About Nothing

Well how you all doing today?? For myself other than clean the driveway with the old snow blower, an going for an hour walk, my day has been quite  mild.  On saying that I often wonder how many folks today just take a day and do nothing.  Nothing other than getting some fresh air and a touch of exercise.  I bet not to many, as for most folks today when taking a day off  usually just sit around and watch some TV, play on the net or have a snooze.  Now don’t get me wrong, as there is nothing wrong with a snooze now and then, as I do enjoy them once in awhile, especially after lunch.  Even five minutes seems to give me the boost I need to make it through the rest of the day.  Well there again I shouldn’t say I don’t need any excuse to make it through a  day, as I enjoy every day that happens by.  I would have to say I enjoy the daytime hours as much as I do the night time hours, as bed to me looks as good as getting up in the mornings.  So there you go, a post about nothing, but is it nothing, could be, might be, hmm……………..maybe I will lay down and check my eyelids for leaks and give it some thought.

True Grit 2011 Movie

The the original adaptation starring John Wayne was one great show for sure.  Also the scenery was a lot nicer and of course no one could pull on John Wayne’s boots, but….. the new movie has some Grit to it for sure.  Last Friday my wife and I along  with our son Karl went to see it and I would have to say it was a nice evening out.  Only thing is, the treats cost as much, if not more than the show LOL LOL oh well what can you do and I shouldn’t complain as my son paid our way in for us.  Out of a five I would have to give it a three and a half star rating.   One other thing.  These days there isn’t to many westerns being made, so if you would like to see more, then get out there and see True Grit, as the more folks that goes, the more westerns the Powers That Be will be inclined to make.  There is a need for a few good westerns let me tell ya, as it would be a pleasant alternative for folks to see other than those Vampire, Harry Potter, you name it movies.  Not sure why folks even go to see them.  My opinion only.