Information Port Loring Ontario Canada June 21/2016

Good Morning:  A very nice looking day out there. Heat has left us for a spell with cool dry temperatures making things nice. Great weather for doing some outside work or just sitting around. Some days that is exactly what I feel like doing, front porch sittin’. Seems most of my life its been work, work, work, never taking time to enjoy the important things in life.

Words Of Wisdom: You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

Weather Forecast: Some sun but not as warm. Great day though for doing just about anything.

Rain Accumulations:  No Rain Overnight.

Bug Report: Other than a few mosquitoes, the odd black-fly and a few pesky deer flies things are pretty good these days, bug-wise.

Fishing Report:  Today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 12:58 PM – 3:58 PM. I give it a 4 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare and dry.  Great day to go anywhere.

Todays Currency:

USA 1.2801160353

Canada 0.7811791841

Moonrise: 10:00 PM Moonset: 7:47 AM

Sunrise: 5:30 AM Sunset: 9:14 PM

Time to light the camp fire: 7:14 PM

Contact Information:  [email protected]


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