Morning Report

Cloudy morning here in Port Loring. We did have some rain later in the day yesterday and through the night. We sure needed it. No matter how much you water the gardens by hand you can’t match what Mother Nature can do. Seems she puts just what is needed into the water for the plants. Today we should see some sunshine along with warmer temperatures. Then tomorrow we could see a bit more rain. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 18.9 C | 66.02 F. Black Flies are pretty well gone for the year. Horse flies and deer flies are another story. Mosquitoes are with us in the early morning hours and evening hours. Not much you can do about it, it’s summer. With that I am off to do some hoeing in my garden while the air is a touch cool. Then will see what the day has in store for me.

Fishing Times


Good Times
9:30 AM-1:00 PM
Slow Times
5:00 PM-7:30 PM

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