Morning Chat Nov 22/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature is sitting at -2.4 C | 27.68 F. It won’t warm up too much more than it is now. We could though have some snow entering into the picture today and into tonight. Which could amount to 2 or 3 inches or so. It kind of depends on which direction the snow tracts. Highway 522 is bare and dry so far and quiet. Which is a good thing. Yesterday we went to town to pick up some more supplies, as I am thinking there will be some hard times ahead, with this virus. As it is getting worse every day. And stocking up a wee bit would be a good thing. Pays to think ahead. All my life I have always had a back up plan, which in turn paid off many times. While there we visited our son in the parking lot for a bit, It’s always nice to see him. It’s just to bad we couldn’t spend some more time with both our boys. But safety comes first. We are working on the issue though, as once we finish up this cottage we worked on all summer, they will then have a place to come to, for a visit. That way we can be together, but apart LOL. But that won’t happen till next spring. After we visited our son and picked up our groceries along with a few other things, we headed on home. I have to say it was a nice day for a drive. It should also be noted that groceries are sure getting expensive these days. Everyone is trying to make an extra dollar. I can’t say I blame some of them. But there are those that like to overcharge us hardworking folks. While in town we also saw that Walmart in North Bay is or was closed, as someone started a fire in the clothes section. I guess they were trying to make a point about something. I have to say, there are sure some idiots out there today. All that these kinds of folks do, is make things just that much harder. They say it takes all kinds to make up this world of ours. I say we could do without a bunch of them. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then get to working on another Podcast. I do have some great shows lined up for the coming months. Take care, say safe and do what’s right when it comes to your health, and others.

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