Port Loring Ontario Canada

Good morning folks.  Well a bit cloudy this morning.  Some rain is in the forecast with the forecast predicting:  Stormy, much rain throughout the day and into this evening.  Temperatures this morning waking up are sitting at…16 C | 60.8 F.  Will warm up a touch as the day progresses.  For your up to date weather info click the following link…http://www.loringlsb.ca/weather-station/

Bug Report:   Well mosquitoes are out there in full force feeding off us humans and critters of warm blood.   Today they will be in abundance with it being cloudy and rain in the forecast.  Blackflies are pretty much gone but there are some out there nibbling on ones arms and ankles.  Deerflies and Horseflies are also making an appearance pestering folks.  So one just has to persevere I suppose.

Fishing Times:  This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best time to be out there will be from…9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.  Then again from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM. I give it a 3 fish rating for catching them today.  Good luck.

Around Town:   As yesterday, lots of campers heading up and down Highway 522 these days.  Won’t be long now and we will be swarming with folks heading off to their cottages and places of stay.  Great to see them arrive each year and enjoying what nature has to offer..  So my friends you all have a great day.  GW.

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