Category Archives: Gardening

Spot for you to do some reading on gardening and staying healthy. Also a great place to put your feet up and relax for a bit.

Good O’ Garlic

My most favourite food and if I was asked.  Every one should be eating a half a clove a day. Garlic provides nourishment for the circulatory, immune and urinary systems. It aids in supporting with normal circulation, nourishing stomach tissues, maintaining normal blood pressure and aids the body’s natural ability to resist disease. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and fungicide.  And real good with cheese just before supper.  MMMMM good. Talk Soon

Aloe Vera Plant, Pretty Amazing

Aloe Vera has historically been known for assisting the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and for its properties of soothing, cleansing and helping the body to maintain healthy tissues. This plant has a reputation for helping with digestion, aiding one’s blood and  circulation, as well as kidney, liver and gall bladder functions. Aloe contains at least three anti-inflammatory fatty acids that are helpful for the stomach, small intestine and colon.  It naturally alkalizes digestive juices to prevent over acidity – a common cause of digestive complaints. Also, great for cuts, scrapes, and burns.  A newly discovered compound in aloe, acemannan, is currently being studied for its ability to strengthen the immune system. Think every one should have one of these growing in one’s home.

Brussel Sprouts

Did You know plant phytonutrients found in Brussels sprouts boost the body`s natural defense systems to protect against cancer and other diseases. Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables disarm cancer causing chemicals and encourage the body`s detoxification enzymes.

Fresh Morning Here In Port Loring

Well cool morning here down to 6 below 0 old scale.  Almost had to put my coat on walking over to the shop.  I gotta’ say though, even though it’s this cold it sure is nice out there.  When looking at things they are so clear, reason being there is no pollution in the air. The icicles just seem to glitter.  When you take a breath of air you just know it’s fresh.  Good to be alive.  Talk Soon

Good Old Garlic For What Ails Ya

Garlic  can wipe out unwanted visitors in the body and prevent disease. Garlic has been used throughout recorded history for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Its pungent, spicy flavour adds a kick to any dish. Just one clove a day will provide your body with vitamins A, B and C, as well as a vast array of minerals including selenium, iodine, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium.

Garlic is more beneficial when it is fresh out of the bulb. As soon as it is smashed it begins to lose it potency.  Talk Soon

Full Moon Dates From 2008 To 2012

Month/Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
January 22
8:35 A.M.
10:27 P.M.
1:18 A.M.
4:22 P.M.
2:32 A.M.
February 20
10:30 P.M.
9:49 A.M.
11:38 A.M.
3:36 A.M.
4:56 P.M.
March 21
2:39 P.M.
10:37 P.M.
10:25 P.M.
2:10 P.M.
4:41 A.M.
April 20
6:25 A.M.
10:55 A.M.
8:18 A.M.
10:44 P.M.
3:20 P.M.
May 19
10:11 P.M.
12:01 A.M.
7:07 P.M.
7:08 A.M.
11:36 P.M.
June 18
1:31 P.M.
2:12 P.M.
7:31 A.M.
4:13 P.M.
7:11 A.M.
July 18
4:00 A.M.
5:22 A.M.
9:37 P.M.
2:39 A.M.
2:51 P.M.
August 16
5:18 P.M.
8:56 P.M.
1:05 P.M.
2:57 P.M.
1 & 31
11:27 P.M. / 9:57 A.M.
September 15
5:15 A.M.
12:03 P.M.
5:18 A.M.
5:27 A.M.
11:18 P.M.
October 14
4:04 P.M.
2:11 A.M.
9:38 P.M.
10:07 P.M.
3:50 P.M.
November 13
1:19 A.M.
2:15 P.M.
12:29 P.M.
3:18 P.M.
9:47 A.M.
December 12
11:38 A.M.
2 & 31
2:32 A.M. / 2:14 P.M.
3:15 A.M.
9:38 A.M.
5:22 A.M.

Bacon And Eggs

I got to tell you on these cold mornings there is only one breakfast that gets me going. That is bacon and eggs with a couple cups of fresh perked coffee.  Just something about them makes me feel good. One thing is the smell of the bacon cooking and coffee perking away on the stove, boy it sure gets the mouth to watering. I know most folks say they aren’t good for you, but I look at it this way. It’s the amount one eats. If you eat bacon and eggs say every day, well I would think that it would be a bit much. But if you say, had it twice a week or so, well it wouldn’t hurt you a bit.  It’s all in the amounts.  Talk Soon

Fluorescent Mercury Filled Light Bulbs

Now there is something that the Powers To Be wants us all to switch too.  Well for this old feller it will never happen. The biggest reason is the mercury that is inside the bulbs which is deadly to humans.  I don’t know where these folks get their thinking as it won’t make our world a better place, it will make it a hundred times worse.  If you happen to drop and break a bulb you are in trouble as the mercury is so fine it can be in the air in seconds. Don’t use your vacuum cleaner if you break one to clean it up as it will put the stuff all through the air. Sweep it up the best you can. Where does these bulbs go when they break or wear out.  Yep right to your dump, in the ground, and then into your water and food.   For another reason I don’t like them I don’t like the light they give off.  I enjoy the yellowish look of our old bulbs as it relaxes me. The Fluorescent Bulbs give off a cold feeling.  Talk Soon

Got Your Garlic Ready To Be Planted?

Well hope you all had a good garden this year and got lots put away for winter. I am thinking this is going to be the way in the coming years, as with the way our food supply is going one has to take a serious look on what he or she is eating these days. One sure fire way of fixing the problem of not having good food for the table is to grow their own.

At any rate on the Garlic department, this is the time of year to plant it. Yep hard to believe but Fall is the time to put it in the ground, just before the freeze.  I plant about ten bulbs each year which makes about two fifteen foot rows. Just buy up some bulbs at the grocery store, take them apart and put one clove in each small hole, about an inch or two deep and about three inches apart. That’s it and come next June you will have some of the best, healthiest vegetable going. Talk Soon

Couple Good Things We Should Be Eating

For years now I have been trying to persuade folks to eat more fresh fruit and veggies.  The only thing is that to get the good ones, one almost has to grow their own now a days with all the pesticides and things. And with spring just around the corner there is no reason for folks not get to planting their own gardens.  You will be glad you did and better yet so will your body.    Here is a couple articles that got my intention and thought I would share.  I

Fruits such as blueberries, are not only healthy food choices, they may actually be able to reverse age-related memory problems. That’s the conclusion of a study by a research team from the University of Reading and the Peninsula Medical School in England.

The chemicals that give tart cherries their red color may relieve pain better than aspirin and may provide antioxidant protection comparable to commercially available supplements like vitamin E, according to Michigan State University researchers. The new findings “suggest that the consumption of cherries may have the potential to reduce cardiovascular or chronic diseases in humans (such as arthritis and gout),” write the scientists.

Also fish is a good thing to eat which a lot of us don’t do.  Think I had better take some time off this year and do a bit more.  Take A Look:Higher consumption of fish oil may lead to a significant reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer, according to a meta-analysis conducted by researchers from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Spring Isn’t To Far Away

We live in the great white north but I got a hinklin that spring is headed our way. I was talking to a friend in Michigan and they were telling me the Woodchucks, Starlings and Robins were all sighted yesterday, so I would think that is something that isn’t to far off here in Port Loring. Got to tell you folks I sure am ready for spring.  Think every bone in my body is aching this year because of the cold. Nice when in our home here heating with wood as it is the best source one can have for problems like I have.  Takes the dampness right out of the old bones.  Well Talk Soon. 

Firewood Time

Well got to say it sure is a cold one out there the past two mornings. But on the bright side its a real good time to split wood, which we have. This year I bought some logs delivered to the house to save a bit of money. Took the wife and I a bit to get the oooold body going but each day it got easier.  I think the problem with most folks today is that they don’t get enough hard exercise.  I had a few problems for years but now that I cut split and piled 20 cords of firewood I am feeling like a 20 year old again. Hard to believe huh. I will say this though, having them logs laying by the house for folks to see sure kept company away, LOL.  Might be the answer for them unwanted guests huh? Well guess will go and get my breakfast and then get back at cutting and splitting. Should finish it up today or tomorrow. Will take some pictures when all said and done of before and after.  Oh and takes a week of steady work to cut, split and pile around twenty cords of firewood 16 inches long and no log splitter other than an ax an some muscle.  Talk Soon.

Enjoying Them Summer Vegtables

Well with winter about half way through we sure have been enjoying our preserves we did up last summer. Nothing can be nicer that enjoying fresh fruit and veggies in the middle of winter.  Also nice knowing that we are eating health food too as growing them you know what’s in them or on them.  We put away lots of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, and just to many veggies to name. The wife freezes most of them but she does up a lot of tomatoes in jars.  One has to put a bit of work into a garden but the benefits out way the work.  Well thought I would say hello and hope you are all doing well in 2008, man where does the time go. Talk Soon

Deer Feed

Well made it to town and back stopped off at the feed store while there and got two fifty lb bags so that should look after the deer we got coming around our feeder for most the winter. I don’ t feed them to much but just enough to keep them where we can see them.  Almost a full day going to town so when we get back we are ready for a coffee and relax.  Still cold here but the snow has stopped so that makes me smile.  Talk Soon


You know I got to thinking about fresh home grown onions.  For years my old Mom used to eat raw onions every day.  I never thought anything about it for years but then got to thinking.  That woman never had a cold in her life.  I would think that’s almost a miracle in itself.  She chocked it up to onion eating.  I also eat a lot of onions and think it is a real easy,  way of staying healthy.  Last year I put enough sets that gave us around 40 pounds this fall and so far we have eaten half of them, guess I will have to put in more this coming spring.  My wife puts them in everything or most everything.   Yep a lot of old time remedies worked well back when and in my eyes we would be a lot better off if we went back to them old ways.  Talk Soon

Great Day

Well got up this morning to some cold temperatures of around 10 with light snow.   Wife is making a tea and we both are looking out. I got to say every window is like a picture living here in the country.  The turnips were a hit last night that I put out yesterday as I think we must have around twenty deer come for a snack.  So that’s good they didn’t go to waste.  Got the shop stove going and house wood furnace going so things are getting warmed up a bit.  One just likes the thick blankets on mornings like this.  But life moves on and the wife and I can’t wait each morning to get into our day.   Egg delivery this morning also so lots going on.  Talk Soon

Just Another Day

Well been busy the past few days here working in the old shop on a few gifts and things.  Got lots to do but just don’t feel like doing them and thing is I don’t have to any more if I don’t feel like it.   That’s the nice thing about semi retiring as some folks would say.  I don’t call it retiring as I don’t believe there is such a thing, as if your a man you never really stop doing things in life.  Well should take that back, the part of being a man,  as I do know plenty of women who are real hard workers and always doing something.  Even more so than the men in some cases.   At any rate I did get to cleaning out the cold room down stairs and found I had a few soft turnips, potatoes and things,  reason being I forgot to open the vent which lets in the cold air.  So lost a few,  but they didn’t go to waste,  as I put them out for the deer.  Talk Soon

Pesky Rabbits

You know I planted some raspberry plants two years ago. Finally got up to size, so was looking forward to some nice berries this coming summer. Well was taking out the ashes from the wood stove this morning and noticed tons of rabbit tracks. Got to looking further and seen they had been eating the raspberry bushes. On the one end they cleaned them off to the ground.  I didn’t think they even liked the things, but I was wrong.  So now not to sure what to do,  guess just keep an eye on them.  Might have to put a light out back as it might steer them in another direction.  Always something to get an old fellers mind a thinking.  Talk Soon