Good Morning!
Starting things off, it is a sunny morning here in Port Loring. The temperature has warmed up a lot, with it sitting at -5.9 C | 21.38 F. It will warm up even more as the day moves forward. We will also see some melting. But on Thursday we will get it back, as it looks like more snow is closing in on us. It is that time of year when you can expect, just about anything, especially where we live, here in the Great White North. Away from city life and …. Well, we used to be away from the city life Ha ha, but not anymore, as we are becoming more commercialized than ever before. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am all for moving ahead, as long as some of the good old lifestyle is left alone and allowed to move ahead at its own accord. The problem is, a lot today are trying to change things to their way of thinking only, I call them bullies, they hide behind laws, and groups of their own kind. If it ever came to a down right confrontation, you wouldn’t see them for dust. But at the moment they simply change the laws, so they are protected. Like removing all the peoples means to protect or fend for themselves. It’s an amazing world we live in. Personally, I think we will be damn lucky if we make it another 50 years.
Anyway all I said is My Opinion Only you can take it for what its worth.
Moving along Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good. For my wife and I we are staying put. Safe place to be these days is at home, that is, if you can afford a home. It all boils down to greed, money and power and a few other things that I won’t mention. Anyway, enough of that Haha
On another note, I worked most of the day on some more new podcasts and will continue on doing some more today. I enjoy making them now with a bit of know how and a new program working on my behalf. With that you all have a great day and don’t forget to take your Vitamin D3 as it will help you immensely with all these colds, flu and virus’s that are among us.
In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well