Good morning. Temperatures should reach around 59°F today falling tonight to around 39°F. The moon will rise at 12:36 AM and set at 10:14 AM. Moon Phase today is
73% Waning Gibbous. The sun rose this morning at 5:52 AM and will set at 8:38 PM. Giving us here in Port Loring, 14 hrs. 46 mins. of daylight. Barometer is steady at 28.91 in Hg. Winds are from the North East an calm. The old weather stick says the best times to be out there fishing will be between, 10:14 AM – 11:14 AM and then again from 5:51 PM – 7:51 PM.
News For Port Loring
Black Flies are out there in full force for most places. Skeeter s are still holding off. Folks are slowly coming in to open up their cottages for the summer. Lots of cars and campers with boats going by so that is a sign of what’s to come. Have a great day my friends.