Category Archives: Health

The Battle Against Big Pharmaceuticals

Well they have had their way for a good number of years and now it’s time they get what they deserve in some cases.  I also believe though that one should make sure they know what they are putting into their body before they do it.  Do the research before taking the steps, my old Dad used to say. My Opinion Only

In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against Wyeth in the Diana Levine case, setting a crucial precedent in the battle against Big Pharmaceuticals. The ruling ends an important part of the Big Pharma / FDA conspiracy racket that sought to market extremely dangerous (and even deadly) drugs while providing full legal immunity to drug companies, even when those companies actively lied about the safety of their drugs by hiding negative drug studies from the public and the FDA.

The decision has hit Big Pharma hard. The industry, already reeling from layoffs and a loss of innovation, is now facing a wave of lawsuits from potentially hundreds of thousands of people who have been harmed by dangerous prescription medications. The legal path for such lawsuits has now been cleared, and drug companies can no longer claim legal immunity just because they managed to deceive the FDA into declaring their dangerous chemicals were “approved.”

Over Prescribing Antibiotics

For years medical doctors prescribed antibiotics for almost everything and anything when it came to infections.  Overuse of these antibiotics has resulted in “super bugs” – bacteria that is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Serious consequences can result from this resistance; stronger antibiotics are being discovered but eventually bacteria will become resistant to those as well. On a personal health level, antibiotics result in gastrointestinal changes because along with killing off bad bacteria they also kill of the good bacteria necessary for digestion. Destroying the bacteria also increases the chance for even more infections. To help restore the bacteria in ones stomach I highly recommend you take Acidophilus & Bifidus each tablet containing 6 billion live cells.  Actually I am on it now and it has helped me immensely. I take one capsule with each meal. My Opinion Only

Exrays And Why To Stay Away From Them

Scary stuff for sure.  I know for one I am not going for exrays just for the sake of it. Just wished I didn’t go in for the ones I have had so far.  Got talked into them and the trouble is not one of them did one thing to help me.  Take A Look at this article Might save you some grief in the future.

A new report released by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement reveals that Americans’ exposure to radiation has increased more than 600 percent over the last three decades. Most of that increase has come from patients’ exposure to radiation through medical imaging scans such as CT scans and mammograms.

Most patients have no awareness of the dangers of ionizing radiation due to medical imaging scans. Virtually no patients — and few doctors — realize that one CT scan exposes the body to the equivalent of several hundred X-rays (, for example. Most women undergoing mammograms have no idea that the radiation emitted by mammography machines actually causes cancer by exposing heart and breast tissue to dangerous ionizing radiation that directly causes DNA damage.

Even low doses of radiation can add up to significant increases in lifelong cancer risk. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (2007) found that survivors of the 1945 atomic bombs unleashed on Japan during World War II still faced significant increases in lifetime cancer risk. And the levels of radiation to which these particular study subjects were exposed is equivalent to receiving only two or three CT scans, explains an ABC News story (…).

Yes, it’s true: A couple of CT scans can expose your body to as much radiation as standing a few miles from an atomic bomb explosion. This is a simple scientific fact.

Herbal Medicine Works Again

I like it when this happens to folks.  Goes to prove that one just has to seek out help from Mother Nature, as she is just a waitin’ to help us.

64 year old Janet Hafner says she’s been off her diabetes medicine for nearly 6 months and she’s been controlling her high cholesterol through herbal medicines.
She says not only is it good for her pocketbook but her overall health.
Hafner says,  “To be able to control it better and to know I am not going to have to increase medications and add more medications and eventually go on insulin.”

Home Made Bread

Home made bread saves money and is so much healthier for you. Using fresh ingredients will cost less than a store-bought loaf. The bread which results will be nutritious and tasty, with endless variety. Many people fear that making bread is a long and complicated process. Instead you will find it leisurely and relaxing, requiring attention for short periods of time throughout the process. Adding bread baking to your routine will reap health and benefits for years to come. Why not take control of your health by making your own bread? It costs much less and you know what ingredients are in it.
The practice of making bread has been around for six thousand years. Yet, many people feel intimidated at the prospect of making bread.
Baking bread does not have to be a fussy or time consuming thing. Anyone can fit bread making into their schedule. It really only needs a few minutes of attention here and there. As you get more comfortable with the process, you will find that your bread choices are limited only by your imagination.
Always make more bread than you think you will use. Bread is a very sociable commodity. There is always someone to share a loaf of fresh baked bread.

Good Old Celery

Good Old Celery.  Just one more reason to get outside this spring and get a patch of ground worked up for your new veggie garden.  You deserve it.   Also look for my new gardening book coming out around May of this year.

The reason celery is so low in calories is because it is so high in water content. Fresh, light green celery with glossy ribs is the best for eating. Celery is truly a healthy treat; all parts of the plant are edible and one cup contains only about twenty calories. There is no waste. It’s a great food and has a number of known health benefits. Here is a couple.

Celery can provide a sense of calmness. It can also help lower blood pressure. People with gout should be fans of celery because it lowers uric acid. So there you go and oh, my wife dries the leaves every year and uses them in soups through out the winter months.  Sure brings the soup alive with taste.  Talk Soon

Enjoy That Cup Of Coffee

Now in reading these findings my suggestion is to drink coffee in moderation like maybe one to two cups a day.  That’s what I do and actually two is all I really want.  Any more than that makes me feel nauseous.  But I do enjoy a cup around two each day.

It’s a pleasant surprise when something questionable turns out to be full of health benefits. First chocolate was found to prevent heart disease. Then red wine was shown to increase overall longevity. Now the spotlight is on coffee. Newly released studies reveal that coffee drinking lowers risk of stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. It even improves social skills and depressive symptoms. Other recent research has shown that drinking coffee reduces the risk of diabetes.

Cancer & How To Beat It

What I have been saying for  years and still am today.  Just one more reason to eat organic or better yet grow your own.

Although you won’t hear this from the cancer industry or the drug companies that profit from cancer, there’s an easy, low-cost and remarkably safe way to slash cancer rates around the world by about one-third, says the World Cancer Research Fund: Promote healthy foods and exercise.

Myself I believe that cancer is hard to cure.  The thing one has to do is prevent it.  That means eating right.  But the problem is that the food today that is out there for us to eat isn’t good. We have to eliminate all the pesticides in and on our food.  Also the antibiotics has to be used only for certain things, the rest has to be done away with along with over two thirds of the over counter items.  The injecting our beef with antibiotics has to stop too. Once this is done, we might have a fighting chance. Will it be done? Not likely, as the big pharmaceutical guys are making to much money off us humans, and critters too for that matter.But on the bright side of things. It’s up to you what you put in your body or on it.  Think about that.  Talk Soon

Pesticides & What To Do

You know as human beings, we’re the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves. As part of modern living, we create a wide variety of chemical toxins that goes directly into our bodies, through rivers and streams, the air, the soil and so on. Not only that, we actually combine toxic chemicals and then inject them directly into the food supply — knowing full well that they are poisonous and are major contributors to the epidemic rates of chronic disease we are experiencing today.  What to do get out there this spring and Plant your own or seek out organic foods and get to eating.  Also start telling folks that sell things covered wtih pesticides that they shouldn’t be selling them and that you won’t be buying them anymore. We are the ones that caused the problem, well some of us. So we humans have to be the ones to stop it.

Simple Things You Can Do To Eliminate What’s Bad For You

*Stop buying soaps and other home products that contain triclosan and other antimicrobial agents—including toothpaste, cosmetics, carpets, plastic kitchenware, sponges, and even toys. Urge your family, friends, and workplace not to buy them either.

*Wash your hands by rubbing thoroughly with ordinary soap and warm water before preparing food and after using the toilet, as this is still the best way to prevent colds and food-borne disease.

Antibacterials? Here’s the Rub

For most of human history, soap got rid of germs by making surface dirt and oils slippery enough to be rubbed and rinsed off. Since World War II, however, human-made chemicals have altered the traditional recipe. Manufacturers increasingly fortify liquid soaps, shower gels, and body washes with a wide range of fragrances and other inputs—including germ-fighting “antibacterial” properties—and tout the benefits of doing so.

But the truth is, that antibacterial soaps are not significantly more effective at combating germs than regular soaps. Even worse, their popularity is contributing to the growing problem of drug-resistance—creating greater opportunities for the emergence of deadly “super-bugs” that are immune to germ-fighting agents. As a consequence, many antibiotics and other compounds used to fight life-threatening infections like malaria and tuberculosis are no longer as effective as they once were. When it comes to germ prevention, there’s really no substitute for plain old soap and water.

My Choices.

Good old Ivory Soap one of my favourites or better yet just good old Lye Soap with honey. Can’t be beat in my eyes and so good for you.

Garlic & Where It Is Grown. Not Good.

Garlic is recognised as a valuable ingredient in maintaining a healthy life and combating disease. However what looks to be perfectly natural could in fact be treated with all kinds of chemicals. So the question is where is your garlic from and how has it been treated? Now think about this: The bulk of the world’s garlic is produced in China. Also garlic from China is doused in chemicals to stop sprouting, to whiten garlic, and to kill insects and plant matter. It also is grown in untreated sewage which I figured over the years. So………. what does that tell ya?  Tells me to get out there and plant my own. And remember this. My new gardening book will be on the shelves around the first of May.  Talk Soon

Get A Good Nights Sleep

The folks that raised me told me this over fifty years ago and they are just finding it out now?  Kind of think they should be asking our elders on how we dealt with things, wouldn’t you think?  It would save millions of dollars a year.   Also save thousands of lives.  Wonder how many thousands of dollars it cost to find this out.  If they would have asked me I wouldn’t have charged them a cent.

to a study conducted by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

“Although sleep’s relationship with the immune system is well-documented, this is the first evidence that even relatively minor sleep disturbances can influence the body’s reaction to cold viruses,” researcher Sheldon Cohen said. “It provides yet another reason why people should make time in their schedules to get a complete night of rest.”   Also don’t forget even a half hour rest at noon helps a lot too.

Old-Fashioned Cold Remedies

I entered this here before but I will do it again as there is a lot of colds out there this time of year.

Home treatment for colds can be even more effective than medications, and without the harmful side effects. Old-fashioned cold remedies can often be made with what you already have in your pantry, and the cost is much less prohibitive than the expense of a doctor`s visit and several prescriptions. Next time you feel a cold coming on, try some of these simple remedies to alleviate your symptoms and shorten the duration of your cold.

Avoid Over-the-Counter Drugs

Although these medications claim to be helpful, they can turn your cold into a nightmare. A runny nose may be irritating, but drying up nasal passages with decongestants is a sure fire way to encourage the build-up of bacteria. Instead, keep you sinuses clear with natural saline sprays.

You can also make your own saline solution at home with a half teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of warm water. Use a bulb syringe to place three or four drops of the liquid into each nostril. Gently breathe in and avoid blowing your nose for at least thirty seconds. This gives the mixture time to break down some of the build-up in your sinuses. Repeat this several times each day until nasal passages are clear.    What I do is, I mix up the salt with warm water in a coffee cup.  I then just put my nose into the solution sniffing it in till I can feel it running into the back of my throat. When doing this remember to hold one side of your nose closed sniffing in the solution through the other side. Then repeat on the other side. I do it twice a day. Sure helps me and easy to do.

Over-the-counter cough syrups should also be avoided. Instead, mix lemon juice with warm water and add a bit of honey. This home remedy can soothe your cough and works equally well for sore throats.

Sinus pressure and pain is often treated with over-the-counter pain medication like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. These are only moderately effective and are known for their potential toxic side effects. Try placing a heating pad or warm washcloth over the area instead. Repeat as needed.

Pesticide Exposure To Us And Critters

As I have been saying for years that, links between pesticide exposure and rates of  cancers, hormonal disruption, and immune system disorders in humans are on going, should we heed the warning signs provided by birds and animals, or do we continue to pay the high environmental and social costs of rampant pesticide use? Here are a few thoughts and figures to consider. The benefits of pesticides are often cited in terms of their contribution to world food production, and yet it is estimated that crop losses to pests would increase only 10% if no pesticides were used. Between 1945 and 1989, pesticide use in the U.S.& Canada increased tenfold and yet crop losses doubled from 7-14%. Consider also that all of us, everywhere, are exposed to some pesticide residues in food, water, and the atmosphere every day. Residents of the United States & Canada eat an estimated 2 billion pounds of imported produce tainted with banned pesticides each year.  Kind of makes one think doesn’t it?  The only ones that can stop this craziness is us humans.  Will it happen? Not likely and I kind of think it might be to late.  Just one more reason to grow your own.