Weather For Us Here in Cottage Country For the Remainder of the Summer 2024

Northern Ontario is set to have typical weather for this time of year. We might see a few cooler days and perhaps some showers, but nothing out of the ordinary. While global weather patterns are causing changes in other places, I think we’re going to enjoy the rest of summer without any major disruptions. Just what the old country doctor ordered–assuming your doctor’s prescription includes a side order of sunshine!

Daybreak with an Old Feller in Northern Ontario on August 10/2024

Our Phlox are looking real fine this year. They’ve got a sweet smell that reminds me of cherries. It’s like they’re trying to bribe us into spending more time in the garden.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning!

Old Truths: You can learn a lot just sittin’ on the porch, watchin’ the world go by, especially in small towns.

It’s another perfect day here in cottage country. The temperature’s just right, and there’s not a hint of humidity to speak of. Everything’s growing like it’s in a race, and honestly, I’m just trying to keep up! Truth be told, it’s been a fantastic summer so far, at least weather-wise.

Even the mosquitoes seem to be on vacation, probably off annoying someone else for a change. The sun’s shining, the birds are enjoying our bird feeder, the breeze is gentle, and I’m starting to think I could get used to this— at least until winter rolls around, which reminds me that it won’t be long before my wife and I have to put in our firewood for winter. It’s like everything around here has a mind of its own, and we’re just the unpaid help! But hey, keeps me… out of trouble… mostly.

Highway 522 hasn’t been all that busy this year. Oh, there are a few folks roaming around, but for the most part, it’s been pretty quiet. A couple of campers here and there, maybe a family out for a Sunday drive, but nothing to write home about. It’s almost as if the highway is on vacation itself. But our gift shop has seen a lot of new faces so far this year, which is nice.

On another note, my wife and I have been busy in our gardens, these days, along with other things that need attending, mostly in the mornings. My afternoons for a week or so are reserved for writing. I’m getting ahead on my stories so that when winter arrives, I can concentrate on other projects—like finally finishing that sci-fi mystery novel I’ve been working on. At the rate I’m going… it might solve itself before I do!

With that, I’m off for breakfast, which my lovely wife is making for me. After that, I’ll head out to our front porch with a cup of hot cocoa, take in the peaceful country view, and enjoy the quiet of the morning.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to ponder on: “Enjoy the little things in life, because one day… you might look back and realize they were the big things.” GW

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
4:27 AM-6:27 AM
4:47 PM-6:47 PM

Minor Times
11:59 AM-12:59 PM
10:23 PM-11:23 PM

Day Rating: Not the greatest day for fishing, I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: A stringer keeps your fish fresh until you’re ready to head home. Just tie it to a dock, the side of your boat, or a stick in the water. I’ve always said, “A fish on a stringer is like a kid with candy—keeps ’em from wandering too far away!”

Notes from a Northern Ontario Morning on August 7/2024

Good Morning!

Old Truths: “The best way to stay young is to hang out with old folks who refuse to grow up. Like me GW!”

Well, what can I say, other than we here in cottage country are in the midst of a really nice day. The sun is shining, the lakes and rivers are calm, and the air carries that sweet scent of pine and wildflowers. It’s the kind of day that makes you appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

You can hear the distant sound of a motorboat now and then, a reminder that even in this peaceful place, folks are out and about, enjoying the water and the warm weather. The birds are singing, and every so often, you catch sight of a deer at the edge of the woods, nibbling on the fresh green shoots.

It’s the kind of day that takes me back to when I was younger, when life was a bit slower, and our connection to nature was stronger. I remember when my kids were little, and we’d spend days like this fishing off the dock, skipping stones, and just being together without the distractions of modern life. Those were good times, and days like today bring back those fond memories.

Highway 522 has slowed down somewhat, but yesterday, my lovely wife Ruth and I took a drive into North Bay to pick up a few things we needed. I have to say, there was a lot of traffic on the highways. But that’s normal for this time of year, with folks wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of the cities.

The stores were busy, but not so much that we couldn’t enjoy ourselves. After we picked up our needs, not our wants, we had a Canadian Pizza at East Side Mario’s. Now, I have to tell you, that’s about the best pizza I’ve ever tasted, and I’ve had quite a few in my day. Washed it down with some iced tea. My wife and I enjoy going there. Ruth’s Italian, so we fit right in, especially with the food.

After that, we picked up a coffee at a little coffee shop and headed on home, taking in the beauty of nature as we drove. The trees were nice and green, and the wildflowers were in full bloom, making for a scenic drive.

All in all, it was one great day! Oh, and the weather couldn’t have been any better. Just a perfect day for a drive. As they say, it’s the simple things in life that bring the most joy. And sometimes, a good pizza and a drive through the countryside with a beautiful woman by your side, are all you need to set things right. Remember, folks, it’s not about what you buy; it’s about the memories you make along the way.

Bug Report: Truth be told, it’s not all that bad out there these days, other than a few pesky deer flies. Once they set their sights on you, they won’t leave you alone. Pain in the… that’s what they are.

With that, I’m off for my breakfast that my little woman is making for me. After that, I’ll see what the day has in store. I never know—every day is a new chapter waiting to be written. And as they say, the best way to face the unknown is with a full belly and a heart ready for whatever comes.

You all have a great day and remember: “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”


Major Times
2:30 AM-4:30 AM
2:49 PM-4:49 PM

Minor Times
8:46 AM-9:46 AM
9:37 PM-10:37 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Crank baits are handy for covering lots of water when you’re fishing. Just reel them in steadily and change up your speed to see what the fish prefer. I’ve always thought of crank baits like a good story: sometimes you need to take it slow and easy, and other times you let it run wild and free. GW

An Old Writer’s Morning in Northern Ontario on August 5/2024

We dug our garlic yesterday. Sure is tasty. I enjoy eating a raw clove or two every day with a piece of 3-year-old cheese.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good morning!

Food For Thought: The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once. Trust me!

It’s a cloudy morning here in the north, and we did have a few light showers overnight. Not enough to do any good, though, as it barely wet the ground. Taking a look at things, I kind of figure that this month in Northern Ontario looks to be shaping up in a way that old timers might recognize. The jet stream will stretch from the Pacific Northwest to Atlantic Canada, keeping the cooler air in our area. While our neighbours to the south sweat it out under intense heat, we can expect our typical mix of warm days and the occasional thunderstorm. As the month moves forward, the severe weather should stay closer to the border.

Highway 522 was very quiet over the weekend, caused by folks feeling the pinch these days. And I can’t say I blame them.

Bug Report: There have been some deer flies bothering folks these days.

On another note, with it being so warm yesterday, I decided to stay inside where it was cooler and work on another story. Always good to have a few extra stories on hand.

Early in the morning, though, my wife and I picked tomatoes to get them ready for the freezer. Had a good crop this year, full of juice and flavour, that makes your mouth water, and leaves you wanting more. We’ve been eating them daily, and freezing them will make for some tasty meals come winter. Ain’t nothing like the taste of homegrown tomatoes to brighten up a dish, or my face for that matter, when it’s cold outside.

Today, well… I’m not exactly sure what I’ll be doing. To be honest, Ruth and I have wrapped up nearly everything outside we needed to do for the year. It’s a satisfying feeling to see it all come together, especially since it’s been a long time coming. We’ve spent years working tirelessly, always with something else on our to-do list, and now it feels like we finally have a moment to breathe. At least for a couple of days.

With that I’m off for breakfast, that my lovely wife has prepared for me… a toasted sandwich featuring tomatoes fresh from our garden. Sure, the bacon’s there too, but we all know it’s not exactly the health food of the century. Still, it adds a bit of flavour, even if some health folks might raise an eyebrow. There’s nothing like a bacon and tomato sandwich to start the day right… or end it!

You all have a great day and remember: “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams, well… they are forever.”

Fishing Times for Monday

Major Times
1:06 AM-3:06 AM
1:28 PM-3:28 PM

Minor Times
6:33 AM-7:33 AM
9:06 PM-10:06 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Fish love to hang out in the shadows created by trees or docks. Cast your line just inside the shaded areas. I’ve always said that, “Fish don’t like the sun any more than we do on them hot summer days, they’re lookin’ for shade.”

Daybreak Stories of Northern Ontario on August 4/2024

Good Morning!

Food For Thought: I was taught at a very young age that: “If the path seems too easy, it might not be leading anywhere worth going.”

Once again, it’s looking as if we are in for another nice day here in cottage country. The sun is shining and there’s hardly a breath of wind in the air. Sure is nice living here in the north. The lake’s so still it could pass for a mirror, and the birds are having a good old chat at our feeder. You know, days like this make you appreciate the simple things—like a cup of coffee on the porch and the peaceful rustle of leaves. Sometimes, it’s the small pleasures that remind us why we chose this slice of paradise in the first place.

Highway 522 has slowed down a wee bit, but in saying that, my wife and I are still seeing a lot of new faces dropping by our gift shop, picking up one-of-a-kind items made right here in our old woodworking shop. No mass-produced stuff here—just good, honest Canadian craftsmanship. It’s a shame to see so many folks grabbing things from far-off places these days. We should be putting our money into homegrown/made talent/items like we did years ago.

Bug Report; No complaints, best to enjoy it while we can.

On another note, with it being a touch warm yesterday, I spent the day at my computer, chipping away at a couple more stories for the newspapers and magazines I write for. Truth be told, it was one of those days when the words just seemed to flow effortlessly. Sometimes, you get into a groove and everything falls into place, like the stories are practically writing themselves. It’s days like that when you remember why you took up the pen in the first place.

With that, I’m off to enjoy breakfast, thanks to my lovely wife who’s making sure I start the day right. After that, I’ll dive into whatever comes next—more writing, a bit of tinkering in the shop, and maybe even squeezing in a nap if I’m lucky. If breakfast is any indication, it’s shaping up to be a good day. Here’s to hoping the rest of it is as satisfying as my lovely wife’s cooking!

You all have a great day, and I will leave you this morning with this: “The older I get, the better I understand that it’s okay to live a life others don’t understand.


Major Times
12:19 AM-2:19 AM
12:43 PM-2:43 PM

Minor Times
5:23 AM-6:23 AM
8:46 PM-9:46 PM

Day Rating: Other than the heat, it should be a great day for fishing. I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Fish tend to bite better when the barometer drops before a storm. Pay attention to the weather and fish before the rain hits. I have always said. “Fishing with the weather is like fishin’ with a friend—it makes all the difference.”

Wakin’ Up in Northern Ontario on August 3/2024

Good Morning Folks

Food for thought: The sun doesn’t complain about rising every day, and neither should we.

It’s another sunny morning here in cottage country, and I suspect we’re in for another warm day. Truth be told, it’s the humidity that makes it feel a lot warmer than it really is. But it is summer, and we’ve had our share of rain, so there shouldn’t be too many complaints. That said, over the years, not much has changed weather wise here where we live.

On the cooler side of things, starting Monday, a cold front is expected to move in, bringing cooler temperatures and a welcome break from the heat. This shift should make things more comfortable and give us a chance to enjoy the outdoors even more.

Highway 522 has quieted down, with many folks opting to stay close to home or in their cottages. I can’t say I blame them. The taxes these days are ridiculous, and what we get in return doesn’t seem to match up. The powers that be, have driven prices so high, making it hard for people to get out and enjoy themselves. With the rising costs of gas and the burden of paycheck taxes, every outing feels like a strain on the wallet. Personally, I believe paychecks shouldn’t be taxed at all. It’s no wonder people prefer to stay put these days.

Bug Report: No complaints in that department.

On another note, my wife and I have been really busy with folks dropping by our gift shop, along with friends stopping in to say hello and see how we’re doing. It’s nice to see so many faces. And on top of that, with all the work we’ve been doing around our home, tending to the garden, fixing up the house, and working in the woodworking shop, our days are full. But we wouldn’t have it any other way… there’s something special about staying close to home and doing what you love. Which I stated above that a lot of people are doing these days.

Today, with the weather set to be a touch warm, I’m thinking of staying inside and possibly writing up another story or two for my columns. It’s one of those days when the idea of trading the sun for the comfort of my writing desk sounds pretty appealing. Besides, the stories don’t write themselves, though some days it feels like they should!

With that, I’m off to enjoy the breakfast my little woman is making. You know, after all these years, I’ve learned that the way to start the day is with her cooking. It’s been over fifty years, and she still manages to make mornings special. Once I’ve had my fill, I’ll see what the day brings, although I’ve learned that with my lovely wife by my side, it’s always worth getting up for.

You all have a great day and remember: “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”


Major Times
11:54 AM-1:54 PM

Minor Times
4:12 AM-5:12 AM
8:21 PM-9:21 PM

Day Rating: Other than the heat it should be a good day for fishing, I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Always keep your line tight while fishing. A loose line can mean missing a great catch. I’ve always said: “A slack line is like a poorly tied knot…both will leave you hanging and wondering where you went wrong!”

Wakin’ Up in Northern Ontario on July 29/2024

Comfrey’s been a trusty plant for us old timers. We’d crush its leaves and use them on bruises and sore spots for quick relief. It still works well for that today.

Just be sure not to use it inside the body—stick to applying it on the skin only. Always test a small amount on a patch of skin, like your wrist, first. If it turns red or causes irritation, don’t use it.

Click on image to enlarge!

To make comfrey oil, follow these simple steps:

  1. Harvest: Gather fresh comfrey leaves and flowers.
  2. Dry: Let them dry for a day or two to remove excess moisture.
  3. Infuse: Place the dried leaves and flowers in a jar and cover with a carrier oil (like olive, grape seed, or almond oil).
  4. Steep: Seal the jar and let it sit in a warm, sunny spot for 2–3 weeks, shaking it gently every day.
  5. Strain: After 2–3 weeks, strain out the plant material using a fine mesh or cheesecloth.
  6. Store: Pour the oil into a clean, dark bottle and store it in a cool, dark place.

Use this oil for soothing skin or muscle relief.

Good Morning. Years ago, my old friend used to say. “George, the buffalo moves through the storm, not away from it. Face your challenges head-on.”

This is beginning to sound like, well… anyway, we are looking at another beautiful day here in cottage country. The sun’s shining, the birds are singing, and the mosquitoes are surprisingly polite this year. If this keeps up, I might just start believing the Farmer’s Almanac got it right.

We’ve had enough rain to keep the garden lush, but not so much that we’re growing webbed feet. Although I did have to put on my rubber boots at times. The tomatoes are ripening nicely, and even the carrots seem to be smiling. It’s been a good year weather-wise, so here’s hoping it continues. If nothing else, it’s a perfect day to sit on the porch with a cold drink and take in nature.

Highway 522 was quiet yesterday, but it was Sunday, and most folks seem to stay close to home on weekends, enjoying their time off work. During the week, everyone’s busy, so weekends are when folks can finally catch their breath.

Bug Report: As I stated above, all is well in that department.

On another note, since I was hurting yesterday, I decided to take it easy. Today, well… we’ll see how it goes. I suppose I shouldn’t be pushing myself as much as I have been. You’d think one would learn with age, but some of us just never quite get the hang of it. It’s something I’m going to have to work on sooner rather than later.

With that I am off once again for my breakfast that my lovely wife has made for me and will then retire to the front porch.

You all have a great day and remember: “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”

Fishing Times for Monday

Major Times
7:15 AM-9:15 AM
7:42 PM-9:42 PM

Minor Times
3:49 PM-4:49 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-Star Rating for catching a few today. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Whether it’s minnows, worms, or bugs, live bait gets the job done better than any fancy lure. Hook ’em live and let ’em wriggle. My old Dad always said, “Live bait is fishin’ the way nature intended.”

Daybreak in Northern Ontario, on July 28/2024


Click on image to enlarge!

Good morning! As my old friend Gray Wolf used to say: The eagle may soar, but the wise owl knows when to keep quiet.

Looking outside, it seems we’re in for another beautiful day here in the north. Plenty of sunshine, hardly a cloud in sight and the breeze is just right. Along with that, the temperature has settled back into the comfortable zone. Truth be told, other than a smidgen of warmth for a couple of days, and a bit too much rain, our summer has been perfect. If it keeps up like this, I might just start thinking Mother Nature’s got a soft spot for us. Or… maybe she’s just making up for last winter.

Highway 522 has seen a bit more action lately, with folks out and about looking for things to do. Seems like everyone’s trying to escape the humdrum of their own four walls. Heck, even the deer are starting to look twice before crossing!

Bug Report: Nothing to report, as things have been pretty nice out there. Even the mosquitoes seem to be on vacation! Which is fine with me.

On another note, yesterday I worked away outside on a few more projects that needed attention, and in the afternoon I took it a bit easy and wrote up another story for my newspaper columns that I write for weekly. I write 52 columns a year, which can keep a feller busy at times. And you know, in over 30 years, I’ve never missed a single one. You’d think that would be some kind of record. But the best part is, my readers keep asking for more.

Today, my wife and I are thinking of taking the day off to enjoy our property. We’ll do some front porch sittin’, relax by the fishpond, and spend time on the swing I made a few years ago—Just Because We Can!

And with that, I’m off for my morning breakfast that my lovely wife is making for me. Afterward, I’ll see what the day has in store, beyond what I’ve planned. Life is a mystery. But in saying that… sometimes, the best moments are the ones you didn’t see coming.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you to ponder on this: “You don’t stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing.” GW

Fishing Times for Sunday

Major Times
6:22 AM-8:22 AM
6:48 PM-8:48 PM

Minor Times
2:30 PM-3:30 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: A simple cane pole, some line, and a hook are all you need for a relaxing day of fishing. No reels, no fuss. Sometimes… the old ways are the best ways—keep it simple, and have fun!

Early Mornin’ in the Pines on July 27/2024

Good Morning! Thinking back, my old dad used to say: If you’re lookin’ for a friend, try a dog. If you’re lookin’ for work, try a farm. He went on to say, And if you’re lookin’ for both, drop by and say hello.

Looks like another fine day shaping up for us here in the north. It’s a bit misty now, but the sun will burn it off soon enough. Nothing like a bit of nature’s magic to start the day, which we see a lot of, living where we do. That is, you take the time to notice.

Highway 522 slowed down a bit yesterday, but our gift shop still saw a steady stream of visitors picking up one-of-a-kind items. I have to say, we’ve had a great year so far.

Bug Report: All is well in that department. Well, except for the mosquitoes, who are clearly on vacation—they left a note saying they’d be back later on when conditions are right. Damn nice of them, don’t you think?

Yesterday, I was out and about taking care of this and that. Out here in the country, owning a home means you’re never short of things that need fixing. From mending an out building, that’s seen better days, to chasing after weeds that seem to think they own the place, there’s always work to be done.

Today, well... I am thinking I will take things a bit easy and give this old body of mine a much-needed rest. My lovely wife and I have done so many things this year around our home, that we can’t begin to remember them all. And it’s not that we’re forgetting things—just been too busy to keep up!

With that I am off once again for my breakfast that my little woman has made for me, and will then head on out to our swing by our fishpond with a hot cocoa… and take in our beautiful piece of property.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “When in doubt, take a nap and let the world sort itself out.”

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
5:31 AM-7:31 AM
5:56 PM-7:56 PM

Minor Times
1:10 PM-2:10 PM
11:28 PM-12:28 AM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Keep your hooks sharp with a small file. A sharp hook sets easier and catches more fish. I’ve always said; “A dull hook is like a dull knife—good for nothin’.”

What the Mavericks Can Teach Us When it Comes to Politics

As an old-timer who’s seen his fair share of political antics, I think it’s time to take a step back, and look at things with a fresh perspective. Now… before you toss your hat in the ring and label me as a full-blown Trump supporter, hold your horses. I ain’t saying he’s flawless, but maybe, just maybe, we shouldn’t be knocking Trump as much as a lot of folks are doing these days.

You see, Trump’s got a knack for stirring the pot, and truth told, sometimes, that’s exactly what the kitchen needs. Sure, he’s a bit rough around the edges, like a rusty old tractor, but he’s brought some important truths to the surface, that we can’t ignore, especially when it comes to the political system, the law, and the media.

It shouldn’t be the prospect of a Trump presidency that makes us rethink our ways. Nope… it’s the realization that the government we’ve had for the past few years, hasn’t exactly been a shining beacon of hope. Folks up here in the Great White North have been watching, and to me, it’s becoming pretty clear that the powers that be ain’t delivering the goods. But what can we do when the same old crew keeps backing the horse that’s dragging us through the mud? It seems to me that the so-called progress we’ve been promised, is just leading us deeper into the muck.

Now, I’m not suggesting we need to swap our leaders for a Trump-like figure, well maybe... but there’s a lesson in all this commotion. Maybe it’s time we took a hard look at the old policies of socialism, globalism, and that green dream our current leaders have been peddling. It seems to me these grand ideas are more like a leaky old boat – looks good from afar, but up close, it’s sinking fast.

What I hope is… that Canadians, after wading through the mess of the current regime, will take a lesson they won’t forget. For one generation, at least, we should remember, that change doesn’t always come in a neat, polite package. Sometimes, it’s loud, brash, and a bit unruly, just like a stubborn mule. But hey! If it gets the job done, and opens our eyes to what’s really going on, maybe it’s worth a second look. After all, there’s a reason why a lot of folks still find value in the things Trump’s been pointing out.

So, let’s not be too quick to dismiss the man who’s got folks talking, even if he’s not our cup of tea. After all, every once in a while, a little ruckus is just what the doctor ordered. GW

Daybreak in the North Country on July 26/2024

Yesterday, I picked some of our first tomatoes, zucchini, along with a few beans. There’s something truly special about that first toasted tomato sandwich of the season.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good mornin’! You can’t unscramble eggs, but you can always make an omelette. So… make the best of what you got.

It looks as if we are in for another really nice day here in cottage country. The sun is shinning, the temperatures are comfortable, and the birds are enjoying their breakfast at our bird feeder.

Highway 522 has been picking up traffic wise, with lots of new vehicles roaming around town.

Bug Report; No complaints in that department, things are really nice.

Moving along, my wife and I managed to cut the grass yesterday and tend to our gardens. I have to say, our piece of the world is looking really nice. It takes hard work, but it’s work we enjoy, and that makes all the difference.

Today, I plan to work outside on a few projects that need my attention, which I expect will take most of the morning. After that, with the weather being so nice, I’m thinking some front porch sitting will be in order.

On another note, our gift shop has been bustling for the past few weeks with new faces coming by to pick up our unique, one-of-a-kind items. It’s refreshing to see, especially given how hard it is to find such treasures these days. As the market is flooded with offshore products that barely warrant a second glance. It’s disheartening how people have come to believe that cheap, mass-produced goods are just as good, or even better, than handcrafted items. It really makes me shake my head in wonder.

With that, I’m off for the morning breakfast my lovely wife has made for me. Afterward, I’ll head outdoors to our swing with a cup of hot cocoa—just because I can!

You know, over the years I have found, that sipping a hot drink while relaxing can really lift your spirits? It’s funny how these simple pleasures can make a world of difference in how we feel.

You all have a great day and remember: “When life gives you too many lemons, trade ’em for coffee beans.”

Fishing Times for Friday

Major Times
4:42 AM-6:42 AM
5:06 PM-7:06 PM

Minor Times
11:50 AM-12:50 PM
11:07 PM-12:07 AM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few today. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Use a bucket with holes for keeping live minnows. Drop it in the water to keep ’em fresh. I’ve always said. “Happy minnows catch happy fish.”

Mornings by the Northern Lakes/Rivers on July 25/2024

Here is a plant that everyone should be growing.

My wife loves summer savory. She grows it right in our garden and uses it in all sorts of dishes. A bit in her soups and stews really helps with digestion, cutting down on any bloating or gas. She also finds it useful for minor cuts and scrapes because of its antimicrobial properties.

Click on image to enlarge!

Its anti-inflammatory effects are also great for easing aches and pains. She loves adding it to bean dishes, meats, and veggies. Sometimes, she makes a soothing tea from it to settle her stomach. For sore muscles, she infuses it into oil and uses it for a comforting rub. Truth told; “Summer savory is not just a tasty addition to meals—it’s a real health booster, too.” Oh, and it will pretty well grow anywhere there is lots of sun. But you need to keep it watered, especially after planting, not too much though.

Good Morning!

Food For Thought: “If at first you don’t succeed, try doing it the way your wife suggested.”

It’s a cloudy morning here in cottage country, but the good news is the rain has stopped. However, even though we should see some sunshine, there is a slight chance of a shower throughout the day. Let’s hope not, as we have had our share of rain this summer. Rain is good, but too much can cause issues, especially for us who like growing our own vegetables. So far, though, our gardens are making out okay.

Highway 522 was really busy yesterday, along with our gift shop. Truth be told, we didn’t have a minute to sit down, with folks dropping by one after another. Not complaining, mind ya, as it sure is nice to see and talk to folks. All in all, it was a great day.

Bug Report: All is well in that department which should make the campers, day trippers, tourists and cottagers happy.

On another note: Today is mowing day for my wife and I, which will probably take up most of the morning. After that if the sun shows herself… I am thinking some front porch sittin’ will be in order.

With that, I’m off for my morning breakfast that my lovely wife is preparing. After that, I’ll see if our old mowers will run. One never knows how they are going to react—like trying to predict the weather or a teenager’s mood!

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can always bribe him with treats.” Woof!!

Fishing Times for Thursday

Major Times
3:54 AM-5:54 AM
4:18 PM-6:18 PM BEST!

Minor Times
10:31 AM-11:31 AM
10:48 PM-11:48 PM

Day Rating: Again, it’s not the greatest day for fishing. I give it a 1-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Top-water poppers are great for catching them large mouth bass. Cast near cover/lily pads, and give sharp, quick jerks to make a popping sound. Fish can’t resist checking it out. Just remember, when that bass explodes, wait a second before setting the hook—let ’em really grab it.

Mornin’ Thoughts from Northern Ontario on July 24/2024

Good Morning, along with food for thought: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.

It’s a rainy old morning here waking up in cottage country, but in saying that the rain should subside, and we should see some sunshine around 10:00 AM or so. Which will make it nice for some front porch sittin’.

On another note, my wife and I have been really busy looking after customers here at our gift shop for the past few days. The summer tourists are finally returning, and it’s been actually been quite busy. We’ve had folks from all over, each with their own stories and curiosities about our little corner of the world.

And between helping customers find the perfect item and sharing a few laughs, I haven’t had much time to sit at my computer and write. Yep, I do enjoy writing stories and articles, but I also like to be outside when the weather is nice. Winter is long here in the north, and you’ve got to make the most of these warm days. Whether it’s tending to the garden, fixing things around the house, fishing, going for a walk, or just sitting on the porch with a good cup of coffee, chatting with my better half, there’s nothing like soaking up the sunshine and fresh air to lift an old feller’s spirits. It’s in those moments that I feel a spark of motivation to try new things.

You know, over the years, I’ve learned that while the past holds our memories, and the present is what we experience right now, it’s the future that truly fascinates me. The past is set in stone, and the present slips away quickly, but the future is a blank page waiting to be filled. To me, it’s the promise of new adventures and discoveries that keeps life exciting. So, I embrace each new day, filled with hope and curiosity, ready to uncover the surprises that lie ahead, knowing… that every moment holds the potential for something extraordinary.

Highway 522 has picked up some with a lot of new faces roaming around town.

Bug Report: All is good in that department.

This morning with it being so wet outdoors, I will probably do some writing here at my computer, but if the sun comes out, which it is supposed to do, I will trade my keyboard for a hoe, and head on outdoors. We will see what happens, one never knows.

With that, I’m heading off for a bowl of porridge, thanks to my lovely wife who always knows how to start the day right. It should give me the fuel I need to get through until lunchtime. But let’s be honest, there’s always a chance a butter tart might find its way into my day. A little extra sweetness never hurts. Right?

You all have a great day and remember: “Worrying is like a rocking chair—it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.”

The Best Times for Fishing on Wednesday

Major Times
3:04 AM-5:04 AM
3:29 PM-5:29 PM

Minor Times
9:11 AM-10:11 AM
10:29 PM-11:29 PM

Day Rating: Not the greatest day for fishing. I only give it a 1-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck though!

Advice from an Old Angler: The Johnson Silver Minnow is great for fishing in heavy cover. Put a pork rind or plastic trailer on it, and it’ll cut through the muck. Dad used to say, ‘Fishin’ with a Silver Minnow is like eatin’ pie with a fork—gets to the good stuff without makin’ a mess.’

Sunrise in the North on July 21/2024

Click on image to enlarge!

I took a picture of our Parsley Yesterday, so far this year my wife has put away over a quart, and It’s still growing leaps and bounds. My wife uses it in soups, stews and all kinds of things. I even like eating it raw.

Back in the day, folks used to swear by parsley for a bunch of good reasons. They’d say it’s got all the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your health in check, like vitamins A, C, and K, along with B vitamins and folate. It’s also rich in minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium. Packed with antioxidants, parsley helps fight off the bad stuff in your body, supports bone health, and is great for your eyes. High in zinc, it’s something us older folks could use more of these days. It’s even got properties that may help in cancer prevention. If you caught a cold or the flu, or were worried about diabetes and blood pressure, parsley was a common remedy. It’s got a knack for settling an upset stomach and soothing bloating. Plus… it’ll freshen your breath right up, and even give your kidneys a hand. With most of all the vitamins and minerals out there today, parsley is one mighty good plant to have in our gardens.

Just a little bit of that green goodness could…. do a world of good, and it’s very easy to grow.

Good mornin’! If you think the grass is greener on the other side, it’s probably over the septic tank.

It’s another nice-looking day here in cottage country. Hardly a cloud in the sky. The good part is the humidity has left us, and things have cooled down to where it’s comfortable for sleeping. It’s the kind of day that makes you appreciate living in a place like this, where nature’s beauty is just outside your door and the air feels fresh and clean. Which is very hard to find these days.

Highway 522 is starting to get busier. Our store was really busy yesterday with lots of new faces dropping by. Folks are discovering the unique items my wife and I make right here on our property. It’s great to see so many people appreciating the work we put into each piece. We’re keeping busy, and it’s nice to share a bit of our world with everyone who stops in.

Today I am not sure what I will be doing. I do have my woodworking shop to clean up, as being so busy with so many different things, I haven’t had time to clean it up. So maybe I will do that later on today.

I also wanted to let you know tonight is the Buck Moon. This full moon in July got its name because this is when young bucks start growing their new antlers. Back in the day, people would keep track of the seasons by watching the moons. So when you see that big full moon in the sky tonight, remember, it’s the Buck Moon. A simple reminder from nature that things are movin’ along just like they should. Keep lookin’ up.

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is making for me, or should say has made for me, and then we both will head on out to our front porch and take in some of that fresh clean northern air.

Fishing Times for Sunday

Major Times
12:18 AM-2:18 AM
12:48 PM-2:48 PM

Minor Times
5:01 AM-6:01 AM
9:17 PM-10:17 PM

Day Rating: Today will be one of the best days this year for fishing. I give it a 5-Star Rating out of 5 For catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: If you’re looking for some good ol’ top water action, you can’t go wrong with a Hula Popper. Just toss it out near them lily pads, or logs, give it a few pops, and hang on to your pole. Them bass’ll hit it like it’s their last meal.

I’ve always said, “The only thing more excitin’ than a Big Old Large Mouth Bass hitting that Hula Popper… is finding a five-dollar bill in your old coat pocket.”

A New Day in the Northern Pines on July 20/2024

Guess what I will be enjoying off and on today!

Click on image to enlarge!

Mornin’, folks! If you wait for perfect weather, you’ll never plant a thing, as with anything in life. So… get out there and make your own sunshine.

It looks as if another beauty of a day is shaping up for us here in cottage country. The sun is burning off the mist, revealing the lakes and trees. Birds are already singing their morning songs, and life is waking up all around us. Things can’t get much better than that. Well, other than maybe discovering that the mosquitoes have taken a vacation!

Speaking of bugs, things are pretty good these days, except for those pesky nits that seem to think running gas engines, are their favorite hangout spots. They’re like the uninvited guests at a barbecue, always buzzing around and never bringing anything useful!

Highway 522 has picked up a wee bit, but still not as much traffic as other years.

On another note, yesterday my wife and I tackled a bunch of scrub brush, clearing things up a bit. It made a huge difference in the appearance of our property in certain areas. I have to say, it looks pretty darn nice!

Today, I’m thinking I’ll take it a bit easy…maybe tidy up my shop, write a story or two, and… make the most of this nice weather while it’s still around. It won’t be long before the cold shows up and tries to take over. For now, though, I’ll savor every last warm minute before winter decides to knock on the door!

With that, I’m off to enjoy some bacon and eggs over easy, cooked by my lovely wife this morning. After breakfast, we’ll relax on the front porch, soak up the day, and sip on some hot cocoa. Maybe it’ll lift my spirits…or at least give me a reason to smile a bit more!

You all have a great day and remember: “Life’s a lot like farming: you get what you put into it, so don’t plant onions and expect tomatoes.”

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
11:48 AM-1:48 PM

Minor Times
3:43 AM-4:43 AM
8:40 PM-9:40 PM

Day Rating: Well, it’s a perfect day for fishing! I’d give it a full 5-Star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck! And if you happen to reel in more than you need, I wouldn’t mind a little taste. Tight lines!

Advice from an Old Angler: If you’re struggling with those spooky fish, try casting your line close to floating leaves or any bits of debris. The natural cover helps disguise your bait and makes fish less wary.

Northern Dawn: A Feller’s Perspective on May 19/2024

Here is a picture of a Yellow Rose in our front garden. I thought it was pretty nice!.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good morning! Here’s something to ponder: “Even a scarecrow knows that sometimes… you just gotta stand there and look useful.”

It’s a really nice looking day here in cottage country, the kind of day that makes you wonder if the fish are biting, or if they’re just admiring the sunshine like the rest of us.

Highway 522 is still quiet for this time of year. Despite this, the locals and those who own, or rent cottages in our area are keeping busy, with them roaming up and down the highway. But in saying that, our gift shop has sure been busy with folks dropping by picking up one-of-a-kind items. Which is a welcome sight in these quieter times.

Bug Report: Things are pretty good these days.

On another note, my wife and I managed to get the mowing done yesterday morning. In the afternoon, we tackled some smaller trees that were crowding certain areas. I’m not usually a fan of taking down trees, but this time it was necessary. Now, the larger trees have room to thrive and hopefully, we’ll see a more balanced landscape soon.

Since we worked so hard yesterday, I’m thinking today will be a day to relax and enjoy our beautiful piece of property. After all, what’s the point of making it look so nice if we don’t take the time to appreciate it?

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge this morning that my lovely wife has put together and then we both will retire to the front porch with a cup of coffee for a change.

I hope you all have a great day! Just don’t let yesterday take too big a bite out of today… make sure to squeeze in a moment of relaxation or a bit of fun. Life’s too short not to enjoy the little things!

Fishing Times for Friday

Major Times
10:47 AM-12:47 PM

Minor Times
2:38 AM-3:38 AM
7:52 PM-8:52 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. It’s a great day for fishing. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Fish can be real jittery. Best to sneak up on ’em quiet-like, and make sure you’re not throwing any shadows. Move slow and keep low to the ground, especially if you’re fishing from the shore.

Small Town Life on July 18/2024

Good Morning! You know, as long as I have been walking on this old earth of ours, I have found that: “The best way to predict your future is to create it, one day at a time.”

It’s a beautiful day in cottage country. The sun is shining, the humidity is gone, and the songbirds are at the feeder. The vegetable garden looks great after the rain, and the tomatoes are ripening. The frogs in our new fishpond are active, and the goldfish are enjoying their company. You could say that living here where we do, you learn to appreciate the little things. Truth told, it’s the simple moments that make life truly rich.

Highway 522 has been quite so far this year. I suspect for some, it’s a good thing in some ways and not so good in others. But for my lovely wife and me, it doesn’t matter either way. We moved here many years ago for the quietness. I have always said that, “Peace and quiet are priceless, until you need to find something to do.”

Bug Report: The mosquitoes are annoying now and then in the shade, and we’ve got these tiny pests I call nits irritating folks, especially around running cars and trucks. Mosquitoes and nits may be small, but they sure know how to make themselves known. The best remedy? “Well… out here, you learn to swat with one hand, and hold your coffee with the other.”

On another note, I worked the day away outside around our home yesterday. Got lots done. Today, for my wife and me, it’s mowing day, which will take care of the morning. In the afternoon, I’m thinking some front porch sittin’ will be in order.

I have always said: “That hard work makes the rest all the sweeter.” After a morning of mowing, there’s nothing like relaxing on the porch, watching the world go by. Maybe share a story or two with my wife. It’s moments like these that remind me why we chose this life, living where time moves a bit slower and the joys are simple but true.

With that I am off once again for my breakfast and will then head on outdoors.

Have a great day, everyone! Here’s something to ponder on: “Life is simpler when you plow around the stump, but it sure is fun to try and move it sometimes. Thinking about that, I have to say, my wife and I have moved quite a few in our day.”

Fishing Times for Thursday

Major Times
9:46 AM-11:46 AM
10:15 PM-12:15 AM

Minor Times
1:45 AM-2:45 AM
6:52 PM-7:52 PM

Day Rating: Not a bad day for fishing, I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Sun Data
Rise: 5:45 AM
Set: 9:02 PM

Day Length
15 hrs. 17 mins.

Moon Data
Rise: 7:22 PM
Set: 2:15 AM
Moon Phase
Moon Phase is 91% percent waxing gibbous
91% Waxing Gibbous

Advice from an Old Angler: When you’re jigging, remember to use the lift and drop technique. Lift your rod tip slow and steady, then let it drop easy-like. This makes your jig flutter down like a scared bait fish, and that’s how you hook them big ones.

What’s Happening on July 17/2024

I took this picture yesterday. At first, we just had one frog in our new fishpond, but it looks as if he invited some friends. And the goldfish seem to enjoy their company.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning! You know, over the years, I found that: “Success comes before work… only in the dictionary.”

It’s a really nice day here in cottage country. The temperature is a comfortable 19.2°C (66.56°F), the sun is shining, and there’s a light breeze coming in from the southwest. Best of all, it’s not too humid. What could be better than that? Not much in my eyes.

Highway 522 is still quiet, though it’s picked up a wee bit from what it has been. It’s nice to see a few more folks out and about, enjoying the beautiful weather.

Bug Report: All is well…even the mosquitoes have eased off a bit. Which is fine with me. Maybe they finally got the memo about social distancing!

On another note, I did some weeding in our vegetable garden yesterday, along with a few other chores. Then, since my old body needed a rest, I took it easy and wrote up another story here at my computer. It was another good day for writing. Funny how that works—some days the words flow nicely, and other days, I’m better off pulling weeds!

Today I have some more outside work that needs doing and after that being so nice outside I think my wife and I will do some front porch sittin’. Just Because We Can!

With that, once again, I’m off for the breakfast my lovely wife is preparing. Then, I’ll head outdoors. Well, after my cup of… hmm, maybe I’ll go for tea this morning instead of my usual hot cocoa. It’s nice living in the country where I can make these tough decisions. Variety is the spice of life, right?

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to ponder on: “A good woman is like a four-leaf clover … hard to find and lucky to have, especially in a field of weeds.”

Fishing Times For Wednesday

Major Times
8:50 AM-10:50 AM
9:18 PM-11:18 PM

Minor Times
1:08 AM-2:08 AM
5:43 PM-6:43 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating today for catching a few. Good Luck!

Sun Data
Rise: 5:44 AM
Set: 9:02 PM

Day Length
15 hrs. 18 mins.

Moon Data
Rise: 6:13 PM
Set: 1:38 AM
Over: 10:18 PM
Under: 9:50 AM

Moon Phase
Moon Phase is 84% percent waxing gibbous
84% Waxing Gibbous

Advice from an Old Angler; Occasionally, I like to give those jointed lures a go, with their bend and all. They wiggle around like a fish in distress, sure to catch the attention of those big ol’ bass or pickerel. And that might just mean a good catch for supper. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

Country Living: Daily Update on July 16/2024

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning, folks! You know, over the years, I have found that: “Life’s like a field—what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.”

It’s a bit cloudy waking up in cottage country. We did have some light showers earlier this morning, but it should clear up later, and we might even see a bit of sunshine. That would be nice, because, truth be told, we’ve had enough rain for a while. Honestly, with all this wet weather, I think my tomatoes are starting to think they’re water lilies!

Highway 522 is quiet these days, with fewer tourists and day trippers visiting our neck of the woods. Normally, this time of year brings a lot of hustle and bustle, but things are quieter now with everything going on in the country, like taxes, strikes you name it, and truth told…. I can’t say I blame folks for staying closer to home.

Bug Report: Other than a few mosquitoes, things are pretty good these days.

Yesterday, I took a break from the computer and worked outside. Spent the morning weeding most of our veggie garden and staining the new walls around the carport. Took it easy in the afternoon, needed a rest, but managed to write up another story. Turned out to be a good day, got a lot done.

Today, with it being a bit wet outside, I’ll probably work away inside here. Truth be told, I never really know what I’m going to do—I might start off heading in one direction, and end up doing a complete 180. It’s like trying to navigate without a map!

With that I am off for my morning breakfast that my lovely wife is preparing for me.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to think about: “The best roads are the ones less traveled, even if they’re a bit bumpy.”

Fishing Times for Tuesday

Major Times
7:59 AM-9:59 AM
8:24 PM-10:24 PM

Minor Times
12:40 AM-1:40 AM
4:31 PM-5:31 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few today. Good Luck!

Sun Data
Rise: 5:43 AM
Set: 9:03 PM

Day Length
15 hrs. 20 mins.

Moon Data
Rise: 5:01 PM
Set: 1:10 AM
Moon Phase
Moon Phase is 75% percent waxing gibbous
75% Waxing Gibbous

Advice from an Old Angler When them fish get skittish or the water’s clear as day, it’s best to give them some space. Use a long cast to keep your distance. A rod that’s longer, and a line that’s light, can help you reach the fish without spookin’ ’em.

Today’s Thoughts on July 15/2024

I spotted this little feller in our fishpond yesterday, cooling off.

Click on Image to Enlarge!

Good morning! Here in the country, work is never done, but the rewards are endless.

Waking up here in cottage country, we’re greeted by some fog. The good news is, it’s cooled down a bit, making for a comfortable sleep last night. As the morning progresses, the fog will burn off, and we should see some sunshine a bit later on.

Highway 522 was real quiet over the weekend, which tells me a lot of folks are staying closer to home this year, instead of traveling. Many aren’t venturing into the country because the LCBO’s are on strike, making it hard to get a cool one in remote areas. Truth be told, for a lot of folks, that’s what summer is all about.

In my view, the LCBO unions are making a significant misstep with this strike, especially during the busy summer holiday season. For now, though, it looks as if a lot of tourists are sticking close to home, where they can easily get their drinks. Another thing is, given enough time, folks might realize they can do without the LCBO altogether. And… people today it seems hold grudges.

Bug Report: Things are good in that department. My wife and I sat out on our swing yesterday by our fishpond, enjoying a cup of ice tea, and we didn’t see or feel a one.

On another note, being that my old body isn’t back up to snuff just, yet I spend the day yesterday writing up a few more stories. It was another good day for writing.

Today, well… we will see how I feel and go from there.

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge this morning that my lovely wife is making for me and will then see what the day has in store.

You all have a great day and remember: Life’s a puzzle…sometimes you just need a different perspective to see the whole picture.

Fishing Times for Monday

Major Times
7:12 AM-9:12 AM
7:35 PM-9:35 PM

Minor Times
12:18 AM-1:18 AM
3:20 PM-4:20 PM

Day Rating: Not the greatest day for fishing, I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Sun Data
Rise: 5:42 AM
Set: 9:04 PM

Day Length
15 hrs. 22 mins.

Moon Data
Rise: 3:50 PM
Set: 12:48 AM
Over: 8:35 PM
Under: 8:12 AM

Moon Phase
Moon Phase is 66% percent waxing gibbous
66% Waxing Gibbous

Advice from an Old Angler: In rivers and swift currents, ya gotta keep a keen eye for them eddies, hiding behind rocks and bends. The calm spots are where the fish like to hang out, taking a breather and grabbing a bite or two. Toss your line right into that eddy, let your bait drift natural-like, and who knows, before ya know it, you might be puttin’ fresh fish on the table!

Welcome to my little corner of the countryside, where storytelling meets the everyday joys of woodworking, farming, and gardening. I’m GW, a writer and published author with over thirty years of experience. Here, I’m eager to share the lessons and stories from a life spent writing and working with my hands. Join me as we explore the practical and rewarding side of country life—from crafting wooden pieces to tending the land and growing gardens. Each post reflects the wisdom gained from a long journey of writing and living close to nature.