Category Archives: What’s Happening

Morning Chat July 7/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy, wet morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The rain will remain with us for most of the day, tonight and into tomorrow. So I guess my deck building will be put on hold for a day or so. We did however get a lot done yesterday, which is nice. Now though, since we have gone this far, my lovely wife says we should continue on with a wrap around deck instead of just one on the front of the cottage. LOL So giving it some thought, I decided she was right, and we might as well get it all done this year and out of the way. It will be an extra expense, but it will make it real nice for family and friends when they come to stay or visit. Highway 522 is still very busy these days with folks moving around our small community. The rain will slow them down a bit today. Since it is raining, I will do some inside work, after I have some bacon and eggs that my lovely wife is making me. With that, take care and stay safe and have a great day. GW

Morning Chat July 6/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy, muggy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. But the temperature isn’t bad at all. Getting out of bed, it was sitting at 19.9 C | 67.82 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. We could see some showers later on in the day and into tomorrow. I am hoping not, as I am in the midst of building the new deck on our cottage. But there isn’t much we can do about that. The weather will do what the weather wants to do. Come to think about it … the weather these days are kind of like our Government. They do what ever they want to do. I heard one time a joke which makes a lot of sense these days. Goes something like this. The problem with political jokes is that they keep getting elected. Lot of truth to them, few words. LOL Anyway, highway 522 is very busy these days, and I suspect it will get even busier as the days move forward, with the lockdown easing off. People are tired and getting away is their escape. I just hope their escape, doesn’t turn out to be a disaster for them or others. Time will tell, as it always does. If folks do what they suppose to do, and follow the rules and get vaccinated, they should be okay … for now. Some have asked me. “GW, how is that for years you have said that getting the flu shot isn’t the way to go, and that a lot of medicines of today do more harm than good. ? And now you are all for the vaccine.” Well … I am still inclined to go by what I have said, but when it comes to a virus like we have in our midst now, and all the science that is out there now, I would think a person would be a …. not to at least take a serious look at these new vaccines we have today. Which my family and I have done. And after taking a serious look at things, we have all had our first shot of the Pfizer. And we will get our second shot in a month or so. I honestly think that the one shot will go a long way in helping folks, more than what is being said. And I also believe that waiting for a while before the second shot will be a lot more beneficial. Why is that? Glad you asked. Simply put, the body is an amazing machine. And with these new vaccines that teach the body what to do, I suspect that once it sees things as they truly are happening, it will react on its own and get into doing what is right. I also like the Pfizer as it is, is German Made. And the Germans are very health related. They also make some of the best products in the world. Which we could do here in Canada if our Powers That Be got off their … and started to do. But hey who am I, just one old feller sharing what he thinks is right, in a world, that well, at the moment to me is one mixed up mess. Take care, my friends. Stay safe. GW

Morning Chat, July 4/2021

Good Morning! The sun is shinning and the temperature waking up was sitting at 16.4 C | 61.52 F. It will warm up a bit more as the day progresses. No one should have any complaints with the weather in our area at the moment. You could say it’s weather you can almost do anything in. Highway 522 is still very busy with folks moving around from all over. I am not sure where they are all going, or doing, as we only have two stores and a LCBO here in town. Oh, and three restaurants, LOL. But they seem to find places to go to. LOL I suspect most are sight see’rs taking in what we and Nature has to offer. Which is a lot if you really think about it. At least on the Nature end of things. Yesterday we had a busy day. Orders are coming in from all over for my wife’s paintings. She is lining them up to do some now, some later on this winter, when she has more time. For myself, I hooked up a hot water heater for our cottage and installed an air conditioner It was a job, but it is sure nice now and will be a great asset to what’s to come. Once I had that finished, I managed to finish up our new swing set and will add a picture at the end of this post. It turned out really nice, and today we will do some swing settin” LOL I am also planning on adding a new deck to our cottage, so I might get busy working on that. I have to move some plants first which resides around the cottage. I am thinking it will be a good week’s work, that is if the weather and body allows. So with that I am off for some homemade pancakes my lovely wife is making, and I will get to work. Work I enjoy doing, that is. Take care and stay safe.

Morning Chat July 2/2021

Good Morning! Well … it’s a nice sunny July morning here in Port Loring, Ontario for change. Sure looks nice out there, especially after my lovely wife and I mowed our lawn yesterday. The blackflies are gone now, and the mosquitoes haven’t been all that bad so far this year. The horse and deer flies are also easing off too, which makes me smile. Yesterday I got to work in the afternoon building the tripod affair that will hold our new swing that I made last winter. I have to admit, there is a lot of work involved in getting everything all done up the way we want it. I will take a few pictures and share it with you when all said and done. If lucky, I should have it finished sometime today, other than putting some wood preserver on the tripod. And picking up some bolts and chain at Home Hardware here in town, so I can hang it. So it will be another busy day. But we are doing the things we like. And along with that we live in the nicest part of all Ontario, Fresh air, beautiful scenery, animals and birds of all kinds that visit our bird feeder. Heck! Just to sit on our front porch is sure something. With that, I am off for some bacon and eggs that my lovely wife is making me, and I am thinking a coffee out on our front porch is in order this morning. Just because we can. Take care and stay safe.

Morning Chat, July 1/2021

Good Morning! And happy July 1st to you all. Boy, time is sure flying by these days. It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. And we did have a touch of rain through the night. The good news weather wise is, we should be seeing some sunshine later on in the day and into tomorrow. We needed the rain, but now we need the sunshine, so folks can get outside and soak up some vitamin D 3, that pretty well everyone is low on these days. And being low on vitamin D can cause all kinds of problems health wise. Highway 522 is really busy these days with folks from all over coming into our small community. Extra care will have to be taken. Truth be told, we have more cases of this virus now in our midst here in the North than ever before. Reason being, a lot aren’t doing what they should be doing. It seems that now that they have had the vaccine, they think they are invincible. But they aren’t. There are 62 active cases, 57 in Nipissing. On another note, my lovely wife and I went to town yesterday to pick up our groceries that we order online, so we don’t have to go into any stores. The stores though were packed with people. Time will tell how we make out with all this going on. I just hope the virus doesn’t evolve into one that the vaccines can’t fix. As they are saying …. we really haven’t changed things that much yet because of the delta variant, and the fact is, the vaccines, with only one dose, are only about a 30 per cent efficacy. So a lot of people can still get really sick. Again, time will tell. While in town, we visited our son in his apartment’s parking lot and chatted for a bit from a distance. We then ate our lunch in our car and headed on home. We had a great day, actually. Other than my car needing a new battery, which my good friend Kerry here in town has ordered for us. I will get that put in today some time, after we finish up our mowing. With that, I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then get to work. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat June 28/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. We did have some more rain through the night. Things are sure green now. Just what we needed. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 20.1 C | 68.18 F. Not to bad, but it will warm up as the day moves forward. For those with allergies our air is pretty good today, even with the high humidity. We should see some sunshine a bit later. Which will make things nicer for those that want to do some outside work. Highway 522 is still busy these days, and I suspect it will get a lot busier nearing the middle of the week with the long weekend closing in on us. On another note, if the rain holds off I am going to build a tripod affair that will hold the new swing I made last winter. Then when my wife and I get tired or want to rest a bit we have it to sit on. The swing itself turned out great. The tripod is going to be a challenge. We will have to see how that goes. The reason I want to build it, is that if we ever want to move it, all’s we have to do is unhook the swing and away we go. With that, I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal, or Porridge as we used to call it years ago. There is nothing better to lower your blood pressure than Porridge. It also helps with a lot of other health issues too. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat for June 27/2021

Good Morning! It’s another warm, muggy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature waking up was sitting at 20.5 C | 68.9 F. It will warm up more as the day progresses, and we could see some more rain. But in saying all that, we might if lucky see some sunshine later on. Speaking about rain, we did have a really nice rain through the night, which was needed as things were very dry. You can almost see a smile on the trees and plants. My vegetable garden is growing leaps and bounds these days. We also have been eating fresh lettuce salads from our garden, which is sure tasty. It’s amazing how fast it grows after a rain. We also have blossoms on our zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash and pumpkins. So it won’t be long before we start seeing some other vegetables. Which will be nice. I can’t wait for a tomato sandwich. This year I planted a bunch of low acid tomatoes, thinking they might be a bit easier on the old stomach. We will see how that goes. I had some very old seeds from years ago, and they all grew. Yesterday I worked on my old Stihl Weed Eater which has been giving me some problems. I have had it for over twenty some years and hardly ever had a problem with it. I got a few prices to fix it, and they all wanted almost as much as a new one. LOL So I decided to order a brand-new carb for it complete with a new plug, gas line filter, gas line plug for the tank and a few other things. Total price 30.00 with free delivery. I installed them all, and it runs nice but still not the greatest, but maybe I can touch it up a bit as I use it. I will have to see how that goes. There is always something when it comes to older machinery. The problem is, most of the new things they are making today isn’t worth a damn, being made so cheap. Oh well, what can you do? With that, I am off for some pancakes my lovely wife is making, and will then do some work in our new shower house. Take care and stay safe. GW Click on Picture Below to Enlarge.

It’s pretty hot all over these days.

Morning Chat June 26/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We can expect some more rain off and on throughout the day. It is muggy outside and warm, with the temperature sitting at 20.5 C | 68.9 F. It will warm up even more as the day progresses. Highway 522 is super busy these days. Yesterday was almost non-stop campers, boats, you name it going by. But as I say, it is that time of year and things are slowly opening back up. One good thing will come out of this opening up, and a lot of people having the vaccines … We will see if the vaccines are working. If we see the numbers rise substantially, we will then know we have some other issues to deal with. So far, though, it is looking good for Ontario. Time will tell the story. This morning I had to pick up some things at Home Hardware here in town and was it busy. You know, I didn’t know one person. We have had so many new people move into our area you can’t keep track of them any more. LOL, Maybe that is a good thing. On another note my wife and I, in spite of the light showers yesterday decided to take down the last four dead old pine trees on our property. Took us all morning, but it is done. Now I can get onto other things that we have planned. Taking down trees for me is very stressful, so I am happy that job is finished. In the end my wife and I took down 14 very large trees, cut them up and cleaned up the mess. I think it will take a week to settle down my stomach, LOL. With that, I am off for my morning bowl of cereal, and maybe I will have a cup of coffee this morning for a change. We usually have a coffee after lunch. Just because we can. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat June 25/2021

Good Morning Folks! It’s a cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario. We can expect some showers to enter into the picture and the rain will linger around for the next 4 days or so. We sure do need the rain, as it is very dry out there. The trees, plants and grass are crying for moisture. Highway 522 is very busy, which is a norm for this time of year, with all the vacationers from the cities wanting to get away. On another note, my wife and I are still busy getting things done up outside around our home. We still have to take down two smaller old dead pines, but after that we are done with the tree’s for the year, hopefully for a few years. Our life these days are stressful enough, without worrying where a tree is going to fall, and all the hassles of cleaning things up after the fact. LOL But in saying that, our property now is sure looking nice and along with it being usable, with a cottage and a place for a small camping area ready to go for family and friends. We still have a lot of other things to do like replacing our back deck and adding a small deck onto our new cottage along with making one of our back bedrooms in our home into a store where we can display my wife’s paintings along with my books and flutes. All that it takes is time and money. LOL LOL With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal with my lovely wife and will then get to work. That is, if the rain holds off. Yesterday it was too windy to do much in the taking down the tree department. Take care and stay safe. It is getting better but not enough yet to let down our defences, pertaining to this virus.

Morning Chat 24/2021

Good Morning! It’s a bit cloudy here in Port Loring, Ontario this morning, We should see some sunshine off and on for most of the day. If you have some outside work to do, today is the day as tomorrow some rain is entering into the picture which, actually, could last for a few days. The black flies are gone now for the year in most places. The mosquitoes are still annoying in the shady areas. And the horse and deer flies are enjoying themselves. Highway 522 is busy with a lot of campers moving into our area. I suspect it will get a lot busier now that we are closing in on July. For my wife and we have been exceptionally busy these days taking down a bunch of old dead pines. We have them pretty well all cleaned up now, but it was a lot of hard work on our part getting it done. We both are feeling it. We have two more smaller ones to take down, and then our property should be in good shape. So we will get that done up this morning after I sharpen my chain saw. Once that is done we will be taking it easy for a day or so as rain is in the forecast, which is probably a good thing as it will force us to take a break LOL. As of now, we have taken down 10 Huge Jack Pines. With that, I am off for my morning bowl of cereal with my lovely wife and will then get to work. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat June 21/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. We will also see some rain today, and temperatures will cool down overnight and into tomorrow. But after that, things should get back to normal. I was going to do some outside work today, but the way things are looking weather wise, I guess there will be a change in plans. So knowing that, I guess I will clean up my woodworking shop once again. With all the work, my lovely wife and I have been doing, my old shop has been a mess. But not complaining, as it is nice to have the tools and ability to do these things ourselves. Highway 522 is still quite busy these days, and I suspect things will remain that way for the next two months or so. Especially now that the numbers are dropping with infections from this virus. I am hoping it will remain low, but once we open up … that will be the real test. I am thinking there is still a lot of folks not vaccinated, which in turn will drive up the numbers. But we will see. On another note, the black flies are all but gone, but the mosquitoes, horse flies and deer flies are still with us, and will remain with us for the rest of the summer. Joys of living in the north. But it’s not so bad. As our Powers That Be … keep on saying, the benefits out way the risks, LOL. With that, I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal, and will then see what the day has in store. You just never know. Take care and stay safe.

Morning Chat June 20/21

Good Morning, and Happy Father’s Day to all those Fathers out there. It’s a great looking day weather wise here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning with just a few clouds floating by in the sky. Along with that, the temperature is actually quite nice, sitting at 16.3 C | 61.34 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. Tomorrow though is another story, as rain and colder weather is going to enter into the picture. And on Tuesday it will be a touch cold, comparing it to the weather we have been having. After Tuesday, though, things are looking pretty darn good weather wise. Not to hot, not to cold. Highway 522 is busy these days with campers, trucks, you name it moving into our area for the summer. I can’t say I blame them, especially those living in the cities. But in saying that, I hope they are taking the necessary precautions in preventing this virus from spreading. The vaccine helps, but it isn’t the all round cure, as even with two doses a person could get really sick. But it’s the best defence we have at the moment in staying alive or from getting deathly sick. On another note, our vegetable gardens are growing leaps and bounds these days. I even got some blossoms on my tomatoes. In a month or so we should be having a few for our table. I can’t wait. I did get my hoe out yesterday and cleaned some weeds up. My lovely wife and I have been really busy these days. We almost finished up our shower house. The wife still has a few things she wants to do inside, making it look extra nice. She is a great designer and over the years has designed a lot of homes, inside and out. Talking about my little woman, she has been really busy too with orders coming in from all over for her signs and paintings. Signs and paintings of all kinds. If someone has an idea, she brings it to life. She is an amazing artist to say the least. We also have been taking down a lot of old dead pines on our property, which opened things up, and I have to say it is looking pretty darn nice around here. With the lawn mowed and gardens worked up and cared for, it is almost as if we live in a well cared for park. It’s a pleasure to sit outside and take it all in. Today I am going to take it a bit easy and rest a bit. With all the work we have been doing, my old body is feeling a bit tired, and later on I will enjoy a nice turkey dinner that my lovely wife is going to make for me for Father’s Day. Can’t beat that. So … with that bit of info under your hat, if you wear a hat that is, I am off for my morning bowl of cereal. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat June 18/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. We also can expect some rain this morning. But later on in the day things start to clear and tomorrow we will be back to sunshine. We are having some thunder and lightning at the moment. We do need it, as things are pretty dry, even after the rain we had a few days ago. The good part is I won’t have to water my vegetable gardens today. Talking about the vegetable garden, things are sure growing these days. My potatoes and tomatoes along with lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, squash and others, are sure showing off. I can’t wait till we see some tomatoes, as there is nothing like fresh homegrown tomato sandwiches. The tomatoes in the stores these days have no taste what’s so ever. My lettuce though is about ready to pick, so once the rain eases off, I will pick a nice salad for supper. My wife is going to make me a turkey supper with all the trimmings for Father’s Day. I have to admit, I sure enjoy turkey. I also enjoy her homemade dressing, it’s the best. I haven’t tasted any as good as hers in over 70 some years. She has a special recipe that makes my mouth water when cooking. The black flies are all but gone these days. The mosquitoes aren’t all that bad, neither. The deer flies are there but not so bad neither, which is nice as my wife and I have been major busy as we had 4 monster pine trees that had to be taken down. We did take one down by the house here a few weeks ago, but there were others too. I figured while I am feeling good, I should get at it. But it was a lot of work let me tell you, and after yesterday my wife and I are not moving too fast this morning. So a rest is in order for a couple of days, and then we will get into splitting all the logs pieces. Some are so large the both of us can hardly roll them. I suspect after we split them, we should have around five cords. I don’t burn them in our house furnace, but I do burn them in my shop stove, and all the smaller pieces are going to be good for camp fires for our guests and family members when they come to visit. With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store. We are having a real down pour at the moment and it’s so dark we have the lights on. The lighting is sure showing off too. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat June 14/2021

Good Morning! It’s a rainy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It rained pretty well all night, with some thunder and lightning thrown in for good measure. The temperature waking up was sitting at 14.4 C | 57.92 F, and it won’t warm up much more than that for the remainder of the day. But after that heat we have had, I don’t mind a bit. And … we sure needed the rain, let me tell you, as things have been really dry. Looking out at my vegetable garden, it looks like things have grown immensely overnight. You know … you can water all you want, but nothing gets things to growing as mother nature does. I suspect the rain will remain with us for most of the day. For those that are interested, the blackflies have eased off somewhat, but the mosquitoes, horseflies and deer flies are keeping us humans entertained a lot these days. No matter where we go, my wife and I see arms a flying swatting the pesky parasites. I have to say, they are making it, so folks get their exercise. LOL On another note we took a trip to town yesterday to pick up some groceries. We still order online and pick it up without having to go inside any stores. Which I think we will continue on doing for the next year or so. Even though we both have our vaccines, we aren’t going to take any chances that aren’t necessary. Looking around, the stores were lined up with people waiting to get inside to shop. Kind of makes me shake my head in wonder. Such is life. Moving along here this morning, we have been really busy working on a new shower house for our cottage that we built last year. Things are coming along, and it will be soon ready for friends and family. It has been a really busy two years in the making, but we are slowly getting things all set up. It will be a really nice asset to what we do have now in the coming days. I am also thinking of clearing a small area in our bush by our house and making it into a one vehicle campground which I think would be really nice for our family and friends that wants to stay a few weeks, month or summer. Again we will see how that goes. With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal, will then see what the day has in store. I do have a lot of inside work that needs doing in the new shower house. So … I will probably do that in a bit. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat June 10/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. And boy has it been warm. Actually down right hot there for a few days. Today things have cooled down a lot with the temperature waking up sitting at 14.2 C | 57.56 F. It will warm up quite a bit as the day moves forward … and if we are lucky we might see some rain through the night. And we sure need it! The good news is that the cold temperatures we had earlier last month, and now the major hot temperatures, sure did a number on the blackflies and mosquitoes. But in saying that we aren’t without some pesky parasites, as now the horse and deer flies are annoying us humans along with the animals. They love the heat, especially the deer flies. And the worst part is once they find you, they don’t leave you alone. They seem to get at my hands a lot, and when they bite you know it. LOL Anyways what can you do? We live in their neck of the woods. It’s the price we pay for living in paradise. Highway 522 is busy these days with lots of campers and things moving around in our area. There are also lots of new faces when going to the hardware store or to get the mail. Sign of the times, I suppose. Another thing I have noticed is, that a lot of those new faces aren’t as friendly as they used to be. I am not sure why that is. Maybe it’s the type of people they are, the virus that is among us, what ever, it makes me wonder. Some you even say … It’s a hot one, huh? They just give you the look and say nothing. Oh well, maybe I am just getting old. At any rate, I am starting to miss what our town was like years ago, when you went to the store, knew everyone and heck … sometimes you would be chatting for a half hour or so with different folks about all kinds of things. It kind of made a fellers’ day. On another note, my wife and I have been really busy these days, that is the reason for not being here on my Blog that much. We have been working on our new shower house for our cottage to be. I have to tell you, it has sure been a job. And not a cheap job with the price of things nowadays. But I suppose I am lucky in a lot of ways, as I do have the knowledge and equipment to do these things myself, which has saved me a bundle. With that bit of information under your hat, I am off for a bowl of cereal and my lovely wife and I will then get to mowing our grass. It isn’t long in some areas but in others is in need of a cutting. I hope my mowers run good today. It seems my old equipment is a challenge to keep running these days. Hmm …. something like myself I suppose. Anyways, you all take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat June 7/2021

Good Morning!. It’s another sunny day here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature waking up … was sitting at 18.9 C | 66.02 F. It will warm up substantially as the day moves forward. So once again, it would be a good idea of getting things done this morning before it gets too hot. Highway 522 is busy these days with lots of campers and different vehicles moving into our area for the summer. So care should be taken if out and about. On another note, the blackflies and mosquitoes are among us once again. The cold spell there for a few days slowed them down some for a bit. But with the dragon flies and birds, they are making short work of them. Which is okay by me and my little woman. Eat hearty, I say. My vegetable gardens are looking like a garden once again, now that we replanted a lot of things after the freezing temperatures we had awhile ago. I also noticed it is very hard to buy seeds this year, especially corn. I did find a package I had lying around, but it only had five Kernels in it. So we won’t be having much corn this fall. Other seeds like lettuce and things I have lots of, so we will be okay in that department. With this hot dry weather, watering will be essential for a while. At least till they get up there in size. I have put down a lot of grass cuttings around the plants, which should hold the moisture and nourish them as the days move by. Nothing like rotten grass cuttings to help them along and give things the flavour that is missing these days. On another note, I did manage to get a lot of work done outside yesterday. We did bury the water lines to the new shower house out back, and today I will start hooking up the shower. It kind of looks like it might be a challenge all coming in a box disassembled. Hmm, might pay to read the instructions first. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and a bite to eat … and will then get to work. Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat June 6/2021

Good Morning! It’s a nice looking morning getting out of bed. The sun is shinning along with a light breeze. Which will make it nicer with this heat we are in for today, as temperatures are going to rise a lot. So if you have any outside work to be done, I would think the morning hours would be best. The temperature waking up was sitting at 20.9 C | 69.62 F. Yesterday we did have a wee bit of much-needed rain, but we could have used a lot more. My wife and I did finish planting our vegetable gardens yesterday, with some new plants, replacing the ones that got frozen. Today I will be running water lines to our new building out back which will probably take most of the day. Once that is done I can get to working on some of the inside items that need to be done. But we will see. If it gets too hot I won’t be doing much digging. Instead, I will enjoy a bowl of some sweet cherries we bought the other day. Speaking of cherries. Man have they risen in price. We paid more a pound, than I was selling a 6 Quart basket when we had our farms years ago. Actually, everything is up there in price with this virus among us. Some can be justified, other things can’t, with lots of folks using the virus as an excuse to raise the prices. Those are the ones I won’t be going back to do business with. At any rate such is life. There are a lot of humans without any compassion at all and this virus has brought them out in full force these days. But they will get their just rewards. With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then get to work. Take care and stays safe.

Morning Chat June 1/2021

Good Morning! Well here it is the first of June. Man, time sure fly’s by. I am not sure why that is, as some days things move fast and then other days I wonder if they will ever end. I guess it is all in how you look at things. Not that I am complaining mind ya. Highway 522 is still busy these days with lots of travellers in our midst. The weather has been nice too, with the temperature this morning sitting at 11.8 C | 53.24 F. It will warm up a lot more as the day moves forward, and this weekend it could get down right hot. I might have to get my old fan out of winters storage. On another note, being so dry, which is hard to believe, I have been watering my vegetable gardens daily. The grass is also slowing down, which is okay by me. Yesterday we worked all day on our shower house out back near our cottage to be. It is turning out nice, and we did manage to get the roof shingled. Today I will hang a cedar door I have had lying around for the past ten years, or more. I can’t remember where I picked it up, but I did, and I finally found a home for it. So you see … it does pay to hang onto a few things. I have to admit I hang onto a lot of things. My problem is. I know I have something, but I have trouble finding it. LOL Hanging doors isn’t my favourite job, but it has to be done. The good part is the door didn’t cost me a cent. With that, take care and stay safe. And have a great day. GW

Morning Chat May 30/2021

Good Morning!. It’s another cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 5.2 C | 41.36 F. We have had some heavy frost for the past two mornings which I suspect took its toll on a lot of gardens. I lost a few plants myself. I had them covered, but being so cold it didn’t help. Not much a person can do other than replant. Usually things work out, but occasionally a year comes along that surprises a person. Such is life. Highway 522 is still quite busy these days with folks coming in from all over. Knowing that, extra care is needed to keep one safe with this virus. Even though a person has had his or her shot doesn’t mean that they are invincible. I suspect we will be living with this virus for a few years to come. On another note, my lovely wife and I have been getting a lot of work done on our new building out back. It is finally starting to look like something. Today we will finish up the trim work and then get to installing the shingles on the roof. It has been cool working out there, but the good part is the black flies and mosquitoes don’t like the cold all that much. Which makes things a lot nicer for working. With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store. Other than what I have planned. You just never know, and I like it that way … as it makes life interesting. LOL Take care and stay safe. GW

Morning Chat May 28/2021

Good Morning! It’s a sunny morning for a change here in Port Loring, Ontario. It is a touch cool though with the temperature getting out of bed sitting at 2.3 C | 36.14 F. It will warm up somewhat as the day moves forward. Tomorrow things will begin to be more pleasant temperature and sun wise. But in saying that, the cooler temperatures have kept the black-flies and mosquitoes at bay. Which makes it nice for getting some of our outside work done up. Yesterday we got our mowing finished up in the morning, and then in the afternoon we installed some expensive sheets of plywood on our roof of our new building out back of our house, that we are building. We had a busy day but a good day. Today we will put on some trim around the window and door and a facer board. And then we will shingle the roof. That’s the plan. But you never know what a day has in store. On another note we did have a wee bit of frost last night, so I am happy I covered our vegetable plants that we planted a few days ago. Tonight I will do the same. After tonight the nighttime temperatures shouldn’t be a concern. With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal and maybe an English Muffin and will then get to work. Take care and stay safe.