Enjoying Life Beyond the City On April 7/2024

Good Morning! Another sunrise in the countryside means another day to be grateful, for wide-open spaces and the freedom to roam.

I figure myself very lucky to live where I do. I just hope it remains that way.

We’re waking up to a touch of frost this morning here in Northern Ontario. The temperature at the time of this post was sitting at -1.8 C | 28.76 F. However, in saying that, the temperature will rise a lot as the day progresses. And front porch sittin’ will be guaranteed. At least for us here in cottage country.

So yesterday was a busy day for me and my lovely wife. Seems she gets into cleaning this time of year. It’s what we used to call spring-cleaning, and when a woman has it in her blood, there is no stopping her. I guess it is the same for a man in some ways, the only difference being we seem to direct our work mode to the outdoors. Which is what I did yesterday. I started off re-piling the few rows of firewood that fell over, caused by the ground settling. After that, I did some grafting on a few apple trees I am trying to restore. With no one trimming or looking after them, they naturally went wild over the years. So last year I cut them almost in half and then thinned them out some, and yesterday took some cuttings from some good apple trees and introduced them so to speak to the wild ones. So we will see how they take, as the days move along. Some do, some don’t.

Today will be another busy day as I have to do some repair work on the back of my shop and my lean-to, where we keep our firewood. With the high winds we had last week, it kind of made a mess of things. I didn’t really know how much damage it had done until I walked around our property. So that will keep me busy for most of the day. Once finished, I will see what them lawn chairs of ours has to say.

Highway 522… where the traffic’s light, but the charm is heavy. Just the way we like it out here in the country.

Wisdom I Have Learned: “Life’s like a field, full of bumps and rocks. You can either curse the stones or use them to build your fences and paths. Every obstacle is a chance to grow stronger and wiser.”

With that I am off for another bowl of porridge with some good old dark brown molasses sugar that my lovely wife is making for me, and will then see what the day has in store for me.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “In the country, we don’t just take life one day at a time, we take it one cup of coffee at a time – because let’s be honest, caffeine is the secret sauce to a good day! Along with Cocoa, as it is pretty tasty too. We enjoy a cup every morning before we start our day.”

Fishing Times For Sunday

Major Times
11:27 AM-1:27 PM

Minor Times
5:51 AM-6:51 AM
6:17 PM-7:17 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!!

Fishing Tip of The Day: The fish don’t care about your schedule. They’ll bite when they darn well please, and all we can do is hope we’re in the right place at the right time. Such is life, right?

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