All posts by George Walters

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 9/2022

Good Morning!

It’s a bit cloudy here in Port Loring this morning. We will however see some sunshine as the day moves forward. The temperature rose a bit through the night, sitting at 1.4 C | 34.52 F. It will warm up a bit more as the day moves forward. Tomorrow we will be back into summer weather, but it will be short-lived. We will have to enjoy it while it lasts. Highway 522 is still quiet, being the first week of Deer Season. For the next two weeks it will remain that way. After that, Port Loring goes into Hibernation. And no outsiders want anything to do with us till spring.

On another note, I did finish the Cobblers Bench yesterday and will bring it into the house a bit later on. I will also take another picture of it, so you can have a look at it.

My wife and I have been busy working on another project, being an old washing machine which dates back into the early 1900s. We rescued it a few years ago, figuring we could do something with it, giving it a new life. I made a nice wooden top for it and once my little woman works her magic, it will make someone a real nice one of a kind coffee table. I will take a picture of it too, when all said and done, and post it here on my Blog.

Today I am going to take it a bit easy. I have some things that need attending here on my computer.

With that, you all have a great day and stay safe. Lots of folks feeling poorly these days with the virus catching up to them. Hard thing to evade with no one taking precautions anymore. Well … a few are.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 8/2022

So how you all doing this morning? Good I hope. It looks like another nice day is shaping up for us here in Port Loring. The sun is shinning, without a cloud in the sky. It is a touch cool though, with the temperature waking up sitting at -1.7 C | 28.94 F. But it will be short-lived, with it warming up as the day moves forward. Highway 522 is very quiet these days, as most of the men folk along, with some women folk out in the bush seeing if they can bring down a deer for the long winter ahead. Some people rely on it for a source of food. I am not going out this year, but next year I will see what develops. I am thinking about it. I used to do a lot of hunting, but stopped for a few years. But with the cost of meat these days, I am tempted. As I say, we will see what happens.

On another note, I did work in my old woodworking shop for most of the day yesterday, and today will finish up the cobblers bench I have been working on. I stained it at the end of the day yesterday, so it is nice and dry now and ready to put on a few coats of some urethane. Should be nice when all said and done.

I also started my shop stove this morning being a touch cool, So by the time I finish my breakfast that my lovely wife is making for me, it should be nice and toasty in there.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

Cobblers Bench

Well, I said I would let you see the Cobblers Bench that I have been working on, when I finished it. We old Woodworker’s called items like this … Early American Country Furniture. What a lot of woodworkers don’t know is. That, Early American Country Furniture, means … A product with more than one use! Now you know.

I just finished staining it Early American a few minutes ago and tomorrow I will put on three coats of the finish

Should look real nice when all said and done!

I will take another picture when it is all finished.

Click on Image to Enlarge!

What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 7/2022

Starting things off, I am a bit late with my posting here today. Reason being I got up late, and then got busy on some other projects and completely forgot. Weather wise it is a touch cooler today with the temperature sitting at 7.9 C | 46.22 F. It won’t warm up any more than it is now. The good news is we are having some sunshine shinning down upon us, which sort of makes it feel somewhat warmer than it is. Highway 522 is bare and dry today, which is good for travelling. And living where we do, travelling is something we all have to do at one time or another. That is, if you’re in need of some groceries and things. Although, there are a few things that you can buy here in town that would hold you over if need be.

Yesterday I didn’t do all that much. I couldn’t work in my old woodworking shop as the power was out all night and most of the morning. But I did however do some work in our basement that needed attending. Which looked after most of the day.

Today I was on the phone most of the morning, updating a few licences and things. I think I sat waiting for over an hour before I got a human being to talk to. Even then it was a challenge. They say doing things online is easier, but I am not sure about that. I did however get things looked after. I think!

With that, I am off for a salmon sandwich that my lovely wife is preparing for me, along with a cup or two of fresh coffee.

On Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

What’s Happening In And around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 6/2022

Good morning

Well, starting things off, we here in Port Loring have no power. The power went out around 11:30 PM last night and is still out at the time of this post here on my Blog. I checked Hydro One, and they are saying that they are assessing the problem, not knowing the problem as yet. So I suspect it will be out for a while yet. But you never know. So, hearing that, I managed to drag out our Generator from my shop and got it running. So it should keep our freezers from thawing and our fridge cold. We will also be able to warm up the house as I have it hooked up, so our oil and wood furnace will run. And we have water, so we are all set. And the best part is I won’t miss our morning coffee.

Moving along highway 522 is and has been real busy with a lot of hunters moving into our area. Deer season with rifles starts tomorrow for two weeks. So our small town will be busy for a while.

Today I will be playing around here in the house, at least till the power comes back on. The good part is it isn’t that cold outside, with the temperature sitting at 18 C | 64.4 F.

With that I am off for my morning bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is making for me and will then see what develops.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.

Episode 105: Life & Washing Machines

Episode 105: Good Morning, and welcome to another episode of Just One More Story by George Walters. A weekly podcast where I share with you … a story or two, related to my life, along with other interesting topics that has come to me … one way or another over the years.

I hope you enjoy Life & Washing Machines

Have a great day!

What’s Happening In And Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Nov 5/2022

And other than a few clouds, it surely is a good morning. The temperature waking up is still quite warm, sitting at 16.7 C | 62.06 F. And it will warm up even more as the day moves forward. We should also be seeing a bit of sunshine later on, too. Which will put front porch sittin’ on our list of things to do today. We try and take advantage of all the sun that is shinning down on us this time of year. Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning, caused by the heavy rain we had through the night. And I have to tell those that don’t live here, it rained. But in doing so, it lulled me to sleep last night.

On another note, I did manage to put in a full day’s work yesterday in the woodworking shop. Got lots done on the one of a kind Cobblers Bench I am working on. I should about finish it today other than the staining. I will take a picture later on today and post it here on my blog for all to have a look at. Let me know what you think.

I also went out to light the shop stove this morning but being so warm decided against it. Actually I worked with my shop door open all day yesterday which sure was nice.

With that I am off for a bowl of Porridge that my lovely wife is making for me and will then get to work.

Oh, and this week’s Podcast will be live on here at 9:30 AM this morning. I felt up to adding it this morning.

Update on the weather here this morning: Strong south to southwesterly winds, with gusts to 70 to 80 km/h.
An isolated gust to 90 km/h is possible.
Or 55 MPH!

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.