Morning Chat Nov 10/2020

Good Morning. I am hoping everyone is fine waking up. Looking out we are having some light showers here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. In spite of the rain though, the temperature is still quite nice, sitting a16.1 C | 60.98 Ft. It will stay warm all day. If we are lucky we could see a wee bit of sunshine later on, but for most parts it will remain cloudy with off and on showers. Highway 522 is bare and busy these days with hunters. But … things will slow down a lot in a week or so once hunting season with rifles is over. I see colder weather in the forecast starting on Thursday, and by the end of the week we might even have some snow flurries entering into the picture. It’s only a matter of time living where we do. That’s when the fun begins LOL. On another note, I did get everything cleaned up that I had to do outside yesterday. I didn’t think I had much left, but once I got started working, one thing led to another. My wife took it easy watching as her back is still quite bad and mine isn’t the greatest yet. But I am thinking we both are slowly getting a bit better every day. The trick is not to do anything right now to make it worse. LOL So with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and a bite to eat, and then will see what the day has in store. Every day is a mystery for most parts. But … that’s what makes life interesting. Take care and stay safe, as this virus is getting much worse. My son was saying that there are two more cases in North Bay at the moment. So it’s starting up there once again. They were doing quite well for a bit there. But a lot aren’t wearing masks and the kids are back to school, so one is to expect what is taking place. Too bad too.

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