Good Morning. It is a cloudy cold day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature was sitting at -8.4 C | 16.88 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is right now. Tomorrow however temperatures will start to rise. We are also having some light snow. Highway 522 is bare and dry throughout. Here in the north you just never know what might develop in the winter time. Being so cold outside I kind of figure it is a good day to stay inside. Not much happening around town these days. Most all the hunters have left our area, as well as the city folks that were here in the summer. A lot of cottages weren’t opened this year with the virus. Let’s hope this vaccine does its job which I hope will take the edge of things. I am thinking though it will be a long time if we ever get back to where we used to be. But there isn’t much we can do about it, other than take precautions. Along with that, some businesses will have to close, and those will have to come up with different ways of making ends meat. If it isn’t working out, there isn’t much a person can do but move on. Hanging around hoping for things to get better … isn’t the answer. For most of my life I have been self-employed. Some adventures worked out well, some not so good and that is when I made the decision to move on to other things. One door closes a couple more opens they say. And I believe that to be true. That is if you’re a go getter. My opinion only. Take it for what it’s worth. With that, I am off for a cup of tea with my lovely wife and will then get to work on another Podcast. Take care, stay safe.