Thoughts from the Old Porch on June 17/2024

Good Morning! You know… I’m still learnin’ that the best things in life are the simple ones. Let’s keep it simple today.

It’s a really beautiful day here in cottage country. The sun is shining, and there’s a light breeze coming in from the south-southwest. It’s pretty hard to beat that! Starting today, the temperatures will begin to rise a bit, as they do every year, but they’ll drop back down within a few days.
I never let these warmer days bother me. When they occur, my lovely wife and I simply retire to our swing under our old maple tree and take it easy. And really, all you have to do is think about winter, which isn’t that far off, to appreciate the warm weather.
It’s also worth mentioning that some environmentalists are making a big deal out of this warm weather, I believe, trying to convince folks that global warming is getting worse to serve their own agendas. But the truth is, summer is summer and the world is doing what it’s always done for millions of years. So for me, well I will enjoy the warm weather while I can, especially since winter will be here before we know it.

Highway 522 was quiet yesterday with folks staying at home enjoying their day off work. Well, those that have a day off work. For my wife and me, every day is pretty much the same. If there’s work to be done, we get to it. Yesterday, we spent our time refurbishing our old gravel driveway. I rigged up an old blade of sorts and dragged it behind my mower, which loosened up the packed-down stones and gave them new life. It looks pretty good now, and the best part was… it didn’t cost us a cent, just half a day’s work.

Bug Report: Yesterday we hardly saw a one, it was a great day to get some outside worked done up, without being pestered by them sons a-guns.

Today, I plan to spend some time in my woodworking shop, working on a few ongoing projects. After that, we’ll see how the day unfolds. I might take it easy and give my body a well-deserved rest. It’s been a busy spring for my wife and me, with hardly any downtime. However, we’re doing the things we love, and as long as I feel up to it, I want to make the most of it. You never know what’s around the next corner.

With that I am off once again for my breakfast that my little woman has put together, and will then head on out to our front porch for our morning cup of hot cocoa, and then off to do some work. It makes one feel mighty fine just to be able to do these things.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you this morning with this: Up here in the north, we know there’s no time like now to appreciate what nature has to offer,

Fishing Times for Monday

Major Times
8:37 AM-10:37 AM
8:59 PM-10:59 PM

Minor Times
1:58 AM-2:58 AM
4:28 PM-5:28 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip/Wisdom of the Day: “Live minnows are a classic bait for a reason. Hook ’em through the lips or tail, and let ’em swim. Predatory fish like bass and pike can’t resist ’em.” And if you’re in our area… Gohm’s Bait and Tackle located at 18 Davis Dr, in Port Loring Ontario has them ready and waiting. Reg the owner is a great feller. GW

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