Always remember that reverse osmosis water will require you to ‘re-add’ the natural minerals to the water, which can be done by adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar or even a good high grade sea salt.

Don’t Be Fooled With Vitamin C Suppliments

If you take a look at a variety of vitamin C supplements, you will find that the majority of them contain only ascorbic acid or a compound called ascorbate, which is a less acidic form of acorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is NOT vitamin C. It represents the outer ring that serves as a protective shell for the entire vitamin C complex, much like an orange peel that serves as a protective shell for an orange. Real vitamin C found in whole foods like fruits and vegetables contain the following components:

Bioflavonoids (vitamin P)
Factor K
Factor J
Factor P
Ascorbic Acid

When you take only ascorbic acid found in your synthetic vitamin C tablet or powder, your body must gather all of the other components of the full vitamin C complex from your body’s tissues in order to make use of it. In the event that your body does not have adequate reserves of the other components, ascorbic acid itself does not provide any of the health benefits that the full vitamin C complex does. After circulating through your system, the unused ascorbic acid is eliminated through your urine.

Kids flocking to tanning salons

I see now they want to stop kids from using these tanning beds./  If the truth be known through,out the winter months the tanning beds can be a big asset to ones health and in fact put a halt to many cancers and other diseases, not cause them.  My point of view on the subject is that they should use them  under guidance from a qualified individual, an adult that knows how to use them, not stop them from using them. But you know, that is what happens with a lot of good things that promotes good health naturally. They are shot down as bad.  Why does this happen?  Dollars my friends billions of dollars. If you get healthy these companies and some doctors wouldn’t be making as much money.   Don’t be fooled, do the research and enjoy life.  We don’t need to be dictated to by the Powers That Be on what  we want and can not do.  Through the summer though the best way to get a tan is using the sunshine in moderation of course.   We are the same as earth and the sun, with out either we all perish.

Cancer Treatment

Good morning.  You know there are a lot of different kinds of natural treatments for cancer, one just has to seek them out.  Today I got an Email from my Lovely Sister Barb with a link about a new or should say old cure, that is available to cancer victims.  I myself am treating it totally using natural fixes mostly all my own. When I say that I don’t mean any store boughten items neither.  Mine come directly from Nature just outside my door.  Been a year now and getting stronger every day.    But this article does show some promise, will it ever get the research it deserves?  Well we can only hope my friends.  Click link below it will take you to the video, not long and worth watching.

Wouldn’t you think that the Cancer Society would be getting on the band wagon?    Won’t happen I don’t suspect as the huge Pharmaceutical companies can’t make any money with it and right now here in Canada and the USA they are in charge.  Or so they think.

Immune System Foods

Raw, organic vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, collard greens, and spinach are the great source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber.

Quality, organic, hormone- and antibiotic-free “grass-fed” meats and poultry.

Proteins containing amino acids aids in the growth and repair of your immune system. Some protein sources can be organic,cage-free eggs, organic meat and poultry.

Quality, wild fish especially those high in Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, trout and tuna.  Tuna from cans and things are not the greatest to be eating as the liners of the container can cause you problems.

Quality fiber Whole grains like brown rice, millet, buckwheat, oats, and barley are also a valuable source of the vitamins, minerals and fiber that are an essential part of keeping the immune system healthy. Fiber helps cleanse the colon of toxins and helps prevent intestinal infections.  Good whole wheat flour is good for you too but you have to buy the good stuff.  A good source to buy this flour is at


4,000 Niagara students face suspension unless vaccination

4,000 Niagara students face suspension unless vaccination records brought up to date. According to Public Health, immunization has saved the lives of more babies and children than any other medical intervention in the last 50 years.

Now here is a perfect item that should be upsetting folks.  Here is the Powers That Be telling you what and what you can not do.  Talk about a free country.  First off these shots that we are giving to our young in my eyes, are the cause of most of the medical problems today.  I often wonder why some folks think that the human body is so defenseless.  If left to do what it does best, on its own, for most parts it does quite well.   If vaccines work, then of course unvaccinated persons pose no risk to vaccinated persons at all. Is that so hard to see. The persistent, widespread claim that unvaccinated people “put everyone else at risk” is, therefore, nothing more than absurd fear mongering.

A better way would be where individuals have the flexibility to make a risk-benefit analysis for themselves and their children talking with their doctor or professional who know their needs or doing the research themselves. Some may choose vaccines, but others may find that for them, the risks outweigh the benefits. Whatever the choice, all should have the right to make that assessment without government interference. With forced immunity having been disproved, there is no scientific basis for government imposing its will on the people,  usurping the rights of the individual.

My Opinion Only.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society

Today in the news they said that half of all the Cancers could be eliminated by putting into practice life style changes.  Well hey!!!! Hello……I been saying that for the past ten years or so now.  But thing one has to remember is that we also have to change the way we are manufacturing our food.  Eliminate all the preservatives, pesticides, hormone injections, flu shots, most antibiotics and over three quarters off all prescription drugs.  Not to forget all the fast foods we have on the market today.  Then one has to eliminate the way we treat cancer and other  diseases, like chemo and radiation and things like that. These ways are not the answer.  The statistics are there for all to see, just that most don’t take the time to look..  Most listen to what we are told, instead of doing what should be done and what is right. Folks I keep saying this. The answers are right in front of you.  Don’t be fooled, take the blinders off your eyes and start taking your life back. No one knows your body better than you do, no one.  My Opinion Only.

Ex Rays & What They Do To A Person

Just one more thing to the list that shows that these radiation treatments aren’t  good folks.  I keep on stressing to folks to not have any ex-rays unless there is no other way.  In saying that, there is tons of ways of looking at things without having ex-rays. Now think on this, ex-raying ones teeth.  It’s radiation, radiation is deadly. Now think how close it is to your brain.  Doesn’t that tell you something????? if not, your not thinking clearly. Do the research and start taking control.  Take a look at this article.  My Opinion Only

A new U.S. study is suggesting patients have a conversation with their dentists about how often routine dental X-rays should be carried out. Researchers at Yale University found people who frequently got certain dental X-rays in the past — when radiation doses were higher — were linked to an increased risk of a common, but usually non-cancerous, brain tumour.

The study isn’t meant to scare people into abandoning dental X-rays altogether, but researchers want people to re-think how often they get the procedure done.

They say their findings are important because dental X-rays are the most common artificial source of exposure to ionizing radiation for people living in the United States, and that form of radiation is a known risk factor for certain brain tumours.

The Canadian Dental Association says the frequency of a dental X-ray depends on a patient’s oral health and notes that the procedures deliver very little radiation.

The study, which appears in the American journal “Cancer,” studied 1433 patients between 2006 and 2011 who had been diagnosed with intracranial meningioma — a common kind of brain tumour which often turns out to be benign.

All patients were between 20 and 79 years when diagnosed and lived in the U.S. A control group of 1350 people was used for the study.

Researchers found that those with the tumours were more than twice as likely to have had a bitewing dental X-ray — where an X-ray film is held in place by a tab between a patient’s teeth.

The study also found an increased risk of the brain tumours was associated with those who had panorex X-rays at a young age, a yearly basis or with greater frequency. The procedure is when an X-ray is taken outside the mouth and shows all teeth on one film.

Researchers note that a limitation of the study was that patients had to recall from memory procedures they had when radiation exposure was higher — something which may have led to under or over reporting of dental X-rays carried out.

Now in reading this, does it make you more aware of how dangerous radiation is????? Or are you going to keep on having them????? For most, well I know the answer, most will keep their heads buried in the sand and say, oh… well, the specialists know what is best for us.   Wrong you know what is best for you not no doctor or specialist.  Listen up, do the research, find out for yourselves and then make your own practical decisions not others.

Allergies & Honey

For those that suffer from allergies every spring, one has to remember, or should know that there is  a fix to the problem.  What would that be?  Simple really.  Again, one just has to use common sense and look at what nature has to offer.  One doesn’t need all these allergy shots, or pills, or what ever.  Through my eyes all they do is make the problem worse or bring on new problems.  Think about this, most allergies come from pollen.  Now comes the fix.  Bees. yep bees is the answer. The bees goes out, collects the pollen, brings it back to the hive and makes honey.  So if everyone took at couple table spoons of honey each day, they would soon find out that they don’t have any more allergies.  Now in saying this, one should use nothing other than pure, unpasteurized honey.  All the others won’t work and will in reality make the matters worse. Same as milk in theory, as unpasteurized milk fixes most body problems, where as pasteurized milk causes a lot of our problems.  So, get your self prepared if you have allergies by simply picking up some raw honey and get to eating. And who said getting healthy is a long hard process.  My Opinion Only.

E. Coli Beef Warning

Canadians are being advised to avoid over 135 burger and beef steakette products sold under a variety of brand names.

The affected brand names include:

  • Best Value
  • Irresistibles
  • Keg
  • Licks
  • Maple Lodge Farms
  • PC and PC Blue Menu
  • Calgary Stampede
  • Country Morning Gold
  • Western Family
  • Grillhouse

The full list of products is available on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website.

Health Issues

Had someone  ask me today what I thought of an add that came out in the paper today; that said folks that might be struck with cancer have the option of cutting parts of their body off  before it supposedly arrives or they even know they got it.  Think on this. First off we all have cancer cells in our body millions of them. Most never get large enough to be noticed.  Most never materialize to the point we need to even do anything about.  And then again cutting, burning and things isn’t the answer.  Nutrition is the answer.  Strengthen you body, do the research, listen to you body, don’t be swayed into things that for most parts aren’t true.  Take the blinders off, be your own person.  What we have to come to realize is, that we all have to learn to live with cancer.  It doesn’t have to be a death sentence, it’s an awakening, a reminder that our bodies are lacking some things.  All the money we pour into killing cancer is not the way to go.  Put that money into  fixing our food system. Take the poisons out of food take the additives out of food.  Its not our food what is the problem, what is in the food is what the problem is. All these man made chemicals is what is the cause of 99% of humans sickness, simple as that.  What makes me such an expert?  I am not, it’s just common sense. Its all there for every one to see, amazes me most can’t see it.  My Opinion Only

Facts In Life

Think on this for a second.

Impossibilities in the world
1- you can’t count your hair.
2- you can’t wash your eyes with soap.
3- you can’t breathe when your tongue is out
4- please put your tongue back inside.

5- you look ridiculous.

Bit of humor for a Sunday evening, after all it’s as important to good health as most other things.