Beautiful day here waking up. Sun is shinning and not as warm. Humidity has left us, so a great looking day is upon us. Temperatures were sitting at 18.9 C | 66.02 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. Great day to do some outside work. Vegetable gardens are looking good now after the rain so that makes me smile. Tomatoes have also grown a half a foot with lots of green ones getting larger. I did take my grass cuttings last week from mowing and put around them. Today I will hill them up, meaning pulling the soil up around them. That is a trick my old dad did years ago when he was alive. He used to plant around twenty acres of them every year for market. Everyone loved his tomatoes. Today I have some inside work to do then will get back to my Flutes in the woodworking shop. It was just to hot out to be in the shop yesterday. Then this afternoon I will do some front porch sitting with my lovely wife with a cool one. I know … it’s a tough life, but someone has to take advantage of it. With that I am off for my morning coffee and let the day unfold around me.
Fishing Times
Good Times
4:00 PM-7:00 PM
Fair Times
9:00 AM-12:00 AM
Today fishing won’t be the greatest I give it a 2 star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Winds are coming in from the North West this morning. Good Luck!