Information Port Loring Ontario June 24/2016

Good Morning:  Nice weather is upon us here in Port Loring Ontario. Gardens are growing leaps and bounds these days. Wife and I are eating fresh lettuce and garlic scapes every dayGarlic scapes are the flower bud of the garlic plant. The bud is removed in late June to encourage the bulbs to thicken up.  Scapes make a fabulous addition to a flower bouquet, and they are delicious to eat!  Scapes taste just like garlic. They can be used in exactly the same way as garlic in any recipe.  My wife grinds them up, mixes them with a cream-cheese for dipping veggies, or spread on a cracker is great also.  Delicious let me tell you.  Some sell the scapes for more than the garlic itself. If too many scapes you can wrap up in wax paper and freeze for later use.  Have a great day.

Words Of Wisdom: One finger cannot lift a pebble.

Weather Forecast: Sunshine and Warm. Good looking day shaping up.

Rain Accumulations:  No Rain Overnight.

Bug Report: Other than a few mosquitoes, the odd black-fly and a few pesky deer flies things are pretty good these days, bug-wise.

Fishing Report:  Today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 8:54 AM – 10:54 AM. Then later on from 3:32 PM – 6:32 PM. I give it a 3 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare and dry.  Great day to travel.

Todays Currency:

USA 1.2799675125

Canada 0.7812698293

Moonrise: 11:57 PM with 11:05 of moonlight, then sets at 11:02 AM

Sunrise: 5:30 AM with 15:44 of sunlight, then sets at 9:14 PM

Time to light the camp fire: 7:14 PM. Be careful though as it is very dry out there.

Contact Information:  [email protected]

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