Good Morning? It’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The clouds will remain with us for most of the day. If we are lucky we should see some sunshine tomorrow. The temperature was sitting at 1.7 C | 35.06 F. It won’t warm up much more today. The storm they predicted, hit us yesterday, but not with the force they predicted. Even still … the winds did get quite high off and on throughout the day. The power remained on, but went off and on many times. We also got to finish watching the Masters Golf game with Dustin Johnson winning it at minus 20. I have to say he put on a great show. Along with the others too. So now we wait till April for the next one to come our way. Actually it isn’t that long off. Today I will get back to working on some Podcasts which I have in mind. Other than that I am going to take it easy. Rough life, huh? LOL In saying that … it didn’t come easy. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea and maybe a piece of toast with my lovely wife. Take care and be safe. Things aren’t good out there virus wise these days, and it’s closing in on us here in the remote areas as well.
Tag Archives: country
Good Morning Nov 14/2020
It’s a bit cloudy here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun was shinning early around 7:00 AM but now clouds have entered into the picture. The temperature was sitting at -3.1 C | 26.42 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward and if things goes to plan we should see some more sunshine entering into the picture. But in saying that … there is a storm warning up for our area saying:
A strengthening low pressure system that is forecast to track northeastward across northeastern Ontario will bring heavy rain and gusty winds to the Port Loring Area beginning tonight. Rainfall totals of 30 to 50 mm are possible by the time the rain changes to snow Sunday night.
Strong south to southeasterly winds gusting to 70 km/h are also possible tonight. These winds should diminish for a few hours during the day on Sunday before shifting to very strong northwesterlies gusting up to 90 km/h late Sunday afternoon.
Wind warnings may be issued as the event draws near. Strong wind gusts may toss loose objects or cause tree branches to break.
Power outages may occur.
The potential for strong wind gusts should end Monday afternoon.
So knowing that, I think it would be a good idea to get your flashlights charged up, or some candles put in a place to easily get at and matches. And … it might pay to fill up your generator with fuel, check the oil, and make sure it starts easily. That is … if you have one. On another note, Kerry my friend who owns Booth’s Garage here in town, fixed my brakes on our car yesterday and checked things over. With that done up we should be all set for winter. It’s nice to have a place to take your vehicle to get things done when needed. And … to have someone fix it, that knows what they are doing. So with that, I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then get to watching the Masters Golf Game. Saturday and Sunday should be interesting for sure. It’s not as nice to watch this year, without the fans, but it still is entertaining and the grounds are beautiful. Especially with Fall entering into the picture. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. This virus is getting, a lot worse. I can’t for the life of me see why the Powers That Be, doesn’t do more to slow things down. Well … I guess I understand, as in my mind, it all boils down to the vote and money. I am leaning more so towards the money end of things. LOL My Opinion Only. Enjoy your day the best you can. And remember this!
“ALL … Lives Matter, Wear A Mask!!!“
Morning Chat Nov 12/2020
So how you all doing this morning? All good I hope. Ruth and I are fine other than a couple sore backs. But we are slowly on the mend. Waking up here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada the sun is shinning. The temperature has cooled down some sitting at 0.9 C | 33.62 F. It will warm up a wee bit as the day moves forward. But even though it is cool, we will see a lot of sunshine for most the day. Highway 522 is bare and dry throughout. Traffic is slow with most folks out in the bush trying to get that trophy buck, which will give them some nice eating this winter. As I say I don’t hunt anymore. I kind of figure I will leave that to the younger folks. My warm home is more enticing these days. LOL Yesterday I did finish up some more things outside, in spite of the high winds we had. I made a dump run, washed the car and put some more things a way that needed to be put out of the weather. So now we should be all set for what Mother Nature has to offer. This morning I will help my wife make some oven bread and then settle in for the Masters Golf Game for 2020 in Augusta Georgia. Usually it is in the spring but with this virus they delayed it till now. So for the next four days my wife and I will be enjoying it. I paid a wee bit more this year on my Shaw bill, so we can watch all four days on TSN. Should be a great 4 days. It’s the only golf I watch. We especially like the course with all the trees, flowers and things. At the moment though it is on hold, as they are having some rain along with some thunderstorms moving through the area. But they are saying the golfers should be back playing in a half hour or so. With that, I am off for some pancakes with a fresh pear caramel sauce that my lovely wife is making. We picked up some Bartlett Pears last time in town. Should be tasty. She is one good cook. Take care and stay safe. Things aren’t good out there these days. GW
Morning Chat Nov 10/2020
Good Morning. I am hoping everyone is fine waking up. Looking out we are having some light showers here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. In spite of the rain though, the temperature is still quite nice, sitting a16.1 C | 60.98 Ft. It will stay warm all day. If we are lucky we could see a wee bit of sunshine later on, but for most parts it will remain cloudy with off and on showers. Highway 522 is bare and busy these days with hunters. But … things will slow down a lot in a week or so once hunting season with rifles is over. I see colder weather in the forecast starting on Thursday, and by the end of the week we might even have some snow flurries entering into the picture. It’s only a matter of time living where we do. That’s when the fun begins LOL. On another note, I did get everything cleaned up that I had to do outside yesterday. I didn’t think I had much left, but once I got started working, one thing led to another. My wife took it easy watching as her back is still quite bad and mine isn’t the greatest yet. But I am thinking we both are slowly getting a bit better every day. The trick is not to do anything right now to make it worse. LOL So with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and a bite to eat, and then will see what the day has in store. Every day is a mystery for most parts. But … that’s what makes life interesting. Take care and stay safe, as this virus is getting much worse. My son was saying that there are two more cases in North Bay at the moment. So it’s starting up there once again. They were doing quite well for a bit there. But a lot aren’t wearing masks and the kids are back to school, so one is to expect what is taking place. Too bad too.