Morning slice of life Oct 7/2020

Hi Folks! How you all doing this morning? Good I hope. Ruth and I are fine so far and taking precautions every day in hopes we stay away from the virus. Hard to do with what is going on in the world today, with some people not doing as they should. The thing I see more and more every day, is that a lot of people are saying …. well I am following the government’s guidelines to the letter. I have to say here and now, that not all these Powers That Be’s guidelines are the best. The thing they should be doing is using their own common sense, as everyone has different things going on. At any rate, such is life. But it does make me shake my head in wondering where some folks brains are located. LOL So with that off my mind. We did have some heavy rain through the night here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Around 2:00 AM we had a heavy down pour that lasted for a half hour. Woke me up. Temperature wise it has warmed up a lot with temperatures sitting at 11F/52C. It will warm up a bit more, as the day moves forward. We will also see some more showers off and on throughout the day. Overnight things will clear and if you do happen to have a few things in your garden yet. It might be a good idea to cover things up a bit. I am going to do that myself, as I do have a few tomatoes and things that are still doing quite well in spite of all the cool wet weather we been having. Tomorrow we should be back to some sunshine, and then things are going to warm up quite a bit. So things are looking pretty good in the days ahead weather wise. Best we enjoy them while they last. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee, with my lovely wife and maybe, a bowl of Raisin bran. I don’t have it very often, but every so often the urge hits me. LOL Moderation is the key to everything I always say. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right.


Hmm, they say that there is an image on Facebook, an image of a handful of onions in a wicker basket. According to Facebook, the onions were positioned in a “sexually suggestive manner.” I would have to say that who ever sees this as something sexual, has a problem themselves LOL There are a lot of things on Facebook worse than that LOL The onions are on the news if you want to take a look. Sheesh, And hey for those that think there isn’t anything entertaining these days. I say just read the news or go on Facebook. LOL But hey! Who am I to judge.

Food For Thought or something like that

A few things have come up that we now know for certain about this virus, which I am thinking will help a lot…..

People who notice a loss in their ability to smell every day household odours such as garlic, coffee, and perfumes should self-isolate and seek out a place to be tested.
Mounting evidence has pointed to the loss of smell as one of the most reliable symptoms of COVID-19, providing health care workers with at least one stable bit of help.—especially as flu season arrives. Along with that it should also be noted that while the focus of preventing infection shifted from hand-washing to wearing a mask and social distancing, medical experts have never stopped reminding the public to wash their hands as often as possible to keep themselves safe and healthy. And according to new research, that’s definitely a good thing, since the evidence shows that the coronavirus can live on human skin for over nine hours, up to four and a half times longer than the flu. Also, it is now known that this virus can be spread further than six feet away. So …. as I keep on saying my friends. Be more vigilant than ever. In doing so you have a pretty good chance of getting through this. And one other thing I would suggest is not getting together with friends and family members outside your home this Thanksgiving. I would say if you do, that is an open invitation for this virus to spread even more. You know, with all the modern technology we have today there are many other ways of getting together from a distance. Truth be told since this virus has started … my wife and I have talked more to our boys, some family members and friends than ever before. From a distance of course. I would have to say it has brought us even closer together. It’s the same as going to church, to me it is unnecessary … what you can do there, you can do at home, by yourself. Take care and remember my words are my opinion only. LOL You are entitled to yours.

Morning Slice of life Oct 6/2020

Good Morning! I hope you all are well. Ruth and I are doing okay so far. This morning we are in the midst of some clouds here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada, but it isn’t as cold. We could see some light rain off and on throughout the day. If lucky we might see a touch of sunshine off and on too. But for most parts it is looking like rain for today and tomorrow. Highway 522 is quiet this morning with just locals moving around. Yesterday we went to town to pick up a new pair of boots for my wife, as hers I don’t think would make it through another winter. LOL Man are things expensive these days. Seems it takes no effort at all to spend a $100.00 or more these days. So did that and picked up our grocery order that they brought to our car. Makes it nice, as that way we don’t have to go inside the store and take a chance on catching that virus. Every bit of precaution is a help. After picking up our groceries we had our lunch in the car, along with a coffee my wife brought with us, and then headed on home. We did see our son and talked to him outside for a few minutes. He was picking up his groceries at the same time we were. Couldn’t have planned it any better. LOL On another note the trip to town was nice seeing all the leaves in full colour. A lot have dropped though, and I suspect they will be all gone in another week Today I will get back to doing some work in my old woodworking shop. My wife is going to make a pumpkin pie with our pumpkins we grew this summer and if she has enough time she said she is going to make an apple pie with some fresh Cortland Apples we bought while in town yesterday. So that should be a nice treat for tonight. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a piece of toast with that fresh honey we bought the other day. With my lovely wife. It seems that honey is addicting as coffee is these days LOL. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. GW

Morning Slice of life Oct 5/2020

Good Morning! Well … it’s a foggy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We did have a wee bit of rain through the night, and early this morning on the rooftops we had a touch of frost. I kind of didn’t want that as I do still have a few tomatoes ripening on the vines. But in saying that … I suspect they made out okay. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 0.9 C | 33.62 F. It will warm up some, and we should see some sunshine once this fog is burned off. Then back to rain for tomorrow … but after that, things are looking pretty good, with sunshine for the remainder of the week. Which will make things nice for finishing up some outside work I have in mind. Yesterday I worked in the woodworking shop all day on some new projects for the cottage, which kept me busy. Today my wife and I have some things to do inside and once that if finished up … we might get a bit of front porch sittin’ in with a drink or two. Highway 522 is slow these days with mostly locals moving around. As I say … I am not sure where they go all the time as we only have three stores in town LOL. Oh well, it’s good to see them out and about. As long as they do what they are supposed to health wise for themselves and others. With that … I am off for my fresh honey and toast and a cup of homemade perked coffee with my lovely wife. That honey tasted so good yesterday, I figured I would have it again this morning. LOL Good for you too. In moderation of course. Take care and stay safe.

Spending Taxpayers Money

They are telling us that we here in Canadians have made more than 830,000 repayments of COVID-19 emergency aid benefits because they were not entitled. Which is a good thing, as if they took the money without checking things out and don’t need it, they should pay it back. But here again in the next breath our Powers That Be says. In June, the government proposed legislation that would have imposed fines or even jail time on people who deliberately lied on CERB applications. It backtracked after a public and political outcry. Again, here is what I think. If there is money available and you are in need, and I say in need, and you qualify for it, then by all means apply for it. But if you don’t need it, and are just taking it so you don’t have to work or using the money for things unnecessary, well then … I say the Powers that be, should go after those that did wrong. Just because we are in the midst of things that aren’t all that nice right now, there is still no reason for cheats to get away with it. The thing is, what a lot don’t understand is, that handing out all this money can’t be kept up. I wouldn’t hesitate to say that our country today, is so far in debt we might never get out of it. And the next thing is … it isn’t the Powers That Be’s money. It’s ours, the working people. But giving them the benefit of the doubt, I would hope that they are taking these things serious. But then again!! My Opinion Only.

Information Gone Crazy

Ontario reports 566 new COVID-19 cases for Oct 4/2020. Down from yesterday. Now that is a laugh, as in the next breath … they tell you that walk-in tests come to end across the province of Ontario. So bottom line is … yes the cases are down a wee bit, but they are not doing the testing that they were doing, which in turn lowers the count. This is just a way that they can now say …. Well … the cases are down, so we can keep things open for a while longer. LOL Makes me shake my head once again. I guess they figure that we the public are a bit slow with our thinking. LOL Hmm … they might be right in some respects for some. As there are a lot out there that sure isn’t taking things serious. My opinion only.

Morning Slice of life Oct 4/2020

Good Morning! It is a touch cooler this morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures were sitting at 37 °F/3 °C. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward. Which will make things nice for working outside. We also should see some much-needed sunshine today and into tomorrow. But then we are back to some rain for a couple of days. I am hoping the rain will pass us by, as I do have some things outside that I would like to do. Like painting the outside of the cottage. But, I have found that you can’t buck Mother Nature. She does what she wants, in spite of how powerful us humans think we are. LOL Highway 522 is real quiet this morning, but it is Sunday. A day of rest for some. For me … every day is the same, and when it comes to rest, I …. well, I rest when I need it. Which could be any day or hour for that matter. LOL On another note, the grass has slowed down a lot in the growing department, but I suspect I will have to cut it one more time in a few days. I like to put my bagger on the mower, as I can then gather the leaves and put them on my veggie garden, which in turn lets them rot through winter, and come spring … I have free fertilizer. I then till it in and get to planting. What could be better than that? Nothing. So with that bit of information under your hat, that is if you wear a hat, I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and maybe …. just maybe I will add a piece of toast with some fresh honey I picked up from a friend of ours last week. Honey you know … has a lot of great values in the health department. And with this virus going around we humans could use all the help we can get. Only the raw honey has what is needed to help us. Also, the great thing is, that for most parts it lasts a long time, without going bad. It is a bit expensive though, around ten dollars for a quart size tub, but there is a lot of work that goes into it. On the bees part that is. LOL Take care, and stay safe. It isn’t getting any better out there that’s for sure. We are closing in on the 1000 a day here in Ontario. And I suspect it will get worse than that. I also think we haven’t seen anything yet compared to what will take place in a month or two. The only help we got is ourselves folks!

Morning Slice of life Oct 3/2020

Good Morning! It’s a pretty nice morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures were sitting at 4.2 C | 39.56 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. I am thinking it will remain mostly cloudy, but we could see some clearing and if lucky some sunshine later on. Highway 522 is slowing down a lot these days, which in my mind is a good thing. Especially with the amount of people getting infected with this virus. I would say that the figures are way low to what they really are. I wouldn’t hesitate to say, they would be about double of what we are hearing, and will continue to rise if folks don’t start to take things serious. I can’t see where some people’s logic is these days. If we don’t put things in motion to slow it down, we will lose control of the situation, if we haven’t already. My son living in North Bay told me yesterday he was happy to see some students, now starting to wear a mask while congregating outside the schools and parking lots around town. That to me is a good thing. Now we need to get our older folks and mid range to start doing their part. When my wife and I were in town we seen restaurants full, with no one wearing a mask, or for that matter taking any precautions what’s so ever. They are the ones that is causing a lot of our problem. If asked I would say stay home. Make your own coffee, its better anyways, or get take out, and eat or drink it in your car, outside or take it home and relax with a good movie. Stay out of churches too. They are about the worst places you can be in. Talk to family members on the phone instead of visiting them in person. I can’t see why so many folks are so blind to what is truly real in life. Makes me laugh, as some of these people say they base their life around science. And then they head on off to church or a restaurant for lunch or dinner. Bottom line is, the only way we can control this virus and make things tolerable is if we start doing what is right and take the blinders off. Our health officials are good in part here in Canada, but we as an individual have to do our part. I would also say if asked that folks needs to take the blinders of with a lot of things. What a lot have believed in for most their life, in reality isn’t real at all. Anyways … that’s my opinion on things at hand this morning. LOL. Take care, and stay safe.

Episode 41: Being Rich

Episode 41: Hi folks. I hope you all are well. For all those that have sent me E-Mails and calling asking if my wife and I are okay? …. We are fine. I plumb forgot to add a new show here last week, being so busy getting things ready for winter. At any rate, thanks for your concern means a lot, and I do have another show ready for you which is called … Being Rich. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, writing and sharing it with you. Take care and stay safe in these trying times. It’s not getting any better out there. George Walters

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

Morning Slice of life Oct 2/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It also has become a touch cool too. We could see temperatures rise a bit and a bit of sunshine as the day moves forward. But all said … it is starting to look like Fall. Most of all our leaves are down in certain areas now. It was quite a show this year, that’s for sure. I missed a few days here on the Blog as you all noticed. Not that anything was wrong as a lot have asked, it’s just my wife and I have been extra busy getting things ready outside for winter. But I think, we have things all set now for what’s to come. We also had some friends drop by for a visit yesterday which we enjoyed while outside from a distance. Today I will get started working in my old woodworking shop on a corner table I have in the works, and then onto a cabinet for our cottage that will hold some groceries, plates and things. They will be nice added features, when all said and done. It’s nice having my shop to make these things for sure … but it is even nicer having the know how. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. No breakfast this morning. Have a great day and stay safe, this virus is growing every day, which makes the chances of getting it … just that much easier.