An Old Feller’s Ode to the Simple Life on January 8/2024

Good Morning Folks! Another sunrise, another chance to outsmart the cold.

But in saying that it isn’t all that cold out there waking up in cottage country. Getting out of bed, the temperature was sitting at -3 C | 26.6 F. Well, I guess it is cold to some, but up here in the north unless the temperature drops below 0 F most don’t even think about putting on their long handles.

Highway 522 is clear of snow this morning, which will make travelling fair. I say fair as there is some snow in the forecast for later on in the day and into tomorrow. We could see a lot … or just a few inches, it kind of depends on which way the storm is going to track. I do know the folks that own snowmobiles are sure wanting the snow, along with the temperature, to drop so they can get out and enjoy their machines and take in what nature has to offer. At any rate, we are edging into the middle of January, so spring isn’t all that far off. Personally, I am happy with the weather so far this winter, as the less snow we get, the less cleaning my wife and I have to do. But then again we do enjoy being out there, as it keeps us fit, and there is nothing sweeter than our fresh northern air, especially in the morning hours.

On another note, I worked away in my woodworking shop all day yesterday making room for a new addition. My lovely wife asked how I made out when I came in for supper, and I told her.

“Actually, I managed to organize things so efficiently that I now find myself with even more space than I had initially. It’s even crossed my mind that there might be room for a few more additional items.” She just gave me the look. You MEN folk know what that is all about. Right!

This morning I did put another log in my shop stove and might do some more work out there later on, but first I am planning on getting used to this new camera I bought for making YouTube Videos. I have to tell ya, it sure has been a chore learning all these new things, along with editing. But I am getting the hang of it, and every new video I make gets a bit better.

And while on the subject of my YouTube Channel, I would like to say thanks to all those that have subscribed and watched my videos. It’s nice to see, so many are enjoying them.

“Well, that’s my cue to mosey along. Life’s like a square dance – take a spin, enjoy the do-si-do, and tip your hat to tomorrow. Have a great day!” GW

“Cottage Comforts in the Great White North: Life Beyond the Pines on January 7/2024

Good Morning! “Like a snowflake, each day is unique up here in the north – filled with its own beauty and a touch of country charm.”

So it has been a few days since my last post and folks are letting me know wondering where I am at, with all the E-Mails I have been getting,

Well, truth be told I have been real busy the past few days with looking after my lovely wife as she had food poisoning which put her in bed for a while, but she did recover quick which was a good thing. After she got better I got a deal on a large 24-inch Delta Scroll Saw so we had to go and pick it up, which took a good day. And now I am in the process of fixing it up to its natural glory, along with finding a spot for it in my woodworking shop. Actually, my shop is made up of old equipment that has gone through the test of time. Something like myself, actually. And along with all that, I have been busy editing some YouTube Videos and putting them on my Channel, which is doing quite well. It’s nice to see folks hanging in there, while I get used to making them. So yep, I have been quite busy.

Now that my little woman is back to herself, things will be a lot easier. One thing is for certain, that housework can kill an old feller. Truth be told, anyone that says woman’s work is easy, well they don’t know what they are talking about.

Highway 522 is partially snow covered this morning, and overnight we did have an inch or so of new snow. Hardly enough to warrant me waking up my old snowblower. The highway is also still quiet these days as are all our businesses, but it is that time of year, and it’s to be suspected, The thing is we live so far off the beaten track, it is a challenge for anyone to reach us. Sure, some businesses might be scratching their heads about our slow pace, but my wife and I feel there’s a beauty in simplicity. You see, we moved here for the quiet symphony of wind rustling through the leaves, not the sound of sirens and traffic or dealing with all the politics in farming anymore. Not that I didn’t like farming as it was my passion, let’s just say it was time to move on and get to doing new things, which is what my wife and I are all about.

You could say that there’s wisdom in the simplicity of life here, where a cup of cocoa warms the soul as much as the crackling fireplace warms the toes. Which is what I am about to enjoy right now with my lovely wife.

“Well, that’s me for today. Life’s like a rooster – it’ll crow again tomorrow. Sip your hot coffee/hot cocoa, laugh a little, and let the day strut on.” GW

Crisp Air and Cozy Cabins: The Essence of Northern Canadian Life on January 2/2024

Good Morning! The north may be cold, but our hearts are warm, and our humour is as dry as a nice pile of seasoned firewood.

So here it is a brand-new year 2024 and New Year’s resolutions are flyin’ around like sparks from a bonfire. Now in this next statement it’s not that I like to spread gossip, but I heard from an old friend of mine, that he swore he’s going to give up his daily ration of maple syrup on pancakes. Well … we will see how long that lasts; a man without his syrup is like a sled without dogs – just ain’t right. Especially having Mike Clappertons Maple Syrup right here in town, who actually in 2019 won the award of being the world’s best.

Highway 522 is very quiet these days with it being Christmas.

On another note, my wife and I have been taking each day as it comes to us. Actually, I got lots done in my woodworking shop, along with editing videos here at my computer over the Holidays. My lovely wife also kept busy painting up a bunch of things, for our small gift shop along with other things, which will be on display come spring. Today, I will be working away in my shop on a few new projects I have in mind. And I am hoping to make a video on how they are made and come together. We will see how that turns out.

With that I am off for a bowl of cereal that my little woman is making for me, after that I will have my hot cocoa and then get to doing what I do best.

So as the sun climbs higher in the sky, it’s my cue to say goodbye for today. Remember, life is short, so savour your hot Cocoa, laugh at the small stuff, and don’t forget to check for mismatched socks before leaving the house! GW

Food For Thought

You know, lately, I have been scratchin’ my head like a confused chicken. Back in 2018, the folks in charge started treatin’ our wallets like a never-ending ATM. More than 80% of us hardworking middle-class families had to dish out an extra $840 a year in federal taxes. And that was just the starter course – before they brought out the grand feast of the carbon tax.

Now, as we’re rollin’ toward 2024, it’s like they’re throwin’ everything at us but the kitchen sink. They’re talkin’ about more taxes – payroll, carbon, and even on the liquid sanity we call booze. Rumour has it, they want to add $700 to $1,300 more on every family’s tax bill. It’s like they’re playin’ Monopoly with our money, and we didn’t even get to pass go.

Wrap your head around this: even on the lower end, since 2015, we’ve been slapped with about $2,500 more each year. That’s enough to make a scarecrow do a double-take. Just imagine, we could be pocketin’ an extra $200 every month if it wasn’t for the decisions these folks been cookin’ up for the past eight years.

As I sit here in front of my computer pondering on things, I can’t help but think our hard-earned cash is playin’ hide and seek, and it ain’t us doin’ the hiding. It’s like we’re the punchline in a joke we didn’t sign up for. Time for a change, or maybe we should send ’em a shovel – they seem to be really-good, at diggin’ holes for our money.

Hitch a Ride to Yesteryear: Tales from the Countryside Roads on Dec 31/2023″

“Well, good mornin’! In the 50s, life was simpler – just like my Hot Cocoa, this morning sweet and no-nonsense.”

So here it is the last day in 2023. Time sure flies by.

Starting things off, I remember chatting to my old Dad while enjoying a well needed rest at his cottage in Sarasota, Florida, around this time of year. I was talking about it being so cold and desolate back home in Canada. I told him that nothing seemed to be alive back on the farm. Pointing at the ground, Dad said, “George, the earth rests beneath the blanket of snow and frozen ground, preparing for the awakening. It’s a lesson, son. Life may seem still, but beneath the surface, there’s a quiet, patient transformation taking place. Trust the dormant season/future, for it’s where the seeds of tomorrow lie.” I never forgot them few words, and today I know he was telling the truth. And you know, I didn’t mind going back home.

On another note, Highway 522 is still very quiet. Actually up here in cottage country, our idea of a wild night out, is sitting on the porch, listening to the symphony of crickets and debating whether that distant screechy howl is a wolf, or just old …. rehearsing for her Church Social.

Yesterday, I spent my day working away at my desk, writing a couple of stories for Post Media. I write 52 stories a year for them. I find it comforting to stay a bit ahead of schedule—it helps me sleep better at night, knowing I don’t have to scramble and get them done at the last minute.

Today I am thinking of heading outside to my woodworking shop as I have a few projects I want to do. I might even make another video regarding one of them. I will see how that works out. However, it is cold out there so I lit the wood stove, which is perking away nicely, warming things up. Which should be nice by the time I finish up my breakfast, that my lovely wife is making for me.

So with that. “I wish you a morning as easy as an old time radio hit as truth told, life’s like a vintage camper – cozy and full of stories. Sip your hot cocoa, tune in to the memories, and let the day play on.” GW

“New Beginnings in the Countryside: Setting Goals for the Year Ahead on Dec. 28/2023”

Good Morning! Another sunrise, another chance to enjoy the humour of small-town life, where everyone is a character.

Once again, it’s a cloudy day here in Cottage country. However, it is still quite warm with the temperature sitting at 3.5 C | 38.3 F. Walking out to my woodworking shop this morning it felt more like spring. The grass is greening up and the birds were chirping, can’t get much better than that. I sure do like living in the country.

On another note, yesterday once again I worked away here in front of my computer. You know, my idea for a good number of years relating to high-tech was a good pair of overalls and a pitchfork. Now, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t anti-technology; I just preferred my gadgets to have four legs and a tail. Today, though, I have enjoyed a few of these so-called modern marvels, which in turn you could say has given me a new outlook on life. Which is what I think is needed to stay healthy. One needs a reason to get out of bed.

With that, I am off for a bite to eat that my lovely wife is preparing for me.

You all have a great day and stay safe. There is a lot of sickness around these days. GW

“Fresh Starts: Setting Your Sights on the New Year on Dec. 27/2023”

Good Morning! May your troubles be as few as a cow in a cornfield.

It’s another cloudy morning, waking up in cottage country. We are also having some light showers and the temperature is/was sitting at 4.1 C | 39.38 F. The winds are coming in from the North East.
I don’t suspect we will be seeing any sunshine till early next week.

Highway 522 is very quiet this morning. Actually, the only thing passing fast on the highway these days, is the gossip.

That being said, I found that after living here for over twenty some years that gossip travels so fast, that by the time you finish saying, “Did you hear?” Someone’s already replying, “Oh, that’s old news.”

On another note, I didn’t work in my woodworking shop yesterday, as I got tied up here at my computer editing some YouTube videos. Actually, I made a lot of progress. Which makes me happy. The more I do, the better I get at using this editing program. I have to admit it has been a challenge getting used to it, and a few times I was just about ready to throw in the towel, feeling beaten by the whole situation. But you know, my lovely wife, she wouldn’t hear none of it. She told me, “You never quit on anything,” and pushed me to keep going. Even gave me a good pat on the back and praised me for sticking it out. After that, things started lookin’ up. Truth be told, she’s been my rock, my inspiration, keepin’ me going all these years.

Today I will continue on since I am on a roll. I might however head on outdoors for a walk around our property later on, if for nothing else than to get some fresh air and exercise. I can’t be cooped up indoors for too long; it ain’t the friendliest thing for us seasoned folk. Not only that, but I’ve found that it’s all about finding that balance between staying active and soaking in the serenity outdoors. Maybe I’ll stumble upon a good story or two while I’m at it. Life’s an interesting journey, that’s for sure.

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge this morning that my little woman is preparing for me and will then as my wife keeps on telling me … “What mischief I can get into.” She’s probably onto something there. Life’s more fun with a dash of mischief, right?

Well, that’s me for this country morning, and I will leave you with this: “Life’s like a pair of worn-out boots – comfortable and full of stories. Sip your hot chocolate, folks, kick back, and let the day tell you a tale or two.” GW

What’s Happening in Cottage Country on Dec. 26/2023

Good Morning. May your day be seasoned with the wisdom of prioritizing what truly matters in this mess of a world.

Well, Christmas is behind us for another year. Which means folks can get their life back to the normal way of doing things. For my wife and I we take each day for what it is. We don’t recognize one being better than another. Truth be told, that’s the way it is supposed to be, it was us humans that changed the way things are going today. I have found we have done that a lot over the years. Hell, a lot of things today that are totally wrong in my eyes, are now being forced upon us in ways to make it as if they are right. You know, I can see why some of the young and old are moving to remote areas, as they simply don’t want their minds to be corrupted … wanting to get away from these so called….. well I will leave it at that. Actually thinking about it, the main reason my wife and I gave up a lot of things we have done throughout our life, was because of the not so good things that were happening around us. I have always said that if my old Dad would be alive today, and saw what is taking place, he would be totally disgusted with a lot of folks, especially those in power, as they have the power to do something about what is taking place, and they aren’t. Anyway, not sure how I got onto that, I guess I felt it needed to be said.

On another note being Christmas yesterday I didn’t work in my old woodworking shop, I just played around here on my computer editing some videos, and my lovely wife kept busy doing her things, like housework, washing, baking and getting things ready for our store come spring, along with a lot of other things. I have to say our days are full, but we like it that way. As my Dad would say every morning. “Get up boy, we are burning daylight, and it’s not to be wasted.” There is a lot of truth in the words.

Weather wise we are still in the midst of a lot of clouds, and we will have some ongoing showers for most of the day. But in my eyes it is better than snow, as I don’t have to move it.

Today I will work away here on my computer, and maybe later on head on out to my woodworking shop, as I have a few things that I want to do.

With that, you all have a great day and stay safe, as there are a lot of folks that are down with the flu these days, along with COVID. My wife and I still wear our masks when around a lot of people. Just common sense in our eyes. GW

“Country Comforts: A Christmas Day Tale with an Old-Timer Twist on Dec. 25/2023”

Well, good mornin’! In the country, Christmas Day finally arrives!

And Merry Christmas to you all!

It’s a cloudy morning here in Cottage country, and most of our snow has melted. Weather wise, it is a touch dismal out there, with rain in the forecast for the next couple of days. But we can’t let that get the better of us as today is Christmas, a day when you share what you have, and it could be as simple as…..

No, it isn’t just about fancy presents or big to-dos; it’s ’bout gatherin’ ’round the kitchen table, sharin’ stories, and passin’ down traditions.

Christmas is a time when families come together, sharing laughter, stories, and creating cherished memories. It’s about reconnecting with loved ones, whether they’re near or far, and celebrating the warmth of togetherness.

Christmas is about finding joy in life’s simple pleasures. Whether it’s sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace, enjoying festive music, or taking a leisurely stroll through decorated streets, it’s the little things that make the season special.

And for me, growing up on the farm, Christmas was also a time to appreciate the land that fed us. The winter chill would settle in, and we’d gather ’round the wood cook stove, feelin’ the warmth not just from the fire but from the love we shared.

I also remember what my friend Grey Wolf said one time while visiting him at his cottage one Christmas day. He said, “George Christmas, for us elders, was a time when the cold wind carried tales of our ancestors. We’d sit by the fire, passin’ down stories like gifts, each one holdin’ the wisdom of those who walked before us. It wasn’t just about the snow on the ground but the stories in our hearts.

Gifts? Oh, they were like treasures hidden in plain sight—kind words, a handmade doodad, or a good belly laugh. It wasn’t about the biggest box; it was ’bout the thought tucked inside.

So, I will leave you all with this. “As you navigate through this Christmas, don’t let the hustle and bustle drown out the simple pleasures. Take a moment to enjoy the quiet moments, savour the memories, and let the spirit of Christmas sneak up on you like an old friend. May your Christmas be as rich and genuine as the stories these old eyes have seen. Merry Christmas, folks!!! GW

“Old Timer’s Ornament: Reflecting on Christmas Past and Present on Dec 24/2023”

“Mornin’, Folks! The day before Christmas, where every sunrise carries the excitement of the night ahead.”

It is a bit cloudy waking up in cottage country this morning. But in saying that it is quite warm with the temperature sitting at 0.4 C | 32.72 F, and it will warm up even more as the day progresses and into tomorrow. Which in turn will remove most of the snow we have had so far this winter.

Highway 522 is clear and wet this morning, so if anyone has any last minute shopping to do, they should be fine heading into town. Actually, Highway 522 is so quiet at Christmas that Santa’s reindeer are thinkin’ about takin’ early retirement to graze by the roadside.

Signing off with a dash of country advice: “Life, like a good fishin’ hole, is best when shared. Grab your hot chocolate, find good company, and let the stories flow like a lazy river.”

Before I go, I would also like to say a few words about the word Christmas. It seems some these days doesn’t like saying it anymore, as they say it reflects on religion and what a shame that is. To me, when I hear, Merry Christmas, it brings back memories of childhood, family get-togethers, and all-around happiness. And thinking back, for me or our family, religion never entered into the picture. So, no matter how you celebrate, the important thing is making folks feel warm and happy inside. Cheers to good times and big smiles! Merry Christmas, y’all!” GW

Sipping Cocoa and Stories: A Gentle Christmas with an Old Feller on Dec. 23/2023″

Good Morning! The country air carries the scent of evergreens and the promise of Christmas, which isn’t that far off.”

It’s a cloudy morning here waking up in cottage country, but the good news is it isn’t as cold as it has been with the temperature sitting at -1.8 C | 28.76 F. And the temperature is going to rise well above the freezing mark for the next few days. Which will get rid of any snow we have/had.

For my wife and I snow is nice, but not so much as we have to move it.

Highway 522 is bare and quiet these days. Our road is so tranquil that the speed limit signs are more like friendly suggestions.

On another note, Christmas is getting closer every day. Our son was going to drop by for Christmas, but at the moment he came down with a bug that put him in bed. So we will have to see how that pans out. But it is that time of year, it’s a breeding ground for all sorts of bugs with folks in large groups getting together, along with all the shopping in malls and things. You know how it is – ’tis the season for both joy and a bit of caution, especially with these darn bugs floatin’ around.

Moving along, yesterday was a good day in the old woodworking den. Spent most of it wrestling with machines – straightening them out and giving them a good talking to. You know, they can be a bit unruly sometimes. I also did some cleaning too; sawdust doesn’t clean itself, unfortunately. I also managed to do some editing on a video I made a few days ago, so it will be ready soon to put on my YouTube channel.

With that I am off for a bowl of porridge that my Lovely Wife is preparing, and will then see what the day has in store, other than what I have planned. You never know.

Closing this mornin’ with a nugget of country wisdom: “Life’s like a good huntin’ dog, loyal and full of surprises. Sip your hot chocolate, stay warm, and let the day fetch you some good moments.” GW

“Ramblin’ Recollections: An Old Feller’s Journey Through Time on Dec. 22/2023”

“Good morning folks. Another sunrise, another chance to grow a little wiser.”

It’s a very cold morning here, waking up in cottage country with it sitting at -12.8 C | 8.96 F.

Being that Christmas is edging closer, I bet that Santa Claus has been fattening up his reindeer the past few weeks so they will be able to endure the trip around the world. You know, I think of Santa as a magical friend who makes Christmas super fun. Believin’ in Santa adds a bit of magic to the holiday season, especially for the little ones. It’s like a time when we all get to use our imaginations and dream a little. Something I believe that has been lost throughout the years. And you know, Christmas is for everyone, no membership fees or secret handshakes. Whether you go to church every Sunday or not, it’s a time to share smiles, stories, and maybe some cookies with your neighbours.

On another note, once again I worked steadily in the old woodworking shop yesterday, straightening things up and moving things around. Then in the afternoon I cut out a few things on my scroll saw for my lovely wife, as she is doing up some things for Christmas, that we can stand by our door. I am in the process of making a YouTube video that shows how we went about it.

I did light the stove in the shop earlier, so it should be warming up now, and I will head on out after breakfast, and then in the afternoon maybe do some more editing on some videos. I will see how that goes.

“Wrapping up this frosty morning chat with a bow of wisdom, a sprinkle of country Christmas humour, and a steaming mug of hot chocolate. “Life’s a bit like a tangled string of Christmas lights – sometimes you just have to laugh, untangle, and let the brightness shine through.” GW

“Homemade Happiness & Hayrides: Christmas in the Country Lane on Dec. 21/2023”

“Mornin’ comes with a fresh start and a pocketful of simple wisdom.”

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy morning here in cottage country, but by the looks of the sky we will be having some sunshine shortly. It is cold though, with the temperature sitting at -11.9 C | 10.58 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward.

So on another note it is getting close to the big day with Christmas only 4 days away. For my wife and I we sure do enjoy it, but in our own way. To us, it’s the magical and imaginative aspects of Christmas, with Santa as a symbol of wonder and excitement. It’s a time for children to dream and believe in something enchanting, something other than normal day occurrences. Santa, well to my lovely wife and I, he is like the grand storyteller of the season. He brings joy without asking for a sermon in return. And those Christmas trees? Well, they’re like our way of connecting to the earth, standing tall and proud like the old oaks/elders that share their wisdom.

Moving along, yesterday I worked the whole day in my woodworking shop moving things around. I also made a video of a how to do project and today will continue on with another.

So with that I am off for an egg on top of an English Muffin with some cheddar cheese that my lovely wife is preparing for me and after that we will both settle in with our hot cocoa and chat for a bit before heading out to my shop.

“Wishing you a morning as merry as jingle bells and as cozy as a cup of cocoa by the fireplace. May your day be filled with the magic of the season.” GW

Maple Syrup & Mistletoe: A Backcountry Christmas Delight on Dec 20/2023

Good Morning. “Like the fields, each day holds its own wisdom waiting to be harvested.”

It’s a cloudy morning, waking up in cottage country. However, it isn’t all that cold with the temperature sitting at -0.4 C | 31.28 F. We did have some snow yesterday, but my lovely wife and I did head off to the big city of North Bay to pick up a few things that we needed for our Christmas Dinner. While there we picked up some takeout and enjoyed it in our car while people watching, Had a coffee and headed on home taking in nature as it unfolded around us. It was cloudy going in but nice and sunny coming home and while we were there. It seems the further north we go, the nicer the weather is. But our small town does sit right in an area that if anyone gets snow, we do. Which is nice in some ways.

On another note, I will be jumping back into the woodworking routine today after a break yesterday. Got some rearranging to do in the shop, moving machines around to make shooting videos for my YouTube Channel easier, along with making it easier to move around.

It’s also really nice to see people liking the videos. I am getting emails and calls daily, with folks asking where to catch them. I keep saying they’re a bit rough around the edges, and I am still learning the ropes, but people don’t seem to mind. It’s nice though to know folks are enjoying the content. Here’s to making the setup smoother and continuing the woodworking journey, along with other things, sharing what I learned over the years. I have always figured, as my Dad before me, that, if we don’t share what we know, once we are gone it is gone too, but if we share it the knowledge can carry on long after we have moved on.

As my good friend Grey Wolf used to say, “Life is like learning from everything around us. Imagine it’s a bit like a journey, a journey where every day is a new lesson. Just like how we learn from the stories of the wind and the wise words of those who came before us.” I sure miss that old feller.

With that, you have a great day. GW

“Back Forty Reflections: Life Lessons from an Old Timer on Dec. 19/2023”

“G’mornin’, where the rooster’s crow is nature’s alarm clock.”

It’s a cloudy morning here, waking up in cottage country. And it is downright cool. I might have to put a jacket on when I head on out to my woodworking shop. The temperature is the coldest so far this winter, with it sitting at -9.9 C | 14.18 F. But we are closing in on January, which are our two coldest months of the year. In saying that, though, in another 8 weeks we are back into spring. So for those that don’t like the cold, it’s not all that bad.

Highway 522 is pretty well bare, but there are some snow covered areas, along with a touch of ice here and there. So care should be taken if out and about, at least till the sun comes out, which we should see a bit later on this morning. Actually, though, the highway is quiet these days and I have always said, “you know you’re in the country when the traffic jam is just a bunch of folks waving hello from their front porches.”

We did have around 2 inches of new snow through the night, not enough that I have to wake up my snowblower, which is fine with me as I don’t feel like moving snow this morning. As I’m clockin’ in more years, I’m not too keen on this cold weather. That’s why I’m stickin’ with our reliable wood heat. There’s just somethin’ about it – no other heat source on this earth can beat wood when it comes to thawin’ out these old bones. It’s like a warmth that seeps right through to your very core.

Closing this morning’s northern chat with a sprinkle of frosty humour and a cup of hot cocoa: “Life, much like a northern winter, can be cold, but a warm heart and a hot cocoa make it a delightful adventure. Here’s to warmth and laughter in your day.” GW

Beneath the Big Sky: Stories and Sayings from the Countryside on Dec 18/2023

“Well, good mornin’! Ready for some good ol’ country livin’ today?”

It’s a rainy morning here in cottage country. But it is quite mild, especially for this time of year. The temperature waking up was sitting at 3.2 C | 37.76 F. Not as warm as yesterday but still nice. However, if the temperature drops, we could see some snow later on in the day.

Highway 522 is bare, wet and quiet these days, with most of the cottagers/tourists back at their homes in the cities. I kind of like it this way, as it gives me some time to relax away from the HUSTLE AND BUSTLE of summer and do some work in my woodworking shop.

On another note, I worked most of the day sitting in front of my computer editing some of my videos for my YouTube Channel, which is fine, but sitting for a long time without moving, isn’t the best for me body wise. So today I will get back to working in my shop and see if I can straighten myself out a bit. I sure don’t want to get back to where I was in the spring or last year, as that was quite painful.

Other than that not much else taking place around our home.

You all have a great day. GW

Craftsman’s Corner: A Look at December 17/2023 Around Our Home

Good Morning: Coffee’s on, and the workshop’s callin’. Let’s make it a good one.

It’s a cloudy morning, waking up in cottage country. And we did have some rain through the night. It is also quite nice temperature wise with it sitting at 4.8 C | 40.64 F. For this time of year in this neck of the woods, no one has any reason to complain. Other than those that enjoy snowmobiling.

Highway 522 is very quiet today, as I suspect folks are heading off to the cities to do their Christmas Shopping. For my wife and I we have all we need which is each other, a warm home and food to eat. Can’t ask for more than that other than good health, of course. You know, I’ve always seen Christmas as a time to enjoy the festive decorations, good company, and, of course, the mystery of Santa Claus. It’s less about the ‘why’ and more about the ‘how can we make this season fun.’ And I have always tried to do that. And I hope I am able to continue doing it for a long time to come.

Well, that’s me for this northern sunrise. Life’s like a snowstorm – unpredictable, but a hot cocoa in hand can make it quite enjoyable, and my lovely wife just set a cup in front of me.

Have a great day! GW

“Hey folks, had a good time, didn’t we? If you want more of these yarns and nuggets of wisdom from this old northern soul, hit that subscribe button, here on my blog and on my YouTube Channel. Let’s keep the good vibes rolling, and I’ll catch you in the next tale. Don’t be a stranger—subscribe and stay in the loop!”

Grinning in the Greenery: Country Quips on What’s Happening on Dec. 16/2023

“Rise and shine! Let’s make this morning merry and bright, just like the Christmas lights.”

Good Morning!

Well, here it is, almost a week away from Christmas, man does time fly. In saying that, here at the Walters house, my wife was kept busy yesterday putting up our Christmas Tree. For me, Christmas isn’t truly Christmas until the tree is up, showcasing its twinkling lights and decorations. You know, we’ve got ornaments that are over fifty years old, and every single one has a unique story tied to a friend we’ve made over the years. Our tree is more than just decoration; it’s like a living memory book, telling the tales of the wonderful friendships we’ve had … and have. It’s a special time of remembrance for us. As we approach Christmas, I can’t help but think about the wonderful traditions we’ve created over the years with our boys and friends. It’s less about the religious aspect for my wife and I, it’s more about the magic of Santa, the tree, and being surrounded by loved ones.

Highway 522 is quiet this morning, hardly a car or truck moving around. I tell the city folks that come to visit our area, that they will know they are in cottage country, when the GPS says, “Turn right at the big oak tree,” and means it!

On another note, I worked here at my computer yesterday, which kept me busy for most of the day. This morning I started my wood stove in my woodworking shop and will probably mosey on out there for a bit later on, as I have a few more improvements I want to make with moving some equipment around. Seems I am always trying to make things easier and nicer. But that’s what this old feller is all about.

So with that I am off for some flapjacks this morning and drench ’em in the liquid gold, that is Mike Clapperton’s Maple Syrup. Which should sweeten me up some for the day ahead.

“Signing off this morning’s trail with a touch of north country philosophy: “Life, is like tracking a moose through the snow, requires patience and a keen eye. May your day be filled with discoveries and gentle surprises.”

Have a great day. GW

And if you enjoy my Blog or YouTube Channel, don’t forget to subscribe, it sure means a lot to me.

“Cozy Corners & Christmas Cookies: Reminiscing on Dec. 15/2023”

“Well, good mornin’ to ya! As the days get colder, the heart gets warmer, especially this time of year.”

Looking outside, the sky has some read in it, which is a good sign we might be getting some rain later on in the day. I say rain as with the temperature sitting at 4.2 C | 39.56 F it’s too warm for snow. The thing is, up here in our little slice of the North, the weather’s got more mood swings than a teenager on a sugar rush.

Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning, caused by the warmer temperatures as the pavement warms. Which in turn will make travelling good for those that are wanting to do some Christmas shopping.

On another note, I decided to give the sawdust a break and traded my chisels/saws for a digital pen yesterday. Spent the day dabbling in video editing – not your typical pastime for an old feller, but I have found over the years that variety keeps life interesting. You see, life needs a bit of a mix. Doing the same thing day in, day out? Well, that’s like eating the same meal every night – gets dull real quick. Variety shakes things up, keeps the senses alive. It’s not just about keeping busy; it’s about keeping the mind happy, excited, and adaptable.

As my old Native Friend used to say. “George “Life is a dance between the old and the new, a rhythm set by the spirits and guided by the wisdom of our ancestors. Each day is a canvas, and with it, we paint our stories with the colours of wisdom and humour.” I sure miss that old feller.

Well, that’s my sunrise chat for today, and remember, life’s like a good cup of cocoa – take it slow, savor the sweetness, and let the warmth linger.” And that is just what I am going to do now, as my lovely wife made me a cup.

Have a great day. GW

Oh, and if you enjoy my posts, don’t forget to subscribe and drop me a comment from time to time. I do enjoy hearing from folks. By simply subscribing to my videos on YouTube, along with my Blog helps immensely.

Country Currents: Riding the Wave of What’s Happening in Cottage Country on December 14/2023

As my Grandmother would say: “The Wisdom of Waiting: A Gentle Anticipation of the Christmas Magic Ahead”

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy morning, waking up here in Cottage Country. And it is a touch cool as to where I had to mosey on out to my woodworking shop to lite the stove. I do enjoy it however, as catching that first breath of our fresh northern air is sure something to behold. And on top of that, it wakes a feller up and cleans the mind as to what lies ahead.

Highway 522 has been a touch busy with folks moving around picking up items of choice, which I guess is a good thing. My wife and I have all we need for the big day, and we will be staying put now for a while, enjoying what we enjoy doing. It sure is nice to be able to do that. But after what we have been through in life, I kind of think we deserve to be able to do what we want to do. The thing is … is to do it.

You know, many years ago, while sitting at the table in my old Native Friend’s Cottage, I asked him what his interpretation of Christmas was. You know what he said? Well, I’ll tell ya. He said: Well, my young friend. In our native ways, Christmas is about giving from the heart, about warmth in the coldest season. It’s not about preaching; it’s about practising kindness, like sharing the warmth of a buffalo robe on a chilly night.

“What about the Christmas tree?” I asked. He looked at me and smiled. “You see, the tree isn’t just a tree; it’s a symbol of life, and the ornaments tell the stories of our ancestors. It’s a time for families to gather like the stars in the night sky, each one bringing its own light to the circle.”

He ended by saying this, which I have always remembered: “My friend, “Remember the Wisdom of the Elders.” Christmas is a time for giving, “For Embracing the Spirit of Santa,and for sharing the stories that connect us all, like the threads in a well-woven blanket.” He ended saying this: “May your days be as rich as the soil and your heart as open as the endless sky.”

You know there is a lot to be learned by his simple spoken words.

“There you have it—a glimpse into my upbringing. Take from it what you will.”

Have a great day, make it a great day. GW

Author, Writer of Fiction/Non Fiction, Columnist, Podcaster Storytelling, Woodworker, Farming, Gardening