Morning Chat Dec 31/2020

Well here it is. The last day of 2020. I am sure there a lot of folks hoping that 2021 is better. I suspect it will be in part, but not for a while. Especially here in Ontario … were now we are closing in on the 3000 a day mark. And I suspect it will get much worse before it gets better. We haven’t seen the results yet caused by all those that … just had to have presents for Christmas. Along with allowing the airplanes to move folks around from country to country. That sure isn’t helping things one bit. On another note the snow has stopped falling here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We had another 3 or 4 inches yesterday. Lots of snow now for those that want to go snowmobiling. Today my wife and I will clean things up around the house here and help our neighbour with her deck and clean off her car. She is getting up in years. Then after that I suspect we will need a rest. Highway 522 is partially snow covered this morning with some icy sections throughout which is to be expected. Care should be taken if out and about. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at -4.4 C | 24.08 F With that … I am off for my morning cup of tea and a bowl of oatmeal with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. I make plans for the day, but I don’t plan the results. One just never knows, which makes things interesting. Take care, stay safe … especially now. Update: As of today, Ontario is reporting 3,328 cases today.

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