So … how is everyone this morning? Good I hope. The weather however isn’t that great with more clouds and light showers taking place off and on. I suspect it will get better as the day progresses with some sunshine entering into the picture later on. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 2.9 C | 37.22 F. It will warm up some as the day progresses, but it won’t feel that warm unless you can find a spot out of the wind. Reason for that is that the wind is coming in from the North which carry’s down the cool air from up above us. But things will warm up eventually. All our snow has left us with some ice still remaining on the lakes. But it is melting fast. My lovely wife and I did do some more cleaning up around the house here yesterday and I did notice the buds on the trees starting to show their-selves. So it won’t be long before they are with us for another year. I also moved some of my firewood that was left over from last year making room for new that should be coming in the next week or so. On another note no one is going up or down the highway this morning which is a good thing. But then again everything is closed up other than Buchanan’s Hardware. To get in though you have to knock on the door and if it is just mail you want they will bring it to you. They only allow one at a time in the store, which is a good plan of defence. I commend them for staying open for us that are in need of gas, some supplies they carry and the mail. Means a lot to my Wife and I. We are also happy the see they are taking the precautions that are necessary to save lives. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my wife and will let the day unfold around me. And if that sun shows itself we will get outside and soak some of it up which is what the body needs right now more than ever. Take care of yourselves. GW