All posts by George Walters

Episode 107: What Driver’s Licence

Episode 107: Good Afternoon, and welcome to another episode of Just One More Story by George Walters. A weekly podcast where I share with you … a story or two, related to my life, along with other interesting topics that has come to me … one way or another over the years.
I hope you enjoy What Driver’s Licence

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 27/2022

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, but the temperature isn’t that bad for this time of year, sitting at 2.9 C | 37.22 F. We could see a shower as the day progresses. The snow we did have is almost all gone, and once again I am seeing green when looking out of my living room window. As much as I know it will be short-lived, it is nice to see.

Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good today for those wanting to get a head start on their Christmas Shopping. Speaking of Christmas Shopping, I see there are a lot more people shopping online these days instead of going into the stores. In a lot of ways, I think it is a good way of purchasing the things you need. Especially if you live in a remote area like ours, where it takes a person an hour and a half to get to a store. Not to forget what gas costs these days. And another thing is that for a lot of things you order online, you get free shipping right to your door. I have also found that when you go to a store to buy, you have to take what they have, or do without. Online they have anything and everything, and before you buy, you can read the reviews on whether it is any good. I like that.

On another note, yesterday I worked in my woodworking shop on a few things. Got lots done. My lovely wife put up and made her decorations outside. She can make things out of nothing, that woman. Out front of the stores in town, they charge huge dollars for just a few branches taken from trees. Heck, I saw at Home Depot last week, they were selling 5 White Birch branches for $20.00. Kind of made me rub my whiskers a bit, wondering who would buy them. My wife … she simply walked around our property and came back with an arm full of what some would call weeds, put them together with some plants we have left in our gardens, and within an hour or so she has them all put together in pots sitting on our porches and hanging on our doors. And I have to tell you they look fantastic. But then again, she has designed homes, gardens and stores in Niagara for years, along with hundreds of window displays. It just comes natural to her.

With that I am off for a bowl of oatmeal, and then I think I will write up a story or two, which in doing so will give my old bones a bit of a rest today. I have been hurting a bit lately.

Take care and stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening in & Around Port Loring Ontario Canada on Nov 26/2022

Good Morning!

It started off cloudy here in Port Loring this morning but looking out now the sun is beginning to shine. The temperature waking up was sitting at 2.8 C| 37.04 F. It will warm up a lot more as the day moves forward. Which is okay with my wife and I as she is going to put up some Christmas decorations outside. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good.

On another note, yesterday I worked most of the day in the old woodworking shop. Had some things on the go and today will work out there again. I enjoy working out there as it gives my mind a change, which is needed the way things are going these days.

Other than that, not too much more happening in and around our community. At least nothing worth mentioning. With that, stay safe, and I hope you have a great Saturday.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 25/2022

Good Morning!

I hope everyone is well. Or as well as to be expected, as these days it’s hard enough to get out of bed knowing what the day might bring. But on the other side of the coin, any day you can get out of bed and walk around is something to be thankful for. Weather wise, it’s a cloudy, gloomy day here in Port Loring. The temperature waking up wasn’t all that bad though, sitting at 2.3 C | 36.14 F. Well above freezing. It also rained for most of the night, which got rid of most of our snow. Which is fine with me. Truth be told, I would be happy if it stayed like this all winter. It sure would save on the heating oil bill. Speaking of the oil bills. I had our tank filled up the day before yesterday. It only needed 3/4 of a tank. I almost fell over when I found out what it cost us. For 3/4 of a tank, it cost us $1,250.00. That set us back a wee bit, let me tell ya. There is no way us here in the north can afford that. The thing is, there is no reason it should be costing us that much, living in a country … that has all kinds of natural resources just waiting to be tapped into. The thing that really makes me shake my head … is that some here in Canada think we are making a huge difference going green. Kind of a joke really, as in one had our powers that be doesn’t want us to use oil and gas here in Canada, but yet … we sell it for huge prices to other countries. All that we are accomplishing going green is nothing, truth be told, as all the large countries are carrying on doing as they always have. What I believe we should be doing, as I said many times, is to tap into what lies under the ground and make it safe to use. Not a big deal with what our scientists know today. Anyway, that is my rant today. That furnace bill kind of ruffled my whiskers a bit.
With that, I am off for a bowl of oatmeal. We picked up a few bags when we went to town yesterday. The trip there and back home was pleasant. We also noticed that around 30% of the people in the stores were wearing a mask. I guess they are realizing now, that it is better to wear a mask than laying in bed sick. My wife and I wear ours and feel good about it. We also put on some hand sanitizer before going into the stores, and when we come out. And when we eat our lunch in our car, we wash our hands with a couple of wash cloths that my lovely wife brings with us in a baggy. Anyway, you have a great day.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 23/2022

Good Morning!

It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring. But the sun is trying to break through. We should see some sun off and on throughout the day. Which is fine with me as I sure enjoy it. Seems to brighten my day in all kind of ways. The temperature is also staying warm, and I suspect it will remain that way for the next four days or so. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good.

On another note, my wife and I managed to get all our outside work done up yesterday. Actually, it turned out to be a great day for working outside. Now my ATV has a home of its own.
Today I will get back to working in the old woodworking shop as I have a few projects lined up to do. And now the ATV is out of there, I have lots of room to work. Makes it nice.

With that I am off for a bowl of cereal that my lovely wife is making for me and will then get to work. Have a great day.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring Ontario, Canada on Nov 22/2022

A Picture of a piece of our yard facing east. Click on Image to Enlarge

Good Morning!

Starting things off, it is a cool morning here in Port Loring. The temperature waking up was sitting at -12.3 C | 9.86 F. It will warm up above freezing a touch later on in the day. And for the next three days it will get even warmer. Kind of nice for this time of year. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, but we could see some flurries later on in the day. So care should be taken if out and about.
For my wife and I we are staying home these days. We only get to town when absolutely necessary.

Yesterday I worked in the shop most of the day. My old scroll saw gave up the ghost and I can’t get parts for it any more. I guess I shouldn’t complain as it is over 30 years old. So I ordered another one, different brand, so we will see how it works out. Hoping it does the job. But I don’t expect it to last as long as my old one. That’s for sure.

Today, being that the weather isn’t all that bad, I am going to organize an outside shed I have. I am thinking I will put our ATV out there, which will give me more room in my woodworking shop. I didn’t want to at first, but since I am not going to be using it till spring, I figured this to be the best solution for now. That should take care of the day, as there is a lot of work to be done moving things around. I guess I should have done that earlier in the year. Live and learn.

With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store. Other than what I have planned. You never know what a day might bring.

Stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 21/2022

A visitor at our bird feeder this morning. Just one. Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring. But in saying that it did warm up a lot through the night with the temperature at the moment sitting at -0.6 C | 30.92 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is now. We could however see another inch or so of snow throughout the day. Highway 522 is mostly bare at the moment. With these warm temperatures we are having, the snow is melting fast. It is also quite windy this morning. It blew my hat off going to the woodworking shop. Had to trudge through snow to retrieve the darn thing.

Yesterday it took my wife and I all morning to clean up the snow we did have. I gave my snowblower a good work out. My wife and I also got our workout for the day too. Seems the older we get, the harder things are to do. But we always seem to manage to get things looked after.

All but getting our roof shingled on our house. You know, I have been trying now for two years to find someone to do it, but they are either too busy, or their prices are too high. We don’t mind paying as long as it is reasonable. I am thinking of maybe seeing if we can make a deal by giving someone a free week staying at our cottage for the labour to install the shingles next spring. They could work one-day, fish the next and so on till it’s finished. Either that or someone that needs the work. I guess we will see how things work out.

If any of you happen to know of someone that can re-shingle a roof, let me know. I would appreciate it.

I would do it, but I am not good with heights any more.

With that I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then head on out to the old woodworking shop. Stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

What’s Happening In And Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 20/2022

Good Morning!

It’s a sunny morning waking up here in Port Loring. However, it is cold outside with the temperature sitting at -12.7 C | 9.14 F. The coldest day so far this winter. I know the first day of winter doesn’t take place till Wednesday, December 21, 2022! But it’s close enough.

One thing is for certain, we did have our share of snow yesterday. Total accumulation here in Port Loring is around 10 – 12 inches and a bit more in drifts. Especially at the end of my driveway where the plow pushes it in. In saying that, we didn’t have as much as some parts of Ontario. Which is fine with me, as it is going to be enough work cleaning up what we do have. I am happy I woke up my snowblower the other day and brought it into my woodworking shop to warm up. It’s going to get a work out later on this morning. I will wait for a bit until it warms up some.

Highway 522 is snow and ice covered. The plow has gone through a couple of times through the night, and it just went by at the time of this post. We could see some more snow tomorrow.

With that, I am off for a bowl of shredded wheat. We run out of porridge. Just my luck. I look forward to it every morning as it stays with ya and gives you a lot of energy.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

Episode 106: Pays To Think

Episode 106: Good Afternoon, and welcome to another episode of Just One More Story by George Walters. A weekly podcast where I share with you … a story or two, related to my life, along with other interesting topics that has come to me … one way or another over the years.
I hope you enjoy Pays To Think

And remember, all the views on this podcast … are my own.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 19/2022

Homemade Flapjacks. Just the way I like them. Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning!

It’s a snowy cool morning here in Port Loring with the temperature getting out of bed sitting at -3 C | 26.6 F. The good news is while nighttime temperatures are going to be cold, the daytime temperatures for the next week or so won’t be all that bad. They will be hovering around the freezing mark throughout the daytime hours. Which is pretty nice, considering we are heading into December. So far, we have had about 2 inches of snow here this morning, but it just started around 8:00 AM. It is sure coming down now. With them big flakes, it will accumulate quite fast. Highway 522 is snow covered, and if you asked my opinion, I would say everyone should stay at home today. But for those that think they can handle anything … go to it. LOL

On another note, I did manage to rearrange my woodworking shop yesterday. Now I am able to keep our snow blower inside where it is warm and dry, along with our ATV. And the best part is I can still work in there. Which is nice. Especially this time of the year. I see so many pieces of equipment these days sitting outside in all kinds of weather, rusting away. Kind of sad, really. When I see them I want to go rescue them LOL.

Today, with the weather being as it is, my lovely wife and I will be staying put. After breakfast, I will head on out to the woodworking shop and see about finishing up the new top I have been working on for the new-old washing machine end table. Should be a real nice one of a kind piece, when my wife finishes doing up her part, with painting a nice scene on the top.

With that, you all have a great day and stay safe. There is a lot of sickness out there right now. My son’s fiancé said she has never been so sick, laid up for a good two weeks in bed, and still not feeling all that well. And she is a strong, strapping gal too.

Anyway, I am off for some homemade Flapjacks my wife is making for us. She says I need a bit of sweetening up.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.