Port Loring Ontario Canada, Weather, Information & Fishing Times

Good Morning:  Well another good looking day is upon us.  Temperatures waking up though were a touch cool sitting at…13.5 C | 56.3 F.  Will warm up some as the day moves forward.

Forecast For Today:  Showery early, improving given a bit of time.

Bug Report:  Looking good out there these days nothing around to irritate  us humans.

Fishing Times:  Today the old weather stick is saying that the best time to be out there with line in water will be from..11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.  I give it a 4 fish rating out of 4 for catching them. Can’t get any better than that.  Good Luck!

Around Town:   Well not to much happening, hardly a car moving up and down Highway 522 today.  Gardens are winding down for another year.  Tomatoes are about finished.  Got what we needed and then some all done up in jars, so no complaints in that department.   Corn is plentiful also this year and should have good supply of pumpkins and squash for winter.  I sure enjoy home made Pumpkin Pies.  If you have never tried one you should, you will be pleasantly surprised by the taste.  So had better go, heading out to the shop to work on my flutes.  Have a great day and try your best to soak up some of that sunshine.  Got two more days of it, then things change a bit.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.
For Those That Would Like To Get In Touch With Me, You Can reach me at;
[email protected]

Port Loring Events, Happenings, Weather & Fishing Times

Good Morning:  Well a nice day is shaping up weather wise and other hopefully.  Temperatures were this morning waking up were sitting at 13.1 C | 55.58 F.

Forecast For Today:  Showery early, improving.

Bug Report:  Hardly a bug to speak of through the daytime hours.  Few Mosquitoes which is to be expected after dusk.

Fishing Times:   Today the old weather stick is saying that the best time to be out there will be from…7:00 AM – 9:00 AM.   Then again a bit later from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM.

Around Town:   Quiet these days.  Kids are back in school and folks are settling down business wise, for a winter of bliss.  If not it should be.  In some ways winter is rest time, trees are sleeping, certain animals are hibernating.  Others huddled together keeping each other warm.  The cold brings folks and critters together.  Could say it is a bonding of time and family.  The thing today that is taking up most of ones time though is the computer.  Folks sit for hours on end in front of these things not realizing that the outside world…important things, are passing them by.  I heard a fellow the other day say when I asked if he had a computer.  “Well I did have, but found it was a time grabber and looked at things carefully and seen so many things I was missing.  So I gave it up and got rid of it.  Today I am out camping on my own, taking in nature when I can, enjoying life, watching people animals in what they are doing.  Seems to me that these are the important things in life, not sitting  in front of a computer.”  You know them were very wise words to say the least.  Even myself with my newspaper columns, books and other items like the Blog here, I still try and get away from this thing called a computer.  It does take a lot of ones time, and time my friends is a very,very valuable thing.  Enjoy your day my friends.  Some nice weather heading our way, so good time to soak up some of that sunshine.

Port Loring Information, Weather & Fishing Times

Good Morning:  This morning we here in Port Loring woke up to cloudy skies once again.  Temperatures were sitting at..20.7 C | 69.26 F.

Weather Forecast For Port Loring:  Stormy, much rain, says it all for today.

Bug Report: Nothing much to report here in that department.  The only ones out there annoying folks are the..No-see-ums which I like to call them.  There is a type that likes to bite folks but the ones we have around here just annoy for most parts.  Especially when near a car or truck that is running.  Or a mower which I found out yesterday while mowing our lawn.  They just swarmed in on me, but as I say they didn’t cause any harm other than annoying me, up my nose and in ones ears and eyes.  But once the mowers or cars are shut off they leave.

Fishing Times:   For those wanting to do some fishing today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there  will be from…10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.  Then once again from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.  I give it a 3 fish rating for catching them all day long.  Should be a great day for pulling them in.  Good luck.

Around Town:  I Made a trip to the Land Fill site yesterday and was talking to Jim who runs it.  He asked if I would add to the Blog here this morning that they are now on winter hours, which is as follows…

For the North Road…                                                                                                       Thursdays & Saturdays 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

For Golden Valley:                                                                                                    Thursdays & Saturdays 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Have a great day.


Port Loring Ontario, News, Weather & Fishing Times

Good Morning:    Well a bit cloudy this morning with a few sprinkles coming down.  Temperatures waking up were sitting at 16 C | 60.8 F.

Forecast For Today:   Rain at frequent intervals.

Bug Report:  Nothing much to report here this morning.  None bother folks to speak of.

Fishing Times:    Well this morning the old weather stick is saying that the best time to be out there will be from…8:30 AM – 10:30 AM.  Then once again later on from 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM.  I give it a 3 fish rating out of 4 for catching them.   Good luck.

Around Town:  Things are quiet with not to much happening in an around our town.  Was down to see Mike Clapperton yesterday and Darrell, they were quite busy.  Mike has a new sign up letting folks know he has Maple Syrup there at the garage.  And he is doing a brisk business.  But then again, it is to be expected, as the quality is exceptionally good.  So if your sweet tooth is asking for a treat, this is the place for you.   He has lots on hand and comes in all sizes.    11571 Hwy 522, Port Loring ON, P0H 1Y0, 705-757-2422. Also we here in Port Loring we are getting some new pavement put done on Wilson Lake Road.  Miller Paving is on the scene.  Much needed and will be a lot nicer to drive or walk on when all said an done.

Have a great day my friends.


Port Loring Ontario, Weather, Information & Fishing Times

Good Morning:  Great looking morning waking up.  Sun is shining, not to much humidity, winds are light and temperatures were sitting at…15.1 C | 59.18 F.  Will warm up some in a bit.

Forecast For Today:  Unsettled, probably improving.

Bug Report:   Other than a few mosquitoes at night things are looking good in our area.

Fishing Times:  This morning checking things out the old weather stick is saying that the best time to be out there will be from…8:30 AM – 11:00 AM.  Then once again from 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM. I give it a 2 fish rating out of 4 for catching them today.  Could possibly rise to a 3 fish rating out of 4 this afternoon.  Good Luck.

Around Town:  Things are a touch quiet with the with kids back home heading off to school.  But I suspect things will pick up a bit this weekend with a new crowd campers and such.  See lots of folks staying in our parks this year, taking in what they have to offer.  One thing we do have here in Ontario is great Parks.  Most are fully equipped with items that folks need, with peace and quiet thrown in for good measure.  Not to forget all that nature has to offer.  Great to see so many folks taking advantage of these places.  So my friends you all have a great day and make sure you get outside and soak up some of that sunshine.  Won’t be to long before the colder weather moves into our area.  Hate to even think along them lines, but the inevitable is something we can’t get away from.  Unless one say….follows the sun to a warmer country like Florida.  Kind of gets my mind to thinking.

Port Loring Ontario Canada, Weather, News & Fishing Times

Good Morning:   Well a pretty fair looking day out there this morning.  Yesterday I didn’t enter anything as you well know here on the Blog.  Reason being our internet service was being worked on and it never came back on line till around 3 in the afternoon.  So to late then to add items for the day.  Today it is working good.  Temperatures waking up this morning were sitting at…20.4 C | 68.72 F and will warm up a touch more as the day moves forward.

Forecast For Today:  Rather unsettled clearing later along with a few nice days to follow.

Bug Report:  Hardly a bug to be seen out there these days.  No reason for folks to not enjoy what we have to offer here in the north, pertaining to nature.

Fishing Times:   Today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from11:00 AM – 3:00 PM.  Then again a bit later from…4:30 PM – 6:30 PM.  I give it a 2 fish rating out of 4 for catching them today.  Good luck.

Around Town:  Well hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. I know my wife and I did.  Did up tomatoes actually, as they seem to all come on at once.  Managed to get 57 quart jars done up so far.  Will probably do up another ten or so and should be good then till this time next year.  So if in need of information relating to tomatoes, it takes around 60 jars to maintain a family of two for one year.  My wife does make a lot of things though, that uses tomatoes.  So for some the quantity might be a touch lower.  They are good for your health though.  Other than that things are slowing down a touch now around town, with not so many cars moving up and down Highway 522.  Kids are all back in school trying to fit in to their new environment, along with the teachers.  All and all been a pretty good year thus far.  Now comes the other blend of folks to our area.  The ones that want to sit back, relax and forget about the other half.  No kids to inter-fear with their thinking and nothing but them and nature to blend into what ever their heart desires.  Great way to go about life if I do say so myself.  So my friends while the sun is upon us, try and soak up some of her rays which in turn will keep you healthy all winter long.