Category Archives: My Opinion Only

What!!! Anti psychotic Drugs, Darn, What Is This World Coming To.

Just ahead of this article  I have entered one of my stories from my first book, called Style Of A Country School Teacher. Through out the story you will find ways the teachers and parents dealt with young ones back when.  Might say, a drug free approach of dealing with our young ones. Better read it, as I don’t do it very often.

I was asked what my thoughts were on these antipsychotic drugs that these so called Powers That Be say is good for our children.  I say this, administer it to yourself for a  year or so and see what it does to you.   Picture this, some teachers throughout the USA and Canada now, along with a number of other folks telling the world that these meds is  necessary, who are they to do such a thing. No one knows how the brain works, no one, it is an uncharted area which should be allowed to grow drug free all on its own. They say that the children aren’t paying attention in school, that they are disruptive, and it effects other children so they can’t learn.   Again I say this.  Kids are kids and doing exactly what they should be doing.  Sure some might be a bit different than others, but pumping drugs into ones brain sure isn’t the awnser.  Figure this, they are prescribing drugs for  children only four years out of the mothers womb.  Unbelievable. I gotta’ say these drug companies sure have got older  folks brains messed up to be doing this.  It boils all down to this folks, money, money, money.  These drugs that folks take out on the street is a threat they say.  The drugs that doctors prescribe you is fine, some hardley tested at all.  Most of the drugs that doctors prescribe is addicting too, along with hundreds of side effects but that is OK.  Kind of makes you think doesn’t it, well darn it, it should. I figure it this way. I would bet that if 95% of all the prescription drugs, vaccines you name it was never brought to being we would have been a lot better off.  I really believe that  our bodies if had been left alone would have built up immunities to most all diseases as they were doing before these drugs were made.  Folks, if we intelligent humans don’t start to speak out, we will soon be a walking drug company. It has to stop, and soon, so get over your fear and start doing something about it. Sure you will run into a lot of folks that doesn’t agree, but hey, you are entitled to say your peace and you are also able to stop what drugs you are taking, or putting into your children’s bodies, at least for now.  I say this in ending.  If nothing else, take a look at  what is happening, do the research and don’t let these Powers That Be and big companies, fool ya into their way of thinking.  We need doctors, teachers, lawyers, the media and thousands of others to stand up for what is right.  They know what is happening, they surely do, some even took an oath to help folks, just that they have had their words throttled, so they can’t speak up. But it is changing,  more doctors and folks in Power are slowly stepping up to the plate and doing what is right.  Some talk about wars and how bad they are.   Sheesh!!…. I say we are in one right now and problem is, most folks don’t even realize it or don’t want to recognize it. Most drugs doesn’t make you better they makes you need more drugs.  My Opinion Only as usual.

Canada Is Slowly Loosing Everything That Our Forefathers Worked So Hard For.

Petro China takes $1.9-billion stake in oil sands, a 60% working interest.  My Opinion On This Topic.  Well Take A Look.

Well, here we go again, another piece of Canada gone for the long haul.   You know I for the life of me I can’t see why the Powers That Be can’t see what these off shore countries are doing and going to do to our country we call Canada.  Actually I can, it all boils down to money, not what is good for us.  Canada is pretty well owned now by other countries.  They have controlling interest in so many things that one can’t call it ours anymore and it is getting worse day after day.  Thing is folks it’s like farming.  The Powers That Be got rid of the farmers, like so many other business on purpose.  Reason being they can’t make any money if we grow or do things on our own.  In other words they don’t want us to be self efficient We could have been but it’s to late now.  What a shame, a country like Canada, now depending on other countries for food, clothes,  you name it.  Once these countries get a foot hold there is no stopping them.  At first it seems like they are giving you the shirt of their back, but there not, it’s only a cover up.  Then once they have controlling power, look out.  It’s happening now and will steadily get worse.   My Opinion Only.

My Thoughts On The Atheist

I sure am asked some interesting questions these days.  This one comes from a lady in Northern Ontario, asking me my views on Atheism.  Well this here pretty well explains my thoughts on the subject.

Atheist are widely believed to not believe in anything, this is a popular misconception. Atheist usually use logical thinking and philosophy and research to find what they think to be the most reasonable theory and/or idea for the world around them until a more sensible idea comes along, instead of faith and belief like most religious party’s do.

Unlike people who are religious, most atheists are not atheist because they were taught it at a young age, fear, closed mindedness, or lack of the ability to ask why. But more because they can simply think on their own. Atheist prefer to go on reasonable evidence instead of merely faith.

Most Christians stereotype atheist as people who are afraid of religion and/or religious people and that they are afraid to speak about religion, But in fact atheists are more comfortable about what they are than anybody of religious faith and are also extremely more open to talking about religion.

Atheists are usually thought to hate god, but nobody can hate something they do not believe to be true.

Well that’s the best I can come up with, other than, isn’t it amazing that so many folks figure religion is right and the atheist is wrong. Its human nature to be like this, but don’t worry though, in the future we will all find out the TRUTH.  My Opinion Only

Bug Spray & Other Things

Now this article below is one that almost verifies what I have been trying to tell folks for years, concerning the things that they spray and rub on their skin. I for one along with all my family, have never put it on our skin and never will.  It is just common sense that these chemicals are not good for you.  Never ceases to amaze me though, of how easily folks are fooled in toady’s world.  They just take for granted that what ever the Powers That Be tell them is the truth.  Thing is folks, you are the only ones that can look after your own body.  You are the one at the helm and the quicker you can take back the reins the better off you will be .  Also, take the blinders off and do the research on pretty well everything today.  Even from my Blog.  I am not pretending to be no expert or no- it- all by no means.  All that I  am asking of folks, is to sit back, take a look around and keep an open mind, and remember: “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”   My Opinion Only

Now take a look, fresh off the press:

The active ingredient in many insect repellents, deet, has been found to be toxic to the central nervous system. Researchers say that more investigations are urgently needed to confirm or dismiss any potential neurotoxicity to humans, especially when deet-based repellents are used in combination with other neurotoxic insecticides.

Vincent Corbel from the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement in Montpellier, and Bruno Lapied from the University of Angers, France, led a team of researchers who investigated the mode of action and toxicity of deet (N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide). Corbel said, “We’ve found that deet is not simply a behavior-modifying chemical but also inhibits the activity of a key central nervous system enzyme, acetycholinesterase, in both insects and mammals”.

Discovered in 1953, deet is still the most common ingredient in insect repellent preparations. It is effective against a broad spectrum of medically important pests, including mosquitoes. Despite its widespread use, controversies remain concerning both the identification of its target sites at the molecular level and its mechanism of action in insects. In a series of experiments, Corbel and his colleagues found that deet inhibits the acetylcholinesterase enzyme – the same mode of action used by organophosphate and carbamate insecticides.

These insecticides are often used in combination with deet, and the researchers also found that deet interacts with carbamate insecticides to increase their toxicity. Corbel concludes, “These findings question the safety of deet, particularly in combination with other chemicals, and they highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the development of safer insect repellents for use in public health”

Now, if you keep putting these things on your skin, well … plain and simple, you are not thinking clearly and why is that?  Simple, you have been putting to many chemicals on and into your body, it’s effecting your mind.

No Excuse For Ignorance When It Comes To Natural Medicine

Words That Kind Of Makes A Fellow Or Gal Think.

If you stay informed, you will stay alive!

The biggest killer of people in the next great crisis will be, without question, ignorance of natural medicine. Those who don’t know about these natural cures will literally die of ignorance,  those who understand the incredible healing power of Mother Nature’s Medicine will be far better off.

It’s not only about surviving though it‘s also about being self efficient. When you use Mother Natures medicine to boost your immune system and your body, you then no longer depend on doctors, hospitals and conventional medicine to provide you with medicine. In other words you can do it yourself with the help of natural medicine, simple as that.  What better way for you to have on hand what Mother Nature has to offer sitting in your cupboard.  Bottom line is, you remain independent and self-reliant.

It is this self-reliance that scares the powers that be, who run our world. The last thing they want is us folks taking charge of our own health and refusing to function as slaves to big corporations. My Opinion Only

A Few Words On The Earth, Enviroment,Pesticides,Farming,Trash Well, Take A Look.

You know, for over forty years I have dedicated myself to informing folks about different items that comes to mind.  Especially prescription drugs, banks, powers that be and our environment. One thing that I bet most folks don’t realize, is that our environment has really out gotten out of hand.  For example, right now each and every day millions of pounds of pesticides are being dumped right onto your soil.  It’s needed to stop insects and things from taking over our food chain they say.  Well I say that is hog wash.  There is literally hundreds of different things one can do to combat insects from being a problem.  Top on the list is using other insects, as usually where there is one insect, there is another not to far behind him, that is thinking of having him for lunch.  I myself farmed over a 100 acres of fresh fruit and vegetables in my day, and for a good number of years I never sprayed one drop on my crops.  What happened? Well nothing, that’s what happened. Oh sure, I might have lost a few bushels here and there, but bottom line , I ended up with more fruit and veggies than those that used pesticides.  Why do they use them then? Well, simple, the pharmaceutical companies make the pesticides, or most of them, and, well, unfortunately the new minds of today think they are right. What ever they say folks take it as Gospel.    Also the Government should have stayed out of the farming business here in Canada, as they were the main down fall of it all.  Just to many things to name here, but they were, at least through the eyes of this old farmer.   Some day I will explain to ya exactly what the governments or powers that be did to the small time farmer. Thing is folks, the soil is our only source that we can grow our crops and if they keep it up, well  simply put, we are going to starve to death. Also today landfills are filled to the brim and millions of tons are being shipped to third world countries. What do they do with it? Well a lot of it goes directly in the ocean.  Can you believe that. Not bad enough that they are poisoning our farm land, now they have to poison our oceans.  Right now they say there is a  lump of trash that is floating in the water near the North Pole, twice the size of France; it`s about 33 feet deep.  Most folks say, hey, not bothering me any, so why worry.  Well……… I say, there is plenty to worry about. But that is the mentality of a lot of folks today.  What to do? Well there is lots and I shouldn’t have to be the one to tell you either.  But here are a few; do the research, open your eyes, don’t believe everything  that the Powers That Be is telling you, become more self efficient and take the blinders off.  The earth is all we got, we as  humans are earth and I believe we came from it, and we will return to it.  Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do, and people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination which is why we have the problems we do today. My Opinion Only

What The Powers That Be, Want You To Belive, And What Is The Truth, Are Two Different Things.

Myself,  I figure that the cures for all diseases, are right there in front of us in plants. I also figure that if our health system really cared for folks, instead of raking in huge profits, our doctors then could do what most of them really want to do.  If we brought our  minds back to the right way of thinking, we would then see that the Earth, is us, and what we do to the earth, we do to ourselves. Today though, folks minds have been swayed by religion, politicians, drug companies, banks, well…………… to many to name, and through my eyes they are the cause of all our problems.  It will get worse too, unless we start changing our ways.  But there is some hope as there is a growing movement here in Canada, portraying my way of thinking along with a few others, and I am hoping it keeps on progressing.  Folks are slowly taking off the blinders and opening their eyes.  They are slowly seeing, that all that has been pushed on them by these so called Powers That Be, isn’t the truth. They are slowly seeing, that the earth is all we have and all to look forward to.  They are slowly starting to see, that we have to be self efficient.  They are slowly starting to see that fear is our biggest problem, that our minds have been swayed into worrying about things that will never happen. They are slowly realizing, that you can have a good spiritual life without religion.  They are slowly seeing that fear has to be wiped from our minds. Oh……………… I guess you are getting my meaning, as I could go on here for hours.  All that I am trying to do, is to let folks know, that we have minds of our own, that we don’t be needing to do what ever the Powers That Be tell us all the time. We don’t have to believe in things that you don’t want to believe in.  Once you open your eyes to what  this earth has to offer, it by itself, well then all things will be made  possible. The Creator handed us this way of life, it is still there, it’s just that most folks have abandoned it.  My heaven, as some call it, is right here in front of me and I enjoy it each day to the fullest and my mind is clear.  My Opinion Only

My THEORY About Fear & What It Has Done To Us Humans

I wrote an article on how bad I think Vaccinations are for you and some have asked.  What can we do about it? Well, that is a hard question to answer, but I feel I have the answer. Might not be what you want to hear, but here it is.   Take A Look.

Years ago throughout Canada and the USA lived the Indian or if you like, Native folks.  These folks lived off the land without any of the homes we have today and ate what every grew around them.  They were, in my eyes the healthiest of all the people in the world.   Then came the white man. The Natives helped them get over their sickness and from that day forward, it was all down hill for them.   Actually, they were almost wiped off the face of the earth.  I feel, the reasoning behind all that has been done on this earth,  can all be summed up with one word, “Fear.”  Fear is something that everyone  has in them, but Fear, to the Natives was almost unheard-of.  They had no fear of dying, or, all that was around them.  If something came up, they figured out what to do about it, corrected it, and went about their day.  The white man seen this, and it bothered them to no end, so they brought  White Man Made Religion into their lives.  Was a hard thing to do, but they did it eventually.  With religion they could change their thinking and make fear the prominent ingredient.  They told them, if you don’t worship our god, you would go to hell, or a place not so good, might say they put the fear of god in them.  The ones that, couldn’t be changed, fought for their way of life and …  most died tryingWhat a shame.  For myself, there is no hell, I just shake my head when folks get to chattin’ about them things.  Just a waste of time and energy. The things, I brought on board throughout my being, is what I can see, smell, hear, feel, or taste. One other, I give some mind to, is Intuition, but that is all, “Nothing Else.”  Got to say, I have had a real nice life too, thus far.  I figure, I am in a group of around 25% in this world, but we are growing in numbers each day, as folks are taking the blinders off slowly, and taking a serious look at what is around them.

OK,  the Natives were hooked and fear was a dominate factor in their lives.  Now along came, yep your right,  Governments, I call them Powers That Be. The only way for them to succeed and grow,  was for them to keep this fear growing throughout us humans, and right up till today, they have done a good job at it too.   Then came banks, they would say they took fear away from folks, but in reality they added to it more than one can ever imagine.  Doesn’t take a lawyer to figure them out.     Pharmaceutical companies, health officials, you name it then came on board, and today I would say  that fear is in every ones mind for most their conscious day. Kind of like a drug, as once you start it on its way, it is almost impossible to stop it.    Fear is something not to take lightly. It  grows inside us and thrives the more we use it.  It has started wars, and killed more people than any other thing on this earth. It needs to grow and for years now it has.  But things are slowly changing as there is a few of us that know, and can see what it is doing, how it has changed folks thinking, and them few are slowly bringing it out into the open,  so folks can see what is happening.  The bottom  line is this.  If fear is left to carry on  and us humans keep feeding it, we will continue to get sick.  We will continue to let others run our life, and given time we humans, will perishAgain, what a shame, as if we would have just taken a bit of the Natives way, into our life way back when, this world would probably be free of wars, sickness, cults, man made religion, well, to many to name. So … my advice to folks today is this,  steadily work on the fear inside of you, and when ever it shows its ugly head, laugh it right out of your mind, get rid of it, fast. My Opinion Only, As Usual.

China Investment takes $1.74 billion Teck stake. Our Coal Mines

You know I sure can’t figure our country or our Powers That Be  anymore, when it comes to protecting our resources. One has to remember that they are pretty well all that is left here in Canada that we really own. Now this  happening with China buying into more of  our  resourcesNot a good thing in my eyes and should have never been allowed. One day families will look back and say.  “You know honey, my Dad one time told me that we used to be a self efficiant country, and believe it or not, Canadians owned everything.”  My Opinion Only

Fluoride In Our Drinking Water Hmm…

Good topic. Let’s take our pure and tasty drinking water, put a medication (fluoride) in it, make the people accept it and make believe we have Freedom of Choice in this country.  I actually know a fellow that works in the production of fluoride, and, well, you wouldn’t want me to tell you what he says about fluoride.  I will say this though on his behalf.  He keeps it totally away from all his family and children.  Now, take a look at this article, should get you to thinking of what the Powers That Be are doing to us humans.

I would like to pose some hypothetical questions:

What would you do if you suddenly found out that fluoride was not “safe and effective” at all, but was actually a carcinogenic industrial waste?

What would you do if you learned that the sugar lobby’s answer to cavity reduction is more fluoride rather than less sugar in the diet?

What would you think if you suddenly found out that fluoride doesn’t stop tooth decay at all, but actually causes teeth to rot and crumble, and by the same mechanism also causes osteoporosis?

What would you do if you found out that a myriad of research and reports from China, showing that fluoride ingestion causes interference with brain development, had been purposely withheld from the people in the U.S.?

What would you do if you suddenly found out that fluoride inhibits antibody formation in the blood, depresses thyroid activity, promotes the development of bone cancer, causes premature aging of the human body, and is used in rat poison, and that the contents of a family size tube of overpriced, huge profit margin fluoridated toothpaste is enough to kill a 25 pound (ca. 11 kilogram) child?

And after you found out all this, would it surprise you that federal health agencies have known these facts for years, but have been controlled by the political interests of the nuclear arms, aluminum, and phosphate manufacturers to keep it a secret?

Why would they do that? So that a toxic industrial waste could be passed off on the public as a nutrient with necessary health benefits, to the tune of $10 billion a year or more going in the pockets of these industries rather than  having to spend that amount to dispose of it properly as a toxic waste.

Next, we have to look at the people that are for and against this assault upon our health.

Those against this horror movie are everyday people. Accountants, retired engineers, chemistry professors, teachers, acupuncturists, dentists, believe it or not, the Union of Scientists at the EPA, and a host of others from all walks of life. And, all of them come armed with peer-reviewed scientific literature to back up what they have to say.

Those in flavor of this horror movie, with lots of credentials, are the majority of dentists, the public health officials and many people in various government positions. And what do they come armed with? Speculation and years of repeating, like good little lemmings, that fluoride is “safe and effective”. If it were so safe and effective to ingest, why would the CDC say that fluoride’s effectiveness is on the surface of the tooth and only after it comes into the mouth?

Bell & Others Are Throttling Its Wholesale Customers, In Other Words The Little Guy

You know, every once in awhile us older folks have to look to the younger ones for help.  Or should say, look to the younger ones to keep us up to date on what is happening in the high tech world of today. Now take the Internet.  Over in China now the Powers That Be are controlling what one looks at on the Internet.  Won’t happen here in Canada some say.  Well I am not so sure about that.  As a  matter of fact, I know it will happen, just a matter of time.  That is, if something isn’t done and done quickly.  I am lucky that I have two pretty high tech sons to rely on, when it comes to me being informed with things like this, which is a good thing.  Take Bell now.  For years they have been trying to get the CRTC to take their side in what some say is Internet throttling.  Not a good thing in my eyes and if this isn’t stopped, it will eventually be bad for anyone using the Internet.  Here is a few words from a good company that I use and like.  Don’t go and think I am trying to sway your thinking or moving to another company either, as I am not, I am just saying that if you are interested in enjoying the Internet, saving the Internet, then take a look at this article.  Then, if you feel like I do, click on the link and let the Powers That Be, know your feelings. Don’t have much time either.  Doing so will give you a good feeling inside that at the very least, you did your part to keep the interent a free place to come to for advice and good rates and not being dictated to on what you can watch.  I should also say it’s not only Bell that is taking part in this power trip, it’s the large cable folks too  So……………all the blame can’t be put just on Bell.   Take a look.

In March 2008 Bell started throttling its Wholesale Customers (TekSavvy among a group of many) without notice. We attempted to have the CRTC force Bell to stop as it removed our ability to do business and give Market choice.  The throttling was done in the name of congestion, even if Bell, at the same time launched higher speeds (which they did not share with their wholesalers) and also dabbled with launching IPTV, which consumes even more capacity.

The CRTC sided with Bell in November 2008 but launched a Public Hearing to discuss Network Management Practices, clearly showing they made a decision on throttling without having all the details in hand to do so.  As a result we launched a request to reverse their decision from November (The Review & Vary) in May 2009.

The only way we are going to make a difference at this point is to get full public support to stop companies like Bell from bullying the market and the regulators!  The Telecom and Cableco Monopolies control 96% of our marketplace, so if we don’t stand up and voice our concerns, this will become a two party dance where choices and services are going to be completely removed and rates raised to unreasonable levels!

Here are the details on how to submit your comments:

1) Go to:

2) Select “Part VII / PN ” from the drop down list and then click “Next”

3) In box entitled “Subject” line, insert “CRTC File #:

4) In the box entitled “Description / Comments / Questions”, insert any comments that you may have on the review and vary application.

5) If you would like to attach a document, select “yes” and follow the instructions for attaching a file.

As indicated in the Title, I believe the deadline is June 22nd, so don’t wait to long

PS – R&V details here:

Oh, an if your thinking it is to much work to do this, well……… it isn’t.  Just click on the link. Copy the information they show ya, and paste the information in the subject line, simple as that. Takes only a minute of your time and easy to do and leave them a comment on your feelings.

My Opinion Only

Cancer & Remedies

You know when I get to thinking about health these days I get the feeling that some folks don’t want us to get better.  Take cancer one of the worst diseases going.  After all these years, why hasn’t a cure been found?  Well, I don’t think I have to tell you why a cure hasn’t been found, as I figure most folks already know the answer to that question, or should know.  At any rate.  My way of thinking is that the cure for cancer is in prevention, yep prevention.   Thing is today folks minds have been swayed and some no longer think for themselves.  I kind of figure that maybe there is more than a few out there too, but lets leave it at that for now.  I remember years ago an old doctor friend of mine saying that if folks got more vitamin D and calcium, that cancer could be cut in half if not more.  Where does Vitamin D come from.  The good old sunshine.  Today though they are telling folks to stay  out of the sun as it gives one cancer.  I say, all the things they are selling you to protect you from the sun is a lot of the problem. Today folks hardly get outside at all any more. Sit here right where I am now behind a computer, inside, no sun can get near a fellow or a gal.  Thank goodness I only do my writing for a short time, as I am outside in the sunshine for most the day, hours on end.  Sure you have to ease your way into the sunshine if you  aren’t used to it but like anything else think moderation.   Remember that us humans are a part of nature, so get outside and enjoy it, as without it, we are nothing. So……………… again, don’t be fooled, do your own thinking and as my old Dad used to say and I like this one.  Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.  My Opinion Only.

Here is another view on the subject, not mine, but something to think about. Take A Look

One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is, ironically, cancer. It’s a classic example of conventional medicine: The “treatment” for the disease promotes yet more disease, resulting in guaranteed repeat business from patients (“customers”) who are never allowed to cure anything. Instead, diseases are “managed” with a lifetime of drugs, repeat doctor visits and complete isolation from anything that might actually cure the patient and end the cycle of dependency on doctors and pharmaceuticals. Hmmmmm.

Insurance Companies Hmmm.

You know folks, every once in awhile something comes along that really bugs me.  Oh…….. I know, some of you think a lot of things bug me, and I guess your right.   Anyways, like today I got my car insurance bill for the year in the mail.  As usual, it has gone up like everything else, but I suspected that.  Thing that got me was that there was an added $60.00 on my total bill.  I called about it and they told me it was an insurance that if I got into and accident that my rates wouldn’t go up and I wouldn’t loose my six star rating. I asked, “well, what would happen if I had an accident?”  They told me I would loose all my stars and my insurance would all but double.  I said, “you mean after dealing with your company for over forty years with no accidents to speak of, you wouldn’t give a fellow a break of some kind if it did happen?”  “Nope, they replied, the only way for you to protect yourself, is to pay the extra cost, which would cover you.”  Now I don’t know about you folks, but I kind of think this is just a bit of a rip offTaking advantage of a fellow in other words.  I am beginning to believe, that insurance companies today don’t like folks with a good track record.  Why would I say that?  Simple.  If one hasn’t had an accident or speeding ticket for sometime they get a low rate, or at least they should be getting a low rate.   So…….. the companies don’t make as much money. All boils down to the almighty dollar.  Again, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what they are up too, and in my case I have a good driving record, as my wife does, so what happens?  I get charged extra.  Some will say, be thankful I have that protection.  I say, we would all be better off without any insurance and go back to fending for ourselves like it was many years ago.  Let their be no suing folks any more and things like that and insurance wouldn’t be needed.    So…… such it is and I will pay it, as us old fellers sure can’t afford to have our insurance doubled if we have an accident, even if I haven’t had one in over thirty some years or so.  So there you have it, I had my say and that in itself is something.  Now, I wonder what the Powers That Be will come up with next that kind of ticks me off?  My Opinion Only.

Good Foods Mixed With Good Wisdom

You know, I figure that over half of all the cancers could be prevented by simple changes in diet and exercise.  Take Selenium, Selenium is a mineral that forms an important part of our immune defense function, as well as a component in heart muscle.  Where can one find it? Some can be found in meat, fish and vegetables.  Thing is one has to find the best source. Myself, I believe that home grown tomatoes are your best source.  If you can’t grow your own, then seek out organic, should say local organic, and talk to the folks that are selling the produce. Reason being, so that you can find out if they really are organic or not. Some folks like to say one thing, and do another.  Don’t let folks corrupt your mind my old Dad used to say.   I would also like to say that the combination of certain foods is the way to get the most out of things.  Now take tomatoes and broccoli. You combine them together and you have a major trump card in your fight against all kinds of cancers, and other diseases. Remember to use fresh tomatoes and fresh broccoli if it all possible.  I know, the powers to be probably don’t agree with me, but hey, I figure if they are entitled to dictate to me what is right and wrong through their eyes, well I deserve the right to say my feelings also.  Bottom line is this.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what the problems of today are, when it comes to health and beliefs.  One just has to look around and open ones eyes, simple as that.   And one last important item.  Don’t be fooled into doing things, or………….believing in things, that you feel deep down is wrong.  Believing is just a glorified word and that is all it is.  Heard a feller one time. say this. You can’t convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it’s based on a deep-seated need to believe.  Works for me.   My Opinion Only

General Motors Funding & Things

You know for most my life I haven’t believed that government ownership of things is right. Why?  Well anyone that works for the Government or any company owned by the Government only cost the tax payers money, and lots of it in my eyes, as  we the people have to foot the bill for anything the Governments do.  Now this funding GM or should say taking part ownership in it sure isn’t a good thing.  GM has been having trouble for years simple as that. Now think about this. Now that the Powers That Be have part ownership in the company what’s to happen with all the other car companies? Simple they are in trouble as you can bet that the Powers To Be now will be spending huge amounts of money trying to get folks to buy GM.  Not a good thing that’s for sure.   I got to say they sure are free with our money these days and to top it all of I never received one phone call asking me what my views were on the subject.  Ha Ha as if that would happen.  My Opinion Only.

Allergies And What You Can Do

Well……….. this is the time of year, that young ones, along with older folks get to honkin’ and sniffin’. Some call it allergies.  Myself, I call it  nature.  Thing is, one has to remember that all these things in the air that are causing our nose to run and things, are a part of living, a piece of the big picture, one might say.  As soon as some folks sneeze once, in the house they go, or head off to the drug store for a cure, or, if that don’t work they go to their doctor for some other kind of drugs.  I feel that 90% of all these drugs could and should be eliminated.  I feel we are being used as Ginny pigs,  to be experiment on, and so on, not to forget all the money that is being made by some folks.  So……… you say, OK, you had your opinion, what should I do about it, I am in dire need of some help here.  Well, I say this.  First off, find out what is really bothering you.  What is bothering you is natures way of letting you know you are not doing something right.  What you should be doing through my eyes is forcing yourself to become more accustom to these things.   Let it happen in other words.

You can do one thing though, that will help immensely if needed.  That is to make up a small potion of warm salt water with a touch of baking soda and rinse your nose a couple times a day.  Doing this will still allow you to keep the good bacteria up in there that is needed for good health, and at the same time help you to stop sneezing and things.  Also, eventually you will become accustom to the  new world out there and build up immunities, so eventually you will be able to get out there in the country and enjoy life like you should be doing.  Simple as that. So…….. again, don’t be fooled what the Powers That Be are trying to force down your throat, literary.   Think for yourself. You can do it, I believe in you.  My Opinion Only.

Don’t Be Fooled Live Your Own Life

People living in areas with more parks, trees and grass live longer and happier lives, with less violence and improved mental and physical health, according to research presented at the conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago.

I have been saying this for years.  Thing is nature is where we come from, were we are suppose to be, and, where we all end up.  Thing is  most can’t see it.  For me though, it’s like looking at a huge wall, it’s right there in front of me, can’t miss it.   So…………….don’t get wrapped up in the world of today, don’t be fooled by what the Powers That Be keep on tellin’ ya, as they don’t want you to believe that you can achieve what you want in life.  They want control over you, they don’t want you to think on your own.  Now get out there and enjoy your life to the fullest.  Live for today, make plans, and enjoy  nature, it’s all around you, as it is what you are.   My Opinion Only.

Long Weekend & Holiday For Some

You know for years now I just can’t figure why this country celebrates this months holiday a week ahead of the US A.  I guess they feel we should be different or ahead of the US for some reason. Maybe the powers that be hate being seen as the same as the US.  Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel we have to do everything the same as the US does but for this holiday I do feel it should be one week later.  Especially for us folks living here in the north. Why? Well, up here this time of year we are right in the middle of black fly season and for those that haven’t had to deal with these things, well let me just say they love humans.   One kind of love I can do without.   Another reason, it is always still cold and wet up here this time of year.  So with them two items alone it sure doesn’t make for a nice holiday weekend for folks coming to the north.   So there you go, my thoughts on this holiday weekend.  Guess I will go and put a log in the old wood furnace as we got ice on the pond and light snow falling this morning.   For my wife and I though, we never celebrate the holiday as given, we wait till the following weekend been that way in our family for over fifty years now.  Have a great day.

Buy American, Buy Canadian? Here Is My Opinion

You know for years I have been saying that we here in Canada have to become more self efficient.  Well I still say that today.   In my opinion we can’t be relying on all these foreign countries to keep us afloat.  This thing with the US  now for example, where the companies are buying US only, and back here in Canada folks are all upset.  Here again I say, why get upset, get busy and buy Canadian.  We should have been doing it years ago.   The thing is, we have to look after ourselves first, simple as that. We can’t blame the US for looking after themselves first, they have to if they want to succeed.   We here in Canada have to do the same.  The Powers That Be have been taxing us to death here in Canada and around the world for years now. To much tax along with too high of wages. we pay tax on everything, what for? Years ago there was no tax and we were the greatest country in the world.   Now we are going broke, no work and no companies even want to move into our country.  Can’t say I blame them either.  What we need to do is cut the taxes in Canada about 75 % and lower wages to about half and get on with it. What will that do?  Well again, simple. It will put us back in track, jobs will  flourish, and folks here in Canada will get to living like they should be.  So…..I don’t get upset when I hear buy US only. No sir, I give them folks over there credit, as at least they are standing up for what they believe in.  Will Canadians do the same?  I don’t think so, but hey, you never know.

I would also like to say here.  The good old US of A has been our friends for as long as Canada has be in existence, we are one.  They have always been there for us and always will be providing we treat them with the respect that they deserve.  This dealing with other countries abroad and dealing out the US was the wrong way to go.   My Opinion Only.