Category Archives: What’s Happening

Morning Report April 23/2020

Good Morning. Great looking day starting things off here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning and looking out there is nothing but blue skies for a change. It is a touch cool though with temperatures sitting at -3.3 C | 26.06 F. It will warm up a lot as the day moves forward. Along with that it will get even warmer for tomorrow with more sunshine. Kind of looks like things are shaping up for a change. It’s okay by me, as I sure enjoy being outside. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, and we didn’t have any more snow overnight. We still have some on the ground in certain areas, which should be pretty well all gone by the end of the day. Today I will do some more work on a new podcast and take things a bit easy. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. First though … I will add a few pieces of wood to the furnace. Hope this will be the last of doing that for this year. Take care, stay safe. GW

Morning Report April 22/2020

Good Morning. Well … to start things off it is very cold outside this morning. Waking up temperatures were sitting at -7.9 C | 17.78 F. It will warm up as the day progresses with sunshine for most the day. Tomorrow will even be warmer and hopefully we will be able to sit outside in the sun. The weather is all over the place this spring as with no one moving around things are as they should be. It’s just that most of us humans haven’t seen it like this before. Air is fresher, seasons are coming back to normal, birds and animals are out and about not afraid. If asked I would say it is nice to see. I think it’s going to be a great year climate wise other than a few storms. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning which will make travelling good for those that need some groceries and things. But as we all know, its best to stay home if at all possible. Never ceases to amaze me how may folks aren’t taking this what is taking place serious. Not much we can do about it, other than protect ourselves from those that think like they do. On another note, I am going to work away here at home on a new Podcast. Which should keep my busy for most the day. It does look nice outside with the sunshine, but it is very cold. With that I am off to put some more wood in the furnace, and then have a coffee with my lovely wife. Take care of yourselves.

Morning Report April 21/2020

Good Morning. Well things have changed weather wise overnight. Waking up we have around 4 inches of snow on the ground. Along with that the trees are covered. Sure looks pretty though. Temperatures were sitting at -1.6 C | 29.12 F. It will warm up as the day progresses a wee bit. Tonight it will be very cold, but after that it should start to warm up somewhat for Wednesday. Come Friday things will change for the better. Highway 522 is partially snow covered but melting fast. Other than that things are looking pretty good, other than this Virus. But we can’t let it get the best of us, we have to carry on and enjoy each day as it is given. Truth be told what choice do we have. Best advice I can give you is to stop watching the news too much and find things around your home and inside your home to keep your mind on the positive. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Take care of yourselves, this too shall pass. GW

Morning Report April 20/2020

Good Morning. Looking out it is a nice looking day. The sun is shinning and should remain with us for most the day. But it is cool with temperatures sitting at -2.9 C | 26.78 F. It will warm up a wee bit. Tonight though we will see some snow and we could get up to 3 inches or so. Warmer weather will start to take place Friday. So if things goes to plan we should have a nice weekend for a change. Highway 522 is bare and dry as of now, which will make travelling good for those that are in need of things. Today I will do some work around the house here and kind of take it a bit easy. With that, I am off for a cup of coffee and will then see what happens. Never know these days. Take care of yourselves. GW

Morning Report April 19/2020

Good Morning! Looking out my living room window we are in the midst of some clouds. It isn’t as cool though with temperatures sitting at 5.3 C | 41.54 F. It will warm up a touch but not much a bit later on. We should see a wee bit of sunshine later this morning, but for most parts clouds will remain with us. We could see a few flurries later on in the day. Just what we need. But as I said yesterday, things should take a turn for the better … around Friday. I hope so, as I would like to till up my vegetable gardens so they can dry out. I found over the years that the sooner you work up the soil the better the crops were. Worked for me farming for a lot of years. Highway 522 is bare and dry which will make getting around nice. But as you all know … if you don’t need to go anywhere stay home and enjoy the comforts of your own home. Today I will work away on another new podcast for this coming Friday, have a coffee or two, chat to my wife, and then later on give my boys a call on the phone. My wife and I like to keep in touch with them daily. So with that … I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will take the day as it is given to me. Stay safe and remember … your home is your safe place. Don’t let anyone in it other than who lives there. GW

Morning Report Apr 18/2020

Good Morning. It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring Ontario, Canada. Hopefully we will get some sunshine later on in the day. Highway 522 is bare and dry and we didn’t have any snow overnight. We did however have a heavy frost. It is a bit warmer than yesterday morning with temperatures sitting at 0.6 C | 33.08 F. It should warm up a wee bit later. It kind of looks like these cool temperatures will remain with us till next Friday. We should start to see some warmer spring weather by then. I hope so, as my lovely wife and I are looking forward to some front porch sitting in the afternoons. Traffic is down to almost nothing these days, which is a good thing. Today I will work on another Podcast for next Friday, which should keep me busy for most the day. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will let the day unfold around me. Take care of yourselves. GW

Morning report Apr 17/2020

So how you all doing this morning. Looking out things seem to be shaping up for a really nice day weather wise. The sun is slowly edging its way up in the sky for all to see. Which at this time looks pretty darn nice. I have to say I like the sunrises as much as I do the sunsets. I think that the reason why most folks only talk about sunsets, is that they don’t get out of bed early enough to see the sunrises. Ha ha. On another note we didn’t have any more snow overnight. Highway 522 is bare and dry which will make travelling good. But … since we shouldn’t be travelling, what does it matter. It is cold though with temperatures sitting at -5.5 C | 22.1 F. It will start to warm up shortly as the day moves forward. Temperatures will remain cool for the next week, but not as cold as it has been. Crazy weather … it’s mixed up about as much as our Powers That Be are. It doesn’t know what to do.

But I will say this. This virus sure has done a lot of damage, and when all said and done I hope the true cause is found and the ones responsible are held accountable. I have my suspicions, but will keep them to myself. Right now it doesn’t matter who or what caused the problem, it is fixing the problem, then we can deal with the issue at hand later on. I think what we need to be doing now, is working hard to increase robotic items that can do the work of humans. The writing is on the wall. Just think about this. Right now we have the food being grown by farmers of all kinds. Well not all kinds, as here in Canada we slowly edged them out and we started relying on other countries. The thing is, that these farmers need factories that can package, distribute and process these fruits, meats and vegetables. What happens now, we don’t have many left here in Canada. The next thing is, these factories need thousands of humans to do these things. Now what happens, a virus like this comes along, and all the people get sick in these factories, and, well … nothing can be produced. Then what happens, we humans become even more sick and slowly die, as we don’t have food to eat. Doesn’t take no rocket scientist to see this and we should have been more on the ball. So what should be done. Well as I said … we need to focus on modifying factories so they can be run with out a lot of humans. We need to do it fast. The next thing is we need to do this here in Canada. It amazes me that we don’t or can’t see this. Like the Powers to be building and opening a factory in China. That’s just one of many. Why not build the factories here in Canada so we can make our own medical supplies and things. Doesn’t make sense to me, not one bit. We need to do a complete turn around here in Canada and I mean now. Hey! We have some great minds and on top of that them minds haven’t got much to do right now. Maybe it is time them minds should be looking at ways to fix these problems that are occurring here in Canada. Right now. More so, what will be happening down the road a ways. To me what you are seeing right now, today, is just the tip of the ice-burg. And I hate to say this … but it is going to get a lot worse. That is … if we don’t start to do things right and take things serious. Sugar coating things like some of our Powers That be have been doing for years now, isn’t the answer. We need to stop this nonsense. At any rate that’s my opinion … what you think is your opinion. Take care of yourselves. GW

Morning Report Apr 16/2020

Good Morning. I am hoping everyone is in good health waking up. Temperatures are still a bit cool sitting at -4.3 C | 24.26 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. But not too much. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning with no snow overnight. Travelling should be pretty good if you are in need of something in town. Yesterday my wife and I headed on off to North Bay for some groceries. It actually was a very nice drive in, with the sun shinning as it was. The stores were all quite busy especially Food Basic. We didn’t go near it. The parking lots were full. Some of the grocery stores were only allowing just so many in at one time, which is a good thing. Others, well … not a good thing. Also we noticed that just a few people were wearing masks … where I think everyone should be wearing them. While there we drove around a wee bit staying in our car, just looking at what folks and business’s were doing. We then picked up our groceries from the parking lot where our son lives, as he gets them for us once every two weeks. We stay out of the stores. It’s hard though seeing our son so close and can’t give him a hug. But not much we can do about it. We do chat all the way home though, on our phone … so that helps a lot. It’s hard for my wife being a mother and can’t get near her son. So far my lovely wife and I are doing okay. On another note we also made a dump run, as it is on our way to town … so killed two birds with one stone so to speak. With that I am for my morning cup of coffee and a bite to eat and will then work a bit on the new Podcast for tomorrow morning. It’s a good one … called Jessie’s Mine. True story too. Have a great day and stay safe.

Morning Report Apr 15/2020

Good Morning. Well it was quite nice and sunny here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada when I got out of bed, with temperatures sitting at -5 C | 23 F. Then we had some heavy snow and things are all white again. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward. We could see some light snow flurries off and on throughout the day. Highway 522 is partially snow covered but it should melt as soon as the sun hits the pavement. So for those that have to travel things should be okay for this morning. But care should be taken this afternoon. Today I will head on off to the dump to clean things up a bit. Then I will work away here around the house as I have a few projects on the go. Maybe finish off the new Podcast for Friday. So with that, I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will let the day unfold around me. Take care of yourselves. GW

Morning Report Apr 14/2020

Good Morning. It’s looking like a nice day so far, other than being a touch cool with temperatures sitting at -0.7 C | 30.74 F. The sun should stay with us for most the week with a few clouds. It won’t be warming up much until around Friday. After that it looks like things will be changing for the better, temperature wise. Which is okay by me. Can’t wait. Looking out highway 522 is snow covered but melting fast. Travelling will be pretty good for those that have to go somewhere. For my wife and I we will be staying home enjoying our wood heat. I have had the wood heat going now for the past week. Saves a bit of oil. Today I have some more work to do on another Podcast, so will do that. It should keep me busy for most the day. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will let the day unfold around me. Take care of yourselves, it does look like the curve for this virus in our country is levelling off which is a good sign. As long as we don’t get to complacent and stop doing what we are suppose to be doing, as that would just start things up again. Have a great day. GW

Morning report Apr 13/2020

A rainy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures were not so bad sitting at 7 C | 44.6 F waking up. It will continue to rain off and on through most of the day. Tomorrow it should clear up with some sunshine, but it will be much colder. And that colder weather will stay with us for three of four days. After that we should see a slow return to some warmer temperatures. Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning and at the moment there isn’t that many cars moving from place to place. Which is a good thing. Today I will take things a bit easy I had a busy day yesterday working around the house here helping my lovely wife. This housework isn’t all that it is cracked up to be. Ha Ha. I got aches in places I never knew existed. Oh well, when all said and done our house is nice and clean for sure. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a bit to eat, and will see what the day has in store. Take care of yourselves. GW

Morning Report Apr 12/2020

Good Morning. I hope you are all staying healthy. The main thing is to take the reigns so to speak and do what you feel is right and look after yourselves. We all have that gift, it’s just some don’t use it, or for that matter even know it exists. On another note the weather is warmer today and looking out I see some sunshine. We did have lots of sunshine yesterday, but the wind and air was very cold. Today should be a lot nicer but we can expect some rain now for a couple days. Which is needed to get things to growing. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 6.6 C | 43.88 F and will warm up even more as the day progresses. Things though will start to cool back down for four or five days after tomorrow. After that though, should be all up hill. Something like this virus, it’s just going to take some time till we all come to grips with it, and a vaccine is found. All’s it takes is time and our main objective is to outlast it. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then let the day do as it so chooses. Hoping we can get outside for a bit today. Take care of yourselves. GW

morning Report April 11/2020

Good morning. It’s another cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. But the sun is shinning which should warm things up as the day progresses. Waking up temperatures were sitting at -4 C | 24.8 F. Quite cool for this time of year. We didn’t have any more snow overnight, but we did have another heavy frost. Highway 522 is bare and quiet this morning. Which is a good thing. Not to much too report here this morning. It’s been to cold to do much work outside, so for most parts I have been working away on some Podcasts. Today I will do the same unless it warms up enough to sit out in the sun for a wee bit. Will see how that goes as the day moves forward. On another note I hope everyone is staying healthy. These are trying times to say the least. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. Stay safe. GW

Morning Report April 10/2020

Good morning. Hope you all are well. Looking outside here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada, it’s like a winter wonderland. I would say we had around 2 inches of snow overnight. It makes you think we are starting winter instead of spring. But it is sunny, so it won’t last long. Temperatures were sitting at -1.5 C | 29.3 F but it will warm up as the day moves forward. Tomorrow will be even warmer but we will have some rain. Then back to cooler temperatures for a few days once again. Mixed bag of weather this year. Highway 522 is bare and dry though which will make things nicer for those that are moving around a wee bit. I am hoping they are staying put for the time being. Today I will do some work on another Podcast and enjoy the warmth of our old wood furnace. I lit it earlier with it being a touch cool. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will enjoy the day such as it is. Take care. GW

Morning Report April 9/2020

Good morning. Not to bad of a looking day for us in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We did have a touch of snow overnight, but it is melting fast. It is cool though with temperatures sitting at 0.5 C | 32.9 F. It will warm up a wee bit but not much more than it is now. The good news is we should see some sunshine off and on for most of the day. Tomorrow will be warmer yet but … we might see some more snow. Roller-coaster weather these days. Highway 522 is bare for most parts. Traffic is almost down to nothing just the odd car going through. It has picked up though with new vehicles entering into the picture. We will see how that works out for everyone here in town. I am thinking we will have two more weeks before this virus reaches it goal, then starts to slow down to where some can move around more. It is slightly easing off now in some provinces. The thing is, a lot will be able to go back to work after the testing is done, but for us older folks, I am thinking we will be having to do the same as we are now for a year or so, maybe longer. Or until they perfect a vaccine. Even then care will have to be taken. Just the way it is. With that I am off for my breakfast and a cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. Take care of yourselves. GW

Morning Report April 8/2020

Good morning. I am hoping everyone is well. Trying times for sure. Ruth and I are fine so far. On another note it isn’t as cold as it was waking up with temperatures sitting at 4.8 C | 40.64 F. The only problem with this type of weather, is that the dampness makes things feel cold. It also plays havoc on the old bones making us older folks move a bit slower. What you see is what you get today weather wise. Tomorrow and the next day we could even see some light snow off and on. I am thinking cooler weather will be with us now for the next few days. It’s a new change of what is taking place in the world, as it struggles to come to grips with things. It’s not used to having things in a normal state. But … it will adjust. I just hope us humans have learned a lesson from all this other than the virus. They say there is good in everything. Today I will be doing some things here inside the house being that it is raining and cool. We could see a few breaks with some sunshine later on. Would be nice. Yesterday my lovely wife and I got lots done outside which got us some much needed fresh air. Highway 522 is bare and there has been a few new vehicles around town. I am hoping if they do come into our area they go directly to their cottages and stay there for a couple weeks. Doesn’t look that way at the moment though. Well … the only thing a person can do about it is to take extra precautions. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee, and will then take the day as it is given. Take care of yourselves. And one last thing. It is my recommendation, that everyone should start to wear a mask, even a good home made one out of cotton sheets … as I sincerely believe that they will be a great asset to what is happening. I also believe it should be a mask that can be taken off carefully, putting it into a bag, not touching it and pop it into the washing machine with some good detergent. Then it can be reused. Food for thought. GW

Morning Report April 7/2020

Good morning. It’s not to bad of a day waking up here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning warming things up. Which is needed, with temperatures sitting at -2.3 C | 27.86 F. It will warm up nicely as the day moves forward. Looking out my living room window, things are white once again with a heavy frost. It won’t last long with the sunshine flowing down upon it. Highway 522 is bare and dry and at the moment there isn’t to many cars moving either way. Will be interesting to see nearing the end of the week. Yesterday I did get out and did some more work around the house here. Getting ready to install some new material under the eve’s on our small store. They were getting a bit shabby. By the looks of things we won’t be open at all this year. Not much we can do about it. But that being said, it will give us lots of time to do some things that need to be done inside the store too. So will tinker around with that throughout the summer months. Between doing that and other things like looking after our vegetable garden our days will be full. Today once it warms up some I will get back to my work outside, which I like as it keeps my mind off what is taking place right now. Too much info isn’t good in a lot of ways. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Take care of yourselves, and oh I did do up a half hour Podcast relating to this virus and some things that I believe is taking place. It’s called: A Theory of Hope. It will be made available this coming Friday Morning, April 10/2020. GW

Morning Report April 6/2020

So … how you all doing this morning? Good I hope. On the good side of things the sun is shinning, the not so good side of things it is cool with temperatures sitting at -2.2C/28.04F. The reason for this is, that the world is settling down and no pollution to hold the heat in as it was before. We could see some cooler weather off and on for a week or so especially at night. But, once the sun gets to working things will warm up and it should be a really nice day. Ruth and I might even get some front porch sittin’ I sure enjoy sitting in the sunshine. Looking outside this morning the grass is solid white. Not from snow but frost. It will dissipate shortly. Traffic so far this morning is light, just a few cars moving up and down the highway. Will be interesting to see how many folks are staying home. Staying home doesn’t mean though, that you should do without groceries, or washing your car, or walking around your property, or working in your gardens. Just means staying away from people. For my wife and I, we aren’t going anywhere these days, other than to pick up some food once every two weeks or so. The drive is nice, as there are a lot more animals and things to see. They are out more now with less traffic. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will let the day unfold around me. Take care of yourselves, and enjoy the day such as it is. My old Dad used to say: “George … Don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. GW

Morning Report April 5/2020

So … how is everyone this morning? Good I hope. The weather however isn’t that great with more clouds and light showers taking place off and on. I suspect it will get better as the day progresses with some sunshine entering into the picture later on. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 2.9 C | 37.22 F. It will warm up some as the day progresses, but it won’t feel that warm unless you can find a spot out of the wind. Reason for that is that the wind is coming in from the North which carry’s down the cool air from up above us. But things will warm up eventually. All our snow has left us with some ice still remaining on the lakes. But it is melting fast. My lovely wife and I did do some more cleaning up around the house here yesterday and I did notice the buds on the trees starting to show their-selves. So it won’t be long before they are with us for another year. I also moved some of my firewood that was left over from last year making room for new that should be coming in the next week or so. On another note no one is going up or down the highway this morning which is a good thing. But then again everything is closed up other than Buchanan’s Hardware. To get in though you have to knock on the door and if it is just mail you want they will bring it to you. They only allow one at a time in the store, which is a good plan of defence. I commend them for staying open for us that are in need of gas, some supplies they carry and the mail. Means a lot to my Wife and I. We are also happy the see they are taking the precautions that are necessary to save lives. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my wife and will let the day unfold around me. And if that sun shows itself we will get outside and soak some of it up which is what the body needs right now more than ever. Take care of yourselves. GW

Morning Report April 4/2020

Good Morning. Well … it’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Kind of a surprise yesterday as the rain we had shouldn’t have happened. LOL Goes to show you that no matter how good we humans think we are figuring out things, we aren’t always right. Today once again we should see a wee bit of sunshine later on in the day. Tomorrow we should see even more and the warm temperatures will stay with us for a few days which will make things nicer. I am hoping the rain holds off so I can get to Tilling up my vegetable gardens. The sooner I get that done the sooner things will dry, so I can get to planting a few things. Things that like the cooler temperatures. I also noticed the Robins are back, if I remember correctly the first one I seen was a week ago. Not to many birds at the feeder these days, not sure what that is all about. Usually there are lots this time of year that drops by and cleans up the reminisces of winter under the feeder. But there again you never know what nature has up her sleeve. Today I will be doing some work around the house here being it isn’t that nice outside. If the sun comes out my lovely wife and I will do some front porch sitting, soaking up some of the Vitamin D3. Which we all need right now. Other than that not much happening in our area, everyone is staying put which is a good thing. Hardly a car moving up and down the highway this morning. Yesterday and the day before though, I did see an increase in traffic, not sure where they all came from. With that you all take care of yourselves, things will work out. In saying that though, I am thinking we all should start to think a bit on changing our lifestyle from what we were used to. Food for thought. Hang in there. GW