Category Archives: My Opinion Only

Immigration 2022 Canada

Canada aims to welcome 432,000 immigrants in 2022 to fill labour gaps.

Hmm, now don’t get to thinking that I am against all immigration, as I am not, but I have to say, it kind of makes me wonder why we are doing this in such great amounts, with all the homeless that are out there today that can’t get a job. And on top of that, we don’t have enough homes or places for folks to live in as it is. Makes me shake my head wondering, how some of our Powers That Be minds work. They say we need immigration to move forward in one breath and then in another breath some countries are saying that :

Immigration can cause over-population issues. …
It encourages disease transmission. …
Immigration can create wage disparities. …
It creates stressors on educational and health resources. …
Immigration reduces the chances of a developing nation. …
It is easier to exploit immigrants.

Beats the hell out of me. Maybe I am just getting too old to see the upside on things these days. I think I will go have my second cup of coffee, perhaps it will clear my head. Have a good day.

My Old School House

Here is the old school house that I went to many years ago. Notice the two doors, one on each side. Girls and Boys. Ha Ha.

Today, they would call that discrimination. Singling one out over the other. Just another bit on how our world has become these days.

The thing is … what happened in the past shouldn’t be destroyed as some are doing with our statues, books and things. We should look at them, as a remember-when, and learn from them. Destroying our past is destroying our future.

Oh! And actually, I think it would be a good idea to have separate doors today.

Click on Picture to Enlarge!

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

The reason why I am vaccinated!

I’m fully vaccinated and boosted.

        No, I don't know "what's in it". Neither this vaccine nor the ones I had as a child. Nor do I know what's in the 11 secret herbs and spices at KFC. I also don't know exactly what's in Ibuprofen or any other painkiller-- they just treat my headaches & my pains. I don't know what's in tattoo ink, Botox and fillers, or every ingredient in my soap, shampoo or deodorants. I don’t know the long-term effect of mobile phone use, or whether that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands. There's a lot of things I don't know.

        I do know one thing: life is short. Very short. And I, personally, still want to do things. I want to travel and hug people without fear and find a little feeling of life "before". Throughout my life I've been vaccinated against many diseases: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis, influenza, tetanus, shingles, pneumonia. We trusted the science, and never had to suffer through or transmit any of those said diseases.

        I'm vaccinated. Not because I’m a sheep or to please the government. Not to make other people do it. But I don't want to:

        * die from Covid-19

        * clutter a hospital bed if I get sick
        * not be able to hug my loved ones
        * not be able to travel & enjoy events
        * live my life in fear

        Can't say it any clearer. I'm vaccinated for me and I wear a mask for you!

All the huff about Fossil Fuel

The first question I would ask. “Is what are we going to replace fossil fuel with?”
That is the question everyone should be asking.
Our powers that be says, they will replace it with Electric Heating.
First off, in theory, I would agree that is a fantastic idea. But in reality, it isn’t possible right now, as there is no way anyone can afford to heat their homes with electricity. Or if everyone switched over, do we have the means to do so. And we won’t have the means to do so for years to come. That also goes for all these so-called new electric cars they are building these days. Good luck in finding the electricity to run them. And here again, no one will be able to afford to keep them running.

The thing is. It is easy enough to talk the part, like some are doing, but making it work is a whole different story.
What they should be doing is funding some of these great minds that we have here in Canada. Saying. “Here is some money, figure out how we can make this clean energy that we will be needing. Where would they get this money? Simple, stop giving it away to other countries, along with these huge corporations. They will make out just fine, without it. Hell, some of these salaries, that these huge corporations are handing out, are ridiculous amounts.

You know, if we did just that, we would have enough money to take care of thousands of neglected things here at home.
As I said, we have some great minds in our country, all’s they require, is a bit of help to make things happen.

The bottom line is. We have to become self efficient here in Canada, and stop relying on others … but more importantly, start using some common sense. Damn it!!

Oh, and one more thing. We here in Canada have more fossil fuels than most other countries just waiting to be tapped into. Why not find a way, so we can use them safely, without hurting our environment. It can be done, we just need to figure out how.

There is no such thing is can’t be done! Not in today’s world.

Handing out the working man’s money

The former Ukrainian president says war can still be avoided, but says Canada needs to give them more aid. MONEY, Weapons and so on. Who is this guy?

Oh! This just on January 24/2022: Ukraine says thanks for the cash, but they’d prefer guns.

Give certain countries an inch, they take a mile. Heck, we just gave them 150 Million or so. Oh sorry, loaned them 150 million or so. That’s a knee-slapper in itself.

Giving any country money isn’t the answer in my eyes. I say. Support them with advice, food and clothing if needed and let things run its course. That is what some countries are doing. All this money we are handing out to other countries, we could be putting to good use right here in Canada. How about helping the homeless, housing, truckers, or our seniors. I know I sure could sure use a raise. And I would put it to good use right here in Canada. Another would be making our own vaccines right here at home.

You know, many years ago my old Dad told me. That a country, I won’t mention the name, asked for help. Knowing that, Canada started giving them money. We soon found out that wasn’t the answer. Then we decided to buy them equipment, so they could make their country better themselves. That didn’t work either, because as soon as we showed them how to operate the machinery … and left. They just went back to the way they were, and the equipment rusted away, not being used. Goes to prove, that some countries you can’t help.

We need to learn that interfering in their lifestyle, or trying to convert them, which is what some have been doing for years now, isn’t the thing to be doing. Just make’s me shake my head, seeing all the waste. But … then again, that’s what Canada is all about, always has been. I should say … that is what our Governments here in Canada are all about. I didn’t mean the working man.

Oh … alright, there are some Government officials I am sure that are on the right track. I just haven’t met them yet.

And one last thing that some forgets. The money that the Government has isn’t theirs. The money belongs to the people that make up this country that we call Canada, not them. But you wouldn’t know it by the way they are handing it out.

That’s my rant, or whatever, for the day. Now I am going for a coffee. I would have thought all that snow shovelling I just did would have cooled me down some. Ha Ha.

India Gaining Ground

You know. I have to give them credit. As they have seen that the future is the way to go, to grow and become self-reliant. The problem with Canada, and other countries, is that countries like Canada has contributed to their advancement and success, instead of doing it themselves. These countries, like China, know exactly what they are doing, and behind the scenes they are smiling and saying. Keep sending us money, buying our clothing, produce, pharmaceutical drugs, and funding our military. We will be there for you in your time of need. Now, I am not saying they are in the wrong. As I am not. What I am saying is, we, here in Canada, are in Dire need of a Government that will work towards our country first. The issue I am having with that is … I haven’t seen one yet. That’s my rant for the day. But the video below does show you, what can be done, if you set your greatest minds to work with the support they require. Stay safe.

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

Ontario Election

A new Ontario poll gives Doug Ford’s PCs a 9-point lead.

Well, with all that has been going on with this virus. I think Bob Ford did the best he could, with who and what he had to work with. And one has to remember, no one expected that a virus would run rampant across the whole world. I just hope that we here in Canada has learned a lesson from all this. We need to start looking after ourselves. All my life, I have stressed. You have to look after yourself first. If you don’t. You won’t be able to help anyone.

One biggie would be to start manufacturing vaccines and other medicines here at home, so we can be self-sufficient.

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

Fighting and Wars

Canada is asked to match U.S. and United Kingdom shipments of defensive weapons to Ukraine as the threat of a Russian invasion continues to hang over Eastern Europe.

Well here again I don’t like to wade in what one should be doing or shouldn’t be doing, but I will say this. I personally think we should be minding our business here in Canada and looking after our own problems. There are a lot more pressing things than making guns, wars and so on. I would have thought this virus that is in every country would have brought us humans together instead of apart. But I was wrong, and what a shame that is,

Homer Simpson’s Look a Like

I read an article today, that says, that some people are noticing more and more similarities between Doug Ford and Homer Simpson.

And yes … we all know it’s the people that doesn’t like the Conservatives. We also know or should know that they are being sarcastic with saying that. Personally … I enjoy watching Homer from time to time. Maybe it’s because he’s a down to earth kind of guy, saying things like they are.


For some Canadian students, school disruptions have become routine.

If asked, I would say that most of all our students in school these days are more than happy to work from home.

I also think that they are doing it all wrong with the students going online. My suggestion would be doing as we did years ago when the young ones were out of school, either by sickness or going on a vacation.

The parent goes to the school. They tell them the situation and the teacher gives them enough homework for one week. They take the homework home and the parents make sure they get it done. Usually the kids can do a weeks work within a day or so.

It then is taken back to the teacher, who looks things over. That’s it. Simple way of doing things.

To me, this online thing is a waste of time and money.

Take Care. GW

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

Information and how it is displayed

Pacific tsunami threat wanes, but volcanic ash from the eruption hinders response.

So … most of us know the article above is related to an eruption of a volcano that happened a couple of days ago.

The thing that catches my attention, so to speak, is how they have to keep it on going. When actually it was, or is, no threat at all. They do that with a lot of things on the internet today.

Another example would be: An asteroid is heading toward earth. So immediately everyone has to have a look-see. I would. But when you do go to the site, you find out that, yes … it is heading in our direction, but they didn’t tell you, that it would pass earth by a million miles or more. But it doesn’t stop there, as when you click on that site, you just sent hundreds if not thousands of dollars to the sponsors of that site. Ha Ha. Hey, I am not saying it is the wrong thing to do … in part, as I do it all the time. But it does show you, how information, be it false or fact, can change a persons way of thinking. Truth be told, I believe that is how Facebook made its millions, along with other social media platforms.

Anyway, you have a great day. GW

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

Vaccinations & Truckers

The federal government says the vaccine mandate for truckers crossing into Canada from the United States will come into effect this Saturday as planned, despite a previous statement from the Canada Border Services Agency that said Canadian truck drivers would be exempt.

Well, I don’t usually side with the Liberals, heck I don’t usually side with any political party, but in this case I think they have done the right thing. It’s about time they stood up for doing what’s right. It’s a no-brainer, if you’re not vaccinated, you shouldn’t be allowed into our country. The truth of the matter is, it is for the good of the unvaccinated too. But putting all things aside, at the very least it helps slow down the virus a bit, so that our hospitals can cope with things. Every bit helps.

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

WHo comes up with this stuff?

Due to the highly transmissible Omicron variant, we are evaluating whether there is a need to update reporting to distinguish between causal and incidental deaths related to COVID-19,. “For example, we have heard anecdotal evidence….

To me, it’s just another way of twisting things around. But the thing I would like to point out, is the words they use these days. Truth be told, most people doesn’t understand a word they are saying. Which I suspect is why they do what they do.

Like the word Anecdotal. Man, I can’t even pronounce it. I had to look it up in the dictionary. Which says … Of, characterized by, or full of anecdotes. Based on casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis. Pertaining to, or abounding with, anecdotes.

Heck, even our dictionaries can’t explain some of the words they are using these days. At least not in Layman’s Terms.

Oh, Layman’s means … Without all the bullsh……

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

COVid Shots

Justin Trudeau says the provinces will have enough COVID-19 vaccines to provide everyone eligible booster shots and fourth doses if they become necessary.

I think this is where I have to draw the line, as I don’t think it is a good idea getting the fourth booster shot, until we know more. I think as it is, just by the way my body felt after the booster shot, that three is enough. Another would over load our system. Which I think could cause us problems, more than we have now. The old saying goes: “Too much of a good thing isn’t always good.”

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]