Morning Chat Nov 17/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature waking up was sitting at -3.6 C | 25.52 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is at the time of this post. But we should see some sunshine later on in the day. Which will be nice. Tomorrow will remain cold, and then it will warm up somewhat for a couple of days, and then back to cold. But it is understandable, as we are crowding in on December. Actually for us, the weather has been quite nice so far this year. I have no complaints. But that will change, as I hate the cold LOL and winter is on our doorstep. Yesterday I kind of took it easy as did my wife. Today I will be getting back to working on some podcasts and stories that I have to get ready for different papers and such. My life is in transition mode you could say. From being outside, to being inside. Not that I am complaining mind ya, as I am not, it is a welcome change. I would get bored if things always stayed the same. LOL. Highway 522 is quiet these days which is a good thing. The fewer people moving around, the better it is with this virus in our midst. With that I am off for a raisin bun. One of ten we made yesterday. Along with a loaf of bread LOL. We made them a bit different this time, the old way. I am not sure if you can remember? But years ago the bread that was available, was either white or brown. Not all these other kinds we have today. And all the bread was made in an oven, not in a bread maker. And you know. I kind of liked the old brown bread. So …. we made some. I have to tell you … it sure is tasty. Take care my friends, stay safe, and do what’s right to protect yourself. We are closing in fast, on a vaccine that I am hoping … will bring things back to a somewhat normal lifestyle.

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