Morning Chat Dec 28/2020

Good Morning! I hope this Monday finds you well. Ruth and I are doing okay so far. Weather wise we are having more than our share of snow, so far this year. Last night we had another good 8 inches or so. And it is still coming down. Snow will probably continue this morning, but should slowly taper off as the morning progresses. The one good thing is the snowmobiles will be happy. And once the lakes freezes over it will be a snowmobile-rs paradise. LOL I am not into snowmobiles, but I do enjoy the snow if I don’t have to go anywhere. I am thinking we will be putting them new snow tires to good use, that my friend Kerry just put on our car. Highway 522 is snow covered with lots of icy sections throughout. Unless it is absolutely necessary I would say it is a good day to hunker down at home. That’s what we will be doing. We should see some sunshine tomorrow, which will make things gorgeous out there. Especially with all the snow hanging on the trees like it is. This morning I dug a path to my woodworking shop and fed my birds. Well … not my birds, but I have noticed they are friendly. LOL One chickadee comes to see me every morning when I put the feed into the feeder. Nice little feller. He isn’t scared of me neither, as he walks around my hand on the feeder. I have to admit my wife and I sure get a lot of enjoyment watching them every winter. Along with one black squirrel. My wife feeds him a piece of bread of every morning. I think though we will cut back a bit as he is getting fat. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of tea and a muffin for breakfast with my lovely wife, and will then get to work on another podcast that I am putting together. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right with this virus among us. It’s going to get a lot worse in the coming days, caused from all the shoppers that wouldn’t stay home at Christmas.

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