Category Archives: George’s Writers Corner

Great Spot to hear about anything and everything concerning writing. Also information on my books, book signings, speaking engagements and events that might be happening in and around our town.

Colmun In North Bay Nugget, Update

Well things are going well here with my column these days. Stories are being printed and getting lots of feed back from folks saying how much they are enjoying them. I got to say that makes me happy when folks call as lets me know how they feel, also keeps me wanting to write more.

This weeks column is titled: Warm Tales From Around The Old Coffee Pot and the story is just that.  So if your around a store that sells the North Bay Nugget pick up a copy, I did as always and I even write them.  Talk Soon.

Nugget Column Update

Well my column had been getting a lot of activity these days so that always makes me feel good.  Nice to know folks are enjoying them and letting me know their feelings.   This week in the Nugget the column relates to what is and has been happening around the old place along with touching on a few other things.  So don’t forget to pick up a copy of the Nugget next time your near or store, remember though my column only comes out in the Saturday paper in and around page six.  Talk Soon.

Christmas Has Arrived Here In Port Loring

Well had a great day here but then again any day is good living up here in the north.  Spent most the day with family. I did though sneak off for a bit to my shop as I got a used planner for my Christmas Present this year. My boys bought it for me along with my oldest boys Fiancee. So sure made my day.  Its an older machine but heavy cast iron one as I didn’t want one of those new light CTC ones.  This one is taking a bit of work to get working properly but almost there now.  Just need a couple new belts and should be up and running. Well it’s running now but this is just preventative maintenance.  I did run a few boards through it today and got to say it sure worked like a charm. I also had to shorten the one chain that drives the in-feed rollers,  not a big deal but the way it was it wouldn’t even pull the wood through.  Probably that is why the fellow sold it. Thing is,  if a fellow or gal puts their minds to these things they can end up with some real nice equipment for a minimal cost.   Now finishing off the day chatting to my lovely wife and my youngest boy Karl. My oldest had to leave for home as they had to go to work. But I had a good time with them while they were here. So better go, talk soon and again Merry Christmas.



Community Voice Update

For the past thee weeks the column in the Community Voice was on woodworking. How to set up your shop and a bit on what equipment and how I placed them in my own shop, along with some tips and things on different topics,  concerning woodworking.  So if you happen to be interested in wood working and see the paper in one of many stores in the North Bay area pick up a copy.  Talk soon.

Guest For Supper

I have decided this year to do a bit more feeding of the deer as, well my wife and I just love to sit and watch then out in our back yard.  Don’t think anything is more beautiful than to sit and watch nature in it’s fullest.  Guess go and pick up a bag or two of cracked corn, as our boys are coming up in a week for Christmas so might get a few more come round so they can have a good look at them.  Something they don’t have down in the big city.  So best go, thought I would share this picture of one that came by earlier today.The picture was taken out side our back door facing north west, enjoy. Talk soon.


Well wife and I got to looking for some old catalogues this afternoon, finally found them, but took a bit of looking. Over the years I have kept a few of them as I like to look back and reminisce a bit. A strange thing though happened while looking for them,  a picture of me back in the year 1959 turned up with me sitting on the back of my horse Jennie.  I got to tell you it sure brought back memories for me.  I have been writing of her and me together and some of the times we had and now finding this old picture sure is something.  Guess one might say an early Christmas present.  Talk Soon

Old Sink

Well found an old cast iron beige sink awhile back.  Has one large side and a smaller sink on the other side. They used to make them for washing vegetables.  It sure is different but I got a different woman than most folks,  as she likes them kind of things.  Took me the better part of the day to get it installed with my brother in laws help,  but once all said and done it looks great.  Got to say the thing weighs a ton and sure glad a fellow doesn’t have to lift it any more. Took me six times putting it in to get it to work.  One thing for certain no one will be running off with it.   The old sinks like that are real hard to find any more and I don’t know why folks don’t like them.  They sure look nice and when you put hot or cold water in them they hold the temperature.  Well it’s in with new taps and drains.  Full days work but well worth the time and trouble.  Talk Soon.