Category Archives: My Opinion Only

Weathering the Latest on What’s Happening On March 14/2024

Good Morning! Where the smell of thawing mud and fresh-cut grass is better than any fancy perfume in the world. Other than my wife’s orange blossom perfume she used to pick up, when we went to Florida years ago for a well eared rest throughout the winter months. But ya, it’s pretty hard to beat what Mother Nature has to offer.

You know’s easy to forget the simple pleasures, the beauty that surrounds us every day. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years on this earth, it’s the importance of slowing down and taking it all in.

My wife and I always take a few minutes every day to sit together, watching the world do its thing – it’s like hitting that pause button on all the craziness. In doing so we then start noticing the small stuff, like the way the wind whispers through the trees or the way the sky changes colors at sunset.

And you know what? When we take that time, our minds sorta clear up. We start seeing things differently, understanding things, and each other better. Try it sometime, you might be surprised at what you find … or see.

Highway 522 is picking up a wee bit traffic wise, with a few folks with 4x4s moving into our area. Before long, the cottages will be open, and the parks will be full of campers. It’s all rather nice, in its own way. But I do hope in the coming years, that we don’t lose the tranquility that surrounds us, as there’s a certain magic to this place, that I’d hate to see lost in the shuffle. But …that’s just me.

On another note my lovely wife and I did some more cleaning up around our property yesterday, moved a few more small trees, and later on I went and visited a friend of mine here in town, we had a couple hour chat about different things, which was nice for a change. It sure is a pleasure to have friends who see things eye to eye with ya’. But I’ll tell ya’, they’re scarce as hen’s teeth these days.

Today I have some work to do in my woodworking shop, and will get at that after I have my breakfast that my lovely wife is preparing for me.

Politician Humor: You know, in our neck of the woods, politicians are like the weather: always changing and never quite what you hoped for!

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “Life’s lessons are like the stars in the sky – they guide you home, but sometimes they lead you on a wild goose chase.” GW

Making Sense of What’s Happening on March 13/2024

Good Morning! Time to shake off those cobwebs and embrace the simple joys of small-town living. Who’s up for a round of ‘Guess the Gossip’ at our local establishments?

It’s a beautiful morning, waking up in cottage country. The sun is shinning brightly, without a cloud in the sky. One thing is for certain: when the clouds part ways here in the north, there’s no other place on earth where the sky is as blue. Putting out some feed at our bird feeder this morning, I could feel the warmth coming from the sun, and with no wind I suspect we will be doing some front porch sittin’ a bit later on in the day. However, yesterday my wife and I did have our coffee on our front porch, just shooting the breeze, taking in the changes that are taking place in nature. Seeing nature come alive after that long winter’s nap, well, it’s a sight to behold, I tell ya. I often wonder how many people do what we do. I suspect there ain’t too many out there like us. But you never know, it looks like a bunch of folks has been flocking to my Blog and YouTube Channel lately, so either they’re liking what I’ve got to say and do, or … maybe they just can’t resist my charming personality, right? Ha ha.

On another note, yesterday I once again worked the day away here at my computer for most of the day, but as I said earlier in the post my wife and I did get to sit outside, taking in some sunshine, while having our coffee for an hour or so. Just to be able to do that, is a gift in itself.

Highway 522 is bare and dry, and the traffic hasn’t picked up all that much yet, but it will in the coming weeks, when the tourists start entering the picture. All’s it takes is nice warm weather. But for now in our little corner of the world, time moves slower than molasses in January. We’re in no rush, because … why hurry when you’ve got nowhere to be but right here?

Politician Humor or Fact? My ol’ grandpa used to say, “Politicians are like a dog with fleas – they scratch a lot, make a fuss, but you never quite get rid of ’em!”

With that bit of information floating around, I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has prepared for me, and will then see what the day has in store. Life is a mystery, that’s for sure. But I like it that way!

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: In the circle of life, every creature plays its part – the bear eats the honey, the bee makes the honey, and the mosquito… well, the mosquito just annoys everyone. Something like our politicians. GW

Reflecting on What’s Happening In Cottage Country on March 12/202

Good Morning! Where the chickens lay a few more eggs, the cows give a bit more milk, and the whole country feels alive with possibilities.

It is a touch cool in the north, waking up, with the temperature sitting at -5.6 C | 21.92 F. However, it will warm up as the day moves forward to where we should be able to enjoy a coffee on the front porch after lunch. I think that would be kinda nice.

Highway 522 is still quiet traffic wise, other than a few pickup trucks and a few locals moving from place to place seeking things to see and do. I’ve also found that the local wildlife isn’t just part of the scenery; it’s the town’s unofficial welcoming committee, whether you like it or not.

On another note, once again I worked here inside on some editing and things, and today I will probably be doing the same. I like to get all my inside things caught up, so I am not wasting the nice warm days sitting inside.

Politicians: I once asked a politician if he could tell me the truth straight. He looked at me like a calf staring at a new gate! You might have had to be raised on a farm to understand that one.

Other than that, not much else going on in and around our small town this morning. So with that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has prepared for me and will then see what the day has in store. But in saying that, over the years, I have found that life’s got a funny way of throwin’ surprises your way. I’ve also found that it’s not the big things that make life worth living, it’s the little things.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “The old one knows that the wind whispers secrets to those who listen, but sometimes it just blows your hat off and laughs.” GW

Old Paths Yield New Discoveries on March 11/2024

Good Morning! Where we are another day closer to warmer weather, longer days, and the simple joys of country living. Pretty hard to beat that every morning. Did you all move your clocks ahead yesterday?

Other than being a touch cool with the temperature sitting at -6.3 C | 20.66 F, it’s looking like a mighty fine day. The sun is shinning, the wind has died down, and the barometer is slowly rising, as it has been all night long. Which is a good sign of what lies ahead, weather wise. And even better, it will warm up as the day moves forward, and tomorrow we should be able to do some front porch sittin’.

Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, but we do have some snow on the ground, which would amount to about 2 inches. Nothing to write home about.

On another note yesterday, once again I worked the day away here in front of my computer, editing another video, actually this time I put together a slide show of installing a new deck onto our cottage, as I took pictures of how I went about it from start to finish, so it’s not a video, but I have to say it turned out pretty good, with the help of my lovely wife. I will add it to my YouTube channel and make it public in the days ahead. I try and put on one a week, sometimes two. All depends on how much time I have to spare, as it takes a lot of time to make/edit the videos. Today I will continue on with another, being a bit cold outside.

Politicians: You know, my old dad used to say, “Politicians are like the weather: everyone talks about them, but nobody does anything about them.” But then again, here in Canada it’s always been that way, at least for as long as I can remember.

And ... when their pockets start feeling a bit light, what do they do? Slap on more taxes, swearing it’s for our own good!

With that I am off for my breakfast that my little woman has made for me, and will then get to work. But first, I’ll enjoy a hot cup of cocoa while having a chat with my lovely wife. It’s something we do every morning before we start our day. And you know … we are damn good at it too.

With that, you all have a great day and I will leave you with this: The old one knows that the river may change its course, but it’s the stones in the riverbed that keeps the water flowing. GW

Sunrise to Sunset What’s Happening on March 10/2024

Good Morning! Where the air’s crisp and the birds sing a little louder, tellin’ us spring is just around the corner.

But in saying that, you wouldn’t think so with it being cold, along with seeing some snow coming down this morning. However, the cold and snow will be short-lived, and we will be back into warmer weather starting tomorrow, as things will warm up, and we should even see some sunshine, which is what we humans need, to stay healthy.

On another note, my wife and I did get all our gardens and grounds cleaned up which makes me happy, along with transplanting a few trees. You see, we had to remove quite a few of our pines over the years, as they were getting old, and being so tall they could have fallen on our home. So in doing that, we decided to replace them with others that we had here on our property. I have to tell you, if you had to buy them these days that they are expensive, but what isn’t these days. Kind of makes me wonder where Canada is heading. If asked, I would say that folks need to be putting a bit of extra cash away with less spending on things that isn’t necessary.

I was taught many years ago … to look after my needs not my wants, and truth told that advice has done my lovely wife and I well over the years.

Yesterday being a wet rainy cool old day I worked away here on my computer and yes, I did get that cup of cocoa with some marshmallows on top, along with a couple of homemade chocolate cookies. So … it pays to dish out compliments occasionally.

Talking about being nice. It seems here in Canada, many people are noticing/saying that older folks are getting grumpier as they age, and I think it’s true. You see, when we lay eyes upon the hard work we’ve poured into building our country, only to witness it being undone by certain folks, it ruffles our feathers something fierce. We’ve also lived through our fair share of ups and downs, seen the world change in ways we never imagined. So, when we catch wind of our efforts being cast aside, it feels like a heavy weight on our shoulders. That’s why, from time to time, we might come off a tad sour. But you see, as we’ve traveled these winding roads of life, we’ve gathered a bit of wisdom along the way. We’ve learned that storms pass and sunsets follow, and it’s how we weather those storms that truly makes us. And it’s a lesson we hope the young will take to heart, as they tread their own paths. For in the end, it’s not just about the battles we’ve fought, but the wisdom we’ve gained in the process, that truly marks our journey. And that is all I have to say on the subject. Hmm, not sure how I got onto that.

Politician Humor: Back in the day, my wise old Dad used to say, “Beware of politicians bearing gifts; they’ll give you a shiny coin today and take your barn tomorrow.” I believe that to be true today, too.

With that, once again I am off for my morning breakfast that my lovely wife has made for me, and will then get to work editing another video. Being so cold out today, inside is the place to be. At least for me.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “Old mountains hold the memories of time, whisperin’ stories of creation, destruction, and … the occasional mountain goat with an attitude problem.” GW

Oh, and don’t forget today is National Meat Ball Day. Italian Meatballs, “Mamma Mia!”

Canada’s Defence Spending Needs Attention?

Some have asked me what I think of how our defence is dealing with not having the funds to carry on. So here is what I figure should be said and done.

It’s baffling to hear that despite the glaring warnings from our military leaders about the inadequacy of our equipment and personnel, there’s a lack of support for increasing defence spending in Canada. Frankly, it’s absurd. Our defence capabilities are crucial, and it’s high time we recognize the urgency of the situation.

For far too long, we’ve been neglecting our defence responsibilities, and the repercussions are becoming evident. The rest of the world is watching, and frankly, they’re probably shaking their heads at our complacency.

The recent polling showing low levels of support for increasing defence spending raises eyebrows. Who exactly was surveyed? It’s hard not to question the validity of such polls when the stakes are this high.

It’s time for Canada to step up to the plate and do what’s right. We need to prioritize the safety and security of our nation. Increasing defence spending isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity if we want to maintain our sovereignty and protect our citizens.

Let’s not allow politics or misguided priorities to dictate our national security agenda. It’s time for action, and it starts with a serious commitment to bolstering our defence capabilities. The future of our country depends on it. GW

Everyday Life In Cottage Country On March 8/2024

Good Morning! Where the frost on the rooftops is a reminder that summer isn’t here yet.

Highway 522 has been picking up traffic wise the past few days. Not too many new folks though, mostly locals moving around, looking for things to see and do. You always know you’re in a small town when everyone waves at each other, even if they’ve never met.

Fact or Fiction? Putting your trust in a chicken before it’s hatched is like waiting for prosperity without putting in the work. Some say that policies here in Canada have made some folks idle dreamers, forgetting the hard work needed to thrive.

On another note, yesterday my wife and I worked the day away cleaning up our property, which we have been doing now for the past couple days. We even managed to transplant a few trees and shrubs, that we wanted to do now for the past couple years. We now have some trimming to do on some of our trees, which I might get to today, while my wife works on cleaning up some more of our gardens. Lots needs to be done this time of year, and it has to be done at the right time. Being a farmer, you learn these things. Truth told, these tasks require timing and intuition, things you can’t pick up in a classroom.

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has put together for me, and will then head on outside. As my old Dad used to say. “Up an Adam, George, we’re burning daylight.” I miss that old feller.

You have a great day and I will leave you with this: “Back in the day, we didn’t have fancy gadgets, but we had grit, determination, and a willingness to get our hands dirty, which my wife and I still have today.” GW

Where Time Slows on March 7/2024

Good Morning! The day’s young, with lots to do before it’s time to hang up our hats. So best to get at it!

Highway 522 is bare and dry once again, which makes it nice for those in need of things in the larger cities. But in saying that, there is a lot that can be had right here in our small town.

On another note, yesterday, my wife and I worked the day away cleaning up our gardens in front of our home. Other than a bit of wind, the weather was on our side, which made it pretty nice out there. But in saying that, nature is like dancing, you sometimes lead, but mostly, you follow her steps. I also made a video of how we went about it, along with showing folks a few perennials that are starting to show themselves, which I will add to my YouTube Channel later on. It took us most of the day, to get things done and we both were happy to head on into the house when finished. And our beds felt mighty fine, too.

Truth or Fiction: My old dad used to say politicians were like weeds in the garden, they’d sprout up everywhere and choke out the good stuff if you didn’t keep an eye on them. It would be a good idea to keep that in mind today too.

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife is making for me, or should say has made for me, and will then we will head on outside to do some more cleanups around our property. Can’t let a beautiful day like this go to waste with the sun shining down on us.

You all have a great day and remember: “Life is a puzzle, but it’s missing a few pieces, and … that’s what makes it interesting.” GW

Between Fields and Forests on March 5/2024

Good Morning! We made it to another day, which gives us another chance to tend the land and reap what we’ve sown. Which is what my lovely wife and I are planning on doing today, as we have a lot of gardens that needs our attention. Last fall we didn’t have time to do much cleaning or raking, so looking outside, it’s a mess. So that should keep us busy for today and into tomorrow.

Highway 522 is bare and dry these days, which makes travelling good, and it won’t be long before folks that have cottages starts to return to our area, wanting to get away from the cities. I can’t say I blame them, neither.

For a while there, we saw a slew of new faces settling in our neck of the woods, but the flow has slowed down a lot. One reason is the hefty price tags on land and homes, making it a stretch for many to even dream of owning a slice of property. And with that, folks aren’t opening their wallets as wide, not with all the uncertainty hanging heavy in the air these days. It’s making folks think twice before spending, especially on those big-ticket items.

In my opinion, it’s not such a bad thing as it seems to me we’re heading toward some rough times, what with the influx of folks moving/coming into our country and not enough opportunities/jobs or roofs over their heads to go around. The real muddle, though, lies in where some of our leaders are funneling the hard-earned dollars of the working man/woman. It seems they’ve got their sights set on distant shores/themselves, when our own backyard’s crying out for attention. And the worst part is some are calling that progress. Mind you, I say “some” because what we hear in the news these days seems more like a handful of voices clamoring for attention by spreading a heap of false rumors and such. Again all I just said is just my opinion.

On another note, yesterday I worked steadily for the morning in my woodworking shop and then in the afternoon finished up editing another video, that I made a few days ago. All in all it was a productive day as it should be. Nothing worse in my mind than to waste a day. Although sometimes it can’t be helped.

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has prepared for me and will then head on outdoors.

Have a great day, and I will leave you with this: “Life is too short to take seriously. So I found that it’s best to laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change.” GW

What’s Happening Here in Cottage Country On March 5/2024

Good Morning! Well, we made it to another day, where we get another chance to get it right, or … mess it up. Either way, it’s bound to be interesting!

Yesterday I worked away in my woodworking shop along with doing a few things outside being the weather was so nice. My Lovely Wife and I also had our coffee on our front porch, soaking up some sunshine. Life can’t get much better than that!

Today being so cloudy with a chance of rain, I am planning on editing up a couple videos I made last week, along with getting another story ready for my newspaper columns I write for. I have to say, I sure have gotten a lot of calls, emails and Subscribers, from folks that are enjoying them. Makes it wall worthwhile.

Highway 522 is quiet these days, which is normal for our area. I have found that small town living means knowing that if you sneeze in your backyard, someone three roads over is going to acknowledge it. It’s like having your own personal fan club, whether you want it or not.

Politician Humor: “Politicians are like a bad batch of moonshine – they might seem appealing at first, but the headache they give you ain’t worth it in the end!”

With that, I am off for another bowl of porridge and a Florida Grapefruit that my lovely wife is preparing for me, and will then see what the day has in store. It’s always interesting!

Have a great day, and I will leave you with what my old Dad used to say. “With farming, the only thing that grows faster than the weeds, is the list of chores waiting for you in the morning.” Kind of reminds me of what my wife and I have these days. But, they are things we enjoy doing. For most parts. GW

What’s Happening on March 4/2024 In Cottage Country

Good Morning! Here’s to another day under the big sky.

In our area, not much is happening these days. But that will likely change with the arrival of warmer temperatures. Watching nature, you can see that our climate is changing, as it has been for millions of years. Truth told, there’s a lot of fossil evidence suggesting that the Arctic was once covered with dense forests and vegetation, including palm trees and ferns. I kind of think that things might be slowly returning to what they once were.

However, it also appears to me that we/some tend to exaggerate what’s happening in our world, and some individuals are trying hard to shape our thoughts in ways that benefit them, not us. Of all the things we hear about in today’s world or should say most, only about 2% of them are the ones causing the commotion in people’s lives, as they are good at spreading false news. But … it’s been that way for as long as I can remember, and I don’t see any change anytime soon. As my old dad always told me. “George don’t believe every thing you hear and only half of what you see.” I have taken them words to heart over the years, and it has helped me a lot.

Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning and will remain that way now I suspect with the warmer temperatures on our doorstep. Actually, my lovely wife and I are planning on having our coffee on our front porch a bit later on. Kinda nice for this time of year.

Politician Humor: Why did the farmer compare politicians to a rusty gate?
“They’re supposed to keep things in order, but they just creak and let everything/everyone through.” And they are damn good at it!

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has prepared for me and will then head on out to my woodworking shop and see about making some shavings.

Have a great day and I will leave you with this: “Life in the country is like a game of poker – you’ve got to know when to hold ’em, when to fold ’em, and … when to call a chicken, a chicken.” GW

Quick Updates on What’s Happening In Cottage Country on Sunday, March 3/2024

Good Morning, where the earth is starting to stir beneath our feet.

It’s cloudy morning waking up, but in saying that we should see some sunshine as the day moves forward. And the temperature will also rice a lot more than it was yesterday. There is no reason why we here in the north shouldn’t be able to do some front porch sitting later on in the day. The temperature waking up was sitting at 2.5 C | 36.5 F.

While on the topic of weather, it should also be noted that Karl, our son, fixed the weather station, and it is back up and running better than ever. Without him looking after things, our weather station wouldn’t be functional. Karl’s efforts ensure we get accurate updates, keeping us informed of what is taking place. You could say he’s indispensable to our community, working behind the scenes.

Highway 522 is bare and dry, which will make traveling good.

Politician Humor: Why did the farmer say politicians are like a maze?
Because they talk in circles, and you always end up lost trying to follow their logic! More so these days!

On another note, yesterday I worked the day away in my woodworking shop, got lots done and put together another video regarding how to make trivets. I made one for my lovely wife years ago, and it has become a bit shabby. So decided to make another, which I did, and today I will make a few more for our gift shop. They are tricky to make, well … the way I make them, but once all said and done it’s worthwhile. Which I will show you when I make the video public.

With that, I am off for my bowl of porridge that my little woman is preparing for me, and will then head on out to my shop. I think! As truth be told, I usually start off in one direction and end up doing something totally different. But I never question my day’s events.

You all have a great day and remember: “Here in the north, the winds may howl, but they carry the whispers of generations past, guiding us through the storms of today. Without the past, there is no future!” GW

Catchin’ Up In Cottage Country On March 2/2024

Good Morning! We are into March, and it’s time to welcome the longer days and shorter nights with open arms.

Waking up, the temperature was pretty nice with it sitting at 2.3 C | 36.14 F. And it will warm up a lot more as the day moves forward, and we could see some sunshine later on. Actually, it will remain warm for the next week or so. Tomorrow and Monday, we could see temperatures climbing up to the 63F/17C mark, which is, summer weather. All caused by a huge warm-up which started in the lower states, edging its way north.

On another note, my wife and I headed on into North Bay yesterday to pick up some supplies, and while there we went out for lunch with our son at Casey’s. We had a good meal, chatted and then headed on home. I have to say, the stores were sure busy. But then it was Friday, and it seems not too many folks work on Fridays anymore. Which is fine if you have a job that allows it. All in all, we had a great day and, to top it all off, we had sunshine all the way home. It won’t be long till we start seeing our spring colors, which are mighty nice. I actually like them as much as I do the fall colors.

Highway 522 is clear of snow and ice, which has made traveling real good for the past day or so.

Politician Humor: How does a politician resemble a Canada goose?
They both fly in V formation: one at the front and a bunch of followers honking behind!

Today I will head on out to my woodworking shop as I have some projects on the go, which will keep me busy for most of the day. And being so warm I won’t have to feed my old stove which will be nice for a change.

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife is preparing and will then see what the day has in store.

Have a great day, but before I go, let me leave you with this: “The older I get, the more I realize that some of the best views in life, come from the rearview mirror.” GW

Cold Morning Here In Cottage Country On Leap Year Feb. 29/2024

Good Morning! It’s another day here in the North, where the cold’s just a reminder that we’re alive and kicking, and … it is cold out there this morning!

I actually had to put my coat on this morning walking to the shop to feed my stove. It’s nice in there, though, which sure makes it nice for working, or … playing around. Which I enjoy doing occasionally. So … today is Feb. 29 which is what they call Leap Year. Years ago, my old Dad used to say that … Leap Year is a day for taking risks. Which he did one time, buying up some land in Sarasota, Florida. Ended up being one of the best moves he ever made, as for years after that, come the first of November, he’d pack his bags and head down south, leaving behind the chill of the northern winters. I sure do miss the old feller, and the wisdom he shared.

You know, life’s full of chances, and sometimes, taking a leap is just what is needed to find your slice of sunshine. I hope you all make today into something special, too.

On another note, yesterday I worked the day away here at my desk doing up a story for my newspaper columns, and along with that finished up another YouTube Video of how I went about building and installing some much-needed shelves in my woodworking shop. They turned out pretty good, and I made the video public this morning on my YouTube Channel. Take a look when you have a few minutes sometime, and if you like my videos consider subscribing as it helps a lot. There are around 33 videos on there now and more in the works.

Today I will head on out to my shop as I have a few other things on the go, which will get this old body of mine moving a bit, which … is what is needed to keep it strong.

Politicians: I asked a politician one time why he never keeps his promises. He said, George, I ain’t in the promise-keeping business, I’m in the promise-making business. First words that a politician ever said to me that were right on the money.

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge and a Florida Grapefruit that my lovely wife is preparing for me and will then see what the day is made up of.

You all have a great day and remember: “A day without laughter is like a barn without hay … it just ain’t right!” GW

Brain Teaser

Some say being able to read is what is needed to stay afloat in this old world of ours. Now, I am not so sure, as I can read and understand every word below. Ha ha.

From Cambridge University. Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluodaulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuanmnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch atCmabrigde Uinervtisy,it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteersin a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng istaht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghitpclae. The rset can be a taotl mses andyou can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos notraed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrodas a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and Iawlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!if you can raed tihs psas it on !!Psas Ti ON !

Rainy Morning Happenings on February 28/2024

Good morning, where the only rules are the ones nature sets, and we’ve learned to live by them without complaint.

We are all waking up to some rain and wind this morning here in cottage country, and along with that the temperature is sitting at 55F. I didn’t even need a coat on, walking to my woodworking shop this morning to feed my shop stove. Saying that, I won’t be needing to feed it all that much today, being so warm.

We also lost 3/4 of all our snow through the night and looking around I am seeing some green instead of white for a change. However, as I pointed out yesterday the warm weather will be leaving us for a day or so, and we could see some freezing rain or snow later on today, as the temperature will drop considerably. But after tomorrow things will be warming up real fast. So we are in for a mixed bag of weather today and into tonight.

On another note, yesterday I did do some work in my woodworking shop, and in the afternoon I worked away here at my computer. Always feels mighty fine to look back on a day and see it well spent. I can’t abide wasting precious hours just twiddling my thumbs.

Today I will do some more work here at my computer, as I have a story I want to write for my newspaper columns, and a video that needs editing, after that I will mosey on out to the shop for a spell and clean up the mess I made over the past few days. I sure am good at messing things up, let me tell ya. But then again, when I see all them shavings lying around, I know I accomplished a lot.

Politician Humor: Politicians are like old hound dogs – they bark a lot, but when it comes time to hunt, they’re nowhere to be found!

In closing, I will leave you with this: “The older I get, the more I realize that life’s like a good stew. It may take time to simmer, but the flavors just keep getting better.”

Have a great day. GW

Country Happenings On February 27/2024

Good Morning! Time to get moving, no time for dilly-dallying when there’s work to be done.

We are … in the midst of some rain here in cottage country, and it looks like we’re in for quite a weather mix, starting from this morning straight through tonight. We’ll be seeing some showers, maybe even some thunderstorms and then come Wednesday morning, those showers are going to turn into freezing rain or ice pellets. And as if that ain’t enough, by Wednesday afternoon, we could see some more snow. Now, here’s the kicker, when that rain turns to ice and snow, the temperatures are going to plummet into the minus teens petty quick, which is what they call a flash freeze. South of us should escape the storm’s path, but we will see as Mother nature has a mind of her own, and no human is going to change her mind; Reminds me a bit of some of our women today—full of surprises and never afraid to speak their minds! Anyway we will hope for the best, and keep our raincoats handy.

Highway 522 is clear of ice and snow, and most of the snow we had on the ground yesterday has melted, which is fine with me as I didn’t bother to clean our driveway. But we did get to cleaning our decks along with our neighbor’s, as she is up there in years sitting at 95. But she is still moving around pretty good. Nice lady for sure.

Politician Humor: Why did the farmer say politicians are like a maple tree in spring?
“Because they’re always tapping into something, but you never know if you’ll get syrup or just a sticky mess!”

On another note, yesterday I finished up making an axe handle in my woodworking shop, and I have to tell ya it turned out down right nice, even if I do say so myself. But my wife says it looks mighty fine. I did do a video on how I went about making it, which I will put on my YouTube channel at a later date. I have to say a lot of folks are now subscribing, so they don’t miss any, and my views have reached close to the 109,000 looking at it this morning. And for those that don’t know … it doesn’t cost a cent to subscribe, I was asked that a few times. All subscribing does is let folks know when I make a new video live/public. At any rate, I am very happy with what is taking place, as it tells me a lot of folks today want, or are looking for ways to bring back the simple life. Which I have said many times, is the name of my YouTube Channel, Reviving The Simple Life.

Today I will do some editing here on my computer along with keeping my shop stove fed and … of course I will be bugging my lovely wife. Just Because I Can. Ha ha.

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge that my little woman is making for me and will then see what the day has in store, other than what I have planned. I never really know what will take place. I make plans, but that best of it.

Have a great day, and I will close with this: In the old days, I didn’t have Google to solve my problems. I did however have some common sense, a trusty old hammer, and kinfolk, or a neighbor who knew a thing or two to lend a hand when needed. In saying that … today I still have a few good old boys that drops by for a chat now and then, and if in need of certain things, they seem to show up on my doorstep. Which sure puts a smile on my face. Makes me think the whole world hasn’t run a muck. GW

Food For Thought

In this post, I want to talk about a little something called the carbon tax, a modern-day imposition that’s got the working man scratching his head and his pocketbook feeling lighter.

You see, in the grand scheme of things, the powers that be, have decided that slapping a tax on carbon emissions is the way to go. They say it’s for the good of the environment, a noble cause if there ever was one. But let me tell you, from where I’m sitting, it’s the working man who’s bearing the brunt of this burden.

Now, they’ll try to sell you on the idea that they’re being oh-so-generous by giving us a refund now and then. But let’s call a spade a spade. Simply put, charging carbon taxes to the working man, and then handing back a fraction of it, in the form of a refund, is like taking a dollar out of your left pocket, giving you back a quarter, and expecting you to like it.

And what’s worse, this whole charade isn’t doing diddly squat for the environment. You see, while they’re busy patting themselves on the back for being eco-warriors, the reality is that the working man is left struggling to make ends meet. The cost of living keeps climbing, and every extra penny squeezed out of our pockets for carbon taxes just adds to the hardship.

Back in my day, we didn’t have fancy terms like “carbon footprint” or “emissions trading schemes.” But what we did have was common sense. And let me tell you, there’s nothing sensible about burdening the hardworking folks who keep the wheels turning, with a tax that’s as ineffective as a screen door on a submarine.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m all for doing right by Mother Nature. But there’s got to be a better way than squeezing the life out of the working man’s paycheck. I think it’s time for the powers that be to wake up and smell the coffee brewing. We need solutions that don’t just sound good on paper, but actually make a difference where it counts.

So, that’s my two cents for what it’s worth: In closing, I think we need to put our heads together, and come up with real solutions that benefit everyone, not just line the pockets of the bigwigs up in their ivory towers. Because at the end of the day, it’s the working man, the backbone of this country we call Canada … who deserves better than being treated like a piggy bank for the powers that be. And don’t get me talking about taxes other than the carbon tax.

That’s another story in itself. All Of The Above Is My Opinion Of Course. GW

My Views On Electric Cars And Other Things

Part one: When I feel up to it, I will write the rest of the story.

For the past few years, there’s been a push, by some, to convince people to switch to electric cars under the guise of environmental protection. However, if you ask me, electric cars will likely cause more environmental problems in just a few short years than the new electric cars claim to solve. Why is that? Well, let’s break it down.

Firstly, consider the materials needed to manufacture electric cars, particularly the batteries. These materials require extensive mining, which continues to exploit our Earth’s resources. Moreover, constructing new factories to produce these batteries and other electric car components adds to the pollution burden, potentially worsening the environmental impact.

Then, there’s the issue of job displacement. As some of the automotive industry shifts towards electric vehicles, many skilled workers may find themselves without employment, as they lack the specialized training required for building electric car components.

An example would be: ATMs changed banking and retail by doing tasks people used to do. This meant millions of jobs, like bank tellers and cashiers, were/will not be needed anymore.

I have seen though that one car company is going to stop building them as truth be told most people don’t want them. It put a smile on my face.

Additionally, the question of battery disposal looms large. Overseas, there are reports of massive piles of old batteries, leaching hazardous substances into the soil and water, posing health risks to thousands.

In Canada, our environmental challenges keeping the electric cars running are compounded by harsh winters and increasingly hotter summers. And along with that, we don’t have the resources to charge all these cars that they want to build, or can most afford what they want now for electricity.

It should also be noted that while human activity contributes to climate change a wee bit, it’s just one piece of a much larger puzzle. Our planet has undergone natural climate shifts for millions of years, and being an old feller seeing a lot of things, I feel this old planet, well … it’ll keep on spinning, no matter what we do.

What irks me most, though, is the imposition of certain agendas by those in power. It often feels like a childish power struggle, with laws and regulations changing to suit their whims. I suspect there’s a hidden agenda behind it all, possibly rooted in a desire for control, which to me seems to be tightening its grip with each passing day.

In the end, I believe that change is inevitable, and no amount of human intervention can halt the natural course of things. It’s just a pity that genuine environmental concerns are overshadowed by bureaucratic manoeuvring and power plays.

So what should we do? To me, it makes sense to keep improving the environmental friendliness of cars we’ve been making. At least until something new comes along. We also need to make cars last longer without needing repairs, because the prices we’re paying for them are just plain outrageous!

These days, you’ll fork out more cash for a new car than we did for our first farm! That old patch of land is what got my lovely wife and I to where we are today. Now, that car we bought a few years back? Hell, we cross our fingers and toes every day, hoping it holds together long enough to see the next sunrise! GW