Category Archives: My Opinion Only

Becoming More Self Reliant Question.

George, what is your feelings on this article?

Seniors who are exposed to significant levels of air pollution for more than a year face double the risk of pneumonia, Canadian researchers report.

You know reading that piece of information just goes to show one how folks minds work today.  Think about it, anyone should know that if the air isn’t the greatest it will contribute to all kinds of problems like Pneumonia.  Trouble is, there are a lot of people out there today that can’t visualise things any more and depend on others to do their thinking for them.  Just one more reason why this country should be  looking at becoming more self reliant and stop depending on others to do our thinking for us.  My Opinion Only

Why I Do What I Do?

You know there probably is a lot of you folks out there that think I am maybe over exaggerating a touch, when it comes to what is happening in this world today.  Well I suppose I can get up tight on a few things, but the reason in doing this is that when I see something that just doesn’t seem right, I feel that I should let you know my opinion on what I think of them.   Thing you have to remember, is that all I am trying to do is give you the other side of the coin. Now a days folks seem to pretty well believe that everything the Powers That Be tells you is the truth, when it isn’t.  No one is perfect including myself, lots are just trying to make an extra dollar, lots are pretending to know when they really don’t.  Now take the doctors here in Canada.  Say where they come from.   I would say most is of the doctors now in Canada are of an Asian back ground that we are allowing to practice in our country.  I for one don’t see why we aren’t getting an equal amount from other countries.  Say like Italy, Germany, USA, France, England, Australia, well you get my meaning, there are lots more I am sure.  The Powers That Be would like you to believe that these other countries aren’t looking to move here to Canada.  That is totally wrong, as I know for a fact of what is really happening. I have talked to numerous doctors, specialists of all kinds and they all have said they have been waiting so long for the Canadian government to get back to them that they have all but gave up hope. One lady dropped by this year a renown heart specialist from Germany.  She said she has been on the waiting list now for over five years and would just love to come here to set up shop.  Not going to happen she said, as it is all in who you are if you are wanting to move to Canada.  I believe what she is saying to be true too.  So you see,  that is why I get to talking like I do so often on certain topics, as if someone doesn’t get the other side of the story out there, folks just figure everything is ok when it isn’t, or could be better.  Had better go, got a fresh perked coffee waiting to be tasted, I have had my say for the day.  My Opinion Only

MSG Or Monosodium glutamate, a “flavor enhancer.” Pretty Well In Everything You Eat

Lately this labelling of foods has been a big thing, as folks are now suppose to be able to tell what is in the food they are eating.  Well let me tell ya, don’t believe everything you read.   Example.

Have you noticed all the canned soups now proclaiming “No MSG” on the label? If you look closely, however, many of them are still made with yeast extract, a hidden source of MSG. Autolyzed and hydrolyzed ingredients also contain hidden MSG, so avoid any products made with those.  The only way in my eyes for a gal or fellow to eat safe now a days is to grow and cook your own.  That’s what my wife and I do and you know, it isn’t that hard.  For those that can’t plant a garden, they should then shop for locally grown produce, take it home and then get busy.  Simple as that.  To much work some say.  I say well, how much is your health worth to you?  My Opinion Only.

Views On Fuel For Cars & Humans

I see in the paper that they figure they should be giving this green fuel a bit more attention.  In other words ethanol.  First off I don’t think they should be looking at this at all. What they should be doing is looking toward ways like solar, wind and things like that.  There is ways out there right now, the problem is that the huge fuel companies won’t let them surface for any length of time.  Crazy.  All boils down to money folks.  With making fuel from corn one would think that would be a good thing. They say Mother Nature is doing the job for us. Nothing could be further from the truth Mother Nature hasn’t got anything to do with it.  Read on.   The corn fuel is just taking valuable soil that could be used for food, which by the way is becoming quite scarce.  To fix that problem they are now using generic seed which is another great catastrophe.   Reason being these huge companies can pretty well put into the seeds what ever they want.  Doing so no one knows what they are consuming.  Most of the food your eating right now isn’t healthy eating.  I got a theory on what they are doing to us humans. I believe that manipulation is behind what you are eating.  You are what you eat, and what they give you to eat is what you will become. Sounds kind of far fetched for some to fathom I suppose, but trouble is, if we don’t open our eyes soon it will be to late, they will have won.  Can’t let that happen, you got to get more self reliant and open ones eyes.  What they are doing by saying going green, is just another cover up so they can merge into society what ever they so choose.   So there you go, I said my peace for today and now going to put a few of them pancakes my lovely wife made for me on a plate and cover them with pure maple syrup we made from our own trees last spring.  Mouth Watering Good.    My Opinion Only

Global Warming Question?

I thought I would ask your views on Global Warming.  James.

Well for some that is a touchy question. But for me it is quite easily answered.  My feelings on the subject is that yes, the world is warming to a certain extent, as all the signs point to that.  The question what should be asked is, what is causing the problem.  I believe that the radiation output from the sun is what is causing the problem, as it has happened  many years ago when the dinosaurs were around.  Sure us humans have contributed to the fact a touch, but we aren’t what is causing the problem.  This has happened years ago and will continue to happen for eternity.   Who and what has gotten so many folks in an uproar all boils down to a certain group of folks that make huge amounts of money. These folks are major corporations which makes tons of $$$$, simple as that.  Things is, there is folks out there that will believe anything you tell them.  There is also a lot out there now sitting back and taking a look at the real world, and, well, that is a good thing.  It’s like the flu shots.  At first there is nothing on earth that will stop this H1N1 other than getting the flu shot, the big pharmaceutical companies and others say.  Hmmm, guess what? There is countries that doesn’t have any drugs at all and the H1 N1 is almost extinct.   Also here in Canada and the USA it has pretty well passed us by.  One thing very interesting though while on this subject.  Folks here in Canada I feel are becoming a bit more self reliant, as I see only one third got the shot and I would bet even less is getting flu shots over all.  Now that is a good thing in my eyes, just wished there was more because I am afraid of what is going to happen to all those that have been taking the shot each year in the long run.  What the problem is with the flu shots or things like global warming, is that these so called Powers That Be have corrupted a lot folks minds into thinking that all these things are good for them, when in actuality they aren’t.  So there you go, my views on the subject. Some says hey, what makes you think you know it all?  I say hey, I don’t pretend to know it all.  I just feel that when  certain folks get to spouting off their opinion,  I in turn should be entitled to my opinion and that’s what I do best.  How’s that. Thanks for the question.  My Opinion Only

Where Did Life On Earth Come From?

For most my life I have believed that there is some sort of life on other planets.  Today though if someone is to elaborate on the subject  he or she is called a castaway of a sort and if that’s the case, I guess that’s me.  I see today in the news that they have found a bacteria like substance under the surface of a meteorite that they have found.  That is quite interesting to me, as if what they say is correct, which I have no doubt is correct, it will put a whole new prospective on how us humans might have became as we are today or maybe how we arrived here on this planet in the beginning.

Having a different out look on life, or another term might be, keeping an open mind, I gotta’ say has done me well all the years thus far.   Yes I am different than most, I only believe in scientific facts that have been proven true, I believe and trust nature but yet in saying that, it would be an unimaginable waste, if we were to think that we were the only ones, here on this little planet.   To each their own I say, what ever you can live comfortably with, that is all that really matters. My Opinion Only

An Apple A Day

You know I got to thinking the  other day on how we kept up with our health, when the cold old days of winter hit us all.  Laura the lady of the house always said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, adding, so eat your apple as there isn’t a doctor for miles.  And I did.  Seems to me back then I can’t ever remember having a cold or flu.   Things like that were unheard of for most parts.   Even today I can say that I haven’t had a cold or flu in over ten years and longer, now why is that some would ask, especially these days? Well other than eating right, washing my hands and never touching my face, and rinsing out my sinus’s when I get home from town, not much.   My favourite is a good old Empire apple. They are great for baking and in my eyes hold more cures for diseases than any other.  Well maybe one other and that would be the spy, which we don’t see much of any more. I would also like to mention here Laura’s way of telling whether the apples one buys is going to be really tasty.  She would always say if it hasn’t any blush on it, not meaning chemicals, they are not going to be very tasty.  What is blush.  Well blush is sort of a shading that is put there by good old mother nature and when wiped off, the apple will polish up to a brilliant shine.  That is what you want to be looking for in the stores, which you won’t find, as most stores coat the apples with a type of wax, which actually holds all the chemicals to the skin, which in turn, isn’t good for ya.  Way to get good apples is to seek out an apple tree that everyone has forgot about or find a farmer that doesn’t use any chemicals. Not an easy chore I know, but well worth the trouble.  Click On Picture To Enlarge;  See that blush, hmm good!!   My Opinion Only

Apples at Whims Farm

Generic Food & Seeds Say No

The thing folks are going to have to deal with and deal with it fast, is this Generic food that they are putting out there today.  Things is most just don’t realise what it is doing to us humans.   If you take a look at some of these big farms through out the USA you will see that they are owned by the Pharmaceutical companies.  Right there that should send up some red flags.   If this is allowed to get going which it is already, they will have control of what ever they want to put into your food. You won’t know what they are doing to you.  This is not a good thing.  I do see though that folks are standing up for what is right and some big companies are noticing. Like Wall-mart,  They are now heading out to the farmers that grow organic and talking to them. You can see on their shelves now lots of organic things which is a good sign.  Just need to get more.  The only one that can change this before it is to late, is you.  What you have to do is stop buying this generic stuff and go organic.  I know it is going to cost you a touch more, but what is your health worth to you.  Other ways is to grow your own, get out on a weekend and go to a farmers market.  Stop in and see a farmer and ask some questions like is your crops organic or is your meat, chickens and pork let loose to eat good old grass and things.  Free range they are calling them.   All kinds of things you can do, and if a lot of folks get to doing what is right, no matter how large these companies are, they will have to listen.  Just got to say no……………………… Generic, and don’t give in, your life might depend on it.  My Opinion Only

“How Could We All Have Been So Blind For So Long!’

You know for a few years now I have been writing things here in my Blog that I felt that others should at the very least be taking a serious look at.  The thing I would like you to know is, that I am not against all doctors, lawyers, ministers, government officials, pharmaceutical companies, teachers and folks like that.  I do really believe there are some, that are on the right track and truly trying to help folks in today’s world. I just wish that they would speak out more often.

On the other hand, I also believe that there is a lot of them folks out there that are only in the game for money, or to make a name for themselves.  I also believe that there is a lot of them that are using us as human Ginny Pigs.  I also believe that we are being subjected to things that in turn effects a fellow or gal’s mind and body, an sways their thinking in such ways that it is causing harm to themselves.  Years ago a family relied on what was on hand and had the common sense to make their own decisions.   They also knew when the wool was being pulled over their eyes, so to speak.  I like to think of myself as one of those.   Trouble is, we are a dying breed and if the younger ones don’t catch on fast, this world is going to be in serious trouble.  I have seen a glimmer of hope though here in Canada, as folks lately have started to stand up for themselves and speaking out, not being afraid of what others will think, say or do.  Sadly our younger generation today, about one-third or more believe in ghosts, communication with the dead, extraterrestrials, aliens, Big Foot, etc.  Are you getting what I am trying to say here???  So to sum it all up and pointing directly to those; doctors, lawyers, government officials, ministers, teachers, and pharmaceutical companies, the ones I distrust. I say this, for myself and others like myself:  “Don’t expect us to like you or to listen to you any more. You promised us too much and failed to deliver. You never even tried to answer the questions truthfully that we have all been asking. You have just expected us to believe that what ever you say is the truth. I believe that you are all playing, misusing and abusing our sense of wonder. There is an appetite for wonder, and isn’t true science well qualified to feed it?”

”  It’s time for us to change our ways folks.”  My Opinion Only

Remember, Your Septic System Is Alive, Take Care Of It.

One item that most folks forget when living in the country on septic systems, is what you are putting into it.  The main thing that should be avoided is antibacterial soap or bleach. Thing is folks, a septic is made up of bacteria that eats things down in there and keeps things moving.  So……..only common sense not to put things into your septic that kills bacteria.  My wife and I use good old regular soap of years past. Works great.  We never use antibacterial soap for anything, as all that does is promote stronger bacteria, which causes all kinds of problems with our health.  Through my eyes it should have never been made and brought onto the market for public use.  My Opinion Only

HST Just Another Way Of Raising Taxes, Simple As That

The Liberals are not helping anyone or anything in bringing in this HST. It will simply mean that we will be paying higher taxes on hundreds of goods and services, including gasoline, heating fuel, fast food value meals, and legal and other professional fees, well to many to name here in my Blog. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that folks here in Ontario just love being taxed, as they keep on voting in folks that raise them. Some say hey, look at all we have here in Ontario. I say what we got we should have had with out all these high taxes. All that raising taxes does is keep folks working 24/7, no time to think of what is going on around them, that sums it up in a nutshell. They don’t want you to think or become self efficient, they want you to have to depend on them. But if you like working 24/7 and paying these high taxes, well then keep on voting for those type of folks. Just makes me shake my head. My Opinion Only

Fluoride & How It Should Be Seen.

Did you know that the fluoride chemical commonly added to municipal water supplies is actually an EPA-regulated toxic waste chemical? If it wasn’t sold to cities to be dumped into the water, it would have to be disposed of under stringent (and expensive) hazardous waste guidelines. People who handle the fluoride liquid are advised to wear chem suits to protect them from this extremely toxic substance. Dumping fluoride chemicals into a local river is a violation of federal law, but dumping it into the public water supply is somehow approved as “good for public health.” Good article and should make you think. My Opinion Only

People Are Wising Up.

Well been hearing a bit these days on how folks are slowly taking off the blinders and realising how bad these flu shots are and actually over 50% of the people through out the US and UK and hopefully here in Canada, are not going to be getting it any-more. Guess all these Blogs of mine and others are starting to make folks open their eyes a bit Actually the only one it is good for is the the Pharmaceutical Companies as they make Billions. Makes my day when at the very least folks are opening their eyes and taking a real look at what is happening in this old world. Have a great Thanksgiving. My Opinion Only

Ticket For Smoking In Rig, What Is This Country Coming To???

The reason I got out of the farming business a few years ago, as many others, was because of all the rules and new regulations that these so called Powers That Be was bringing into effect. They were just killing us small time farmers of 100 acres or more.  No one can be put to blame more, than them, when it comes to the downfall of our farms here in Ontario and the rest of Canada today.  But this article just goes to prove what I am saying.  Take A Look.

The burning question about precisely where a person can smoke these days is flaring up again in Ontario, where a 48-year-old trucker faces a $305 fine for lighting up on the job: while driving his big rig along Canada’s busiest highway.

The man, who hails from London, Ont., was headed for Windsor when he was pulled over Wednesday along Highway 401 and given a ticket under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.

I gotta” tell ya, we all know that smoking isn’t to great for a fellows health or others, but to stop a fellow driving his rig along the HWY, and giving him a ticket for smoking, is just plain down right dumb.  Man, this officer sure must be wanting to make a name for himself, that’s all I can say. These new rookies coming up the tube sure have some growing up to do that’s all I can say.  But…………….. this is only one of many, and today in Canada, well let’s just say.  It’s Par for the course. What a country Canada is becoming, makes me just shake my head.  My Opinion Only.

Water Directly From Mother Nature, Cures All

An old time item my old Grandfather told me about one time which relates to water, brought me to adding this to my Blog.  I really believe that if folks got to drinking good … healthy water each day, meaning no chlorine, fluoride or you name it, in it, just plain good healthy well water, it would solve over half of the  problems folks are having today with cancer and other things.   Amount one should be drinking for good health?  Take A Look. And Oh! Might pay if you live in the city to take a drive in the country some nice sunny afternoon and look up someone that has good well water and make a deal on getting it from them.  Price you pay for good water isn’t to be taken lightly.  My Opinion Only.

Drink 1/2 your body weight of water in ounces, daily.  Example 180 lb (ca. 82 kilogram) = 90 oz (3.4 kg). Of water daily. Divide that into 8 or 10 oz (0.38 kg). Glasses and that’s how many glasses you will need to drink, daily. Use 1/4 tsp. of salt for every quart of water you drink. Use salt liberally with food. As long as you drink the water, you can use the salt.  Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. These are diuretics and will dehydrate you. Every 6 oz (ca. 227 gram). Of caffeine or alcohol requires an additional 10 to 12 oz (ca. 454 gram). of water to re-hydrate you.  Some say, hey, I got  high blood pressure and that salt might not be a good thing.  I say use a good brand of sea salt and not to worry about it. The body is mostly water, and salt anyways and drinking the required amount of water flushes it  out of your system so you naturally need more.  Again My Opinion Only.

What!!! Anti psychotic Drugs, Darn, What Is This World Coming To.

Just ahead of this article  I have entered one of my stories from my first book, called Style Of A Country School Teacher. Through out the story you will find ways the teachers and parents dealt with young ones back when.  Might say, a drug free approach of dealing with our young ones. Better read it, as I don’t do it very often.

I was asked what my thoughts were on these antipsychotic drugs that these so called Powers That Be say is good for our children.  I say this, administer it to yourself for a  year or so and see what it does to you.   Picture this, some teachers throughout the USA and Canada now, along with a number of other folks telling the world that these meds is  necessary, who are they to do such a thing. No one knows how the brain works, no one, it is an uncharted area which should be allowed to grow drug free all on its own. They say that the children aren’t paying attention in school, that they are disruptive, and it effects other children so they can’t learn.   Again I say this.  Kids are kids and doing exactly what they should be doing.  Sure some might be a bit different than others, but pumping drugs into ones brain sure isn’t the awnser.  Figure this, they are prescribing drugs for  children only four years out of the mothers womb.  Unbelievable. I gotta’ say these drug companies sure have got older  folks brains messed up to be doing this.  It boils all down to this folks, money, money, money.  These drugs that folks take out on the street is a threat they say.  The drugs that doctors prescribe you is fine, some hardley tested at all.  Most of the drugs that doctors prescribe is addicting too, along with hundreds of side effects but that is OK.  Kind of makes you think doesn’t it, well darn it, it should. I figure it this way. I would bet that if 95% of all the prescription drugs, vaccines you name it was never brought to being we would have been a lot better off.  I really believe that  our bodies if had been left alone would have built up immunities to most all diseases as they were doing before these drugs were made.  Folks, if we intelligent humans don’t start to speak out, we will soon be a walking drug company. It has to stop, and soon, so get over your fear and start doing something about it. Sure you will run into a lot of folks that doesn’t agree, but hey, you are entitled to say your peace and you are also able to stop what drugs you are taking, or putting into your children’s bodies, at least for now.  I say this in ending.  If nothing else, take a look at  what is happening, do the research and don’t let these Powers That Be and big companies, fool ya into their way of thinking.  We need doctors, teachers, lawyers, the media and thousands of others to stand up for what is right.  They know what is happening, they surely do, some even took an oath to help folks, just that they have had their words throttled, so they can’t speak up. But it is changing,  more doctors and folks in Power are slowly stepping up to the plate and doing what is right.  Some talk about wars and how bad they are.   Sheesh!!…. I say we are in one right now and problem is, most folks don’t even realize it or don’t want to recognize it. Most drugs doesn’t make you better they makes you need more drugs.  My Opinion Only as usual.

Canada Is Slowly Loosing Everything That Our Forefathers Worked So Hard For.

Petro China takes $1.9-billion stake in oil sands, a 60% working interest.  My Opinion On This Topic.  Well Take A Look.

Well, here we go again, another piece of Canada gone for the long haul.   You know I for the life of me I can’t see why the Powers That Be can’t see what these off shore countries are doing and going to do to our country we call Canada.  Actually I can, it all boils down to money, not what is good for us.  Canada is pretty well owned now by other countries.  They have controlling interest in so many things that one can’t call it ours anymore and it is getting worse day after day.  Thing is folks it’s like farming.  The Powers That Be got rid of the farmers, like so many other business on purpose.  Reason being they can’t make any money if we grow or do things on our own.  In other words they don’t want us to be self efficient We could have been but it’s to late now.  What a shame, a country like Canada, now depending on other countries for food, clothes,  you name it.  Once these countries get a foot hold there is no stopping them.  At first it seems like they are giving you the shirt of their back, but there not, it’s only a cover up.  Then once they have controlling power, look out.  It’s happening now and will steadily get worse.   My Opinion Only.

My Thoughts On The Atheist

I sure am asked some interesting questions these days.  This one comes from a lady in Northern Ontario, asking me my views on Atheism.  Well this here pretty well explains my thoughts on the subject.

Atheist are widely believed to not believe in anything, this is a popular misconception. Atheist usually use logical thinking and philosophy and research to find what they think to be the most reasonable theory and/or idea for the world around them until a more sensible idea comes along, instead of faith and belief like most religious party’s do.

Unlike people who are religious, most atheists are not atheist because they were taught it at a young age, fear, closed mindedness, or lack of the ability to ask why. But more because they can simply think on their own. Atheist prefer to go on reasonable evidence instead of merely faith.

Most Christians stereotype atheist as people who are afraid of religion and/or religious people and that they are afraid to speak about religion, But in fact atheists are more comfortable about what they are than anybody of religious faith and are also extremely more open to talking about religion.

Atheists are usually thought to hate god, but nobody can hate something they do not believe to be true.

Well that’s the best I can come up with, other than, isn’t it amazing that so many folks figure religion is right and the atheist is wrong. Its human nature to be like this, but don’t worry though, in the future we will all find out the TRUTH.  My Opinion Only

Bug Spray & Other Things

Now this article below is one that almost verifies what I have been trying to tell folks for years, concerning the things that they spray and rub on their skin. I for one along with all my family, have never put it on our skin and never will.  It is just common sense that these chemicals are not good for you.  Never ceases to amaze me though, of how easily folks are fooled in toady’s world.  They just take for granted that what ever the Powers That Be tell them is the truth.  Thing is folks, you are the only ones that can look after your own body.  You are the one at the helm and the quicker you can take back the reins the better off you will be .  Also, take the blinders off and do the research on pretty well everything today.  Even from my Blog.  I am not pretending to be no expert or no- it- all by no means.  All that I  am asking of folks, is to sit back, take a look around and keep an open mind, and remember: “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”   My Opinion Only

Now take a look, fresh off the press:

The active ingredient in many insect repellents, deet, has been found to be toxic to the central nervous system. Researchers say that more investigations are urgently needed to confirm or dismiss any potential neurotoxicity to humans, especially when deet-based repellents are used in combination with other neurotoxic insecticides.

Vincent Corbel from the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement in Montpellier, and Bruno Lapied from the University of Angers, France, led a team of researchers who investigated the mode of action and toxicity of deet (N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide). Corbel said, “We’ve found that deet is not simply a behavior-modifying chemical but also inhibits the activity of a key central nervous system enzyme, acetycholinesterase, in both insects and mammals”.

Discovered in 1953, deet is still the most common ingredient in insect repellent preparations. It is effective against a broad spectrum of medically important pests, including mosquitoes. Despite its widespread use, controversies remain concerning both the identification of its target sites at the molecular level and its mechanism of action in insects. In a series of experiments, Corbel and his colleagues found that deet inhibits the acetylcholinesterase enzyme – the same mode of action used by organophosphate and carbamate insecticides.

These insecticides are often used in combination with deet, and the researchers also found that deet interacts with carbamate insecticides to increase their toxicity. Corbel concludes, “These findings question the safety of deet, particularly in combination with other chemicals, and they highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the development of safer insect repellents for use in public health”

Now, if you keep putting these things on your skin, well … plain and simple, you are not thinking clearly and why is that?  Simple, you have been putting to many chemicals on and into your body, it’s effecting your mind.

No Excuse For Ignorance When It Comes To Natural Medicine

Words That Kind Of Makes A Fellow Or Gal Think.

If you stay informed, you will stay alive!

The biggest killer of people in the next great crisis will be, without question, ignorance of natural medicine. Those who don’t know about these natural cures will literally die of ignorance,  those who understand the incredible healing power of Mother Nature’s Medicine will be far better off.

It’s not only about surviving though it‘s also about being self efficient. When you use Mother Natures medicine to boost your immune system and your body, you then no longer depend on doctors, hospitals and conventional medicine to provide you with medicine. In other words you can do it yourself with the help of natural medicine, simple as that.  What better way for you to have on hand what Mother Nature has to offer sitting in your cupboard.  Bottom line is, you remain independent and self-reliant.

It is this self-reliance that scares the powers that be, who run our world. The last thing they want is us folks taking charge of our own health and refusing to function as slaves to big corporations. My Opinion Only