Morning Chat Dec 15/ 2020

Good Morning! It’s a sunny morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. There are a few clouds, but the sun is managing to show itself. Yesterday we had another 2 inches of snow, not enough to get my snowblower out. I will wait on that as it is very cold this morning with the temperature sitting at -18.6 C | -1.48 F. It’s the coldest morning so far this winter. Things were crunchy when I went out to put some wood in my shop stove. Highway 522 is bare and dry for most parts, with a few icy sections throughout. Travelling should be fair today other than putting up with the cold. It would be a good idea to put a heavy blanket in your car and keep your CAA number handy just in case. You never know what might happen in this part of the country. Yesterday I worked on a Christmas show for my podcast and will continue on with it today. It’s too cold to be outside today. I might bundle up and go for a quick walk around the paths I made on our property. For some exercise. I will see how ambitious I am later on. Other than that not much happening in and around town these days. Folks I suspect are getting ready for Christmas which isn’t that far off. It’s amazing how fast this year has gone by. With that I am off for a cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. Life’s a mystery. Take care, stay safe and look after yourselves, family and friends. And most of all … stay out of the crowded stores and don’t have company come over. Talk on the phone or ?

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