Morning Report

Not to bad of a looking day waking up here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun was shinning and will keep on shinning off and on throughout the day. There is a chance for some early morning showers. Temperatures have cooled down some and it was quite nice throughout the night. I slept with my window open enjoying the fresh air. At the moment temperatures are sitting at 13.8 C | 56.84 F. It will warm up some as the day progresses. But not as warm as yesterday. I would say if I had to pick a time of year I like the most it would be about now. Not many bugs, not to hot and the fishing is good or will get better in a few days. On another note, with this rain we had, the vegetable garden is looking good. I got more colour in my tomato patch and keeping an eye on one that is just about ready for a sandwich or two. Yesterday I got a few stories lined up for the papers and did some computer work. I had a few issues I had to straighten out. Today I will see a bit about mowing around the house here as the rain got the grass to growing once again. So I will get my exercise today, which is a good thing. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee. Have a great day.

Fishing Report


Good Times
9:00 AM-11:00 AM

Slower Times
4:00 PM-7:00 PM

I don’t really think fishing will be the greatest today after all the rain we had. I give it a 1 Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. The winds are light this morning coming in from the North, North West. It might pay to take a rain coat if you’re going to be doing a morning fish. Good Luck and stay safe!

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