Category Archives: My Opinion Only

Germany Says It Will Shut Down All Nuclear Power Plants

Germany’s coalition government agreed early Monday to shut down all the country’s nuclear power plants by 2022, the environment minister said, making it the first major industrialised power to go nuclear-free since the Japanese disaster. Here in Canada we have. First off just Ontario alone has.  1-Bruce and Douglas Point, 2-Pickering, 3-Darlington, 4-Gentilly, 5-Point Lepreau, 6-NPD. Douglas Point, Gentilly 1. And the rest are located at;  1-Univ Alberta, Edmonton (S), 2-Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatoon (S), 3-AECL Whiteshell (WR-1, S Demo), 4-McMaster Univ, Hamilton (P), 5-Univ. Toronto (S), 6-Royal Military College, Kingston (S), 7-AECL Chalk River Laboratories (NRU, NRX, PTR, ZED-2, ZEEP), 8-Nordion, Kanata (S), 9-Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (S), 10-Dalhousie Univ., Halifax (S). S=Slowpoke II (20 kw); P=Swimming Pool (5 MW). AECL’s Whiteshell reactors.  In other words any one of them large commercial ones would have the potential to wipe out most of all Canada if a disaster were to hit.

Now do you think Canada will start thinking the right way like Germany?  Not for awhile that’s for sure as Canada loves nuclear power, even feeds it to people telling them it heals them.  Only you are the ones that can stop this.  You alone have to take the reigns back and become your own keeper.  Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourselves and what is right.   My opinion only.

Being Native

“Being A North American  Indian is mainly in your heart. It’s a way of walking with the earth instead of upon it. A lot of the history books talk about us Indians in the past tense, but we don’t plan on going anywhere… We have lost so much, but the thing that holds us together is that we all belong to and are protectors of the earth; that’s the reason for us being here. Mother Earth is not a resource, she is an heirloom.”

Enjoy Your Salt, In Moderation

You know for years I have said that salt isn’t the problem of one getting high blood pressure or other heart problems.  Reason being that our body needs a great amount of salt to survive.   In that itself it should have shown folks of what road to choose when it comes to keeping ones body healthy.  For most parts it was a ploy to throw ones mind off into a different direction by the corporations  as if one is healthy no one makes money.  The finding today is that, people who ate lots of salt were not more likely to get high blood pressure, and were less likely to die of heart disease than those with a low salt intake, in a new European study.  Now in saying all this one shouldn’t just run out and start pouring on the salt, as with our diet in today’s world there is plenty of salt in the food we are now cooking.  So moderation folks and don’t let these so high power folks get to swaying your mind from what is right.  My opinion only.

GM Mosquitoes

Scientists believe they are closer to being able to change the DNA of wild mosquitoes in order to combat malaria.  Sounds pretty good huh? Well let me tell you, if we keep on trying to play with Mother Nature in herself, we are asking for trouble.  I can’t for the life of me see how folks in their right mind think this is a good thing.   Well….. guess that says it all, they aren’t in their right mind.  Between GM Food and now GM insects and animals, it won’t be long that us humans will be on the low end of the food chain, mark my words.  The writing is on the wall folks.

Cheating At The Pumps



You know for years now I have said that when one goes into get gas at most stations, it seems that at the very first, the pump is running but no gas is going into the car. Takes a few seconds.  This article below is about what some one else has found, so might say it justifies my thinking.  My sister Barb sent it to me and figured it is worth the read.  My opinion only.

Cheating at the pumps
> When you put the gas nozzle into your tank and pull the trigger, listen…
> You will see the numbers adding up, but there is no sound of the gas
> going into your tank for about 3 seconds or about 15-20 cents worth.
> Strange!
> What next?
>  Stop at 10 litres and check the price – read and you will understand…..

Radioactive Water Released Into Lake Ontario

Thousands of litres of radioactive water have been released into Lake Ontario as a result of an accident at a Canadian nuclear power plant, according to authorities. 73,000 litres (19,280 gallons) of radioactive water was released into Lake Ontario from the Pickering Nuclear Station.

This Happened on Monday March 14th.   Amazingly guess what our Powers That Be said.  This will have no effect on our drinking water.  Think about that for a minute. No threat on our drinking water. Unbelievable,  problem arises though, as most folks believe them.  Well what more can I say, only in Canada. My  opinion only.

Canadians Are Asleep At The Switch

Japan as we all know is going through a nuclear catastrophe.  In hearing this I just had to put in my opinion on what I am feeling and for that matter what you should be feeling.  Thing is folks, here in Canada we have 22 nuclear plants, 18 in working order.  22  plants, that is enough to destroy almost all of North America if a problem of great interest should occur. Hell one plant would wipe out pretty well all of Canada if something should happen. Folks would be walking around in agony, deformed and so much pain it would be to much for human kind to even bear.  We here feel that we are safe and our Powers That Be has things under control.  Let me tell you a little bit on having things under control. When it comes to Mother Nature nothing is safe.  So far we have been very lucky in our faults as none has come back to bite us.  Well shouldn’t say nothing, as with all the waste from these nuclear stations laying around that isn’t good for human kind to say the least.   It is only going to get worse to, as with new stations on the table to be built.  We should be looking into more safer means of energy an getting rid of these nuclear stations not building more.  In reality Canadians love radiation, we use it for everything, power, X-rays, chemotherapy, we even plant seeds in our body with the stuff.  Dam, if one would take a close look at this we are all walking nuclear stations in ourself.  It’s no wonder we are all getting sick with all this stuff in and around us.  They tell us this stuff is good medicine an it is safe, so safe we can use it inside our bodies.  That is just totally crazy thinking, totally, no other words for it. Radiation or nuclear kills anything and everything, and I for one can’t see how us here in Canada can be so dam blind. Another problem is that these quakes that has hit now and then. It is going to get worse let me tell you, as you can’t keep on taking from the earth and not putting back.  We have depleted the earth of huge amounts of iron, gas, oil to many things to name.  That open space under the ground is just an invite for catastrophic event to occur.  And it will happen right here in Canada, just a matter of time.  What then? Well…… simply put, we will cease to exist that’s what, unless we start closing down these stations not building new ones and not use it as a medicine in our bodies.  There is other ways of getting free, healthy power, it’s out there, but it is not being used, as greed for the all mighty dollar is what is stopping it from coming to our aid.  Same as good healthy medicine is out there also but greed for the almighty dollars is doing nothing more than making us sick. What a shame.  And they, the Powers That Be sit back and let it all happen saying…….oh but this is good for man kind.  My opinion only.

Does Fear Run Your Life?

You know with all that has been happening to me for the past few months health wise I would have to say if nothing else, it has opened my eyes to what is really happening here in this world today.   What would that be one would ask?  Well here it goes.

I honestly believe that today that the world is governed by Fear.  Fear of Governments, Fear of doctors, Fear about everything.  These Powers That Be, have gotten their way…. and you could say,  forced us humans, along with nature, to do their bidding, just by putting Fear into our minds.     This is wrong. What one has to do, I believe, is stand up for oneself, right or wrong, as in doing so,  the outcome will for most parts end up, being right.  If you honestly believe in what you are doing is right, chances are you are right and you are doing what you should be doing.  What one has to do, or should say, what I believe you should do, is not listen to his or her mind alone, you have to listen to body and mind together as a whole.  Then turn to the energy source that we really are.  I believe we are all made up of a powerful force of energy that is in us all, we are all one and if asked correctly, this energy will help us to over come pretty well all that ails us mentally and physically.  Thing is, today our minds have been corrupted into thinking that their way is the only way and that our inner feelings aren’t right.  Again, I believe this to be wrong.  I for myself have listened and went their way and others, in some health issues.  Reason for this is not in actuality for myself but for others, so that later on down the road, I will be able to physically show folks of what one can do if he or she takes back the reigns and goes about life using just their most inner thoughts and working together with this force that is in and around us, waiting to be simply asked.     Now don’t get this set in your mind on a religious way of looking on things as it isn’t. Myself I don’t believe in Religion, but I do at the utmost, respect your beliefs.    This force in us is totally different, it is there as it is in the trees, winds, sun, rain, animals, the list goes on.   So now today after putting myself through these biopsies, tests, you name it, for the sake of others, I now take back the reigns and not discounting others opinions, will now do what my body, mind and source suggest I should be doing.   Ok,  now some will ask.  How do I find that source?  Simple.  What you look for, is how you feel.  Think on what is bothering you, or who is bothering you,  then make a decision using what your conscious mind as to what it is saying to you, don’t worry right now if it is the right decision.  Now, as our elders have always told us.  Sleep on it, if you awaken, with a good feeling about your decision, no worry or upset feelings, stomach not growling or churning, well….. that is the right decision.  How simple is that.  Folks, you have to be in control, it’s your life,  don’t let others, governments, doctors, or who or what ever sway your mind.  I will be writing other articles on this subject as time goes by, so if interested, stay tuned, as I have only begun to bring to you, what I truly believe to be what life is all about.
And Remember, My Opinion Only

Alzheimer’s & What To Do

For many a years now I have always said that the more one uses the brain the less chance you will have of developing Alzheimer’s.   Stands to reason too, as the brain is made to think and if you ease off of your thinking or not giving it new things to do, it figures it isn’t needed, and well, problems arise.  My recommendation is writing poetry or cross word puzzles and things like that and do it every day for at least an hour or so, more if possible.  Also get outside and do things in the garden, get your mind to thinking about growing things and all the health benefits that goes along with gardening.   The more you make your mind work the better you are going to be and that is a fact.  I also believe though that you need to ease up on all the garbage food we are eating and start eating right. I can’t talk myself as being so busy all my life food came second on my list of good things to do. Now I have to pay the price a bit but I will say this, it is never to late to change your diet, as I am doing myself.   I see in the news today that the fix for Alzheimer’s is learning a different language like Italian, German or what ever.  In my mind living in Canada I suppose that would be a good thing but for myself I would think that my recommendations above would be more helpful.  But, hey to each their own, main thing is, do something, as when we get older the memories are there to be shared, not to be just let go and lost forever.  My Opinion Only.



This Is The Grapefruit Month

Well Folks.  This is the best time of year to get them juicy tasty grapefruit or oranges.  For years my wife and I went to Florida to my Dads cottage and once a week a trip would be in order to  head on out to visit the farmers.  There we would chat about things, being a farmer myself and after a visit bring with us a couple baskets of fresh tree picked grapefruit and some oranges. Once home every morning they would be cut open and put in front of us at the breakfast table.  I gotta’ tell ya, if you haven’t had tree picked fresh grapefruit you are sure missing out on one of life’s most tastiest fruits.  Not only do they taste good but they are good for ya.  So good that every one this time of year should be eating them daily for breakfast for at least two months.  I know some say, oh ya sure, how can we afford them.  I say well, even at a dollar apiece which is a touch pricey compared to if you lived in Florida, you still are getting more for your money if you think health wise.  Also don’t forget them Florida Oranges either, as this time of year they are just loaded with juice and so……………….sweet too.  I have one for a treat after supper instead of candy, or them things that is not so good for ya.  There you go, so the next time out shopping pick up a couple dozen and get into eating what one should be eating at this time of the year.  Your body will love you for it and so will your taste buds.  My Opinion Only

Hydro Bills Here In Ontario

Hmm got my Hydro bill today and as usual was up a touch.    So reading further seen they are giving us a ten percent discount for the next five years.  Now in saying that in one breath, a bit further down the page they say they will be raising the delivery cost of which works out to, yes you guessed it 10% so……………………in other words you don’t save one cent.  Oh and also going to back date it and charge us for a few months previous.     I gotta’ tell you, for what we pay in hydro here in this province folks should be in an uproar, but are they?  Na…… they just sit back and say nothing.  Another thing is that the Powers That Be want to build more nuclear reactors here in Ontario to produce more hydro.  Now think about this for a moment.  Last New years the Dalton gang as I like to call them, had to give away and in some cases pay Quebec and the US to take our hydro  as they don’t have the facilities to store it.  Now in my mind what they should be doing is giving us that live here in Ontario a price reduction of hydro, oh say of around 50%.  That would make more sense to me and also, look at the  new business’s that would move into our province.  Will this happen?  Of course not.    Also think about this.  They have more hydro now than they need and still want to build these new nuclear plants.  Crazy thinking in my mind, along with bring on more danger to our country as nuclear isn’t a nice thing.    Also our new wind power generating stations will be coming on line soon with more power.   What are they going to do with that.  Sell it to the US, give it to Quebec for free?  Hard to tell, but let me tell you this, I am sure tired of being taken to the cleaners and you should be too.   My Opinion Only.

Teksavvy For Your Internet Provider, Great Folks To Deal With Too.

Well I have been working around the clock on this Internet Capping thing and there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.  Have to wait and see but there just might be.  I also would like to let the folks know of the North and even right here in Port Loring that there is alternatives than using,  Bell and Cable for your Internet Provider. Here is my most favourite, they are called Teksavvy.  Here  is the link if your interested in changing over. If you do change over you will be glad you did….. I guarantee it.  My Opinion Only.  Hmm……..maybe not this time, as right now there is over 200,000 and more on my side and more joining the cause every day.  Kind of gives me a good feeling inside knowing that folks are standing up for themselves for a  change.

We Want Our Internet Back

I was going to write up an article on what you can do now that these Powers That Be has got us horn tied to their wishes.  But came across this article that pretty well says exactly what is on my mind.  There are still ways to do things and this article pretty well says it all.  My Opinion Only

What Can You Do?

The fact is it costs less than a few cents, in most cases less than a penny, for an ISP to move a GB (gigabyte) of data. They plan on charging many times the cost of transferring this data and profiting off consumer usage by only offering low capacity levels from the start. This is not about stopping network abusers, it is about profiting off the average consumer family, we doubt there are many families out there who can remain below the low 25GB monthly allotment of data.

So, what can you do? Sign the petition available at, over 140,000 Canadians have already signed this petition.

Contact your local Member of Parliament, Industry Minister Tony Clement, your local council, your local media and anyone else you think can help.

And if you experience a bill or warning due to usage, speak with your money and move your account away from Bell, Rogers and Shaw. If possible move all your services away from them, hurting their bottom line can work, especially if it will have a negative impact on their stock prices. Even if you’re stuck with the same caps at a small independent ISP at least you are sending a message, and helping these independents survive to help consumers fight this battle.

For residents in the Maritimes, Eastlink have stated they do NOT intend to charge UBB.

For residents in Manitoba, MTS may be your best bet.

For residents of Saskatchewan, SaskTel have announced they do NOT intend to charge UBB.

For Alberta and British Columbia residents, Telus are your best bet at this time, especially if you are in an Optik capable area. Telus provides 250GB of data per month for the same price Shaw only gives 100GB. Note, there are no guarantees with Telus of course due to their close ties with Bell Canada, but it has been said that they do NOT intend to follow their lead by drastically reducing customer internet caps.

For Ontario and Quebec residents, if you are lucky enough to have cable services not from Rogers you might be ok,  if your only choices are Bell or Rogers then please choose an alternate independent ISP such as TekSavvy they would be my choice.  Great folks to deal with too.

You can also hurt them by cutting back on specialties on your cable or satellite services and using alternative telephone services such as VOIP (providing you can get a decent internet connection that is!).

It’s time to fight back Canada.

Good Old Bacon Versus Turkey Bacon

Pork bacon’s are no good the health folks say, but is turkey bacon really any better?

My advice is stick with the regular bacon. As far as calories go, the difference between “healthy” turkey bacon and regular bacon—and depending on the slice, turkey would tip the scales a wee bit more.  Also while turkey is indeed a leaner meat, turkey bacon isn’t made from 100 percent bird: One look at the ingredients list will show a long line of suspicious additives and extras that can’t possibly add anything of nutritional value. And finally, the sodium content of the turkey bacon is actually higher than what you’ll find in regular bacon—so if you’re worried about your blood pressure, or gaining weight stick with  the original.   Myself I have cut back on eating bacon, not that I don’t love it, as I do, just that to much of a good thing ends up not being so good. Moderation folks, is what we all have to learn, including myself.  My Opinion Only

Zellers sells 220 stores to Target $1.8-billion deal

Well for one I say it’s a sign of the times.  Thing is folks, the old Zellers stores hasn’t been very productive for a good number of years.  Myself I just don’t like the atmosphere when going into one, nothing against the stores just that’s the way I feel.  You can say what you want about the US stores and maybe not like shopping in them as they are not Canadian, but one thing is for certain, they all have a certain flair about them that draws millions of customers a year. Their secret lies in how they promote their stores, along with how they lay them out. That pertains to the old style family, has worked for them for years and will keep on working, as the USA as a whole is one family and treats everyone as their family.    Lets hope now that Target is of the same calibre as  the rest of the USA stores so that we have another place to spend our hard earned dollars.  Hmm just what I need too.  Thing is though no matter where one shops here in Canada, most of all the items you see or buy all comes from across the ocean, hardly anything any more  says, Made In Canada Or Made In The Good Ol USA.  What a shame too.   My Opinion Only

Internet As We Now Know It Will Be Lost

Internet as we now know it will soon be a thing of the past, at least here in Canada, if we keep allowing these Powers That Be to do what every they want.  These big players like Bell and Rodgers are all about money.  Even the Governments of today bow to them.  Right now these small business’s like Teksavvy are having a major hard time and if allowed to continue, their advancement in the business world will be hard done by.  Thing is folks, some competition is needed here in Canada and with out it we will always being paying these high unfair prices.  Not fair that just a few have the right to making a go of things.  Shouldn’t be allowed and for one, if something isn’t done, certain Powers That Be will be loosing my vote come election time let me tell ya.  I have written them, E mailed them, you name it, does it do any good?  Not likely by the way things are shaping up with this Internet throttling that’s for sure.  This dropping the limits on downloading to around 60 GB or less is the last straw in my books. Sure a lot of folks don’t use that much, but a lot does and even if you don’t you should be allowed to download what ever you want for a favourable price, simple as that.  Dam….. where is this world going.  There is reason behind it though, as more folks will be turning to Internet TV in the future and that is what it is all about, so when the big players put their TV shows on line for downloading, they can charge what ever they want.  Not a good thing folks, so come election time speak out, as we as a whole are the only ones that can do anything about it.   Bottom line, The Powers That Be should have not let this happen.  One day they will wake up an realise that it isn’t the big guys that make a country strong and prosperous, it’s the little guy.

True Grit 2011 Movie

The the original adaptation starring John Wayne was one great show for sure.  Also the scenery was a lot nicer and of course no one could pull on John Wayne’s boots, but….. the new movie has some Grit to it for sure.  Last Friday my wife and I along  with our son Karl went to see it and I would have to say it was a nice evening out.  Only thing is, the treats cost as much, if not more than the show LOL LOL oh well what can you do and I shouldn’t complain as my son paid our way in for us.  Out of a five I would have to give it a three and a half star rating.   One other thing.  These days there isn’t to many westerns being made, so if you would like to see more, then get out there and see True Grit, as the more folks that goes, the more westerns the Powers That Be will be inclined to make.  There is a need for a few good westerns let me tell ya, as it would be a pleasant alternative for folks to see other than those Vampire, Harry Potter, you name it movies.  Not sure why folks even go to see them.  My opinion only.

Ford has toppled General Motors, Rightly So Too

You know when it comes to Ford I have to say I am a pretty dedicated customer along with my family of today and of yesteryear.  For years other companies have competed right along side of Ford and a few like GM has even touted that they sell more cars.  In theory I would have to say they are right in some instances too.  Thing is though that in my mind  ford is the only true car or truck that was ever made that helped bring our country to what it is today. Ford in the beginning when horses were being put by the roadside put together tractors, trucks and cars that fit most all our needs and also should say they kept them to where anyone and everyone could afford.   I would have to say Ford was there for the working man and is still there today doing as it always has.  Ford also hasn’t taken any Government assistance like all the other and is still leading today in sales.  How can that be?  Simple as I firmly believe that folks today have awakened and now realise what has been going on behind close doors for a good number of years.  Yes Sir if your in a need for a car truck or tractor there is none better in my eyes. If your not sure just take one for a drive and then go and drive a GM, or off shore one, no comparison, none what’s so ever.  Of course as always, My Opinion Only