Category Archives: My Opinion Only

Chrysler Canada Saying It As It Is For Once

Take a look at this article that just came out.  First though my opinion is.  It’s about time. Simple as that.

Chrysler Canada, which has already borrowed $750 million from the federal and Ontario governments, is telling about 9,400 employees directly that it will close operations here unless they accept significant concessions soon.

I wouldn’t hesitate to say, that if wages were cut in half and others were asked to work for half the amount that is being given now, that there would be line ups for miles waiting to go to work.  My opinion only.

General Motors & Chrysler Financial Support

Now here is an article that I am inclined to agree with.  I have always said we shouldn’t be giving any bail outs to any companies, banks you name it.  First thing, it isn’t the Powers To Be’s money to begin with.  Second if these workers don’t want to take some pay cuts or help their company in anyway, well then why should we help them.  All this money that we are going to give them isn’t going to help them one bit, all it does is delay the agony.   Also there is a lot of folks out there needing help other than just the big companies and they will  never see one cent.   So……. take a look at this article.  My Opinion Only.
April 16/2009– The Canadian Auto Workers union must reach agreements with Chrysler LLC and General Motors Corp. to cut wages and benefits before the Canadian government will provide long-term loans to the automakers, the Globe and Mail reported.

Industry Minister Tony Clement told the newspaper that workers at the two companies must accept labor cost cuts of as much as C$19 ($15.74) an hour for their employers to avoid bankruptcy protection.  ” I Am Glad Tony Clement took some action.”

Cuts of that amount are “unreasonable” and aren’t going to be accepted, Canadian Auto Workers President Ken Lewenza told the Globe.   “Well if they are unreasonable, then the bail out is unreasonable too.  Simple as that.”

Pharmaceutical Drugs here in Canada

Pharmaceutical Drugs here in Canada has mushroomed in the past few years.  For the good?  Well….. through my eyes it isn’t.  I feel it has gotten way out of hand.  Folks are being given drugs for everything and through my eyes for most parts most folks would do well with out them..  Thing is folks have gotten their minds swayed into thinking that when ever the Powers That Be’s speak, they should take it as gospel.  Don’t get me wrong there is a place for some of these drugs just one has to make darn sure they know what they are putting into their body before they take it upon themselves to do it.  So there you go my vent fo the day.  Here is the article that just came out concering how much drugs are being used here in Canada today.  My Opinion Only. Take A Look.

A report released by a drug-tracking firm reveals that prescription drug use among Canadians was higher in 2008 than in any previous year. The report, released on March 26 by IMS Health, a worldwide pharmaceutical-tracking company, assesses pharmaceutical use by tracking the number of prescriptions dispensed by pharmacists annually.

IMS estimates that Canadians spent $21.4 billion on prescription medications in 2008, up from $20.2 billion in 2007. Pharmacists in 10 Canadian provinces filled 453 million prescriptions in 2008, up 7.1% over the previous year. For 33.2 million Canadians, that’s an average of nearly 14 prescriptions per citizen. Hmmmm makes one think huh?

Fruits and Vegies With Most & Least Pesticides On Them

Thought I would make up a couple lists of what vegetables & fruits has the least pesticides on them when buying in a grocery store.  Also the a list of the worst ones to buy.  Take a look and remember, make sure you do a thorough washing soon as you get them home, especially before putting them in your fridge.  Also remember to wash your hands after handling them.  My opinion only.


Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas
Sweet Potato

The Worst

1  Peach
2  Apples
4  Celery
5  Nectarine
6  Strawberries
7  Cherries
8  Kale
9  Lettuce
10 Grapes (Imported)
11 Carrot
12 Pear

Drink More Water Folks

You know for years I have been saying folks don’t drink enough water.  Should say good water.  Take a look at this article.

It’s not just American adults who are faced with an epidemic of obesity. Children and adolescents are becoming overweight at an alarming rate. In fact, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics show the prevalence of obesity among children between the ages of 6 to 11 has more than doubled in the past 20 years.

But now a study just published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine concludes there’s a simple and effective way to reduce the excess intake of calories causing childhood overweight and obesity, as well as contributing to cavities and other health problems. The solution isn’t a new drug — it is simply drinking more water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages

The Masters Golf. Five to watch (besides Tiger):

One golf tournament I love to watch each year is the Masters. I would have to say it is the best one of the year.  With all its nice spring colors it sure is a sight to see after sitting up here in the north looking out at white for the past five months.  At any rate, here are five fellows that are playing that I feel you should keep an eye on this year.  Great Time Of Year To Be Alive & Kickin’.

Five to watch (besides Tiger):

Mike Weir – He is far from the longest hitter, but the Canadian is crafty and has a great record at Augusta since winning in 2003, having never finished outside the Top 20 – with the exception of 2004 when he missed the cut.

Paul Casey – Won last week in Houston, and has three strong finishes in four tries at Augusta. The mix of power and finesse that could see him through to the Butler Cabin on Sunday.

Fred Couples – Too old to contend? It was only a couple of years ago that Couples finished third at The Masters and challenged for the lead on Sunday. If his putting is sharp, Couples, who has had a strong start to the year, could be a factor.

Luke Donald – If the wrist is fully healed, Donald’s sharp iron play and putting could make him a factor this week. He has a strong record at The Masters in four appearances.

Ernie Els – It is hard to imagine Els has not won a Masters at this point in his career. Apparently he has been focusing on this tournament, and has been consistent this year, making all seven cuts in the tournaments he’s played.

Good News For Coffee Drinkers

Well now.  I gotta’ tell you I sure enjoy my afternoon coffee. My wife and I have been having a cup or two every afternoon for a good many years.  Perked coffee though not the instant kind or the kind in them cheap coffee percolator’s. My son bought me a real good percolator for my birthday and we sure are enjoying it.  Has different settings on it for keeping it hot. I sure hate cold coffee.  Also I like it with raw sugar, can’t be beat.  Take a  look at this article.

It’s a pleasant surprise when something questionable turns out to be full of health benefits. First chocolate was found to prevent heart disease. Then red wine was shown to increase overall longevity. Now the spotlight is on coffee. Newly released studies reveal that coffee drinking lowers risk of stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. It even improves social skills and depressive symptoms. Other recent research has shown that drinking coffee reduces the risk of diabetes. Also a cup of coffee contains up to four times as much antioxidant activity as a cup of green tea contains. Myself I don’t care for that green tea.  Some say it’s good I say well……………….to each their own.  Now in saying all this remember one word. Moderation, Moderation, Moderation.

Obama and Seal Hunt.

Typical Democrat, if they  had their way there would be no hunting at all.  I guess it’s ok though for him to go out and buy a steak every night of the week. You would think there is more important things to be doing than taking work away from the working man.  What we do here in Canada is our business. What other countries do in theirs, is their business. Simple as that. Take a look at this article.  My Opinion Only.

U.S. President Barack Obama sees the Canadian seal hunt as “inhumane” and vowed to express his “outrage” during his days as a senator, it was revealed today.

Obama, who has not spoken publicly about the seal hunt since becoming President, vowed in a 2006 letter to animal-rights activists to work with colleagues “to ensure that we take all the necessary steps to express our outrage” with the Canadian government.

The new science advisor to President Obama, Hmmmm

Now here is something that I kind of figured might have happened a lot sooner.  Thing is though once these scientists start  playing around like this I would have to say we humans are not long for this world as we see it now.  Mother nature is not to be played with. My Opinion Only, these guys are out to lunch.

Of all the hare-brained ideas about climate change I’ve heard in the last few years, this one takes the grand prize: John Holdren, the new science advisor to President Obama, is actively considering radical geoengineering ideas in order to halt global warming. One such idea now being discussed with the Obama administration involves — get this — launching enormous amounts of pollution particles into Earth’s upper atmosphere to block the sun’s rays and “chill” the planet.First off, there’s the whole idea that intentionally launching pollution into the atmosphere is, by any reckoning, a dangerous ecological experiment that potentially puts the entire Earth ecosystem at risk. Let’s face it, folks: Human beings have proven themselves to be remarkably bad at anticipating the ecological effects of their own actions. The ramifications of such misguided efforts to fight global warming simply cannot be foreseen by any scientist (or group of scientists).On top of that, human scientists have demonstrated themselves to be astonishingly arrogant when it comes to dealing with Mother Nature. The idea that we can save the planet by polluting the atmosphere is reckless at best, and delusional at worst.  I also believe that there is nothing to worry about when it comes to global warming. It’s a natural occurrence which has happened before and will happen again.  Just leave it alone. It is all is about money money money not what is good for us humans or this earth that we live on.

The Cancer Industry Is Big Business

Interesting Words. I am kind of inclined to agree with them too. Take A Look.

The cancer industry is big business at its worst. It recruits patients by telling them the lie that they have no control over whether or not they get cancer. The cancer establishment likes to have people think that cancer is a magical disease that comes out of nowhere and randomly singles them out. It wants everyone to believe there will be no cure for the disease until the drug industry magically finds one. This will never happen because the drug industry benefits from people having cancer, just as the cancer establishment does.

Those who have been diagnosed with cancer say it was the worst moment of their life, not because they were afraid of death, but because of the treatments. A diagnosis of cancer is so terrifying that it strips people physically, mentally and emotionally, leaving them just where the cancer industry wants them. Vulnerable. In a vulnerable state most people will agree to do as they are told.

The cancer industry depends on this vulnerability turning people into patients who think if they do not do as they are told, right away and always, they are doomed. Fear is the mother’s milk of the cancer industry. This is why cancer doctors love to quote statistics that frighten and bewilder. And this is why cancer treatments are so torturous and scary. As long as the cancer industry has people too scared to think straight it has a steady stream of dependable revenue.

More people die from the treatments for cancer than of cancer itself. The treatments destroy the immune system and organs so that people may remain alive for awhile but will never achieve good health again. For them life becomes a constant battle against other diseases and the side effects of the toxic treatments and follow up. Radiation and chemicals cause cancer. They can never cure it.

Cancer really can be prevented and cured

People can prevent cancer and cure it. This has been proven and the scientific case studies are there. Hormonal imbalance, chemicalization, lack of proper nutrition, unhealthy digestive tract, reliance on drugs, too much stress, lack of exercise, and not enough sleep have all been shown to cause cancer. People who choose to address these areas of their lives will be on their way to living long, happy lives that are cancer free.

Plane Flights Makes One Think

A new undercover investigation has found traces of toxic chemicals on board the planes of several popular commercial airlines, bolstering claims from pilots and others that contamination of the air in jet cabins is widespread.

I been saying this for year. Just look at how often folks get sick after going on a plane trip.  Probably worse than they are telling you too.  My opinion only though as usual.

Morning Wake Up Call, Anyone Listening? Harmonizing The GST with The PST Not A Good Thing

For the life of me, I can’t understand why folks aren’t really upset about this harmonizing the GST with the PST.  This is one of the biggest tax grabs of the century and no one seems to care.  Unbelievable.  Thing is, now folks will be paying 13 cents on the dollar for everything they buy.  Even on things that was PST exempt, they now will be charged.  Also think about this.  There is thousands of small business’s that doesn’t charge GST on goods, as if their business is below the $30,0000.00 a year mark they don’t have to collect it.  Now they will be forced to charge folks the full amount. Like our small business.  We chose not to charge GST on things as we make below the acquired amount.  We did this because we wanted to pass the savings on to the purchaser.  Sure we could have signed up paid when we bought things and then collected it from the working man and got it back in our pocket, but we didn’t.  You might say it is our small way of  trying to help out the consumer.  The Powers That Be know this, and this harmonizing thing is just one more reason to force it down folks throats.  In other words you do as we say.  The bottom line is, we the working man looses more and the Governments make money hand over fist.  Trouble is with them making money, it doesn’t do the important folks one bit of good, as any money they make isn’t for the good of the people.  My Opinion Only.  There I vented this morning. Feel better now.  Oh an d here is one letter to the Editor at the North Bay Nugget on how he feels about the whole thing. Guess there is one feller out there thinking a bit like I do. Just double-click on the link below to see his remarks on the subject:

Hard To Believe

This piece from an article in the paper here today sure says a lot if you look at it the right way. Oh should say words from the Dalton Gang.  Take a look.

“What Ontarians want us to do is to do what’s right. I don’t think that we’ve been put in the position in government to choose what’s easy.”

Great words for sure as I don’t think that a government ever came down the tubes  that has done as much as this one to mess things up. My Opinion Only

World’s Financial System

Nope I haven’t forgotten about my opinion page, just been busy and not much going on here in our country. But, here goes.

Darn give a man a bit of power and look what he thinks he can do.  Isn’t enough that folks have to pay to keep the big banks afloat, but this guy wants everything and everyone out of the way too.  My Opinion Only

Take A Look at this articleL  President Obama sought yesterday to deflect criticism of the way his Administration had handled the bailout of stricken institutions such as AIG by pushing for new powers to take over and — if necessary — close down firms that threaten to topple the world’s financial system. If folks let him get away with this and keep up with what he is doing, soon won’t be much left in the way of being a free country.  My way of looking at things.

Garlic To The Rescue

Take a look at this article.  I am inclined to agree with it to a point, as I think everyone should be eating and using garlic at least once every two days.  Keeps us healthy and protects us from all kinds of diseases.  So………..jut one more reason to grow your own. Oh’ and don’t buy the kind grown off shore if at all possible as their regulations for growing things isn’t good in my eyes and one just doesn’t know what is in it.  Best thing to do is grow your own. My Opinion Only

It takes prescription antibiotics to breed super bugs, and many U.S.
doctors are more than happy to keep on prescribing — even when patients
don’t need the drugs. But when infections become resistant to even the
most “powerful” antibiotics on the menu, where should you turn? To
nature, of course, where the humble garlic plant offers solutions that
even the most overhyped pharmaceutical labs can’t match. Garlic kills
superbugs, even when antibiotics fail. So why don’t U.S. doctors
prescribe garlic? Because drug companies don’t promote garlic. It’s
simply not profitable. You see, in practice, good science gets tossed
out the window. Using garlic to heal patients is good science and good
medicine. But most M.D.s are hardly willing to touch it. Even the news
about this comes from outside the USA

Spreading Bacteria

Kind of makes a fellow think that maybe one should have listened to their old Grandmother, when it comes to staying healthy, instead of all these things they got today. My opinion only.

First came word that popular antibacterial hand soaps are not only unnecessary (old fashioned soap and water is the best way to keep germs from spreading) but the chemicals in them can harm your health and environment. Now a new study says instead of killing potentially dangerous infections, disinfectant wipes may actually spread drug-resistant and sometimes deadly bacteria. And, like antibiotics, antibacterial chemicals in wipes and other household products may kill off susceptible but harmless bacteria but promote the growth of resistant strains.

So-called Green Businesses.

I know this is in the USA but it is happening here in our country too. Now this exactly proves what I been saying.  First support the big banks then get on this environmental thing which are both connected.  Pretty soon you will be working strictly for the governments.  Oh forgot, guess we are now.  Sorry about that. My Opinion Only.

Obama planned to make the case Monday for a budget proposal that invests billions in research designed to reduce climate change and guarantees loans for companies that develop clean energy technologies. Obama has tied his first budget proposal as president to a renewable energy program to help the United States move toward energy independence.

People With High Cholesterol Live The Longest

Kind of figured this is what happened.  Sure glad I am not on any cholesterol med.  I tried it once for a month then decided against it. This was around twenty years ago. Guess I had a weak moment but soon got back on track and went by my instinct.  Take a look at this article. My opinion only.

People with high cholesterol live the longest. This statement seems so incredible that it takes a long time to clear one´s brainwashed mind to fully understand its importance. Yet the fact that people with high cholesterol live the longest emerges clearly from many scientific papers. Consider the finding of Dr. Harlan Krumholz of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University, who reported in 1994 that old people with low cholesterol died twice as often from a heart attack as did old people with a high cholesterol.1 Supporters of the cholesterol campaign consistently ignore his observation, or consider it as a rare exception, produced by chance among a huge number of studies finding the opposite.

But it is not an exception; there are now a large number of findings that contradict the lipid hypothesis. To be more specific, most studies of old people have shown that high cholesterol is not a risk factor for coronary heart disease. This was the result of my search in the Medline database for studies addressing that question.2 Eleven studies of old people came up with that result, and a further seven studies found that high cholesterol did not predict all-cause mortality either.

Now consider that more than 90 % of all cardiovascular disease is seen in people above age 60 also and that almost all studies have found that high cholesterol is not a risk factor for women.2 This means that high cholesterol is only a risk factor for less than 5 % of those who die from a heart attack.

But there is more comfort for those who have high cholesterol; six of the studies found that total mortality was inversely associated with either total or LDL-cholesterol, or both. This means that it is actually much better to have high than to have low cholesterol if you want to live to be very old.


First off I am against any X Rays  if they are not really proven necessary.  I feel there is to many folks now being subjected to radiation for no reason.  Just wished i knew back then what I  know now as every X Ray that I have had through out my life would have never been done on me. I would have said  no back then as I do today.  Take a look at this  article.  My Opinion Only

The use of MRIs, X-rays or CT scans provides no benefit in diagnosing patients with routine back pain, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the Oregon Health and Science University and published in the journal Lancet.