Category Archives: My Opinion Only

Taxes On The Rise

Well, let me tell ya, folks, it’s as silly as a rooster trying to crow at midnight! Sayin’ a nation can tax itself into prosperity is like a cow trying to milk herself. You can’t squeeze gold from a turnip, and you can’t fill your pockets by taxing ’em empty – it’s like expectin’ a scarecrow to grow corn!

Foreign Students In Canada

Well, back in my day, Canada was a land of opportunity, but we always believed in helping our own first. Times were tough, and our priority was taking care of our citizens and ensuring that those who were hurting had the support they needed. We had folks struggling to find jobs, provide for their families, and put a roof over their heads.

Bringing in such a large number of international students in a single year, like those 900,000 the news is talking about for 2023, well, that raises concerns for some of us who remember when our own people were in need. It’s not that we’re against welcoming people from around the world – diversity is a great thing – but it’s important to strike a balance.

If we’re not careful, this influx of international students could be seen as a back door for more people to enter Canada without addressing the needs of our own citizens first. We worry that jobs might become even scarcer, housing prices could keep rising, and resources could become even more strained. It’s essential that we ensure our citizens have stable jobs, affordable housing, and access to healthcare and education before we bring in large numbers of newcomers.

I remember a time when communities were tight-knit and everyone looked out for each other. We need to make sure that tradition doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. So, my concern isn’t just about the number of international students coming in – it’s about making sure we’re taking care of our own while still extending a welcoming hand to those who want to call Canada home. After all, a strong and prosperous Canada can be a beacon of hope for people worldwide, but we can’t forget about our own people who are struggling right here and now.

Climate Change

A Farmer’s Perspective on Global Warming: Nature’s Dance through Time

Hi Folks

As an old farmer who has witnessed the cycles of seasons and the rhythms of the land, I’ve come to believe that much of the global warming we see today is not solely due to human activities, but rather a part of the natural ebb and flow that our planet has experienced for millions of years. Allow me to share my perspective, rooted in years of tilling the soil and observing the world around me.

1. Nature’s Ever-Changing Patterns

Throughout history, our Earth has undergone countless changes. Ice ages have come and gone, oceans have risen and receded, and climates have shifted. These shifts were not due to human actions, but rather the result of complex interactions within the Earth’s systems. The planet’s tectonic movements, solar fluctuations, and volcanic activity are just a few factors that have contributed to these changes over vast time spans.

2. A Closer Look at the Past

When we delve into history, we uncover evidence of temperature fluctuations predating the industrial era. Ice cores, tree rings, and sediment layers reveal patterns of warming and cooling that occurred long before factories and cars became commonplace. This tells us that the planet has experienced significant temperature variations without direct human involvement.

3. The Human Impact

Undoubtedly, human activities have contributed to changes in our environment. Deforestation, industrial emissions, and energy consumption have released greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to a warmer climate. However, it’s important to remember that our planet has endured natural climate shifts even before humans emerged. Volcanic eruptions, for instance, can spew enormous amounts of gases and particles into the air, affecting the climate more dramatically than human actions ever could.

4. Embracing Adaptive Practices

As farmers, we understand the value of adapting to the changing seasons. Our ancestors adjusted their practices in response to varying climates, and we continue to do the same today. While human actions do play a role in the current changes, we must also acknowledge that nature has its course. Instead of merely pointing fingers, we can strive to find harmony between our activities and the Earth’s inherent cycles.

5. Balance and Stewardship

By recognizing the intricate balance of natural processes, we can become better stewards of the land. Just as we adapt our farming methods to suit changing conditions, we should collectively strive to adopt sustainable practices that minimize our impact on the environment. This includes reducing emissions, conserving resources, and protecting ecosystems.

In conclusion, while human activities certainly contribute to global warming, it’s essential to view the broader context of Earth’s history. Our planet has undergone remarkable changes long before our time, shaped by factors far beyond our control. As stewards of the land, let us work towards a balance between our actions and the timeless rhythms of nature, preserving this beautiful world for generations to come.

My Views On Carbon Tax

Imagine our planet as a big balancing act. On one side, we have things like trees, plants, and oceans that absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) – that’s the stuff we call carbon. They’re like nature’s vacuum cleaners, taking in CO2 and giving us oxygen to breathe. It’s been happening for millions of years, and it’s one of the reasons our air is clean.

Now, on the other side of the balancing act, there are things like cars, factories, and power plants that release CO2 into the air. This happens when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. The CO2 they produce adds to the natural carbon cycle that’s been going on for ages.

Some people are suggesting a carbon tax. This is like a fee on the things that release CO2. The idea is that if these things cost a bit more, we might use them a little less. The money collected from this tax could also go towards projects that help the environment.

However, some folks think this might not be necessary. They believe that changes in the climate have happened naturally in the past. For example, long ago, places with lots of plants became cold, and then they warmed up again. It’s like the Earth’s thermostat going up and down. They believe that recent climate changes might be part of this natural cycle.

So, their point is that since we have all these trees and plants in Canada that do a great job of soaking up CO2, we might not need to tax people for carbon emissions. They think nature’s already doing its part, and human activities might not be the only cause of climate changes.

In the end, it’s a bit like figuring out a puzzle. Some people think a carbon tax is a good way to help balance things out and reduce our impact on the environment. Others believe that the changes we’re seeing could be part of the Earth’s natural ups and downs. It’s an ongoing conversation with a lot of different perspectives.

Building Homes On The Green Belt

Title: “Preserving Ontario’s Green Belt: A Farmer’s Perspective on the Importance of Agriculture”

As the sun rises over our fertile lands here in Ontario, a farmer’s heart is filled with a deep sense of connection to the soil that sustains us all. Our fields are more than just patches of earth; they are the lifeblood of our communities, providing us with nourishment and sustenance. That’s why the idea of building homes on the cherished green belt strikes at the core of our values and concerns.

The green belt, oh, it’s not just a belt of greenery; it’s a shield that protects our ability to feed our families and communities. When we talk about the green belt, we’re talking about a sanctuary for agriculture, a haven where the magic of growth happens. But the proposal to build homes upon this precious land threatens the delicate balance between our food sources and urban expansion.

Picture this: fields of waving wheat, rows of sturdy corn, and the vibrant hues of ripening tomatoes. This is the symphony of nature’s bounty that our green belt conducts. You see, my friends, the land we farm is not just a canvas for houses; it’s a canvas for life itself. Each acre is a canvas on which we sow the seeds of sustenance, hope, and tradition. It’s a canvas that transforms sunlight, water, and earth into the nourishment that graces our tables.

Now, some might argue that building homes on the green belt is a necessary step for urban growth. But let’s take a moment to ponder the repercussions. When these lands are paved over, not only do we lose valuable agricultural space, but we also disrupt the natural processes that sustain our delicate ecosystem. The rich soil that took generations to nurture is covered in asphalt and concrete, suffocating the very essence of life beneath it.

And what about the impact on our food security? Friends, building homes on the green belt is like tearing pages out of our cookbook for survival. It’s a recipe for disaster, as it shrinks the space we need to cultivate the crops that feed our families. Our ancestors knew the value of these lands, and it’s our duty to carry forward their legacy by protecting them.

Imagine a future where our children and grandchildren must rely on imported produce because we failed to safeguard our local farms. It’s a haunting thought, isn’t it? But we can prevent this bleak scenario from becoming a reality. By preserving the green belt, we ensure that the seeds of sustainability continue to sprout, the roots of tradition continue to deepen, and the fruits of our labor continue to grace our plates.

In conclusion, my fellow stewards of the land, let us remember that the green belt is not just a collection of fields; it’s a sanctuary of sustenance. It’s a reminder of our responsibility to the earth and to one another. Let us stand united against the notion of building homes on this precious land, and instead, let us cultivate a future where the fields continue to thrive, and the harvest continues to bless our tables. For the green belt is not just a belt; it’s a lifeline, and it’s our duty to protect it for generations to come.

Electric Cars

Title: The Cold Truth: Why Electric Cars Ain’t Quite Ready for Canada’s Northern Folk

Howdy, folks! Now, y’all might have heard all the buzz ’bout them fancy electric cars takin’ over the roads. But lemme tell ya straight, from the heart of a retired old Northern farmer who’s been battlin’ blizzards and chill fer years, these electric contraptions ain’t quite the right fit for our neck of the woods.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I ain’t against progress. But when it comes to them electric cars up here in Canada’s frosty North, there’s a whole heap of reasons why we ain’t quite ready fer ’em just yet.

1. Cold Ain’t Their Cup of Tea: Out here, winter ain’t no joke. Them electric cars, bless their silicon hearts, they start actin’ all sluggish and slow when the temperature dips way down low. Batteries just don’t take too kindly to the cold, and who’s got the time to wait fer ’em to warm up when you’re late for milkin’ the cows?

2. Charge It Up, Eh? Now, picture this – you’re out in the middle of nowhere, miles from the nearest town, and that fancy electric contraption of yours decides it’s time to take a nap ’cause the battery’s run dry. Reckon you ain’t gonna find no electric outlets in them woods. Gasoline stations, sure. But ‘lectrified power points? Not so much.

3. Distance Dilemma: See, up here, we like to stretch our legs and roam free. But them electric cars, they can run outta juice quicker than a raccoon can snatch a biscuit. Ain’t no point in ownin’ a car that can’t take you from one end of the farm to the other without needin’ a pit stop.

4. Reparations and Know-how: When ol’ Bessie my ATV breaks down, I can tinker and fix her up with a wrench and some elbow grease. But them electric gizmos, they got more wires than a spider’s web. Fixin’ ’em up takes more know-how than I can muster with a manual. And don’t even get me started on the cost of replacin’ them high-tech bits.

5. Power Outages, Nature’s Fury: Now, y’all know we ain’t strangers to power outages up here. Winter storms and blizzards can knock out the grid quicker than you can say “eh?” When that happens, I’d rather be sittin’ in a trusty old truck than a high-tech paperweight with wheels.

6. Fuel’s Still King: Good ol’ gasoline might have its flaws, but it’s been keepin’ our rides rollin’ for decades. Up here, we’ve got stations aplenty, and even if the fuel prices dance around like a barnyard hoedown, at least we know we can keep on truckin’.

So, there ya have it, folks. While them electric cars might be all the rage in the big cities, us Northern folk reckon they ain’t quite the right fit for our rugged terrain and frosty winters. Don’t mean we’re ignorin’ progress, but sometimes, the old ways still got a whole lot of life left in ’em. So, until them electric wonders can handle the cold like a moose in January, I’ll stick to my trusty Ford Edge and leave the electric fancy-dancin’ to them city slickers.

Growing Older

About Growing Older …

First ~ Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.

Second ~ The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for

Third ~ Some people try to turn back their odometers! Not me, I want people to know “why” I look this way! I’ve traveled a long way and some of the roads weren’t paved.

Fourth ~ When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.

Fifth ~ You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.

Sixth ~ I don’t know how I got over the hill without
getting to the top.

Seventh ~ One of the many things no one tells you about aging, is that it is such a nice change from being young.

Eighth ~ One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.

Ninth ~ Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.

Tenth ~ Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft! Today it’s called golf

And finally ~ If you don’t learn to laugh at trouble, you won’t have anything to laugh at when you are old.

And ... If you have a chance to make life better for others and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on Earth. No matter what our station in life, we are here to serve, even if that sometimes means making the greatest sacrifice of all.


My Views on Friendship

Thinking back, I remember, my friend Grey Wolf had many quotes that his elders passed onto him. One was that he said that he chose to be my friend, and it wasn’t because of how I behaved or acted. He simply made a decision to be my friend. And you know what? That friendship really happened, just like he said. Even if we didn’t see each other for a long time or if I got angry with him, he never changed his mind about being my friend. That’s what true friendship is all about.

We Older Folks Have Seen It All … Almost



“We were born in the 40-50-60.”
“We grew up in the 50-60-70’s.”
“We studied in the 60-70-80.”
“We were dating in the 70-80-90’s.”
“We got married and discovered the world in the 70-80-90’s.”
We venture into the 80-90.
We stabilize in the 2000s.
“We got wiser in the 2010s.”
And we are going firmly through 2020.

“Turns out we’ve lived through EIGHT different decades…”

“TWO different centuries…”

TWO different millennia…

“We have gone from the telephone with an operator for long-distance calls to video calls to anywhere in the world, we have gone from slides to YouTube, from vinyl records to online music, from handwritten letters to email and WhatsApp.”

“From live matches on the radio, to black and white TV, and then to HD TV.”

We went to the Video Club, and now we watch Netflix.

‘We got to know the first computers, punched cards, diskettes, and now we have gigabytes and megabytes in hand on our cell phones or iPad.”

We wear shorts throughout our childhood and then long pants, oxfords, Bermuda shorts, etc.

“We dodged infantile paralysis, meningitis, H1N1 flu and now COVID-19.”

We rode skates, tricycles, invented cars, bicycles, mopeds, gasoline or diesel cars, and now we ride hybrids or 100% electric.

“Yes, we’ve been through a lot, but what a great life we’ve had!”

They could describe us as “exennials”; people who were born in that world of the fifties, who had an analog childhood and a digital adulthood.

“We’re kind of Yaheseen-it-all.”

Our generation has literally lived through and witnessed more than any other in every dimension of life.

It is our generation that has literally adapted to “CHANGE”.

A big round of applause to all the members of a very special generation, which will be UNIQUE.”


   _"Life is a task that we brought ourselves to do at home._ 

   _When you look... it's already six in the afternoon;  when you look... it's already Friday;  when one looks... the month is over, when one looks... the year is over;  when one looks... 50, 60 and 70 years have passed!_

   _When you look... we no longer know where our friends are._

   _When you look... we lost the love of our life and now, it's too late to go back._

        Do not stop doing something you like due to lack of time.  Do not stop having someone by your side, because your children will soon not be yours, and you will have to do something with that remaining time, where the only thing that we are going to miss will be the space that can only be enjoyed with the usual friends.  That time that, unfortunately, never returns..."_

The day is today!


A Bit On How I Feel Life Should Be

Here’s a blog post just for you on how to live life to the fullest without worrying about the pressures of daily living, with a bit of humor and some good ol’ country boy wisdom thrown in for good measure.

Life can be tough, can’t it? There’s always something to worry about, whether it’s paying bills, getting ahead at work, or dealing with all the little stresses that come with living in the modern world. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to let all that stuff get you down. You can live life to the fullest, without worrying about all the pressures of daily living. Here’s how:

  1. Stop worrying so dang much

First things first: you gotta stop worrying so much. I know, I know – easier said than done, right? But hear me out. Most of the stuff you worry about never even happens. And even if it does, worrying about it ain’t gonna change nothin’. So take a deep breath, relax, and focus on what’s in front of you right now.

  1. Do what you love

Life’s too dang short to spend it doing stuff you don’t like. So figure out what makes you happy, and do more of that. Whether it’s playing music, hiking in the woods, or just spendin’ time with your friends and family, make time for the things that bring you joy.

  1. Don’t compare yourself to others

It’s easy to get caught up in the comparison game. You see someone on social media with a fancy car or a big house, and suddenly you feel like you ain’t good enough. But here’s the thing: you are good enough, just the way you are. So stop comparing yourself to others and focus on being the best dang version of yourself you can be.

  1. Take care of yourself

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important: take care of yourself. That means eating right, gettin’ enough rest, and exercisin’ regularly. When you feel good physically, it’s easier to feel good mentally and emotionally, too.

  1. Embrace the simple things in life

Sometimes, it’s the little things in life that bring the most joy. Like watchin’ a beautiful sunset, or sittin’ on the porch with a cold beer and good company. So don’t overlook the simple things in life. They might just be the most important dang things of all.

So there you have it. Five simple ways to live life to the fullest without worryin’ about all the pressures of daily living.

Now go out there and make the most of every dang day!

Blinders For Horses are Now Being Put On Humans?

Let’s talk about how most of our Powers That Be have used propaganda over the years to corrupt folks’ minds.

Now, propaganda is kinda like advertising, but instead of selling you a product, it’s selling you an idea. And sometimes, that idea ain’t always the truth.

Some of our Powers That Be, have been using propaganda for a long time now. It started way back in the day when rulers would put up statues of themselves to show how great they were. And it’s only gotten more sophisticated since then.

Nowadays, most Powers That Be, use all kinds of tools to spread their message. They use TV, radio, newspapers, and the internet to get their message out there. And they use all kinds of tricks to make you believe what they’re saying.

One of the biggest tricks they use is called “spin.” That’s when they take a piece of information and twist it around to make it sound better than it really is. For example, they might say that they’re creating jobs, but they won’t tell you that those jobs pay minimum wage and have no benefits.

Another trick they use is called “fear-mongering.” That’s when they try to scare you into believing something by exaggerating the dangers. They might say that there’s a terrorist threat and that you need to give up your freedoms to be safe.

And sometimes, they even straight-up lie to you. They’ll tell you something that’s just not true, but they’ll repeat it over and over again until you start to believe it.

All of this propaganda can be really harmful. It can make you believe things that aren’t true, and it can make you distrustful of other people and other countries. It can also make it hard to have a real conversation about the issues, because everyone is so caught up in their own propaganda.

So, what can you do about it? Well, the first step is to be aware of it. Whenever someone is trying to sell you an idea, think about where that idea is coming from and what their agenda might be. And always do your own research before you believe anything you hear.

Remember, my friends, just because someone says something is true, doesn’t always mean it is. Keep an open mind, and be willing to question what you’re told. That’s the best way to keep yourself from being corrupted by propaganda.

My Views On War and The Environment

Wars are some of the most devastating events that can occur in human history. They leave behind a trail of destruction, loss of life, and environmental damage. In fact, wars are far worse for the environment than oil, gas, or coal. Here are some reasons why.

  1. Destruction of Habitat War can destroy entire ecosystems and habitats, leading to massive loss of biodiversity. Explosions, bombings, and chemical warfare can destroy forests, wetlands, and other habitats that support a wide range of plant and animal species. This destruction can lead to the extinction of many species that depend on these habitats for survival.
  2. Pollution and Contamination War generates massive amounts of pollution and contamination. The use of conventional weapons, such as bombs and missiles, creates toxic waste and debris. The burning of fossil fuels by military vehicles and aircraft also generates pollution, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues for humans and wildlife alike.
  3. Soil Degradation War can cause long-lasting soil degradation. The use of heavy military equipment and vehicles can compact soil and reduce its fertility. The use of chemical weapons and other toxic substances can contaminate soil and make it unsuitable for agricultural or other purposes.
  4. Water Pollution War can also contaminate water resources, leading to severe environmental and health consequences. The use of chemical weapons, oil spills, and other pollutants can cause water pollution, affecting aquatic life and contaminating drinking water sources. This pollution can lead to long-term health problems for humans and animals that depend on these water sources.
  5. Deforestation Wars can also lead to deforestation, as armies need to clear forests to create paths, military installations, and camps. Deforestation can lead to soil erosion, flooding, and desertification. It can also reduce the capacity of forests to store carbon, contributing to climate change.
  6. Loss of Biodiversity Wars can lead to the extinction of many plant and animal species. Destruction of habitats, pollution, and other factors can reduce the biodiversity of affected regions, leading to a loss of valuable genetic resources and ecosystem services.

In conclusion, wars are far worse for the environment than oil, gas, or coal. The environmental damage caused by wars can have long-lasting and severe consequences, affecting human health and the survival of many plant and animal species. It is essential to strive for peace and conflict resolution to avoid the catastrophic environmental impacts of wars.

What’s Happening On March 24/2023

Good Morning!

It’s a sunny morning here for a change, with the temperature sitting at -6.2 C | 20.84 F. It will also get warmer as the day moves forward. However, tomorrow we could see some more snow, with another storm heading our way. Kinda depends on which way it tracks, along with how warm it gets. If the temperatures rise, the storm will be mostly rain. If the temperatures hang in around the freezing mark, we will get snow. So it’s hard to determine what we will be getting. But it is that time of the year, being in transition, that we can expect just about anything weather wise. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good for those having to go to the big cities for groceries. Joys of living in the sticks. And the prices some of these companies are demanding for things, along with the high cost of gas/fuel oil, makes the situation worse.

It always amazes me how we are misled into doing things we shouldn’t be doing.
They are also doing a terrific job of influencing the way we think.
They offer you a little something to get you on their side and agree with them, then they take it away, and everyone is pleased.

Again … it makes me shake my head in a not so good way. But it has been happening from the beginning of time. These leaders, they like to call themselves, know exactly what they are doing, don’t kid yourself.

They say on the news, day in and day out; “I am here to help you.” I say, “THAT’S THE PROBLEM!”

Anyway, that’s my rant for this morning, ha ha. Have a great day. GW

What’s Happening on March 12/2023

Florida Grapefruit are the Best! Forget the rest.

Good Morning!

Starting things off, it is another cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature waking up was sitting at-13.7 C | 7.34 F. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward, and we could see a few flakes of snow later on this afternoon. Being the nights have been so cold, the snow we do have hasn’t melted all that much through the day. In saying that, the warmer temperatures are lurking in the wing so speak, and it won’t be long before they make their grand entrance. It’s the way Nature teaches us humans patience. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which once again will make travelling good for those wanting to head on off the big cities or???

On another note, yesterday I worked away here on my new mystery novel I am putting together, and today will do the same. Things are rolling along in that department.

With that, I am off a Pumpernickel Bagel this morning with some good old peanut butter that my lovely wife is preparing for me. It’s good to have an assortment of different foods to eat.

First, though, we’ll have a Florida Grapefruit, which is in season right now.
But, they are becoming increasingly difficult to buy in supermarkets, since grocery companies are now purchasing them from Israel and places other than Florida.
It all comes down to money; they buy it cheap and feel they can earn more money.
To be honest, they lose money since the ones that aren’t from Florida are worthless with no flavour or juice at all.

It’s a pity what some of our businesses are doing these days.
Gouging the working man to death.
Yet, given enough rope, they will eventually hang themselves.
I should say, some will, others will cry the blues to our Powers That Be, asking for freebies, and regrettably, most will get it, since these so-called Powers That Be don’t want to rock the boat and lose some votes in the next election. Sign of the times. My Opinion Only, of Course.

Have a great day and stay safe. It pays to take extra precautions when out and about these days, as there is still a lot of sickness around.

House Prices In Ontario

They say that In some locations of Ontario, the average home price has decreased by more than $178,000 since January.
Hence, in order to compete in the market, anyone wishing to purchase a property in Toronto must now earn at least $207,000 annually.
In my view, there are plenty of better and more interesting places to live than Toronto.
Living in a house that consumes nearly all of your income in my eyes is not a good way to live.
And the thing is, the majority of their owners never live in them.
They are too focused with their jobs to appreciate them.
Food for thought. GW