Tag Archives: storytelling

What’s Happening In Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Oct 13/2022

Fresh Cream For Your Coffee This Morning

Good Morning!

Well, starting things off, it is a rainy morning here in Port Loring. We did have a lot of rain yesterday and through the night. The winds yesterday weren’t all that bad, but last night they got up there a bit. Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning, and it has been quite busy with a lot of trucks moving around. Most of the trucks are from our local construction. There are also a lot of hunters still coming into our area and a few folks just wanting to take in the changing of the leaves. I have to admit they have been putting on quite a show this year with some exceptional colours.

Yesterday I didn’t do all that much, kind of took it easy. Got rested up after the Thanksgiving weekend. I did however work on another #Podcast which will be posted here on my Blog come Friday morning at 9:00 AM. Other than that, not much else is happening in and around our small town.

With that information under your hat. I am off for a bowl of oatmeal for a change. Have a great day.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well! GW

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

Episode 51: Girls

Episode 51: Good morning folks. Today I have a story lined up for you … that I am hoping, won’t upset some female species. I suppose the only way to find out, is for you to give it a listen. If I might suggest … it would be in your best interest to listen right to the end. Have a great day, and stay safe.

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

Morning Chat Dec 4/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning once again here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We are having some rain mixed with a bit of ice at the moment. I don’t suspect it will amount to much and it should be a pretty nice weekend. Highway 522 is bare at this time, but there are some icy sections here and there, so care should be taken, if out and about. The temperature isn’t too bad neither for this time of year sitting at 1.4 C | 34.52 F. If the temperature drops a touch we could see around an inch of snow. As I said in other posts, I don’t suspect we will be having a real cold winter this year. We could see some snow though, but that all depends on how the storms track. At the moment they look as if they might by-pass us. Time will tell, as no one, not even the scientists really know what Mother Nature has in store. Now If you’re wondering, how these scientists really predict the weather. Read this bit of information below.

A Native American asked his chief about the coming winter.
“How bad will this winter be?” He asked.
“It is good to be prepared. Get some firewood ready” replied the chief.
The chief then called his friend in the national weather service to ask him. ” How bad will this winter be?”
The meteorologist said “this will be a pretty cold winter”
The chief then told his people what the meteorologist said. A few weeks later the chief called to ask again, just to be sure.
“Well,” said the meteorologist, “its gonna be worse than we thought this year.”
Again the chief relayed this to his people and told them to pile more firewood.
Right before the winter came, the chief called the meteorologist once more to ask, “how bad will this winter be?”
The meteorologist said “it’s gonna be worse than we thought”
The chief thanked the meteorologist and asked him “how do you get such accurate information?”
“Well, we have teams of scientists that study patterns to predict what the weather will be like. But we found that the most reliable method is
to just look at how much firewood the Native Americans have put away.”

I would have to say that is about right! LOL

On another note, I did do a wee bit of work in my woodworking shop yesterday. For one lone woodworker, I can sure make a mess. But … it is nice and clean, ready for the next project. And I do have some work to do, I just need to find the energy LOL. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife, and will then see what develops for the rest of the day. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right for yourself, family … and friends.

Morning Chat Nov 25/2020

Good Morning! Well … it’s a snowy morning once again here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. I would say we had around three inches overnight. Not so bad, and with the temperatures rising as they are, it will melt fast. I did clean my deck off for the first time this morning, so I could get to my bird feeder. LOL Every morning the birds line up on my railings on the porch looking in … asking … where is the grub? LOL Seems that way anyways. The temperatures this morning was sitting at -1.4 C | 29.48 F. It will warm up a lot as the day progress’s, and will remain warm for the next 4 days. Kind of nice for this time of year. Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning, which will make travelling pretty good. Not that my wife and I have anywhere to go these days. But others might. Yesterday I finished off a Podcast I have been working on, and will get into another today. I enjoy doing them, and it seems a lot of folks enjoy listening to them … with all the reviews, phone calls and Emails I have been getting. Which … makes it all worthwhile. So with that, I am off for a cup of tea with my lovely wife and will add at touch of Nesquik to it, and maybe a piece of toast from some homemade bread my wife and I made yesterday. Yep you heard it right, that woman of mine put an apron on me … and told me to go to town. I made two loaves … so now we will see how they taste. LOL They will either be tasty, or … we will have two door-stops. LOL Have a great day, and stay safe. This virus is getting much worse.

Morning Chat Nov 24/2020

Good Morning. It is a cloudy cold day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature was sitting at -8.4 C | 16.88 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is right now. Tomorrow however temperatures will start to rise. We are also having some light snow. Highway 522 is bare and dry throughout. Here in the north you just never know what might develop in the winter time. Being so cold outside I kind of figure it is a good day to stay inside. Not much happening around town these days. Most all the hunters have left our area, as well as the city folks that were here in the summer. A lot of cottages weren’t opened this year with the virus. Let’s hope this vaccine does its job which I hope will take the edge of things. I am thinking though it will be a long time if we ever get back to where we used to be. But there isn’t much we can do about it, other than take precautions. Along with that, some businesses will have to close, and those will have to come up with different ways of making ends meat. If it isn’t working out, there isn’t much a person can do but move on. Hanging around hoping for things to get better … isn’t the answer. For most of my life I have been self-employed. Some adventures worked out well, some not so good and that is when I made the decision to move on to other things. One door closes a couple more opens they say. And I believe that to be true. That is if you’re a go getter. My opinion only. Take it for what it’s worth. With that, I am off for a cup of tea with my lovely wife and will then get to work on another Podcast. Take care, stay safe.

Morning Chat Nov 23/2020

Good Morning! Well … we all woke up to a winter wonderland here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada this morning. I do see though, that we aren’t alone, as a lot of other folks have had snow too. But in saying that it is a sign of what’s to come, and it is almost the end of November. To be honest … I thought we would have had snow before this. But I am not complaining, as I am not a great lover of snow. But it is nice to look at LOL. Highway 522 is wet with a bit of snow here and there, but for most parts it should be still okay to drive on with no issues. For Ruth and I we got everything we need, so we don’t have to go anywhere. Actually … Kerry our friend who owns a garage here in town, nice fellow … is going to put a set of snow tires on our vehicle shortly, which will be nice when we get a lot of snow. I kind of figured, since the tires on our car now, are getting a touch wore out … it’s time LOL. It seems there is always’s something to take a feller’s hard-earned money. At any rate, with the snow on the ground I will be working inside on some more Podcast’s today, which will keep me busy. It’s nice to be able to do what ever we want. With that … I am off for some French Toast for breakfast. I will change that to English Toast LOL, with a touch of syrup. After that I will have a cup of tea, with a touch of chocolate with my lovely wife, and I will then let the day do as so chooses. Take care, stay safe and look after yourselves and others.

Morning Chat Nov 20/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We should see a wee bit of sunshine as the day progresses. I hope so, as it makes the day a lot nicer. You can’t beat the sunshine for getting folks outside wanting to breathe in some fresh air. At least in the country. LOL The temperature waking up isn’t to bad sitting at 9.1 C | 48.38 F. It will remain there for today. With all these clouds a feller is hesitant about getting out of bed. LOL Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, along with hardly a car or truck moving around. Yesterday I worked all day on another Podcast and will do the same today. It’s nice to be able to work at home where it’s safe, dry and warm, with lots of food and coffee to drink. LOL Can’t beat that. On another note, we had a visitor at our bird feeder for the past few days, which was an old crow that hurt his wing. I would suspect it got hurt when we had that wind storm a few days ago. My wife and I fed him and things, and in about three days he was up and flying. Made us feel good seeing him get back to his old self. We enjoy watching the crows and other birds throughout the year. We feed them ever morning which keeps them coming back. With that I am off for some bacon and eggs and a cup of coffee with my lovely wife. I enjoy them every so often. They aren’t the healthiest things to eat, but in moderation, most everything is fine. Take care, stay safe, and do what’s right for you with this virus going around. It’s getting worse every day.

Morning Chat Nov 19/2020

Good Morning! Looking out my window here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada the sun is shinning. But it is a touch cool with the temperature sitting at 3.3 C | 37.94 F. It will warm up some as the day moves forward and, remain somewhat warm tomorrow too. Kind of nice for this time of year. Highway 522 is bare and dry and the traffic has slowed down, now that hunting season is over for the year. I guess I should say … hunting deer with a gun is over, but bow season is still with us till Dec. Mostly locals that hunt with bows in our area. I did hunt with a bow for a couple of years, but didn’t like it that much, so sold it a couple of years ago to a fellow here in town. He said he had good luck with it. On another note my wife’s sor back and mine are on the mend, so we both are happy about that. Not nice not being able to do what you want. But … rest and exercise is the fix. Yesterday I worked on a new Podcast I have lined up and will continue working on it again today. Kind of nice being able to sit in where its warm. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea with my lovely wife. I think I will make it a green tea this morning with a touch of chocolate. Hmm, and maybe a raisin bun thrown in for good measure. LOL Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. Things are getting worse every day here in Ontario and across Canada. Why is that? Well … simply put, there are lot out there today that just doesn’t care.

Morning Chat Nov 17/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature waking up was sitting at -3.6 C | 25.52 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is at the time of this post. But we should see some sunshine later on in the day. Which will be nice. Tomorrow will remain cold, and then it will warm up somewhat for a couple of days, and then back to cold. But it is understandable, as we are crowding in on December. Actually for us, the weather has been quite nice so far this year. I have no complaints. But that will change, as I hate the cold LOL and winter is on our doorstep. Yesterday I kind of took it easy as did my wife. Today I will be getting back to working on some podcasts and stories that I have to get ready for different papers and such. My life is in transition mode you could say. From being outside, to being inside. Not that I am complaining mind ya, as I am not, it is a welcome change. I would get bored if things always stayed the same. LOL. Highway 522 is quiet these days which is a good thing. The fewer people moving around, the better it is with this virus in our midst. With that I am off for a raisin bun. One of ten we made yesterday. Along with a loaf of bread LOL. We made them a bit different this time, the old way. I am not sure if you can remember? But years ago the bread that was available, was either white or brown. Not all these other kinds we have today. And all the bread was made in an oven, not in a bread maker. And you know. I kind of liked the old brown bread. So …. we made some. I have to tell you … it sure is tasty. Take care my friends, stay safe, and do what’s right to protect yourself. We are closing in fast, on a vaccine that I am hoping … will bring things back to a somewhat normal lifestyle.

Morning Chat Nov 16/2020

Good Morning? It’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The clouds will remain with us for most of the day. If we are lucky we should see some sunshine tomorrow. The temperature was sitting at 1.7 C | 35.06 F. It won’t warm up much more today. The storm they predicted, hit us yesterday, but not with the force they predicted. Even still … the winds did get quite high off and on throughout the day. The power remained on, but went off and on many times. We also got to finish watching the Masters Golf game with Dustin Johnson winning it at minus 20. I have to say he put on a great show. Along with the others too. So now we wait till April for the next one to come our way. Actually it isn’t that long off. Today I will get back to working on some Podcasts which I have in mind. Other than that I am going to take it easy. Rough life, huh? LOL In saying that … it didn’t come easy. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea and maybe a piece of toast with my lovely wife. Take care and be safe. Things aren’t good out there virus wise these days, and it’s closing in on us here in the remote areas as well.

Episode 47: Peashooters and Things

Episode 47: Hi folks today I have another story lined up for you, that I am thinking a lot will enjoy, and maybe a few, might even identify with what is being said. Also, once again, my thanks goes out to all those that have gotten in touch with me, letting me know how much they are enjoying my Podcasts. Means a lot. And if you enjoy my podcasts, share them with others, as hey! You never know, they might just put a smile on someone’s face. And with what is going on in this world today, we could all use that. Man … closing in on 50 Shows so far! Time sure flies by. With that … I hope you enjoy: “Peashooters and Things.

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

Good Morning Nov 9/2020

It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Yesterday was like summer, today is so so. But not too cold with the temperature sitting at 14.1 C | 57.38 F. Highway 522 was very busy yesterday with campers, trucks loaded with four wheeler’s, all kinds coming into the area for the hunt. I have to say I never seen so many hunters as this year. I suppose it is a good reason to get out of the cities. Can’t say I blame them in some ways. Knowing that though, we here have to take extra precautions for sure. This virus is starting to really gain ground now. I would think a lot is from opening up the school. And of course those that doesn’t wear a mask when out and about. At any rate. Yesterday my wife and I took it easy with both of us having sore backs. Today we will be doing the same. Can’t do much else. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal with my lovely wife and will then see what develops. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right with this virus.

Episode 46: changing times

Episode 46: Hi folks. Today, I have another great Podcast lined up for you. I hope you enjoy …. Changin Times. Along with what my views are, on some other items. Have a great day.

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

Episode 45: Changes in Life

Episode 45: Hi folks. How you all doing? Good I hope. This week, I have another great podcast lined up for you. True story, and I am thinking a lot will be able to identify with what is being said. On another note … I would like to once again take a second and thank all those that have sent me Emails, Called and even written me, letting me know that they are enjoying my Podcasts. Makes my day when I get to reading them or hearing from folks. I would also like to thank those that are spreading my Podcasts through the Social Media, as I have many replies coming from there also these days. So with that. I hope you enjoy this week’s Episode: Changes In Life!

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]