Category Archives: Health

More COVID Cases in North Bay Ontario Canada

North Bay Extends the stay at home order in North Bay until March 8/2021. And then they will see after that. I think it is the best thing they could have done. Especially now with the new virus among them, along with it now spreading into Cassellholme North Bay, Walmart, an apartment building complex and a Bank. I suspect there are a lot more cases yet to be found. They should also close the schools down. Truth be told they should have never opened them, as the kids were just getting used to working from home. Kids adapt to what ever takes place. Slowing this virus down is a lot more important than going to school. It’s not forever, its just till the vaccines start rolling in. If they don’t close down and try to keep everyone from shopping there won’t be any places … to shop. Simple as that. Take care, and do what you have too, to stay safe. Even then it’s a challenge.

Scientific Facts

From what I have learned the past few months is that by boosting up your immune system with vitamin C, and D3 you are reducing the risk of being infected with the coronavirus, and if you are infected … you are reducing the risk of having severe conditions from the virus.
Once you have taken the vitamin C and D3 along with other supplements to increase your immune system getting it ready for the Coronavirus, there are some other important things that you can do to keep a healthy body and a strong immune system. Here are a few!
Sleep well, and enough, as the body recovers the most while you’re asleep – this is when your immune system can work at its full potential. So make sure you get enough rest, between 7 and 8 hours a day if possible.
Make sure that not only you sleep enough hours, but also, at the right time. The body produces its most important hormones between 10 p.m. and 1:00 AM. So make sure that you are already asleep during this period.
Eat healthy and nutritious food.
Exercise regularly, and intensively, even if it’s just for 20 minutes a day.
Be positive, and avoid arguments and negative emotions. That last one is the hard one. But we all can do it.

It all boils down my friends to how healthy your immune system is.

Virus News

Ontario reported 978 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, the most on a single day since the outbreak began in late January. Today’s count October 24/2020 surpasses the previous high of 939, which was reported on Oct. 9. The thing is folks … half or more could have been prevented if everyone wore a damn mask. It’s not the cure, but it sure helps a lot and the other thing is. If you do wear a mask and you do get it, it will be a lot easier on you. Also, should be noticed is that with this amount of people getting infected the hospitals are starting to fill up in certain areas. And a lot of people in the hospitals are now becoming infected. Food for thought.

Food for thought

It seems at this time that some folks are not wanting to believe that this virus is getting worse. I believe that their reasoning with this is that they don’t want to go back to being locked down as we were earlier in the year. Others just don’t give a dam. That thinking though is crazy thinking, and if that way of thinking is entertained to great extent, which is what is starting to happen … it can become fatal, for a lot of people. Stay safe and do what’s right!!!

Food For Thought or something like that

A few things have come up that we now know for certain about this virus, which I am thinking will help a lot…..

People who notice a loss in their ability to smell every day household odours such as garlic, coffee, and perfumes should self-isolate and seek out a place to be tested.
Mounting evidence has pointed to the loss of smell as one of the most reliable symptoms of COVID-19, providing health care workers with at least one stable bit of help.—especially as flu season arrives. Along with that it should also be noted that while the focus of preventing infection shifted from hand-washing to wearing a mask and social distancing, medical experts have never stopped reminding the public to wash their hands as often as possible to keep themselves safe and healthy. And according to new research, that’s definitely a good thing, since the evidence shows that the coronavirus can live on human skin for over nine hours, up to four and a half times longer than the flu. Also, it is now known that this virus can be spread further than six feet away. So …. as I keep on saying my friends. Be more vigilant than ever. In doing so you have a pretty good chance of getting through this. And one other thing I would suggest is not getting together with friends and family members outside your home this Thanksgiving. I would say if you do, that is an open invitation for this virus to spread even more. You know, with all the modern technology we have today there are many other ways of getting together from a distance. Truth be told since this virus has started … my wife and I have talked more to our boys, some family members and friends than ever before. From a distance of course. I would have to say it has brought us even closer together. It’s the same as going to church, to me it is unnecessary … what you can do there, you can do at home, by yourself. Take care and remember my words are my opinion only. LOL You are entitled to yours.

Information Gone Crazy

Ontario reports 566 new COVID-19 cases for Oct 4/2020. Down from yesterday. Now that is a laugh, as in the next breath … they tell you that walk-in tests come to end across the province of Ontario. So bottom line is … yes the cases are down a wee bit, but they are not doing the testing that they were doing, which in turn lowers the count. This is just a way that they can now say …. Well … the cases are down, so we can keep things open for a while longer. LOL Makes me shake my head once again. I guess they figure that we the public are a bit slow with our thinking. LOL Hmm … they might be right in some respects for some. As there are a lot out there that sure isn’t taking things serious. My opinion only.

COVID-19 Cases Today Sep 28/2020

Health officials reported 700 new infections on Monday at noon, in Ontario. Breaking the previous high of 624 cases on April 24. Not good and still rising. I hate to say I told you so. Sheesh. And the crazy thing is … the researchers are saying that the COVID-19 second wave could hit Ontario by middle of October. LOL That is a joke! As it has started already. Makes me shake my head.

Good Information Dealing with This Virus

7 Ways You’re Sanitizing Your Groceries All Wrong
Next time you go out to buy food, avoid these mistakes at all costs.

Now that you’ve taken all the right safety precautions at the grocery store during the corona virus pandemic, the last thing you want to do is waste all of your efforts by not properly sanitizing your groceries at home. Don’t worry, there aren’t a ton of steps you need to take in order to keep your food (and yourself) safe and healthy, just a few that you should keep in mind.
So the next time you come home from your grocery store excursion, here are things you don’t want to do when sanitizing your groceries.
No matter what, the first thing you should do after getting home from the grocery store is wash your hands. You don’t want to go around touching your groceries—or any other items in your kitchen—before washing your hands first. If you don’t, then you won’t really be properly sanitizing your groceries, and all the effort you take to creating a clean kitchen environment will go to waste. The best thing to do is to remove your mask first before washing your hands.
You’re not sanitizing surfaces.
Even if you’re clean in the kitchen and wash your hands, it’s important to wipe down all surfaces just in case. This way you are not only furthering the spread of germs, but you’re avoiding any food cross-contamination that could happen if your kitchen isn’t properly sanitized. So before you empty out those groceries on the counter, wipe it down with an antibacterial wipe or spray first.
You’re washing your produce with soap.
While it may seem like you need to wash everything down with soap, trust us, you don’t have to—and it’s going to make your produce taste really strange. To properly wash your produce when you get home, simply rinse them down with cool water. Even if your produce needs to be peeled—like potatoes or carrots—still rinse them down so you aren’t getting any possible food contamination on your peeler and the inside of whatever produce you are peeling.
You’re not regularly cleaning your fridge.
You’re probably cooking a lot more than usual lately, so it’s important to keep account of what’s in your fridge and how often you are cleaning it. Take some time to evaluate what’s inside your fridge every weekend and wipe down all the surfaces, while simultaneously tossing any cooked food that’s been in there more than a week, or any other foods that have gone bad. Why is this an important step for sanitizing your groceries? Because if you don’t, your groceries will then mix in with any rotting food and crease possible food contamination because of it.
You’re not storing items properly in the fridge.
Speaking of your fridge, it’s also important where you store your groceries. Food safety experts say the best way to organize a fridge is to start with your leftovers and pr-cooked foods on the top shelf. Middle shelves should contain dairy products (milk, cheese) as well as eggs and juices. The lower shelves should contain any raw meats and fish that you plan on cooking soon. The bottom crisper should contain your fresh fruits and vegetables, and the doors should have all of your condiments and beverages. Storing your foods this way helps to keep your groceries sanitized after going through all of these safety precautions beforehand.
You’re not washing your reusable bags.
While some stores aren’t allowing the use of reusable bags right now, if you are going to a store that does allow it, you need to make sure you’re running those bags through the laundry before your next trip. This will help to prevent all kinds of germs to spread and food-borne illnesses to arise. So keep them clean.
Now here’s something you probably weren’t expecting, but it’s true. You do not need to wipe down every single item that you buy! According to the FDA, there is no evidence of COVID-19 spreading through packaged pantry goods, so you don’t have to wipe them down. However, if it would make you feel better to do so, make sure to leave them out on the counter after wiping them down so they can air dry. But trust us when we say, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s the refrigerated items you want to make sure are being stored in a clean fridge and your produce that needs rinsing before you cook. Take care folks and look after yourselves. GW

Plant of the day

I have found that the Snake Plant cleans air better than most other indoor plants as it has the ability to absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide. Additionally, it releases more oxygen than most other plants, and one of the best snake plant health benefits is … it can help a lot in getting rid of toxic air pollutants. Other than CO2, it can also absorb benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. These cancer-causing pollutants are harmful to our health, a well-known proven fact.
Out of so many houseplants to have in the home, the snake plant is one that every home should have. They also grow quite well in areas that there isn’t much sunlight, but you should know they do like lots of water. A couple great places for them would be in the bedroom and living room. They like company. LOL

Snake Plant

Virus Information

How can you avoid spreading germs while food shopping?
We understand—it’s a bit unrealistic that you’re sanitizing your hands after touching every single item while you’re shopping. But you can easily practice the “shop with your eyes” logic when you’re picking out fruits and vegetables. Instead of touching the food, simply take a good look at them (from a safe distance, while you’re wearing a mask) and choose your foods that way. The same thing goes for every item you’re shopping for, really. You don’t have to touch three boxes of cereal to see which one you actually want to buy.

In other words use common sense.

Free Dental Care, Seniors

This is great news. Well over do. Seniors have suffered for years with bad teeth. I can’t express enough, how happy I am to hear this. Not that I need help, but there are hundreds I do know that does need help. Some go through excruciating pain as they can’t afford to get things looked after. I also hope they cover it so Seniors can get new dentures. If Seniors can’t eat properly, they get sick. If they get sick, it costs millions more to treat them. Food for thought. Way to go Doug Ford.

Free dental care for low-income seniors to be announced in budget.

Click Link above for the full report.

Life is too Short

One day a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people can be. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?” “It was great, Dad.” “Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked. “Oh Yeah” said the son. “So what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.

The son answered, “I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.”

With this the boy’s father was speechless. Then his son added, “Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are.”

Oranges For Health

I was searching through my notes the other day and found that a new study says that Navel oranges can boost your immune system, and aid in skin health. They are also very good for your heart, and there is mounting evidence that suggests eating oranges may help reduce the risk of respiratory diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, different ulcers and kidney stones. The vitamin C in oranges may also boost a person’s immunity which could help with infections like the common cold and ward off flu’s. I kind of figured that. They also found that vitamin C in oranges may help in preventing certain cancers. But as anything, too much of a good thing isn’t always good. One orange a day is all you need. Kind of like the apple saying. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. GW


With tomato season almost upon us you are about to enjoy a treat.  Some say they can’t eat tomatoes which in some cases is true.  I found though that tomatoes are delicious, either raw or cooked.  Actually cooked tomatoes have benefits that most don’t know about.

It’s all about the lycopene – the antioxidant that causes the red color of tomatoes – a powerful antioxidant known for preventing the formation of certain cancers like prostate cancer and breast cancer. They also lower your risk of heart disease and are naturally anti-inflammatory. The secret to getting the full benefits of tomatoes lies in the preparation. Lycopene is released when tomatoes are cooked. In fact, preserved tomatoes if organic have even higher concentrations of lycopene than fresh.  Myself I can’t wait, .  What better way to stay healthy than to walk out into the garden an pick a nice red tomato, set back with a touch of salt and take in what nature has to offer.

Build Your Immune System

T cells, also known as T lymphocytes, are a white blood cell of grave importance to your immune system; they allow your body to adapt a response to any pathogen. There are also foods you can eat to trigger production of these critical cells.

3 Ways to Boost NK Cells

Here are a few easy ways to boost our naturally occurring killer cells so that we can fight one of the biggest diseases of all time:

3. Take More Vitamin C – This vitamin is not only good for fighting colds and flu, but it boosts the activation of both T-cells and NK cells so that your immune system has extra armor to protect you against a host of diseases, including cancer. The Journal of Immunology confirms that ridiculously high doses aren’t required. Just 1000 mg a day can help boost the immune system.

4. Get Your Daily E – In addition to boosting the production of killer cells, vitamin E also supports the making of B cells – also utilized by our immune systems to produce antibodies and kill bacteria. You can get the recommended 60 mg a day from nuts, grains, seeds and vegetable oils. Further, vitamin E intake lowers the risk of heart disease.

5. Eat Your Beta Carotene – As the name suggests, this important vitamin found in carrots can help boost killer cells as well as helper T-cells so that your immune system can fight a number of diseases. Foods full of beta carotene include sweet potatoes, kale, turnip greens, spinach, dried herbs, and mustard greens, just to name a few.

Preventing cancer may be as simple as eating whole, natural foods. Who knew?

Foods to Improve Your Immunity

The vitamin A in carrots helps trigger white blood cell production; a 1-cup serving of chopped carrots has 21,384 IU of this vitamin, many times the daily recommended intake. You also take in a small amount of vitamin C in a serving of carrots — 7.6 mg — as well as small amounts of zinc and selenium, all of which contribute to T cell counts.
Packed with selenium, this tasty shellfish helps boost your body’s production of cytokines, a protein that’s known to ward off illnesses.

Yogurt that contains live cultures is rich in lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium lactis (read: good bacteria), which fight bacteria that cause diseases and raise your white blood cell count.

Green Tea
Green tea is a great source of L-theanine, an amino acid that triggers the release of germ-fighting compounds from your T-cells. (Green tea also helps to boost your metabolism.)

One of the best sources of immunity-boosting vitamin C, oranges cause your body to produce higher levels of antibodies and white blood cells.

Like oysters, crab meat is rich in selenium, a nutrient that strengthens your immune system.

Including garlic in your meal plan to increase your T cells is a good option. A study published in the February 2009 issue of the journal “Planta Medica” indicates that compounds in garlic trigger the growth of lymphocytes. Garlic also contains a small amount of zinc — 0.1 mg — and 2.8 mg of vitamin C, another vitamin useful for your immune system. The vitamin C in garlic pumps up your body’s production of white blood cells; adults need 75 to 90 mg of vitamin C per day.

Carrots are crammed with beta carotene, a phytonutrient that increases your body’s production of T-cells and natural killer cells.

The high amount of antioxidants found in spinach help boost your immune system.

Sweet Potatoes
Like carrots, sweet potatoes are loaded with beta carotene, which boosts your body’s T-cell and NK-cell count.

morels Rich in compounds called beta glucans, mushrooms boost the production of NK-cells and T-cells in your body to help prevent infections.

Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which cause your body’s phagocytes to fight bacteria more effectively.

Like oranges, kiwis are high in vitamin C, which helps protect your body against infections.

Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are packed with vitamin C, which prompts your body to produce more interferon. This antibody covers the surface of cells and fends off viruses.

Broccoli is a great source of glucosinolates, phytonutrients rich in sulfur that stimulate the natural antioxidant systems in your body.

Brazil Nuts Or Almonds
Eating more brazil nuts, a large South American nut, may improve your T cell count, thanks to the selenium content. A 1-oz. serving of these nuts provides you with 543.5 mcg of this mineral, and research indicates that selenium positively influences T cell proliferation and activity, according to a study featured in the June 2010 “Journal of Nutrition.” Adults require 55 mcg of selenium each day. Brazil nuts also supply small amounts of zinc and vitamin C.

Vitamin and Mineral Rich Food
Folic acid, vitamin B 6, riboflavin and thiamin are particularly important to the proper functioning of t-cells and their quantity. The list doesn’t stop there. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are essential to keeping t-cell count up, and that means eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables are the best way to get a maximum amount of these nutrients. Dark leafy green vegetables, cauliflower, broccoli, squash, tomatoes, strawberries and carrots are all nutrient rich produce that may increase t-cells.

Papaya, especially the Carica Papaya, has recently been found to increase regulatory t-cells, but it has been used to treat many diseases and cancers for centuries. The fruit, its seeds and even its leaves are found to be beneficial. Try eating some ripe fruit, dried fruit or even drinking some papaya leaf tea. The stronger the tea, the more effective it is said to be.

Back Pain

Back pain: we're treating it all wrong

Here is an article that I think explains the exact nature of back problems.  I have been saying for years that surgery for backs is all wrong in most cases.   Most problems can be fixed with exercise and left alone.  Click on picture for the full article. It’s worth reading.

More On T Cells

So what are T Cells?  T-cells are essential for human immunity.  A type of white blood cell that is of key importance to the immune system.
I am thinking this is one item that should be looked at very closely when trying to combat any disease.  I also think it should be looked at very seriously by the healthy.  Preventative medicine so to speak.
Myself I wished I found out about them years ago as I would have made some drastic changes in my lifestyle which I am sure would be helping me today.
The T cell is a good guy who searches out and destroys the bad guys like cancer cells and other diseases.  One item that promotes healthy strong white cells is Garlic, fresh homegrown garlic not covered with pesticides.  Wild leeks are also very beneficial too.  Remember buy local when possible, avoid foods from other countries other than Canada or USA.  We have at the very least some regulations on food that is grown in our own country, and we know what soil they are grown in.  My Opinion only of course.