
Well earlier I told you I had the firewood put away for winter, which I do. I store my wood in a separate room along with my wood furnace.  Nice thing about that I just shut the door for a week or so from the rest of the basement and it sure drys out the wood fast.  I do dry it all summer though outside which is the best way to do it.  Next spring I am going to start building a lean-to for the firewood so it has a place to dry nicely.  Also it will make it nice for piling the wood come cutting time. Which by the way isn’t to far off.  I am giving some thought this year in buying logs and getting them delivered to the house.  Figured it would save me a good amount of money.  I also figure one can get two years for the price of one if he cuts it himself.  A bit of work but what the heck.  Not that one shouldn’t be in pretty good shape to do that as it can take a toll on the old body.  For me, well I have physically worked hard all my life but with saying that the older I get the more I notice things  that pop up  now and then,  like things  hurting in spots that I never  knew existed.   Talk soon.

Update For Columns And Book Information

Well not sure what the paper is doing any more when it comes to my columns so decided on not entering anything till the story  is published. Safer that way as I know that you folks look forward to them each week and me being from the old school, well,  I just don’t like saying something then have it not happen.

On another note my first book which I mentioned awhile back is in the works, or should say that the cost is in the works. There have been a lot of  folks  registering for the book and it gives me great pleasure knowing so many folks are that interested.  Feel free to call me if your interested or E-Mail me at [email protected]  or my phone number is  1 705 757 1040. Talk soon.

Sunny But Cold

Well not  a bad day here had some sunshine, clouds along with some snow. Nothing that accumulated though. Worked a bit in the shop and kept the home fires burning.  Talk soon.

WX200 ff:            localhost:9753   7/11 18:44:43  
  1.3             Display:    Clock/0/0          Power: AC  Battery: ok 
             ---------- Outdoor -----------  ----------- Indoor -----------
Temperature: 24.3 F Hi 61.5 F 31/10 14:24    72.7 F Hi 76.6 F  2/11 17:55  
                    Lo 23.7 F  2/11  7:42           Lo 61.0 F  2/11  8:25  
   Humidity:   58 % Hi   96 %  6/11  0:50      36 % Hi   46 % 31/10 13:12  
                    Lo   35 % 31/10 14:31           Lo   34 %  6/11 21:27  
  Dew Point:   32 F Hi   46 F 31/10 19:35      45 F Hi   52 F  2/11 17:46  
                    Lo   32 F 31/10 14:50           Lo   36 F  2/11  6:39  
Wind Gust:357 N @  0.0 mph    Wind Gust Hi:288WNW@ 26.2 mph   31/10 19:54  
      Avg:357 N @  0.0 mph      Wind Chill:  25 F   Lo:   1 F  6/11 23:17  
Rain Rate: 0.00 in/h  Yesterday: 0.12 in Total:32.40 in since  1/ 1  0:00  
Barometer: Steady at 29.29 in  30.17 in  sea; 12-24hr forecast: Sunny

Cool Night

Well went out to the shop and put a log on the fire to keep it warm for tomorrow so I can do some work.  Still snowing out there tonight with some high winds.  Not that far from the house to the shop but I was glad to get to the shop and back.  Sure is a nice feeling having a warm house with a basement full of dry wood.   Not sure why but has always been that way for me.   The old wood furnace here in the house is doing its job also.  I will enter a few things here each night which I have taken from my our weather station.   For more info one can just click on the link for the weather station.  Talk soon.

X200 ff:            localhost:9753   6/11 19:14:43  
  1.3             Display:    Clock/0/0          Power: AC  Battery: ok 
             ---------- Outdoor -----------  ----------- Indoor -----------
Temperature: 33.3 F Hi 61.5 F 31/10 14:24    71.8 F Hi 76.6 F  2/11 17:55  
                    Lo 23.7 F  2/11  7:42           Lo 61.0 F  2/11  8:25  
   Humidity:   84 % Hi   96 %  6/11  0:50      37 % Hi   46 % 31/10 13:12  
                    Lo   35 % 31/10 14:31           Lo   36 %  3/11 15:15  
  Dew Point:   32 F Hi   46 F 31/10 19:35      45 F Hi   52 F  2/11 17:46  
                    Lo   32 F 31/10 14:50           Lo   36 F  2/11  6:39  
Wind Gust:327NNW@ 12.3 mph    Wind Gust Hi:288WNW@ 26.2 mph   31/10 19:54  
      Avg:327NNW@ 11.0 mph      Wind Chill:  18 F   Lo:   9 F  6/11 17:42  
Rain Rate: 0.00 in/h  Yesterday: 0.39 in Total:32.40 in since  1/ 1  0:00  
Barometer: Rising at 28.85 in  29.73 in  sea; 12-24hr forecast: Sunny

Wet Day

Well wet day here in Port Loring.  Might get a bit of snow later on but think it might have to drop a bit in temperatures first.  See how the night goes along.  Was sunny here this morning but clouded up and rained this afternoon with a bit of thunder and lightning a few minutes ago.   But we are warm and dry so what more can a fellow and gal ask for.  Talk soon.

WX200 ff:            localhost:9753   5/11 19:59:43  
  1.3             Display:    Clock/0/0          Power: AC  Battery: ok 
             ---------- Outdoor -----------  ----------- Indoor -----------
Temperature: 40.8 F Hi 61.5 F 31/10 14:24    70.0 F Hi 76.6 F  2/11 17:55  
                    Lo 23.7 F  2/11  7:42           Lo 61.0 F  2/11  8:25  
   Humidity:   91 % Hi   93 %  5/11 19:39      39 % Hi   46 % 31/10 13:12  
                    Lo   35 % 31/10 14:31           Lo   36 %  3/11 15:15  
  Dew Point:   39 F Hi   46 F 31/10 19:35      45 F Hi   52 F  2/11 17:46  
                    Lo   32 F 31/10 14:50           Lo   36 F  2/11  6:39  
Wind Gust:243WSW@  0.0 mph    Wind Gust Hi:288WNW@ 26.2 mph   31/10 19:54  
      Avg:243WSW@  0.0 mph      Wind Chill:  41 F   Lo:  14 F  1/11  6:24  
Rain Rate: 0.04 in/h  Yesterday: 0.00 in Total:32.28 in since  1/ 1  0:00  
Barometer: Steady at 28.50 in  29.38 in  sea; 12-24hr forecast: Rain

Some Thing New Port Loring Weather

WX200 ff:            localhost:9753   4/11 20:59:43  
  1.3             Display:    Clock/0/0          Power: AC  Battery: ok 
             ---------- Outdoor -----------  ----------- Indoor -----------
Temperature: 32.4 F Hi 61.5 F 31/10 14:24    73.9 F Hi 76.6 F  2/11 17:55  
                    Lo 23.7 F  2/11  7:42           Lo 61.0 F  2/11  8:25  
   Humidity:   70 % Hi   87 % 31/10 20:52      37 % Hi   46 % 31/10 13:12  
                    Lo   35 % 31/10 14:31           Lo   36 %  3/11 15:15  
  Dew Point:   32 F Hi   46 F 31/10 19:35      46 F Hi   52 F  2/11 17:46  
                    Lo   32 F 31/10 14:50           Lo   36 F  2/11  6:39  
Wind Gust:276 W @  0.0 mph    Wind Gust Hi:288WNW@ 26.2 mph   31/10 19:54  
      Avg:276 W @  0.0 mph      Wind Chill:  32 F   Lo:  14 F  1/11  6:24  
Rain Rate: 0.00 in/h  Yesterday: 0.00 in Total:31.85 in since  1/ 1  0:00  
Barometer: Rising at 29.00 in  29.88 in  sea; 12-24hr forecast: Partly Cloudy

A Bit Of Sunshine

Well,  sleepy day here in the small town of Port Loring.  Been sitting here with a tea and not much traffic going by, but then,  this time of year there never is.  Sundays in this small town seems to be a bit like the old days,  as everyone takes it easy and things, the way it should be.  Weather here today is sunny so far with a few clouds. But colder and some snow is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow.  One station was even calling for three to six inches of the white stuff over night. Hmm have to see about that, but one never knows living here in the North.  44 degrees here at 10:06 AM.   Weather station is working good since my son fixed it so that is a plus. Lot of folks have called saying that they liked the weather site and it has been an asset to the area,  so that makes us feel good.  Talk Soon

Garlic Is In The Ground

Well weather is suppose to drop in temperatures tomorrow night, so got busy and planted my Garlic.  I got to tell you I sure love the stuff and you can’t get anything more healthier to eat.  I put in one row this year which is about twenty feet long.  I just take a couple sticks and put a piece of twine from stick to stick. Reason being so I know where they are come spring when I go to plant the rest of the garden.   Also it helps me keep a straight row. I don’t know but I got a thing about crooked rows.     Once I get the line up I just take my hoe and dig a small trench about four inches deep.  I then plant the garlic about five or six inches apart.  Once all planted I then like to take a few handfuls of cow manure and sprinkle it over the cloves just before I cover them up. Once covered up I put a bit of straw over the top or leaves depending on what I have on hand.  That’s it don’t take no effort at all. One thing to remember though, wash your hands before you have dinner, Hmm I thought my piece of cheddar cheese tasted a bit different.    I also took an old white tarp this year and wrapped it around my grape vines as I got froze back last winter. Took all summer to grow new vines so didn’t want that to happen again.  Wife likes Concord Grape Jam and if they keep freezing back one don’t get very many bunches.   I also took some old half rotten boards I had laying around the place and cut them up for kindling so all set now for starting the old stove in the shop.   Sure nice to be able to enjoy life up here in the north and do things that one wants.   Talk Soon.

Port Loring Weather Station Up Date

Hi folks well my son has got the old weather station fixed up here and it is uploading for all to see again.  I am sure lucky I got a feller that can fix these problems when they arise.  Weather today here is sunny and warm for a change.  Temperatures got up to around 56 Degrees, almost summer.   For more Details you can now go to the weather site and have a look as there is a link to it here on the Blogs main page.  Talk Soon

Weekly Column In The Community Voice Glimpse

Hi folks well this week the column is called, Lost Wisdom. It pertains to my younger days and how I came to writing short stories, along with my views on our Elders and all the wisdom that will be lost when they are gone. Also a lot of other tips, info and bit of my wisdom that I know you will enjoy. So if you get a minute go out and get yourself a copy of the Community Voice, in North Bay and surrounding areas. Talk Soon.

Weekly Nugget Column Glimpse

Well I think my Column in the Saturday Nugget should be in there this week, as they took it out last week as they needed space.  Well what can you do its their paper.  At any rate here is a bit on what its about thought I would share.

This week I wrote one up on Messages and how we got them out to folks years ago back on the Dairy farm where I was raised.  I got to say when writing this story a lot came to mind and brought back a lot of fine memories. Folks of today would probably wonder how we made out as good as we did back then, but we did ok.  The Story is called Messages but we will see what the paper calls it as they have a Tendency of changing the titles on me.  But what can you do.  At any rate look for it this week in the North Bay Nugget.  Talk Soon

Preparing Red or Green Peppers For Winter

Well I would think most folks have dug or picked their veggies for winter. I got mine in but this year I had a few extra red and green peppers. So what to do? Simple really,  the wife took the peppers and cut them up in small pieces.  She then set them on a cookie tray and put them in our oven. We have a Propane stove here in the country as we love to cook with a flame, also nice when the power goes out.  Just seems to be a nicer way to cook,  at least for us.   The nice thing about a gas or propane stove or wood stove is it has a pilot light or flame of some kind going at all times or maybe now a days that isn’t right as the new stoves might not have a flame any more.  Anyways, if you happen to have one of these stoves or a dry place you can put your peppers after you cut them, well then get to doing it as come winter when you want a real tasty home made soup you will have the fresh garden ingredients to put in there.  My wife dries them in the oven for a few days and then once dried she grinds them up in a coffee grinder a hand one and then puts it in brown paper bags for storage. I got to tell you nothing is more tasty come winter.  Hmm Good!  Talk soon.

Welcome to my little corner of the countryside, where storytelling meets the everyday joys of woodworking, farming, and gardening. I’m GW, a writer and published author with over thirty years of experience.