Good Morning. Well another frosty morning here in Port Loring Ontario. But on the good side the sun is shinning. Temperatures waking up were sitting at…-2.5 C | 27.5 F
Forecast For Today: Mostly Sunshine Today with temperatures warming up to 13 C / 56 F. So not a bad day shaping up.
Hunting Times: Today Grandfathers Formula says the best times to be out there will be from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Then a bit later from 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM. Prime times are… 9:00 AM, 1:00 PM & 6:00 PM. Sun rose at 7:47 and will set at 6:20 PM. Lots of time to hunt. Winds today are coming in from the North and at the moment is calm. They will increase a bit later to about 5 MPH. So pick your spot wisely and good luck. I give it a 3 Buck Rating out of 5 for seeing a few today.
Around Town: Well yesterday I decided to try and see if I could get the tiller into the garden. Being so wet didn’t think it would work out but it did, so got it tilled up and in doing so thought I might be lucky enough and get my garlic planted. Which I did. So it is all planted and covered with leaves. Come spring should have a really nice crop of garlic I am thinking. This year I got some special kind from a friend that grows it for a living. He brought me up quite a bit so will have lots for next year. The cloves are about the size of a normal bulb you buy in the store. He said I would enjoy these ones come next summer. So time will tell. Good feeling with things getting done up around the homestead here. Still got to bring in the firewood but got to wait till the old back eases up some, as it is not feeling so good these days. Cold weather doesn’t help much neither. So my friends have a great day. You Can Reach George Walters at… [email protected]