Morning Chat Nov 20/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We should see a wee bit of sunshine as the day progresses. I hope so, as it makes the day a lot nicer. You can’t beat the sunshine for getting folks outside wanting to breathe in some fresh air. At least in the country. LOL The temperature waking up isn’t to bad sitting at 9.1 C | 48.38 F. It will remain there for today. With all these clouds a feller is hesitant about getting out of bed. LOL Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, along with hardly a car or truck moving around. Yesterday I worked all day on another Podcast and will do the same today. It’s nice to be able to work at home where it’s safe, dry and warm, with lots of food and coffee to drink. LOL Can’t beat that. On another note, we had a visitor at our bird feeder for the past few days, which was an old crow that hurt his wing. I would suspect it got hurt when we had that wind storm a few days ago. My wife and I fed him and things, and in about three days he was up and flying. Made us feel good seeing him get back to his old self. We enjoy watching the crows and other birds throughout the year. We feed them ever morning which keeps them coming back. With that I am off for some bacon and eggs and a cup of coffee with my lovely wife. I enjoy them every so often. They aren’t the healthiest things to eat, but in moderation, most everything is fine. Take care, stay safe, and do what’s right for you with this virus going around. It’s getting worse every day.

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